Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Jalan Mudah Menuju Syurga
Abu Darda' r.a. menyatakan, Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, bermaksud: "Barang siapa yang menempuh jalan untuk mencari ilmu, maka Allah mempermudahkan baginya suatu jalan menuju syurga. Sesungguhnya para malaikat meletakkan sayapnya bagi orang yang menuntut ilmu kerana redanya dengan apa yang mereka perbuat.
"Sesungguhnya orang yang berilmu itu dimohonkan ampun oleh makhluk yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi termasuk ikan-ikan di dalam air. Dan kelebihan orang berilmu daripada orang yang beribadah (tanpa ilmu) itu adalah bagaikan kelebihan bulan daripada seluruh bintang yang lain.
"Sesungguhnya ulama itu adalah pewaris para nabi. Para nabi itu tidak mewariskan dinar atau dirham. Mereka hanya mewariskan ilmu. Barang siapa mengambilnya, maka dia mengambil bahagian yang baik." (HR. Abu Daud dan Termizi) - Hidayah Rabiulakhir 1433/Mac 2012
Teruja sungguh saya mendengar taklimat mengenai Perbankan Islam di sebuah masjid berhampiran rumah saya baru-baru ini. Ceramah dengan tajuk 'Perbankan Islam: Satu Kewajipan' oleh seorang pegawai kanan Bank Muamalat itu antara lain menyentuh perjuangan getir umat Islam negara ini menegakkan sistem perbankan mengikut syariah terutama bagi membendung amalan riba yang membawa kepada penubuhan Bank Islam pada 1983.
Perjuangan ini berterusan sehinggalah bank konvensional juga akhirnya menawarkan produk-produk Islam dan kini lesen sudah diberikan kepada 17 institusi kewangan bagi menjalankan Perbankan Islam. Kini banyak IPT menawarkan pengajian Perniagaan Islam, Kewangan Islam dan Perbankan Islam. Semua ini bagi menyelamatkan umat Islam daripada bahana menjalani kehidupan menyimpang daripada ajaran Islam terutama amalan riba yang orang berterusan mengamalkannya diberi amaran bahawa Allah dan Rasul-Nya mengisytiharkan perang terhadap mereka.
Syabas kepada 'orang bank' yang menjalankan peranan dan menjayakan tugas mereka. Dalam kehidupan singkat ini, saya percaya setiap orang hanya mampu berperanan dalam bidang masing-masing. Jika 'orang bank' boleh tersenyum dengan kejayaan Perbankan Islam, bagaimana pula dengan 'orang surat khabar (media)', apakah kini sudah wujud 'Kewartawanan Islam'. Sebagai seorang wartawan inilah bidang saya, apa yang sudah dilakukan oleh wartawan Islam termasuk diri ini dalam memurnikan amalan dunia kewartawanan sehingga ia sejajar dengan kehendak Allah dan Rasul-Nya?
Beberapa artikel saya sebelum ini menyentuh mengenai penubuhan Sekolah Kewartawanan Islam yang lulusannya diharapkan dapat mengimbangi graduan-graduan keluaran sekolah kewartawanan sekular yang berkiblatkan dunia ilmu Amerika dan Eropah, tetapi usaha melahirkan wartawan tawaduk yang tunduk kepada halal dan haram nampaknya bergerak terlalu perlahan.
Malah dunia kewartawanan tanah air semakin dicemari paparan dan amalan tidak beretika; tidak payahlah kita bercakap mengenai Kewartawanan Islam, etika kewartawanan yang dipelajari di sekolah-sekolah kewartawanan sekular pun dilanggar semahu-mahunya. Wartawan bukan lagi bersifat pelapor; tetapi menyebelahi pihak-pihak yang disokong dan mahu dimenangkannya.
Tataplah paparan akhbar harian yang dikatakan media arus perdana itu atau ikuti buletin TV dan radio, hampir semua bahannya menyokong satu pihak dan mencerca pihak lawannya. Pihak disokong diberi liputan meluas untuk membelasah lawannya, malangnya yang dibelasah tidak diberi ruang sedikit pun untuk membela diri. Apakah perkara seperti ini diajar di sekolah-sekolah kewartawanan?
Semasa saya menuntut dulu, seorang pensyarah kewartawanan berbuih-buih mulutnya menyatakan seseorang wartawan itu tidak boleh membabitkan dirinya (seperti memberi pendapat, pandangan dan rasa hati) dalam penulisan berita dan rencananya.
Masih terngiyang-ngiyang peringatan itu walaupun sudah hampir 30 tahun berlalu. Laporkan saja sesuatu kejadian kerana awak pelapor bukan pengulas, katanya. “Tugas awak macam posmen, menghantar surat, isi dalam surat itu tidak ada kena mengena dengan awak,” tegasnya.
Tetapi hari ini apabila membaca berita dan rencana, terasa apa yang dikuliahkan pensyarah itu tidak terpakai lagi. Pelapor (wartawan) sudah mengambil bahagian dalam pemberitaan. Mungkin si wartawan membuat laporan seadanya tetapi telah ditambah itu sang editor, menjadikan laporan itu kelihatan ‘senget’ (bias). Sekarang ini, keadaannya 'terlalu senget' sehingga orang awam pun berasa jijik dengan sesetengah media massa.
Perkembangan ini membuat hati ini tertanya-tanya apakah prinsip asas kewartawanan itu terpakai lagi. Atau apakah penulis tersilap tafsir asas kewartawanan yang diajar oleh pensyarah dulu?
Bagi penulis, seseorang wartawan Muslim itu bukan hanya perlu tahu dan mengamalkan etika kewartawanan, tetapi lebih penting tahu dan mengamalkan asas-asas Islam. Mereka perlu peka tentang perkara halal dan haram.
Sebelum memulakan kerja, mereka tahu dan sedar Yang Maha Berkuasa sedang memerhatikan mereka. Bersandarkan ilmu yang menyuluh, mereka tahu yang mana halal dan haram.
Melaporkan berita secara tepat adalah halal tetapi memesongkan berita adalah haram. Menyiarkan berita pihak berkuasa menggempur kedai judi adalah kerja kebajikan tetapi menyiarkan keputusan empat nombor ekor adalah haram. Tetapi menyiarkan keputusan judi inilah menjadi amalan akhbar-akhbar kini; apakah perlakuan haram ini mahu dilakukan dulu, kini dan selamanya...
Wartawan beriman juga tahu menyiarkan kisah artis mencari jalan pulang (mencari Tuhan) adalah bagus tetapi mereka juga tahu menyiarkan gambar artis terlondeh sana, terbuka sana adalah haram; jadi mereka akan buat yang halal dan meninggalkan yang haram. Inilah yang kita mahu dalam dunia kewartawanan kita. Bersediakah wartawan-wartawan kita berubah, berhijrah?
Mengenai etika kewartawanan Islam seorang penulis menyatakan ia ada sedikit perbezaan dengan etika kewartawanan Barat yang mengutamakan kebebasan tanpa batasan dalam semua perkara.
Seorang wartawan Islam perlu sedar dia adalah seorang pelapor yang merakamkan kejadian sebenar seperti lensa kamera; mereka sentiasa merasai diri dalam pemerhatian Allah SWT. Wartawan Islam dibatasi dengan hukum-hukum syariat halal-haram.
Seorang wartawan Islam itu sekali gus seorang pendakwah. Lembut lidah pendakwah dalam menyampaikan risalah Allah, lembutlah bahasa wartawan. Tinggi hemah ulama, tinggilah hemah wartawan. Tajam pandangan ulama,, tajamlah pandangan wartawan. Keras ulama mencegah kemungkaran, begitulah sikap wartawan. Wartawan juga perlu menjawab segala kebohongan yang dilemparkan terhadap Islam.
Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada etika kewartawanan Islam yang boleh dijadikan panduan:
1. Betulkan niat iaitu bekerja semata-mata untuk mencari keredaan Allah.
2. Memulakan setiap kerja dengam Bismillah dan apabila selesai mengucap Alhamdulillah.
3. Berada di medan penulisan kerana melaksanakan kewajipan dan fardu kifayah.
4. Kekalkan pendirian menulis hanya atas dasar kejujuran.
5. Bercita-cita menegakkan yang makruf dan mencegah/ menentang kemungkaran.
6. Melaksanakan Islam dalam diri, keluarga, masyarakat, negara dan dunia dengan mengambil kira hukum wajib, sunat, harus, makruh dan haram. Membenci dan meninggalkan perkara yang haram dan makruh.
