Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Rakyat diseru akhiri kleptokrasi, 'kelepet'...

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21) 

BARU-BARU ini saya menghadiri ceramah Pakatan Harapan di Bukit Katil. Melaka bertemakan 'Sayangi Malaysia Hapuskan Kleptokrasi' yang menampil serta menghimpunan pemimpin Bersatu, Amanah dan KEADILAN manakala wakil DAP tidak hadir kerana menghormati kematian bekas Setiausaha Agungnya, Kerk Kim Hock.

Apa yang dapat saya rumuskan daripada pidato pemimpin-pemimpin berkenaan; pertama semua pihak perlu bertindak bagi mengakhiri pemerintah sekarang yang sarat dengan aneka penyelewengan melalui pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang dan kedua perlunya kebangkitan rakyat (people's power) yang terbukti dapat menjatuhkan hatta rejim paling korup seperti Suharto (Indonesia), Ferdinand Marcos (Filipina) dan Hosni Mubarak (Mesir).

Tema 'kleptokrasi' mengundang pertanyaan...apa makna perkataan yang mungkin baru ini dalam bahasa Melayu? Saya mencari-cari perkataan ini dalam Kamus Dewan (edisi keempat)...memang perkataan ini tiada, yang ada adalah kleptomania yang didefinisikan sebagai 'tabiat yang suka mencuri yang tidak dapat dikawal walaupun barang yang dicuri tidak berharga atau diperlukan'.

Pencarian di Google menemukan saya dengan Wikipedia Indonesia yang menjelaskan: kleptokrasi (berasal dari bahasa Yunani kleptes (pencuri) dan kratos (kuasa), Kleptokrasi ("pemerintahan para maling") adalah istilah yang mengacu kepada sebuah bentuk pemerintahan yang mengambil uang (wang) pungutan (pajak) yang berasal dari publik / rakyat untuk memperkaya kelompok tertentu atau diri sendiri. Pemerintahan ini umumnya tidak jauh dari praktik-praktik korupsi, kezaliman dan kriminalisasi'.

Jadi tema 'Sayangi Malaysia Hapuskan Kleptokrasi' adalah 'tepat' jika disandarkan kepada hujah dikemukakan pemidato seperti  Mohd Rafiq Naizamohideen (Bersatu), Adly Zahari (Amanah), Dr Xavier Jayakumar serta Tian Chua (KEADILAN) dan Mohamad Sabu (Amanah) yang memfokuskan isu penyelewengan seperti 1MDB dan pemungutan hasil melalui Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST).

Semua penyelewengan dan pungutan wang ini berkisar angka 'berjuta-juta dan berbilion-bilion ringgit', namun agak mencuit hati apabila Shamsul Iskandar Akin (KEADILAN)  yang muncul di pentas, mengemukan istilah 'kelepet' bagi penyelewengan kewangan secara kecil-kecilan yang mungkin membabitkan puluhan atau ratusan ringgit yang didakwanya dilakukan oleh petugas dan pemimpin kecil tertentu.

Ahli Parlimen Bukit Katil itu mendakwa, pemimpin kecil 'mengkelepet' wang daripada peruntukan seperti majlis keraian (jamuan atau kenduri), projek-projek tertentu malah wang bantuan kerajaan seperti bantuan kebajikan masyarakat dan zakat turut 'dikebas' mereka, sebahagiannya.

Sebenarnya, perkataan 'kelepet' yang diertikan 'mencuri secara tidak disedari (diperasan) orang lain' tidak ada dalam Kamus Dewan - ia mendefinsikan 'kelepet' sebagai 'lipatan pada tepi kain dan sebagainya'.

Namun penggunaan perkataan 'kelepet' digunakan secara meluas oleh sesetengah orang Melayu di Melaka bagi menggambarkan penipuan atau tindakan menyorok sebahagian kecil wang yang diamanahkan untuk disampaikan kepada orang atau pihak tertentu. 