7. Menimba ilmu Islam melalui pengajian (berguru) di samping pembacaan dan pemerhatian.
Penulis ini mengingatkan bahawa pena adalah pedang jihad bukan senjata yang memuntahkan peluru-peluru fitnah, tohmahan dan seumpamanya. Sentiasa menimbang akan dosa dan pahala sebelum melakukan penulisan.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Seeking for the 'correct path' in life
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God..." (Nisaa 4:80)
MY daughter was one of the 468,808 students who sat for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia SPM) examination last year. During 'du'a' (suplication) after 'subuh' (dawn) prayers on 21st March; the date the examination results was announced, I prayed to Allah SWT for my daughter's success; and not forgetting all students from the Islamic faith.
At noon that day, with a sad face and traces of tears on her face, my daughter showed me her examination results slip; she failed to score straight A's from the 11 subjects she sat for; she had B+ for two subjects. I consoled her, saying she should not looked at the results that way; she should be thankful to Allah SWT, the Beneficent, the Merciful for His generosity in rewarding her with such an excellent result.
So be thankful to Allah SWT always at what we have or to what we had been rewarded with; why look at what He has not given us (for example my daughter's wish to have A's for all her subjects) but be thankful to what He had blessed us. Regarding worldly matters, scholars have his advice - look down at the have nots; for example if you are sad driving an old car be happy because you are safe from rain and shine compared to a cyclist and if you own a bike, be happy because there are many others who do not have any and have to walk.
Well, to all youngsters out there, what's next after sitting for the public examinations (SPM and STPM) and completing one's secondary education. Many would be joining the working force; perhaps a hundred thousand or so would purse their tertiary education in a few months time.
So during this waiting period, why not do some reflection; perhaps this email from a university student which I received some time ago would be able to open our eyes; yes we are always seeking for the straight path in life; the correct way to live happily in this world what more in the Hereafter.
"I'VE read some of your previous articles. I found them very thoughtful and as a response, I would like to share my story, just for soul pondering. Anyway, it's all about the last general election.
First, let me introduce myself. I am a Malay girl and am still studying at a local university. I am, and have been a Muslim. I was born into a Muslim family, which implies strict rituals and actions according to Islam. Yet, I am still not that Islamic enough.
I believe strongly in Islam. I pray to Allah, but there are many times when I miss prayers either by accident (especially the 'subuhs' or )eg. 'asars') I read Qur'an, but I also listen to the latest music.
I cover my head with a scarf (tudung) but still i wear short-sleeved T-shirts and tight jeans. I support the Palestinian cause but still munch mouthfuls of Burger Kings and McDonald's product. I am interested in the struggle of PAS, but still believe that Malaysia couldn't be better without Umno.
It wasn't until last year that I started to re-think and re-examine my life. It began with deep frustration about the way I was leading my life. I wanted to be a better Muslim, but I just could not force myself to stop enjoying in the big and happening city of KL, having lived here for most of my life.
Then, I experienced severe depression. That's when I decided to run away from this hectic environment. Run away from the hypocrisy of other people. I can say that the 'seruan' was really a 'big bang' to me as I dared to 'tuang kuliah' (skip classes) for a week to do this soul-searching.
I started my backpacking journey from KL and ended up in Kelantan. Frankly speaking, I had a bad impression of the Kelantanese, because most of my Kelantanese friends back in campus are always 'berpuak-puak' (living in groups) and in a sort of 'cultural shock' being in KL for the first time. So I was wondering, I were to do good soul-searching, whether Kelantan was a good place to do so. But I was destined to be in Kelantan.
For the whole week, I experienced a lot of new things, which embarked me on my new spiritual feelings about being a Muslim. My contact with the Kelantanese had influenced me to be strong in my Islamic faith. The surroundings in Kelantan had taught me the important value of 'solah' (prayers). Money doesn't matter to me that much anymore.
KL is far modernized from Kota Bharu. KLCC is far bigger from KB Mall, what else to compare with. But life is much better in Kelantan. I had more freedom. My mind ease at the thought that I can be a better Muslim if I had the will to do so. If not because of my studies and the thought of my father knowing his daughter travelling alone, I might not have left Kelantan then.
A year had passed since that remarkable 'eye-opening' journey. Kelantan under PAS allowed Islam to flow whereas in other states, secularism reared its head.
The last election suddenly makes me reminisce the tremendous journey of mine. It was the news (or should I say it 'propaganda'?) on the TV that make me decide to write to you.
One propaganda piece by the BN showed an interview with a villager, somewhere in Kelantan. This villager said, he would choose BN as he strongly believed that only BN could modernize Kelantan. He really wants Kelantan to be modernized and felt sick of being poor. Mind you, after the talk, he proudly 'tour-guided' the cameraman inside his house - perfect with big fridge, TV set, hi-fi etc. I couldn't believe my eyes.
How can people say things like that? He was really ungrateful. His life is much better that those 'setinggans' (squatters) who still exist in big cities like KL What type of modernization do they want? I have lived in the middle of this concrete-jungle since I was born.
Yes, KL is a modern big city, full with big mega buildings, shopping complexes, fashionable and cool citizens, and a lot of happening events. But never forget the dark side of big cities.
Here, in KL, people don't care if a guy brings back a girl to his home late at night which I had commonly witnessed. At 3.00 am, youngsters return to their homes from clubbing with alcoholic drinks in their hands. Drugs and ecstasy are sold widely.
'Azan' (the call of prayers) is drowned by loud songs from discos. Prostitution and gambling are everywhere. People are acting like they do not fear God's punishment.
Whenever I visit my mom's relatives in Terengganu, they thought that I'm cool just because I live in a big city. But for me, living here for almost 20 years had gained me nothing.
Modernization is nothing if Islam is not practiced fully. We need Islam to balance our modernization. Only a good Islamic government can provide this type of balance by implementing Islamic laws.
I just want to say to the voters who choose BN for the sake of the so-called modernization, if you hardly find peace in your daily lives because of your surroundings, there's nobody to be blamed except yourself, and the materialistic lives you lead.
When I read that village people attended BN's gathering just because they were given RM10 or RM20, I find it unacceptable. Maybe RM10 is a big sum for them but from it, we can see how easily money buys people. And now its BR1M (the RM500 one-off assistance) and monies to former army personnel.
Maybe, my email here sounds like some sort of frustration, but I just need people to hear my cries. To the Pakatan Rakyat, keep going on and never give up. Maybe we didn't succeed today, but we shall return and fight them back. Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God..." (Nisaa 4:80)
MY daughter was one of the 468,808 students who sat for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia SPM) examination last year. During 'du'a' (suplication) after 'subuh' (dawn) prayers on 21st March; the date the examination results was announced, I prayed to Allah SWT for my daughter's success; and not forgetting all students from the Islamic faith.
At noon that day, with a sad face and traces of tears on her face, my daughter showed me her examination results slip; she failed to score straight A's from the 11 subjects she sat for; she had B+ for two subjects. I consoled her, saying she should not looked at the results that way; she should be thankful to Allah SWT, the Beneficent, the Merciful for His generosity in rewarding her with such an excellent result.
So be thankful to Allah SWT always at what we have or to what we had been rewarded with; why look at what He has not given us (for example my daughter's wish to have A's for all her subjects) but be thankful to what He had blessed us. Regarding worldly matters, scholars have his advice - look down at the have nots; for example if you are sad driving an old car be happy because you are safe from rain and shine compared to a cyclist and if you own a bike, be happy because there are many others who do not have any and have to walk.
Well, to all youngsters out there, what's next after sitting for the public examinations (SPM and STPM) and completing one's secondary education. Many would be joining the working force; perhaps a hundred thousand or so would purse their tertiary education in a few months time.
So during this waiting period, why not do some reflection; perhaps this email from a university student which I received some time ago would be able to open our eyes; yes we are always seeking for the straight path in life; the correct way to live happily in this world what more in the Hereafter.
"I'VE read some of your previous articles. I found them very thoughtful and as a response, I would like to share my story, just for soul pondering. Anyway, it's all about the last general election.
First, let me introduce myself. I am a Malay girl and am still studying at a local university. I am, and have been a Muslim. I was born into a Muslim family, which implies strict rituals and actions according to Islam. Yet, I am still not that Islamic enough.
I believe strongly in Islam. I pray to Allah, but there are many times when I miss prayers either by accident (especially the 'subuhs' or )eg. 'asars') I read Qur'an, but I also listen to the latest music.
I cover my head with a scarf (tudung) but still i wear short-sleeved T-shirts and tight jeans. I support the Palestinian cause but still munch mouthfuls of Burger Kings and McDonald's product. I am interested in the struggle of PAS, but still believe that Malaysia couldn't be better without Umno.
It wasn't until last year that I started to re-think and re-examine my life. It began with deep frustration about the way I was leading my life. I wanted to be a better Muslim, but I just could not force myself to stop enjoying in the big and happening city of KL, having lived here for most of my life.
Then, I experienced severe depression. That's when I decided to run away from this hectic environment. Run away from the hypocrisy of other people. I can say that the 'seruan' was really a 'big bang' to me as I dared to 'tuang kuliah' (skip classes) for a week to do this soul-searching.
I started my backpacking journey from KL and ended up in Kelantan. Frankly speaking, I had a bad impression of the Kelantanese, because most of my Kelantanese friends back in campus are always 'berpuak-puak' (living in groups) and in a sort of 'cultural shock' being in KL for the first time. So I was wondering, I were to do good soul-searching, whether Kelantan was a good place to do so. But I was destined to be in Kelantan.
For the whole week, I experienced a lot of new things, which embarked me on my new spiritual feelings about being a Muslim. My contact with the Kelantanese had influenced me to be strong in my Islamic faith. The surroundings in Kelantan had taught me the important value of 'solah' (prayers). Money doesn't matter to me that much anymore.
KL is far modernized from Kota Bharu. KLCC is far bigger from KB Mall, what else to compare with. But life is much better in Kelantan. I had more freedom. My mind ease at the thought that I can be a better Muslim if I had the will to do so. If not because of my studies and the thought of my father knowing his daughter travelling alone, I might not have left Kelantan then.
A year had passed since that remarkable 'eye-opening' journey. Kelantan under PAS allowed Islam to flow whereas in other states, secularism reared its head.
The last election suddenly makes me reminisce the tremendous journey of mine. It was the news (or should I say it 'propaganda'?) on the TV that make me decide to write to you.
One propaganda piece by the BN showed an interview with a villager, somewhere in Kelantan. This villager said, he would choose BN as he strongly believed that only BN could modernize Kelantan. He really wants Kelantan to be modernized and felt sick of being poor. Mind you, after the talk, he proudly 'tour-guided' the cameraman inside his house - perfect with big fridge, TV set, hi-fi etc. I couldn't believe my eyes.
How can people say things like that? He was really ungrateful. His life is much better that those 'setinggans' (squatters) who still exist in big cities like KL What type of modernization do they want? I have lived in the middle of this concrete-jungle since I was born.
Yes, KL is a modern big city, full with big mega buildings, shopping complexes, fashionable and cool citizens, and a lot of happening events. But never forget the dark side of big cities.
Here, in KL, people don't care if a guy brings back a girl to his home late at night which I had commonly witnessed. At 3.00 am, youngsters return to their homes from clubbing with alcoholic drinks in their hands. Drugs and ecstasy are sold widely.
'Azan' (the call of prayers) is drowned by loud songs from discos. Prostitution and gambling are everywhere. People are acting like they do not fear God's punishment.
Whenever I visit my mom's relatives in Terengganu, they thought that I'm cool just because I live in a big city. But for me, living here for almost 20 years had gained me nothing.
Modernization is nothing if Islam is not practiced fully. We need Islam to balance our modernization. Only a good Islamic government can provide this type of balance by implementing Islamic laws.
I just want to say to the voters who choose BN for the sake of the so-called modernization, if you hardly find peace in your daily lives because of your surroundings, there's nobody to be blamed except yourself, and the materialistic lives you lead.
When I read that village people attended BN's gathering just because they were given RM10 or RM20, I find it unacceptable. Maybe RM10 is a big sum for them but from it, we can see how easily money buys people. And now its BR1M (the RM500 one-off assistance) and monies to former army personnel.
Maybe, my email here sounds like some sort of frustration, but I just need people to hear my cries. To the Pakatan Rakyat, keep going on and never give up. Maybe we didn't succeed today, but we shall return and fight them back. Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Benarkah aparteid sudah mati?
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
GEGAK gempita menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) ini mengingatkan saya akan kesempatan paling bermakna dalam hidup saya sebagai seorang wartawan - membuat liputan pilihan raya pelbagai kaum yang pertama di Afrika Selatan pada April 1994.
Pilihan raya penuh bersejarah ini menandakan tamatnya aparteid (dasar membezakan warna kulit; di Afrika Selatan rakyat kulit hitam dilarang menyertai pilihan raya sebelum 1994), sekali gus melonjakkan Nelson Mandela pemimpin Kongres Kebangsaaan Afrika (ANC) yang terpenjara puluhan tahun sebagai presiden pertama di kalangan orang kulit hitam Afrika Selatan.
Selepas hancurnya Aparteid Afrika Selatan, apakah aparteid sudah berakhir di dunia ini? Apakah aparteid hanya sejarah? Nampaknya dunia mempercayai demikian, hakikatnya penindasan dan ketidak-adilan tidak pernah berakhir dengan golongan lemah berterusan menjadi mangsa pihak berkuasa. Aparteid bertukar wajah, ia mungkin tidak lagi membabitkan warna kulit tetapi dari segi perbezaan di kalangan manusia termasuklah
agama dan ideologi.
Berikutan tragedi 11 September 2001 tersingkaplah betapa orang Islam menjadi sasaran dendam kesumbat Barat sejak ratusan tahun. Orang Islam dipandang penuh prejudis - mereka yang mengamalkan sunnah Rasul dianggap sebagai pengganas; mereka diperangi sekalipun di tanah kelahiran sendiri seperti di Palestin, Chechnya, Kashmir, Bosnia dan Xinjiang.
Kemuncak kebencian kepada orang Islam adalah serangan ke atas dua negara umat Islam iaitu Iraq dan Afghanistan; kedua-duanya hancur, ratusan ribu rakyatnya terkorban tetapi di atas puing-puing kemusnahan ini, dunia Barat dengan bangganya mendakwa keadilan sudah tertegak di alam fana ini. Keadilan dan kebahagiaan kehidupan apa yang
mereka maksudkan itu?
Namun penindasan ini telah menyedarkan sebahagian besar ummah termasuk di dunia Arab bahawa mereka sudah tersasar jauh daripada kehendak Islam termasuk dari segi pemerintahan sehingga dipandang penuh hina oleh Barat. Kebangkitan rakyat di dunia Arab tidak dapat disekat-sekat lagi, mereka mula menolak diktator pujaan Barat seperti Hosni Mubarak (Mesir) yang biasanya mendapat 99 peratus undi setiap kali pilihan raya. Maka jatuhlah satu demi satu rejim zalim di dunia Arab; dari Libya ke Yaman; hampir semua kerajaan ini jatuh melalui pergerakan rakyat di jalan raya.
Di Afrika Selatan, rejim aparteid bukanlah dijatuhkan melalui pilihan raya; demikian juga di dunia Arab; kerajaan-kerajaannya dijatuhkan selepas rakyat memenuhi jalan raya. Di Afrika Selatan, rejim aparteid digulingkan oleh kuasa rakyat di jalan raya dengan Mandela sebagai penggeraknya manakala di dunia Arab pemimpin diktator seperti Muammar Gaddafi, Mubarak, Abdullah Ali Saleh dan Zainal Abidin Ali; semuanya
digulingkan melalui pergerakan rakyat di jalan raya.
Selepas mereka tumbang barulah pilihan raya 'bersih' dapat diadakan. Jarang benar
pilihan raya dapat membersihkan dikator-diktator ini daripada kuasa kerana hampir pasti setiap kali pilihan raya mereka mencatat kejayaan cemerlang dan gemilang dengan menyapu 99 peratus undi!