Misalnya, jika bantuan kebajikan sebanyak RM300, sejumlah kecil seperti RM50 'dikelepetkan' untuk dimasukkan dalam poket sendiri. Jadi penerima akan dapat RM250 - kebanyakan orang tidak perasan atau tidak mahu 'bising-bising' dengan perbuatan 'kelepet' ini.

Wang awam (kerajaan yang juga bermaksud rakyat) turut 'dikelepet' untuk membiayai majlis keraian parti...hal seperti ini sewajarnya tidak berlaku kerana ada perbezaan antara parti dan pemerintah; tetapi perkara ini tidak menjadi soal besar bagi pihak berkenaan.

Kedua-dua amalan kleptokrasi dan 'kelepet' adalah amat buruk dan telah meletakkan negara dan rakyat dalam keadaan amat resah. Jurang kaya (terutama membabitkan kroni) dan miskin semakin melebar dengan rakyat merintih dengan kenaikan harga barangan harian yang hampir semuanya bercukai. Malah perkhidmatan utiliti asas seperti air dan elektrik pun bercukai!

Benar seperti diungkapan oleh hampir semua penceramah, hanya kuasa (kebangkitan) rakyat dapat menghancurkan pengamal' kleptokrasi' dan 'kelepet' ini. Ya, realisasikan kebangkitan rakyat itu secara aman melalui PRU-14 tidak lama lagi!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

'Korban' displays the beauty of Islam...

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God..." (Nisaa 4:80)


ALMOST every morning at 10:15, Radio IKIM would featured a renowned 'ustaz' (religious teacher) to discuss a specific topic; the one I liked most was by Ustaz Muhammad Abdullah Al-Amin (Ustaz Amin). He appeared on every Monday morning in 'Pesona D'Zahra' which focused on family matters.

Not long ago, the 'cheerful' ustaz gave a talk on 'korban' (sacrificing animals during 'Eid Adha'); among others he mentioned that sacrificing animals to God (Allah SWT) but distributing the meat to the needy, display and prove the beauty of Islam.

Muslims celebrate 'Eid Adha' on the 10, 11,12 and 13th of Dhul-hijjah (the last month of the Muslim calendar) commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim a.s. (peace be upon him) to sacrifice his beloved son, Prophet Ismail a.s. as an act of obedience to Allah SWT. Muslims who can afford are encouraged to sacrifice their best domesticated animals such as cow, sheep and goat as symbol of Prophet Ibrahim’s a.s willingness to sacrifice his only son to his second wife, Hajar (Hagar).

Thus during the festive of  'Eid Adha' worldwide, millions of animals were slaughtered by individuals and various groups which organized the events such as masjids' committee members. The meat of the sacrificed animals were then distributed to the poor and needy nevertheless the rich too were given the meat as presents. 

Ustaz Amin said: "We sacrifice the animals just to please Allah SWT, but Allah does not need the meat. We give away the meat for the benefit of fellow human beings. It is such a beauty; compare it with some 'praying rituals' carry out by men of other beliefs where the items 'sacrificed' such as food and fruits such as oranges and apples are left to rot under trees or are being washed away in waters of rivers and seas." 

Regarding the act of sacrificing animals, Allah SWT says: "Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that (to) which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good." (Surah Al-Hajj 22: 37)

'Subhanallah' (Glory be to God), Allah SWT The Mighty Rich does not need the meat; is is meant to feed the poor. 'Alhamdulillah' nowadays Muslims of Malaysia have made themselves available almost everywhere at poor countries of the world to sacrifice animals there. 

Troops of Malaysian Malaysian volunteers and workers are having their arms busy in countries such as Cambodia, Philippines (southern part of the country), Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand (southern part of it) and far away lands such as Sudan during the days of sacrificing the animals during the festival of 'Eid Adha'.