Pilihan raya pelbagai kaum pertama 1994 Afrika Selatan adalah pengajaran penuh bermakna kepada dunia kerana ia penanda berakhirnya aparteid (tetapi ia bukan penyebab kerana rakyat terpaksa berarak di jalan raya sebelum itu), tetapi amat malang sekali 'aparteid bentuk baru' semakin menjadi-jadi termasuklah di pintu depan rumah kita terutama menjelang pilihan raya ini.
Bukalah mata seluas-luasnya dan saksikan 'pelbagai aparteid' dalam kehidupan, senarainya terlalu panjang, ya 'aparteid' dalam media, 'aparteid' dalam peruntukan
bantuan (royalti minyak) dan sebagainya.
Kata-kata 'hikmah' - 'I help you, you help me' (Saya tolong awak, awak tolong saya) itu pun sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa 'aparteid' masih membelenggu masyarakat kita!
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
GEGAK gempita menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) ini mengingatkan saya akan kesempatan paling bermakna dalam hidup saya sebagai seorang wartawan - membuat liputan pilihan raya pelbagai kaum yang pertama di Afrika Selatan pada April 1994.
Pilihan raya penuh bersejarah ini menandakan tamatnya aparteid (dasar membezakan warna kulit; di Afrika Selatan rakyat kulit hitam dilarang menyertai pilihan raya sebelum 1994), sekali gus melonjakkan Nelson Mandela pemimpin Kongres Kebangsaaan Afrika (ANC) yang terpenjara puluhan tahun sebagai presiden pertama di kalangan orang kulit hitam Afrika Selatan.
Selepas hancurnya Aparteid Afrika Selatan, apakah aparteid sudah berakhir di dunia ini? Apakah aparteid hanya sejarah? Nampaknya dunia mempercayai demikian, hakikatnya penindasan dan ketidak-adilan tidak pernah berakhir dengan golongan lemah berterusan menjadi mangsa pihak berkuasa. Aparteid bertukar wajah, ia mungkin tidak lagi membabitkan warna kulit tetapi dari segi perbezaan di kalangan manusia termasuklah
agama dan ideologi.
Berikutan tragedi 11 September 2001 tersingkaplah betapa orang Islam menjadi sasaran dendam kesumbat Barat sejak ratusan tahun. Orang Islam dipandang penuh prejudis - mereka yang mengamalkan sunnah Rasul dianggap sebagai pengganas; mereka diperangi sekalipun di tanah kelahiran sendiri seperti di Palestin, Chechnya, Kashmir, Bosnia dan Xinjiang.
Kemuncak kebencian kepada orang Islam adalah serangan ke atas dua negara umat Islam iaitu Iraq dan Afghanistan; kedua-duanya hancur, ratusan ribu rakyatnya terkorban tetapi di atas puing-puing kemusnahan ini, dunia Barat dengan bangganya mendakwa keadilan sudah tertegak di alam fana ini. Keadilan dan kebahagiaan kehidupan apa yang
mereka maksudkan itu?
Namun penindasan ini telah menyedarkan sebahagian besar ummah termasuk di dunia Arab bahawa mereka sudah tersasar jauh daripada kehendak Islam termasuk dari segi pemerintahan sehingga dipandang penuh hina oleh Barat. Kebangkitan rakyat di dunia Arab tidak dapat disekat-sekat lagi, mereka mula menolak diktator pujaan Barat seperti Hosni Mubarak (Mesir) yang biasanya mendapat 99 peratus undi setiap kali pilihan raya. Maka jatuhlah satu demi satu rejim zalim di dunia Arab; dari Libya ke Yaman; hampir semua kerajaan ini jatuh melalui pergerakan rakyat di jalan raya.
Di Afrika Selatan, rejim aparteid bukanlah dijatuhkan melalui pilihan raya; demikian juga di dunia Arab; kerajaan-kerajaannya dijatuhkan selepas rakyat memenuhi jalan raya. Di Afrika Selatan, rejim aparteid digulingkan oleh kuasa rakyat di jalan raya dengan Mandela sebagai penggeraknya manakala di dunia Arab pemimpin diktator seperti Muammar Gaddafi, Mubarak, Abdullah Ali Saleh dan Zainal Abidin Ali; semuanya
digulingkan melalui pergerakan rakyat di jalan raya.
Selepas mereka tumbang barulah pilihan raya 'bersih' dapat diadakan. Jarang benar
pilihan raya dapat membersihkan dikator-diktator ini daripada kuasa kerana hampir pasti setiap kali pilihan raya mereka mencatat kejayaan cemerlang dan gemilang dengan menyapu 99 peratus undi!
Pilihan raya pelbagai kaum pertama 1994 Afrika Selatan adalah pengajaran penuh bermakna kepada dunia kerana ia penanda berakhirnya aparteid (tetapi ia bukan penyebab kerana rakyat terpaksa berarak di jalan raya sebelum itu), tetapi amat malang sekali 'aparteid bentuk baru' semakin menjadi-jadi termasuklah di pintu depan rumah kita terutama menjelang pilihan raya ini.
Bukalah mata seluas-luasnya dan saksikan 'pelbagai aparteid' dalam kehidupan, senarainya terlalu panjang, ya 'aparteid' dalam media, 'aparteid' dalam peruntukan
bantuan (royalti minyak) dan sebagainya.
Kata-kata 'hikmah' - 'I help you, you help me' (Saya tolong awak, awak tolong saya) itu pun sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa 'aparteid' masih membelenggu masyarakat kita!
Friday, March 23, 2012
'Longing for the law of The Most Powerful’
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
“SAYA harap orang melakukan perbuatan kejam terhadap anak saya mendapat balasan yang sama (I hoped the person who did this gruesome act to my daughter would be punished as what he/she had done),” said Roselyn Alan, 25, the mother of Nurul Nadirah Abdullah (Dirang), 5, who was murdered and burnt in Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru.
It was tragic news; it attracted the attention of the people and saddened the nation; some of the commentors asked if our country was safe or as a top leader put it – the
safest country in South East Asia?
Some of them mentioned cases of missing children such as Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, Nisa Chandramohan and Lee Xin Ru which have not been solved until today.
After reading several local dailies regarding the news item on Wednesday, 14th March, I would like to highlight what has been uttered by Roselyn as reported by Harian Metro (page 5, 14 Mac 2012) in its news with a title ‘Harap balasan sama’ (Hope for retribution).
Perhaps, without ‘this traumatized mother’ realizing it, she was speaking about ‘hudud’ and in my opinion it was a clear and positive indicator that human beings long for the law of The Most Powerful Allah SWT) when they feel helpless just like the call for help to Allah SWT when one is thrown into the open sea when his/her ship
But the sad part of it, when he/she is saved; his/her ‘clinging’ to Allah SWT vanishes and when he/she could stand on his/her own with ‘the world at his/her feet’, then Allah fades from his/her mind.
Well, Roselyn spoke up that she hoped the person who did the gruesome act to her daughter would be punished as what he/she had done. This is ‘qisas’ as contained in the Qur’an 5: 45 with the meaning: “We have prescribed for thee therein 'a life for a life, and an eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose, and a ear for a ear, and a tooth for a tooth,and for wounds retaliation;' but he whoso will not judge by what God
has revealed, these be the unjust."
Those who committed the crime should be punished accordingly to what they had done. If he kills, he must die.
The Islamic criminal laws comprises of 'hudud' (hodoud), 'qisas' (quisas) and 'ta'zir'. In this article the writer would like to focus on 'qisas'. Wikipedia defines 'qisas' as an Islamic term meaning retaliation, similar to the biblical principle of an eye for an eye.
In the case of murder, it means it is the right of their heirs of a murder victim to demand execution of the murderer.
A website http://www.pakistanlink.com/religion/97/re08-01-97.html states that 'qisas' literally means "'pursuing, seeking or to return like for like." From this it also acquired the meaning of "retribution, requital and punishment." The basic rules of qisas are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Allah SWT says, "O you who believe, retribution is prescribed for you in the cases of killing; if a freeman is guilty then the freeman; if a slave is guilty then the slave; if a female is guilty then the female. But if something of the murderer's guilt is remitted by his brother then this should be adhered to in fairness, and payment be made in a proper manner. This is alleviation and a mercy from your Lord; and for him who transgresses after that is a painful chastisement. People of understanding, there is life for you in retribution that you may guard yourselves against violating the Law." (al-Baqarah 2:178-179)
Qisas is primarily the right of the family of the victim. Allah says, "...whosoever is wrongfully slain, We have given power to his heir, but let him not commit excess in killing. Lo, he will be helped." (al-Isra' 17:33)
If a person is murdered, then according to the Shari'ah, it is the duty of the society and the state to purse the murderer and to bring him/her to justice. Once the murderer is found and it is proven beyond any doubt that the murderer is found and it is proven beyond any doubt that the murderer killed another person knowingly and offensively, as a premeditated murder, then he/she will be given capital punishment.
However, the nearest relatives or heirs of the victim have a right to make monetary compensation instead or to forgive the murderer. No one else has the right to forgive accept the nearest kith and kin of a person.
Since murder, according to the Shar'iah, is not only a crime against a family, but a crime against the society at large, the Muslims jurists have explained that even his the victim's family forgives the murderer, the Muslim judge is allowed to prescribe some punishment (other than the capital punishment) or imprisonment, if the judge sees that the offender needs that for his/her own correction or as a deterrence for others in society.
Thus, we can say that according to the Shari'ah, no one can forgive the murderer except the victim's family and nearest kith and kin. The state cannot forgive a murderer, but the state is allowed to punish the murderer if it is necessary to maintain the safely and security of the society, even if all the relatives of the victim are ready to forgive the murderer.
The Qur'an specifies the principle of qisas (ie, retaliation), but prescribes that one should seek compensation (diat) and not demand retribution.
What is actually diat? Wikipedia noted thet 'diyya' (plural: diyyat; Arabic) is a compensation paid to the heirs of a victim. In Arabic the word means both blood money and ransom. The Qur'an directs us to pay diat just according to this law both in case of intentional as well as unintentional murder. A variation of diat was present in pre-Islamic Arabia, where it was paid in terms of goods or animals rather than
Under Sharia law, diat should be paid in terms of cash to avoid possible fraud on the part of the criminal. In Islamic and Arab tradition, blood money is the fine paid by the killer or his family or clan to the family or the clan of the victim. It is unlawful for a believer to kill a believer except if it happens by accident. And he
who kills a believer accidentally must pay diat to the heirs of the victim except if they forgive him.
The tradition finds repeated endorsement in Islamic tradition; several instances are recorded in the hadith, which are the acts of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. According to the ustaz, the rate for diat is based on the number of camels that is the most priced belonging. The full rate is 100 camels.
Killing intentionally was subjected to qisas and diat. Diat is only applicable if agreed by kin. If not qisas would be honoured.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
“SAYA harap orang melakukan perbuatan kejam terhadap anak saya mendapat balasan yang sama (I hoped the person who did this gruesome act to my daughter would be punished as what he/she had done),” said Roselyn Alan, 25, the mother of Nurul Nadirah Abdullah (Dirang), 5, who was murdered and burnt in Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru.
It was tragic news; it attracted the attention of the people and saddened the nation; some of the commentors asked if our country was safe or as a top leader put it – the
safest country in South East Asia?
Some of them mentioned cases of missing children such as Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, Nisa Chandramohan and Lee Xin Ru which have not been solved until today.
After reading several local dailies regarding the news item on Wednesday, 14th March, I would like to highlight what has been uttered by Roselyn as reported by Harian Metro (page 5, 14 Mac 2012) in its news with a title ‘Harap balasan sama’ (Hope for retribution).
Perhaps, without ‘this traumatized mother’ realizing it, she was speaking about ‘hudud’ and in my opinion it was a clear and positive indicator that human beings long for the law of The Most Powerful Allah SWT) when they feel helpless just like the call for help to Allah SWT when one is thrown into the open sea when his/her ship
But the sad part of it, when he/she is saved; his/her ‘clinging’ to Allah SWT vanishes and when he/she could stand on his/her own with ‘the world at his/her feet’, then Allah fades from his/her mind.
Well, Roselyn spoke up that she hoped the person who did the gruesome act to her daughter would be punished as what he/she had done. This is ‘qisas’ as contained in the Qur’an 5: 45 with the meaning: “We have prescribed for thee therein 'a life for a life, and an eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose, and a ear for a ear, and a tooth for a tooth,and for wounds retaliation;' but he whoso will not judge by what God
has revealed, these be the unjust."
Those who committed the crime should be punished accordingly to what they had done. If he kills, he must die.
The Islamic criminal laws comprises of 'hudud' (hodoud), 'qisas' (quisas) and 'ta'zir'. In this article the writer would like to focus on 'qisas'. Wikipedia defines 'qisas' as an Islamic term meaning retaliation, similar to the biblical principle of an eye for an eye.
In the case of murder, it means it is the right of their heirs of a murder victim to demand execution of the murderer.
A website http://www.pakistanlink.com/religion/97/re08-01-97.html states that 'qisas' literally means "'pursuing, seeking or to return like for like." From this it also acquired the meaning of "retribution, requital and punishment." The basic rules of qisas are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Allah SWT says, "O you who believe, retribution is prescribed for you in the cases of killing; if a freeman is guilty then the freeman; if a slave is guilty then the slave; if a female is guilty then the female. But if something of the murderer's guilt is remitted by his brother then this should be adhered to in fairness, and payment be made in a proper manner. This is alleviation and a mercy from your Lord; and for him who transgresses after that is a painful chastisement. People of understanding, there is life for you in retribution that you may guard yourselves against violating the Law." (al-Baqarah 2:178-179)
Qisas is primarily the right of the family of the victim. Allah says, "...whosoever is wrongfully slain, We have given power to his heir, but let him not commit excess in killing. Lo, he will be helped." (al-Isra' 17:33)
If a person is murdered, then according to the Shari'ah, it is the duty of the society and the state to purse the murderer and to bring him/her to justice. Once the murderer is found and it is proven beyond any doubt that the murderer is found and it is proven beyond any doubt that the murderer killed another person knowingly and offensively, as a premeditated murder, then he/she will be given capital punishment.
However, the nearest relatives or heirs of the victim have a right to make monetary compensation instead or to forgive the murderer. No one else has the right to forgive accept the nearest kith and kin of a person.
Since murder, according to the Shar'iah, is not only a crime against a family, but a crime against the society at large, the Muslims jurists have explained that even his the victim's family forgives the murderer, the Muslim judge is allowed to prescribe some punishment (other than the capital punishment) or imprisonment, if the judge sees that the offender needs that for his/her own correction or as a deterrence for others in society.
Thus, we can say that according to the Shari'ah, no one can forgive the murderer except the victim's family and nearest kith and kin. The state cannot forgive a murderer, but the state is allowed to punish the murderer if it is necessary to maintain the safely and security of the society, even if all the relatives of the victim are ready to forgive the murderer.
The Qur'an specifies the principle of qisas (ie, retaliation), but prescribes that one should seek compensation (diat) and not demand retribution.
What is actually diat? Wikipedia noted thet 'diyya' (plural: diyyat; Arabic) is a compensation paid to the heirs of a victim. In Arabic the word means both blood money and ransom. The Qur'an directs us to pay diat just according to this law both in case of intentional as well as unintentional murder. A variation of diat was present in pre-Islamic Arabia, where it was paid in terms of goods or animals rather than
Under Sharia law, diat should be paid in terms of cash to avoid possible fraud on the part of the criminal. In Islamic and Arab tradition, blood money is the fine paid by the killer or his family or clan to the family or the clan of the victim. It is unlawful for a believer to kill a believer except if it happens by accident. And he
who kills a believer accidentally must pay diat to the heirs of the victim except if they forgive him.
The tradition finds repeated endorsement in Islamic tradition; several instances are recorded in the hadith, which are the acts of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. According to the ustaz, the rate for diat is based on the number of camels that is the most priced belonging. The full rate is 100 camels.
Killing intentionally was subjected to qisas and diat. Diat is only applicable if agreed by kin. If not qisas would be honoured.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Palestin, Afghanistan: Nyawa ummah bagaikan anak ayam
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Jangan Pilih Pemimpin Zalim
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, bermaksud: "Bahawasanya Allah Taala sesungguhnya marah Dia apabila dipuji oleh orang-orang yang fasik." (HR. Ibnu Abi Ad-Dunya)
Al-Hassan rahimahullahu Taala berkata: "Barang siapa yang mendoakan dia bagi orang yang fasik dengan berkekalan hidup, akan sesungguhnya telah kasih ia (cenderung) dikerjakan maksiat kepada Allah Taala. Bahawa orang yang zalim yang fasik itu sayogianya dicela dia supaya orang kurang gemarnya pada yang zalim dan fasik."