As we are about to celebrate 'Eid Adha' let us have a thought about refining our deeds when sacrificing animals. This also displays the beauty of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said in a 'hadith' with the meaning: "Allah has decreed kindness or proficiency in all things. So when you kill, kill well, and when you slaughter, slaughter well. Let one of you sharpened his blade and spare suffering to the animals he slaughters." (Saheeh Muslim)

Regarding the sacrificing of animals during Eid Adha, the Holy Land is a place where hundred thousands of cows, camels and sheep are slaughtered; and during a hajj season a few years back, Saudi Arabia’s prestigious sacrificial meat utilization program sent the meat of one million heads of sheep and 10,000 cows and camels to the poor and needy in many poor countries, as well as Syrian refugees.

It was reported that its inception in 1983, the project has utilized and distributed meat of more than 16 million livestock, amongst the poor in Saudi Arabia and 27 other countries. Subhanallah, the sacrificing of animals by Muslims during Eid Adha truly benefited people through out the globe; it clearly points up to the 'beauty of Islam'.

While Muslims worldwide are celebrating Eid Adha, some four million very, very lucky men and women have been chosen by Allah SWT to be His guests performing hajj in the Holy Land.  Pilgrims are recommended to recite this verse: "Labbayk, Allahumma, Labbayk, Labbayk, La Shareeka laka, Labbayk Innal-hamda wan n’mata laka wal-mulk, La shareekala" – (Here I am at Your service, O Lord here I am, No partner do You have, Here I am, Truly the praise and the favour is Yours and the dominion. No partner do You have).

For Muslims who are not performing hajj in their homelands, they are encouraged to perform recommended deeds during the first nine days of Dhul-hijjah such as fasting especially on ‘Wukuf’ day (on the 9th Dhul-Hijjah) and giving charity. Then during Eid Adha (10th Dhul-Hijjah) when Muslims perform ‘solat’ (Eid prayers) and the days of Tashreek (11, 12, and 13th Dhul-Hijjah) they are recommended to do the slaughter or ‘korban’ (sacrifice) animals (such as sheep and cow).

Scholars said one of the special characteristics that Allah has blessed the Muslim ummah; are the times of the year, during which, acts of obedience and worship are extremely advantageous. These times of the years are in fact gifts from the Allah that He has given to Muslim ummah. Allah announces mercy, blessings and presenting gift of great rewards during these seasons.

Abu Hurairah relates that the Messenger of Allah. said, "There are no days more loved to Allah for you to worship Him therein than the 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. Fasting any day during it is equivalent to fasting one year and to offer 'salatul tahajjud' (late-night prayer) during one of its nights is like performing the late night prayer on Lailatul Qadr'. 

Another virtue of the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah is that the Day of Arafah (9th day of Dhul-Hijjah). The Day of Arafah is a great day during which Allah frees many of His worshippers from the fire of Hell. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w. said: "There is no day during which Allah frees more worshippers from the fire of Hell than during the day of Arafah."

'Korban' or sacrificing of animal has great great rewards in the eyes of Allah SWT. Sayidatina Aisha' reports that the Prophet s.a.w. said,"The son of Adam does not perform any actions on the day of sacrifice which is more pleasing to Allah than the shedding of blood. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves. The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground." (Tirmizi)

Hajj also reminded us about the sacrifice of Hajar. She was left alone with her infant son, Ismail a.s. in the desert (present day Makkah) by Prophet Ibrahim a.s. She 'surrendered' to Allah's order via her husband, Ibrahim a.s. Wives must emulate Hajar, please be 'sabar' (patience) with whats befalls your husbands such as he had to go to faraway places to do 'da'wah' works or he had been transfer far away from you during the course of his work. This is another aspect of the beauty of Islam, please always be 'sabar', 'insya-Allah' (God Willing) you would be rewarded handsomely just like Hajar! If this is the case, then why must be there women who were 'jealous' when their husbands 'spend to much time in the masjid'?

Writing about my own experience in the Holy Land, I loved to be ‘alone’ (without the presence of known companions near me) in places such as Majidil-Haram and while gathering in Plains of Arafah because I had the feeling of nearness to Allah SWT. 

Without the presence of ‘a known person’ close to me, I could ‘freely’ pour out my heart to Allah SWT. I was free to shed tears without the feeling of being ‘observed’ by ‘close relatives and friends’.

When you are ‘alone’ it is easy for you to talk and admitted about your past sins and then beg forgiveness from the Almighty. In one such occasion, I was sobbing, lost for words. 

I reached for my small du’aa book and read the supplications, among others: "O Allah! I ask of Your integrity and soundness in my religion, my life, my family, and my possessions.

O Allah! Cover my shame, pacify my fears, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me, from what is on my right and on my left, over my head and under my feet.

O Allah! Grant health to my body. O Allah grants health to my hearing.

O Allah! Grant heath to my sight. There is no deity except You.

O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no deity except You. You are my Creator and I am Your creature. I try to keep my covenant with You and to live in the hope of Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from my own evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favours to me, and I acknowledge my sins. Forgive me my sins, for there is no one who can forgive sins except You.

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow. I seek refuge in You from impotence and sloth, from stinginess and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being humbled by men.

O Allah! Make the beginning of this day good, the middle prosperous, and the end successful. I ask You to grant me the good of this world and of the Hereafter. O Most Merciful of all Who show us mercy!

O Allah! You hear my words, You behold my situation, You know what is open and what is hidden within me; nothing is hidden from You. It is me alone who is in need, a humble seeker of Your forgiveness. I beseech You with humility in my heart, with trembling and fear, in prostration and utter helplessness.

O Allah! Grant me soundness of belief, goodness of character, forgiveness of my sins, and Your eternal pleasure in the Hereafter.

And to all Muslims especially readers during this Eid, please don't forget prayers and du'as for the safety of Muslims especially in the Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, the Rohingyas and of course the many in doing their hajj and in general in other countries where Muslims are persecuted and for the liberation of Masjid Al-Aqsa. And also too PAS in its struggle for the Islamic way of life - 'Membangun Bersama Islam'.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

ECRL: Cerita makan kangkung, tanam durian...

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21) 

PM Najib Razak baru-baru ini melancarkan projek Laluan Rel Pantai Timur (ECRL) di KotaSAS Sentral, Kuantan. Projek bernilai RM55 bilion dan sejauh ratusan kilometer itu dari Gombak, Selangor ke Kota Bharu, Kelantan diberi pelbagai reaksi - ada menyokong dan ada menyelar - termasuklah kritikan perasmiannya yang terlalu 'ke-Chinaan'.

Kritikan itu bukan sesuatu yang menghairankan kerana projek mega itu dibiayai dan dimajukan oleh pihak dari Tanah Besar China hampir sepenuhnya. Bercakap mengenai pembabitkan China ini teringatlah saya sejumlah 'cerita' (saya memilih dua saja) mengenai 'kebijaksanaan' orang Melayu dan Cina yang diberitahu oleh guru dan bijak pandai ketika saya kecil dulu.

Ada pihak mendakwa 'cerita' ini sebahagian daripada sejarah. Terpulanglah kepada pembaca bagaimana untuk mengaitkannya dengan perkembangan sekarang (termasuk siapa untung dan rugi) yang menyaksikan pembabitan yang semakin 'berpengaruh' oleh pihak dari Tanah Besar China seperti ECRL dan Bandar Malaysia!


Pada zaman kegemilangan kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dulu,
ada sekumpulan pembesar Istana Melaka mengikuti rombongan Diraja
ke negara China.

Mereka yang dikononnya ketuai Tun Perpatih Putih (ada menyebut Hang Tuah) mengunjungi Maharaja China. Pada masa itu, salah satu pantang adalah melihat wajah Maharaja China. Menjadi kesalahan besar jika ada yang cuba melihat wajah Maharaja.

Rombongan Melaka disambut dengan penuh adat kebesaran. Mereka diundang untuk ke majlis santapan diraja. Tukang masak bertanya apakah hidangan diingini tetamu dari Melaka.

Tun Perpatih Putih meminta agar dimasakkan sayur kangkung tanpa mengerat sayuran tersebut kecil-kecil. Katanya, orang Melaka suka memakan kangkung panjang-panjang.