Oleh itu jangan sesekali anda mendoakan, memuji pemimpin yang zalim dan fasik atau cenderung hati anda menyokong pemimpin zalim. Anda akan mendapat dosa dan bertanggungjawab sama dengan apa-apa saja perbuatan pemimpin yang anda sokong atau pilih itu. Berwaspadalah. (Hidayah, Rabiulawal 1433, Februari 2012)
BERSYUKUR kita ke hadrat Ilahi kerana masih dilanjutkan usia dan dapatlah kita memuzakarahkan isu-isu yang membabitkan ummah.
Mutakhir ini, kita rasa terpukul dengan tindakan biadap rejim Zionis yang berterusan membedil wilayah Gaza walaupun dalam kempen ganas mereka tidak lama dulu mereka terpaksa berundur secara memalukan pada Januari 2009.
Sementara itu, di bumi Afghanistan pula yang diduduki ratusan ribu askar Barat dari Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah, seorang askar Amerika secara membabi-buta mengamuk, menembak mati sekurang-kurangnya 16 penduduk kampung manakala puluhan lagi cedera.
Seperti biasa tindakan ganas rejim Zionis dipandang sepi oleh masyarakat dunia manakala kejadian di Afghanistan dipandang sambil lalu termasuklah oleh umat dan negara umat Islam serta organisasi antarabangsa yang memayungi mereka – Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam
Kini rejim Israel melalui pasukan tentera udaranya yang dianggap antara tercanggih di dunia itu terus menerus melancarkan serangan ke atas beberapa lokasi penting yang disyaki menempatkan para pejuang Palestin. Puluhan rakyat Palestin terkorban akibat serangan pesawat-pesawat Israel ke beberapa wilayah di Gaza sejak 9 Mac 2012.
Dunia terus membisu; kejadian di Palestin dan Afghanistan menggambarkan betapa kerdil dan tidak berharganya nyawa orang Islam di mata masyarakat dunia. Mereka bagaikan anak ayam, sekali helang menyerang maka ada yang menjadi mangsa. Puluhan, ratusan, ribuan, ratusan ribu malah jutaan orang Islam mati tidak menjadi hal kepada dunia yang berkiblatkan Washington, London, Paris dan Moscow.
Jika nyawa umat Islam bagaikan anak ayam, kuasa Barat amat menyanjungi rakyat dan pemuji ideloginya; jika ada pihak yang mengganggu-gugat, mereka tidak teragak-agak mengirimkan armada perang dan buktinya adalah kemusnahanan negara Iraq dan Afghanistan.
Di negara-negara ini, ratusan ribu umat Islam terkorban, bagi Barat nyawa mereka tidak berharga sama sekali. Bahkan binatang seperti anjing, kuda dan lembu adalah lebih berharga daripada nyawa orang Islam.
Selain kezaliman di Palestin dan Afghanistan, muktakhir ini semakin ramai orang Islam menjadi korban keganasan di rantau di mana mereka adalah golongan minoriti seperti di Xinjiang (China), Kashmir (India), Pattani (Thailand), Mindanao (Filipina), Arakan (Myanmar-Burma). Namun seperti keganasan ke atas umat Islam di tempat-tempat lain, tiada banyak pihak sudi mendengar rintihan apatah lagi mengorak langkah membantu mereka.
Bagi menghadapi keganasan Israel, kita memuji pemimpin Hamas merangkap Perdana Menteri Palestin, Ismail Haniyyah yang bersemangat mengatakan rakyat Palestin tidak akan berpecah tetapi akan terus berjuang ke titisan darah terakhir menentang rejim Zionis yang disokong kuat kuasa-kuasa Barat.
Ya, Barat akan terus memuka-muka dalam menghadapi kebangkitan di negara-negara umat Islam. Mereka menghulurkan tali persahabatan atau mengutus khabar untuk membantu tetapi kebanyakannya adalah palsu; oleh itu umat Islam mesti mengukuhkan kesatuan mereka dengan kembali sepenuhnya kepada ajaran Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Hanya dengan kembali kepada Islam sepenuhnya dapat menyelamatkan maruah ummah yang telah dirobek-robek kuasa-kuasa Barat sejak berakhirnya Khilafah Uthmaniyah pada 1924.
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Jangan Pilih Pemimpin Zalim
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, bermaksud: "Bahawasanya Allah Taala sesungguhnya marah Dia apabila dipuji oleh orang-orang yang fasik." (HR. Ibnu Abi Ad-Dunya)
Al-Hassan rahimahullahu Taala berkata: "Barang siapa yang mendoakan dia bagi orang yang fasik dengan berkekalan hidup, akan sesungguhnya telah kasih ia (cenderung) dikerjakan maksiat kepada Allah Taala. Bahawa orang yang zalim yang fasik itu sayogianya dicela dia supaya orang kurang gemarnya pada yang zalim dan fasik."
Oleh itu jangan sesekali anda mendoakan, memuji pemimpin yang zalim dan fasik atau cenderung hati anda menyokong pemimpin zalim. Anda akan mendapat dosa dan bertanggungjawab sama dengan apa-apa saja perbuatan pemimpin yang anda sokong atau pilih itu. Berwaspadalah. (Hidayah, Rabiulawal 1433, Februari 2012)
BERSYUKUR kita ke hadrat Ilahi kerana masih dilanjutkan usia dan dapatlah kita memuzakarahkan isu-isu yang membabitkan ummah.
Mutakhir ini, kita rasa terpukul dengan tindakan biadap rejim Zionis yang berterusan membedil wilayah Gaza walaupun dalam kempen ganas mereka tidak lama dulu mereka terpaksa berundur secara memalukan pada Januari 2009.
Sementara itu, di bumi Afghanistan pula yang diduduki ratusan ribu askar Barat dari Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah, seorang askar Amerika secara membabi-buta mengamuk, menembak mati sekurang-kurangnya 16 penduduk kampung manakala puluhan lagi cedera.
Seperti biasa tindakan ganas rejim Zionis dipandang sepi oleh masyarakat dunia manakala kejadian di Afghanistan dipandang sambil lalu termasuklah oleh umat dan negara umat Islam serta organisasi antarabangsa yang memayungi mereka – Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam
Kini rejim Israel melalui pasukan tentera udaranya yang dianggap antara tercanggih di dunia itu terus menerus melancarkan serangan ke atas beberapa lokasi penting yang disyaki menempatkan para pejuang Palestin. Puluhan rakyat Palestin terkorban akibat serangan pesawat-pesawat Israel ke beberapa wilayah di Gaza sejak 9 Mac 2012.
Dunia terus membisu; kejadian di Palestin dan Afghanistan menggambarkan betapa kerdil dan tidak berharganya nyawa orang Islam di mata masyarakat dunia. Mereka bagaikan anak ayam, sekali helang menyerang maka ada yang menjadi mangsa. Puluhan, ratusan, ribuan, ratusan ribu malah jutaan orang Islam mati tidak menjadi hal kepada dunia yang berkiblatkan Washington, London, Paris dan Moscow.
Jika nyawa umat Islam bagaikan anak ayam, kuasa Barat amat menyanjungi rakyat dan pemuji ideloginya; jika ada pihak yang mengganggu-gugat, mereka tidak teragak-agak mengirimkan armada perang dan buktinya adalah kemusnahanan negara Iraq dan Afghanistan.
Di negara-negara ini, ratusan ribu umat Islam terkorban, bagi Barat nyawa mereka tidak berharga sama sekali. Bahkan binatang seperti anjing, kuda dan lembu adalah lebih berharga daripada nyawa orang Islam.
Selain kezaliman di Palestin dan Afghanistan, muktakhir ini semakin ramai orang Islam menjadi korban keganasan di rantau di mana mereka adalah golongan minoriti seperti di Xinjiang (China), Kashmir (India), Pattani (Thailand), Mindanao (Filipina), Arakan (Myanmar-Burma). Namun seperti keganasan ke atas umat Islam di tempat-tempat lain, tiada banyak pihak sudi mendengar rintihan apatah lagi mengorak langkah membantu mereka.