Pada majlis santapan, semua hadirin tunduk tidak berani mengangkat muka; apatah lagi melihat wajah Maharaja China. Tukang masak diraja pun menghidangkan lauk kangkung seperti yang diminta oleh orang Melaka.

Tetamu dari Melaka mengangkat sayur kangkung yang panjang ke atas. Mereka mendongakkan kepala bagi memasukkan sayuran itu ke dalam mulut masing-masing. 

Dengan berbuat begitu, dapatlah mereka menjeling, melihat wajah Maharaja China. Maharaja dan pembesar terkejut tetapi sebagai 'orang beradab', mereka tidak berbuat apa-apa bagi menjaga hati tetamu mereka iaitu orang Melaka.

* Nota - pembesar Melaka menjadikan kangkung bukan saja sebagai makanan pilihan tetapi benar-benar memakannya tetapi pembesar sekarang menamakan kangkung sebagai bahan makanan berharga murah tetapi tidak diketahui sama ada mereka benar-benar makan kangkung. Mungkin, kalau makan kangkung, akan lebih bijaksanalah mereka.


Buah kana di China dikatakan dikutip dari pokok-pokok yang sudah berusia lebih 100 tahun. Seorang lelaki tua di negara China ditanya oleh seorang pemuda mengapa dia menanam pokok itu sebab kemungkinan besar dia tidak berpeluang menikmati buah kana itu.

Cerita ini hampir sama dengan kisah seorang lelaki tua Melayu yang menanam durian; orang bertanya buat apa dia bersusah payah menanam durian sedangkan dia berkemungkinan besar tidak dapat menikmati buahnya.

Kedua-dua lelaki tua ini memberi jawapan yang sama - "atuk tanam pokok ini agar buahnya dapat dimakan oleh cucu cicit atuk." Ya, biar datuk tak merasa tetapi generasi berikut mendapat manfaatnya.

* Nota - atuk di negara China dan atuk Melayu dulu tinggalkan pokok kana dan durian untuk dinikmati anak cucu tetapi 'datuk' sekarang tinggalkan apa? Ada yang berkomentar 'datuk sekarang' meninggalkan hutang berbilion-bilion ringgit selain melelong 'tanah pusaka' ...persoalannya siapa terpaksa menanggung bebannya? Anak cucu dan cicitlah, siapa lagi!

Monday, August 21, 2017

U Masjid (33): Assiratul Mustaqeem serlah pemburuan dunia/akhirat...

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
4. Tajuk: Di Dalam Lembah Kehidupan
Penulis: Prof Dr Hamka 
Penerbit: Pustaka Dini
Muka surat: 207 (Harga asal dibeli RM17)
Hanya RM10 (termasuk belanja hantaran pos biasa)
Penilaian LanH terhadap buku ini yang sudah dibaca beliau: Sangat bagus
3. Tajuk: Keadilan Ilahi
Penulis: Prof Dr Hamka 
Penerbit: Pustaka Dini
Muka surat: 123 (Harga asal dibeli RM13)
Hanya RM10 (termasuk belanja hantaran pos biasa)
Penilaian LanH terhadap buku ini yang sudah dibaca beliau: Sangat bagus
2. Tajuk: Rahsia Madinah (Jejak Rasul 2)-----------(XXXXXXXXX  MAAF, SUDAH DIJUAL)
Penulis: Khalil Ibrahim Mulla Khothir 
Penerbit: Al-Hidayah Publishers
Muka surat: 218 (Harga tertulis di buku RM14)
Hanya RM10 (termasuk belanja hantaran pos biasa)
Penilaian LanH terhadap buku ini yang sudah dibaca beliau: Sangat bagus
1. Tajuk: Rahsia Mekah (Jejak Rasul 1)-------------(XXXXXXXXXXXX MAAF, SUDAH DIJUAL)
Penulis: 'Atiq bin Ghaits Al-Biladi
Penerbit: Al-Hidayah Publishers
Muka surat: 300 (Harga tertulis di buku RM15)
Hanya RM10 (termasuk belanja hantaran pos biasa)
Penilaian LanH terhadap buku ini yang sudah dibaca beliau: Sangat bagus

MINGGU lalu saya menaiki MRT laluan Kajang-Semantan yang dirasmikan PM Najib Razak pada 17 Julai. Saya memulakan perjalanan di stesen Kajang dan turun di Pasar Seni sebelum menaiki LRT dari stesen Masjid Jamek ke Titiwangsa untuk bertemu sahabat-sahabat lama di Jalan Pahang Barat.

Untuk ke stesen MRT Kajang saya menaiki tren komuter KTM di stesen Bandar Tasik Selatan selepas 'turun' dari bas ekspres di TBS. Tambangnya mengejutkan saya. RM3. Mahalnya. Ketika dalam tren, jam menunjukkan 1.00 petang; saya 'mengira-gira' masjid mana akan saya singgah untuk solat zuhur berjemaah dengan menjamakkannya dengan asar.

Alhamdulillah, sebelum tren menghampiri stesen Kajang, saya terpandang sebuah masjid 'comel' dengan reka bentuk menarik. Saya berazam untuk solat di masjid itu. Alhamdulillah, masjid itu memang terletak berdekatan stesen KTM Kajang dan sesuatu yang menambah kegembiraan, stesen MRT Kajang berada bersebelahan!

Dari stesen MRT Kajang saya menapak ke masjid itu. Lebih kurang 300 meter. Ketika menghampiri masjid, terlihat sejumlah buruh sedang membina tembok masjid. Bangunan masjid itu sendiri kelihatan baru selesai diubah suai. Masjid 'comel' itu berkonsepkan 'terbuka' - pengedaran udara sangat baik membolehkan jemaah solat dalam keadaan sungguh selesa.

Selepas solat, saya bertanyakan seorang lelaki tua India akan nama masjid itu. Percakapannya kurang jelas...saya 'merayau-rayau' mencari papan tanda...akhirnya ketemui sebuah yang ditulis: "Bangunan Madrasah Assiratul Mustaqeem (Masjid India Kajang) ini dibina dengan kos sepenuhnya oleh Abdul Hamid PV Abdu dan diwakafkan kerana Allah SWT pada 16hb Julai 2011 bersamaan 15 Syaaban 1432 Hijrah."

Stesen MRT Kajang sudah beroperasi, insya-Allah ia akan sesak dan sibuk tidak lama lagi. Apa yang membanggakan Madrasah Assitaul Mustaqeem sudah diubah suai (pembinaan tembok masih berterusan) bersesuaian dengan pembangunan di sekitarnya; ertinya pentadbirnya 'sangat bijak' mengambil kesempatan untuk 'meraih pahala' sebanyak mungkin dengan 'kebanjiran' orang ramai di kawasan itu tidak lama lagi.

Melihat persekitaran madrasah (mendapat kelulusan untuk didirikan solat Jumaat), bolehlah kita beranggapan pewakaf dan pentadbirnya 'berebut-rebut' untuk membuat kebajikan bagi meraihkan keuntungan dunia-akhirat sejajarnya doa yang kerap kita ungkapkan 'Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanah wa fil akhiroti hasanah waqina 'adzabannar' yang bermaksud: "Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami daripada seksa neraka".) QS. Al Baqarah 201

Abdul Hamid PV Abdu, pewakaf dan pengerusi masjid, berkata rumah Allah itu diilhamkan daripada sebuah masjid kecil di bandar Madinah yang dilihatnya ketika beliau berkunjung ke kota suci itu.

Beliau berkata, Madrasah Assiratul Mustaqeem aktif menyediakan pengajian agama secara percuma kepada pelajar berumur antara lima hingga 15 tahun. Buat masa ini, seramai 30 pelajar mengikuti pengajian di madrasah itu selepas Asar hingga Isyak.

Antara subjek diajar guru agama yang bertugas adalah al-Quran, hafazan, tajwid dan fardu ain. Kelas diadakan di ruang bersebelahan dewan solat.

Kata Abdul Hamid, pengurusan masjid bercadang memanfaatkan kawasan kosong seluas 0.4 hektar di kawasan berkenaan untuk membina sekolah tahfiz.