Bagi menghadapi keganasan Israel, kita memuji pemimpin Hamas merangkap Perdana Menteri Palestin, Ismail Haniyyah yang bersemangat mengatakan rakyat Palestin tidak akan berpecah tetapi akan terus berjuang ke titisan darah terakhir menentang rejim Zionis yang disokong kuat kuasa-kuasa Barat.
Ya, Barat akan terus memuka-muka dalam menghadapi kebangkitan di negara-negara umat Islam. Mereka menghulurkan tali persahabatan atau mengutus khabar untuk membantu tetapi kebanyakannya adalah palsu; oleh itu umat Islam mesti mengukuhkan kesatuan mereka dengan kembali sepenuhnya kepada ajaran Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Hanya dengan kembali kepada Islam sepenuhnya dapat menyelamatkan maruah ummah yang telah dirobek-robek kuasa-kuasa Barat sejak berakhirnya Khilafah Uthmaniyah pada 1924.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Antara imam perangai buruk dengan imam baling selipar…
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Wafatkanlah aku dan keadaan Islam dan gabungkanlah aku dengan orang-orang saleh." (Maksud Ayat 101 Surah Yusuf)
SEMASA remaja dulu, sekali-sekala saya memegang batang cangkul dan sabit, menolong ‘orang tua’ berkebun. Saya membantu menanam pokok tebu, serai dan tanam-tanaman kampung lain. Ketika itu tidaklah terasa sakit badan selepas bekerja kerana tenaga masih banyak dan badan ‘fit’.
Tetapi sekarang, pada usia 50-an, apabila saya berkebun semula selepas memiliki sebidang tanah ‘sekangkang kera’, tidaklah dapat saya gambarkan kesakitan badan termasuk lenguh-lenguh anggota, sendi dan tulang selepas ‘aktiviti’ menebas atau mencangkul.
Penat sungguh berkebun atau menjadi petani ini, keluh saya. Patutlah tak ramai anak-anak muda kita nak jadi petani. Selain penat menebas, mencangkul dan menyemai, benih yang ditanam dirasa lambat pula membesar dan membuahkan hasil. Jika tanaman menjadi, kena fikir pula cara memasarkannya. Jika tidak tahu, hasil tanaman akan berlonggok
atau membusuk di kebun.
Sebaliknya, jika kerja bergaji, hujung bulan insya-Allah akan dapat habuannya. Pendeknya, tidak perlu fikir apa-apa, duit sudah di’bank in’. Selesai sudah masalah perbelanjaan anak yang bersekolah, belanja dapur dan sebagainya.
Tetapi bertani banyak masalah yang memerlukan kesabaran tinggi. Penghasilannya bukan boleh ditetapkan pada setiap hujung bulan. Kalau tak berduit pada hujung bulan bagaimana mahu menyediakan belanja rumah tangga, anak-anak dan membayar bil. Tentulah pening kepala memikirkannya.
Penat menebas, saya pun beredar ke bawah sepohon rambutan yang merimbun. Peluh membasahi seluruh anggota badan termasuk di muka. Cuaca jam 10.00 pagi itu sungguh panas. Di bawah pokok rambutan keadaan redup. Saya pun mula merehatkan diri. Botol air dicapai. Pada masa yang sama tangan sebelah lagi mencapai sebuah akhbar tabloid
Tersentak saya membaca tajuk besar muka depannya – Imam perangai buruk dipenjara setahun. Apa yang menyebabkan imam ini dicop sebegitu sehingga ditulis berperangai buruk? Saya membaca lagi, ooo, rupa-rupanya Iman Hoslan Hussin didapati hina mahkamah kerana baling selipar ke arah hakim selepas kalah kes in Mahkamah Persekutuan. Puas
saya memikirkan tajuk akhbar ini. Ya, ada yang tidak kena.
Teringat saya akan kelas kewartawanan asas yang saya hadiri di universiti puluhan tahun lalu. Ternyiang-nyiang di telinga saya pesanan seorang pensyarah; “kamu ‘reporter’ (pemberita) ini macam posmen, tugas posmen hanya hantar surat, dia tidak terbabit malah tidak tahu langsung apa yang terkandung dalam surat itu. Sebagai
pemberita, kamu melaporkan saja sesuatu kejadian atau peristiwa itu, jangan pandai-pandai membuat andaian dan ulasan.”
Ya, tajuk akhbar itu telah menyentak jiwa saja. Imam perangai buruk dipenjara setahun. Faktanya adalah ‘Iman baling selipar dipenjara setahun’. Berbeza sungguh antara ‘imam perangai buruk’ dengan ‘imam baling selipar’? Mendakwa imam perangai buruk adalah satu bentuk ‘labeling’ atau membuat 'judgment' yang dipercapai mempunyai tujuan dan motif tertentu.
Alangkah dahsyatnya jika dunia kewartawanan yang murni itu cuba dikelabui dengan unsur-unsur dendam kesumat bertujuan menghukum atau memburuk-burukkan pihak-pihak tertentu.
Membaling selipar tidak semestinya berperangai buruk. Ambil contoh makan. Kalau seorang itu kebuluran, sudah tiga hari tidak makan, tentunya dia akan makan dengan lahapnya apabila diberi makanan. Apakah boleh kita melabelkan orang yang makan cara ini ini sebagai seorang yang buruk makan? Tentunya tidak kerana dalam keadaan ‘luar biasa’ seseorang itu tidak akan ingat akan diri apalagi perbuatannya. Seseorang yang terlalu lapar dengan tiada makanan halal, daging binatang haram pun boleh dimakannya.
Demikianlah orang yang tertekan dengan tiada tempat untuk dia menyalurkan perasaannya akan bertindak bukan-bukan. Orang Melayu terkenal dengan sikap ‘amuk’nya malah perkataan ini digunakan dalam banyak bahasa dunia termasuk Inggeris. Jika ada orang Melayu mengamuk (ran amok, perkataan bahasa Inggeris), kita bersyukurlah Iman Hoslan
tidak ‘ran amok’ di mahkmah, dia hanya membaling selipar. Mungkinkah dia tiada ‘avenue’ (kesempatan dan peluang) untuk meluahkan perasaannya?
Imam itu didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah tetapi bagi saya, tindakan akhbar menggunakan tajuk ‘Imam perangai buruk dipenjara setahun’ (sepatutnya Imam baling selipar dipenjara setahun) adalah keterlaluan dan tersasar daripada prinsip asas kewartawanan. Apakah kita orang media tidak bersedia meminta maaf kepada keluarga Imam Hoslan sama seperti yang kerap dilakukan PM kita sekarang ini?
Tidakkah kita rasa berdosa menyatakan imam itu berperangai buruk, hakikatnya dia membaling selipar? Jadi, tidak wajar wartawan membuat rumusan dia berperangai buruk. Mana boleh wartawan membuat rumusan dalam sesuatu laporan. Apakata para wartawan dan editor termasuk diri saya sendiri sedia kembali berkurusus di sekolah kewartawanan bagi muhasabah diri bahawa kita sudah jauh terpesong daripada dunia kewartawanan sebenar!
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Wafatkanlah aku dan keadaan Islam dan gabungkanlah aku dengan orang-orang saleh." (Maksud Ayat 101 Surah Yusuf)
SEMASA remaja dulu, sekali-sekala saya memegang batang cangkul dan sabit, menolong ‘orang tua’ berkebun. Saya membantu menanam pokok tebu, serai dan tanam-tanaman kampung lain. Ketika itu tidaklah terasa sakit badan selepas bekerja kerana tenaga masih banyak dan badan ‘fit’.
Tetapi sekarang, pada usia 50-an, apabila saya berkebun semula selepas memiliki sebidang tanah ‘sekangkang kera’, tidaklah dapat saya gambarkan kesakitan badan termasuk lenguh-lenguh anggota, sendi dan tulang selepas ‘aktiviti’ menebas atau mencangkul.
Penat sungguh berkebun atau menjadi petani ini, keluh saya. Patutlah tak ramai anak-anak muda kita nak jadi petani. Selain penat menebas, mencangkul dan menyemai, benih yang ditanam dirasa lambat pula membesar dan membuahkan hasil. Jika tanaman menjadi, kena fikir pula cara memasarkannya. Jika tidak tahu, hasil tanaman akan berlonggok
atau membusuk di kebun.