Benar, sungguh damai ketika solat di masjid ini. Seorang pengunjung merakamkan: "Berada dalam masjid pada waktu zuhur hari itu amat menenangkan hati saya. Dengan angin petang yang bertiup masuk menyusuri landasan kereta api menambahkan lagi ketenangan dan kedamaian.

"Bersyukurlah kita kepada Allah SWT kerana dalam kesibukan lalu lintas dan dihimpit arus pembangunan termasuk stesen MRT Kajang, muncul sebuah surau (masjid) yang melonjakkan syiar Islam."

Friday, August 18, 2017

'Only Islam and 'iman' could unite people'...

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

GLANCING at the calendar, I noticed in a few weeks time, we would be celebrating our National Day (Merdeka) 'side by side' with Hari Raya Aidiladha (Eid Al-Adha) - Merdeka is on 31st August (Thursday) while the Eid is on Friday, September 1st.

So to all readers, Happy Merdeka Day and Eid Mubarak. Since Merdeka and Eid Adha falls 'next to one another', in my opinion it is interesting to relate both events perhaps for the spiritual building of our souls for the benefits of ourselves, our society and the country.

According to the Muslim calendar (the Hijra year), Eid Al-Adha falls on the 10th Dhul-hijjah; the blessed month of Hajj.  For this year, Dhul-hijjah, the 12th month of the Muslim calendar of Hijra, 'insya-Allah' would began on Wednesday, August 23, 2017. This is the month Muslim perform hajj, with its peak when they do ‘wukuf’ (to stop or gather) in Arafah (or Arafat) 'insya-Allah' on the 9th Dhul-hijjah (Thursday, 31st August).

Wukuf, being the highest 'rukun' (component) of hajj must be rendered; without which hajj does not take place. The requirement is the presence in Arafat, regardless of whether the pilgrim is riding, walking, sitting or moving. In Arafat one is to spend the afternoon from dhuhr (midday) to maghrib (sunset) prayer times making du’as (supplications) and repenting to leave Arafat with all of one's sins forgiven.

For Muslims who are not performing hajj in their homelands, they are encouraged to perform recommended deeds during the first 10 days of Dhul-hijjah such as fasting especially on ‘Wukuf’ day and giving charity. Then during Eid Al-Adha (10th Dhul-Hijjah) when Muslims perform ‘solat’ (Eid prayers) and the days of Tashreek (11, 12, and 13th Dhul-Hijjah) they are recommended to do the slaughter or ‘korban’ (sacrifice) animals (such as sheep and cow).

Regarding the hajj, this year about four million Muslims from all corners of the world were expected in the Holy Land to perform the hajj manasik (rites and ceremonies performed at hajj). After Arafah, the pilgrims would then proceed towards Muzdalifah and pick up pebbles there to be used when stoning the Pillar of Aqabah or Qubra on Eid Adha (10th Dhul-Hijjah).

In Mina, they are required to stay for three nights where they will stone the three ‘jamrahs’ beginning with the first Pillar (i.e. the one which is furthest from Makkah), followed by the middle Pillar and lastly the Pillar of Aqabah. 

The pilgrims will also shave their heads or cut their hair and then proceed to Makkah to perform the Tawaf Al-Ifadah (circling the Kaabah seven times which is an essential part of Hajj) and then perform Sa’y (walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa). After completing their hajj, pilgrims fulfill their days by performing prayers and 'tawaf' in the Grand Masjid of Makkah (Masjidil-Haram) before going home.

Back to the local scene, as we are about to celebrate our 60th Merdeka, the topic of unity is still the top concern of our leaders and 'rakyat'. Talking about unity, I remembered an Indonesian who I befriended in the Holy Land while performing hajj in 2002 who said only 'Pancasila' could unite the the people of his vast country with huge diversities in 'almost everything'.

After 'much talking' I told him that if he had traveled 'all the way' to the Holy Land but still cling to 'human made laws', then it is advisable to him to do some reflections about the life and struggle of the Prophet s.a.w. 

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. unites people with Islam and 'iman' (faith) in Madinah which was not only an abode for Muslims and Arabs but people of different beliefs, races and background such as the Jews and unbelievers. 

"As a Muslim, whats more you are in the Holy Land preparing to perform your hajj that is the fifth pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam), you must believe that only Islam could unite people...you must believe in the Prophet s.a.w. and must emulate his way of life..." I told him firmly.

I saw the change of color on the friend's face. I was scared, but wait...he was then in tears, sobbing; acknowledging that he was 'a bit' confused...He thanked me for reminding him that that as a Muslim, we must submit to all of the teachings of the Prophet s.a.w. He said he knew about this fact but was too emotional when mentioning his country. 

An 'ustaz' during his 'tazkirah' (lesson) at  a 'masjid' near my house which I followed recently said that to achieve total unity among us, we had to be united in 'iman' first.

Only with 'iman' we could be united in propagating the truth and of course we could not be united in propagating sinful acts and ill activities.  In the Qur'an, Allah SWT says: "...And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty." (Al-Ma'idah; 5:2)

Scholars said, Allah has enjoined upon us to cooperate in righteousness and piety with everybody. What matters is that our common endeavour is a good one. He has forbidden us from cooperating with people in sin and transgression, regardless of who they are. In this way, Allah has defined for us the limits of cooperation, but He has not placed restraints on who we can cooperate with. 

With 'iman' intact in our hearts, we could utilize fully 'the extra and temporary factors'; they could be steered to be in line with our 'iman' thus we would be rewarded both in this world and Hereafter. 

Allah told us to be successful in both worlds; we pleaded to Him with this du'a: 'Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar' (Our Lord! grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire." (2:201)

In Islam all our actions are considered 'ibadah' (acts of worship) and would be rewarded by Allah The Greatest; be in small matters such as going to the toilet or of highly looked upon jobs such as administrating departments to governing states or countries. But one important aspect must be looked upon and that is our 'niat' (intention); if our 'niat' is in line with the teaching of Islam then we would be rewarded otherwise, our deeds would be wasted.

Well, if doing 'small things' such as going to the toilet could be an 'ibadah', then what could be said about 'bigger and more important things' such as involving in sports and celebrating one’s country’s independence day or 'Hari Merdeka'. It is also an 'ibadah' if we fulfill the requirements stipulated in Islam.

Let us look at what renowned Muslims have said about 'merdeka'. At the height of the conquest of Persia, the Muslim general, Sa'ad ibn Waqqas carried out Caliph Umar Al-Khattab's will and sent to Rustum (or Rustam), the Persian great general, a number of his companions lead by Asim ibn Amir to call on him to follow Islam and Allah's path.

The conversation between them and the Persian leader lasted long. Finally they ended their talk by Asim telling him, "Allah has chosen us to turn whom He chooses of His creatures from paganism to monotheism, from the narrowness of life to its freedom, from the ruler's injustice to Islam's fairness. Whoever accepts our offer we will leave him alone and will refrain from hurting him. Whoever fights us, we will fight him until we fulfill Allah's promise."

The points elaborated by Asim to Rustum are looked upon as the meaning of 'merdeka' (freedom). It was regarding 'transforming' people from paganism to monotheism, from the limitations of life to freedom and from a ruler's injustice to the fairness in Islam.

In Islam, each of us is equal in the eyes of Allah SWT. There is no difference between a rich and a poor man. Yes, only 'takwa' (fear of Allah) differentiates people for He says in the Qur'an: "O mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." - (Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 13)

Doing reflections about the activities of hajj helps us to understand why it was concluded that only by 'iman' could united people. Imagine, the 'azan' (call of prayers) made 4,000,000 (four million) people went rushing to Masjidiharam (Haram Mosque), and then they were in deep concentration, prostrating to Allah SWT - all the actions of the 'imam' were followed by the million of congregators...where else in the planet could we see this demonstration of united hearts, souls and bodies?

Subhanalllah, only Islam and 'iman' could unites people...