Sebaliknya, jika kerja bergaji, hujung bulan insya-Allah akan dapat habuannya. Pendeknya, tidak perlu fikir apa-apa, duit sudah di’bank in’. Selesai sudah masalah perbelanjaan anak yang bersekolah, belanja dapur dan sebagainya.
Tetapi bertani banyak masalah yang memerlukan kesabaran tinggi. Penghasilannya bukan boleh ditetapkan pada setiap hujung bulan. Kalau tak berduit pada hujung bulan bagaimana mahu menyediakan belanja rumah tangga, anak-anak dan membayar bil. Tentulah pening kepala memikirkannya.
Penat menebas, saya pun beredar ke bawah sepohon rambutan yang merimbun. Peluh membasahi seluruh anggota badan termasuk di muka. Cuaca jam 10.00 pagi itu sungguh panas. Di bawah pokok rambutan keadaan redup. Saya pun mula merehatkan diri. Botol air dicapai. Pada masa yang sama tangan sebelah lagi mencapai sebuah akhbar tabloid
Tersentak saya membaca tajuk besar muka depannya – Imam perangai buruk dipenjara setahun. Apa yang menyebabkan imam ini dicop sebegitu sehingga ditulis berperangai buruk? Saya membaca lagi, ooo, rupa-rupanya Iman Hoslan Hussin didapati hina mahkamah kerana baling selipar ke arah hakim selepas kalah kes in Mahkamah Persekutuan. Puas
saya memikirkan tajuk akhbar ini. Ya, ada yang tidak kena.
Teringat saya akan kelas kewartawanan asas yang saya hadiri di universiti puluhan tahun lalu. Ternyiang-nyiang di telinga saya pesanan seorang pensyarah; “kamu ‘reporter’ (pemberita) ini macam posmen, tugas posmen hanya hantar surat, dia tidak terbabit malah tidak tahu langsung apa yang terkandung dalam surat itu. Sebagai
pemberita, kamu melaporkan saja sesuatu kejadian atau peristiwa itu, jangan pandai-pandai membuat andaian dan ulasan.”
Ya, tajuk akhbar itu telah menyentak jiwa saja. Imam perangai buruk dipenjara setahun. Faktanya adalah ‘Iman baling selipar dipenjara setahun’. Berbeza sungguh antara ‘imam perangai buruk’ dengan ‘imam baling selipar’? Mendakwa imam perangai buruk adalah satu bentuk ‘labeling’ atau membuat 'judgment' yang dipercapai mempunyai tujuan dan motif tertentu.
Alangkah dahsyatnya jika dunia kewartawanan yang murni itu cuba dikelabui dengan unsur-unsur dendam kesumat bertujuan menghukum atau memburuk-burukkan pihak-pihak tertentu.
Membaling selipar tidak semestinya berperangai buruk. Ambil contoh makan. Kalau seorang itu kebuluran, sudah tiga hari tidak makan, tentunya dia akan makan dengan lahapnya apabila diberi makanan. Apakah boleh kita melabelkan orang yang makan cara ini ini sebagai seorang yang buruk makan? Tentunya tidak kerana dalam keadaan ‘luar biasa’ seseorang itu tidak akan ingat akan diri apalagi perbuatannya. Seseorang yang terlalu lapar dengan tiada makanan halal, daging binatang haram pun boleh dimakannya.
Demikianlah orang yang tertekan dengan tiada tempat untuk dia menyalurkan perasaannya akan bertindak bukan-bukan. Orang Melayu terkenal dengan sikap ‘amuk’nya malah perkataan ini digunakan dalam banyak bahasa dunia termasuk Inggeris. Jika ada orang Melayu mengamuk (ran amok, perkataan bahasa Inggeris), kita bersyukurlah Iman Hoslan
tidak ‘ran amok’ di mahkmah, dia hanya membaling selipar. Mungkinkah dia tiada ‘avenue’ (kesempatan dan peluang) untuk meluahkan perasaannya?
Imam itu didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah tetapi bagi saya, tindakan akhbar menggunakan tajuk ‘Imam perangai buruk dipenjara setahun’ (sepatutnya Imam baling selipar dipenjara setahun) adalah keterlaluan dan tersasar daripada prinsip asas kewartawanan. Apakah kita orang media tidak bersedia meminta maaf kepada keluarga Imam Hoslan sama seperti yang kerap dilakukan PM kita sekarang ini?
Tidakkah kita rasa berdosa menyatakan imam itu berperangai buruk, hakikatnya dia membaling selipar? Jadi, tidak wajar wartawan membuat rumusan dia berperangai buruk. Mana boleh wartawan membuat rumusan dalam sesuatu laporan. Apakata para wartawan dan editor termasuk diri saya sendiri sedia kembali berkurusus di sekolah kewartawanan bagi muhasabah diri bahawa kita sudah jauh terpesong daripada dunia kewartawanan sebenar!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Searching for the truth…
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
Praise be to God, the Sustainer of all the Worlds,
The Merciful, the Compassionate.
Lord of the Day of Judgement
Thee alone do we worship and Thee
Do we ask for help.
Guide us on the Straight Path.
The path of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy Grace
Not of those upon whom is Thy Wrath,
Nor those who have gone astray.
Ameen. (O God! do grant us our request) - Al-Fatihah (The Opening)
AFTER reading my copy of Harakah, I put it aside on the front passenger seat of my car and headed for a tyre workshop in Simpang Empat, Semabok. At the shop, as I alighted from the car, a MPV came next to my vehicle.
The driver who was a middle-aged Chinese; after talking to the shop ‘towkay’ and greeted me, surprising asked if could lend him the copy of Harakah that was lying on the car seat. Wow, his eyes were sharp; how could he have notice the PAS newspaper.
“Of course,” I said, and he kept on mumbling: “In Melaka it is difficult to get a copy of Harakah. I like reading Harakah and Suara Keadilan; could you tell me the nearest place where I could get my copies?”
I told him of a place, he nodded and for the next few minutes I did not want to disturb him as I saw he was too absorbed flipping over the pages of the Harakah. He read on until his vehicle was ready. Before he left, he thanked me and returned my Harakah.
The Chinese Malaysian was one of several non Muslims non Malays I know who are interested to know the latest development in the country’s politics but not from the very biased of the so-called main stream media. They are sick of those one sided media and seek alternatives; unfortunately parties newsletters (or newspapers) – Harakah, Suara Keadilan and Rocket (Roket) are bared from being sold at open premises such as ‘mamak stalls’.
Only ‘regular customers’ knew where to get their copies of alternative papers; and in this case, I pity hopeful readers such as the Chinese whom I met at the tyre workshop. Yes, why deny those who were searching for the truth?
Concerned citizens including Chinese and Indians are now hungry for the latest information on the politicial situation in the country after the so-called main stream media had their knees on the ground, kowtowing to their BN political masters.
More than 50 years after independence the leaders of Umno and the media they control have their hands full in accusing and belittling the Opposition; and the saddest part of it they conceal information by making it hard for the people to have access of alternative media.
In Melaka Sentral, a Chinese newsvendor told me alternative papers were barred; officers from an agency of the state government confiscated copies of the newspapers and gave warning to those concerned who rented and run the stalls that their premises would be sealed if they defied their orders.
But those undemocratic actions to deny the public from knowing the truth was not going to work because the alternative front ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ is fast gaining support in the whole country including Melaka which has 28 state constituencies. Even Zentrum Chairman, Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah from University Malaya predicts the state would fall into Pakatan Rakyat hands in the coming 13th general election.
During my daily bus journey to work from Melaka to Kuala Lumpur and back, I befriended some non-Muslim non-Malay routine commuters; and all of them seem to be against the Umno-BN state and federal government which were accussed of insentitively to the rakyat's needs such as failing to control the price of necessities but kept on boasting that they were with the man in the streets by giving them ‘special goodies’ such as the RM500 ‘Bantuan Rakyat 1-Malaysia’ (BR1M), RM100 to each school-going child and monetary assistance to former army and police personel.
They questioned on why a very generous amount of money was disbursed when the country is going for a general election in a very short time. Is it not vote buying because the country's top leader had this famous quotation recorded – “I help you, you help me!”
Now that the BN, especially MIC and MCA are slowly but surely eroding from the hearts of the Chinese and Indians, those at helm in thede two parties are quick in blaming and finding faults in others such as PAS. For example MCA President, Chua Soi Lek on many occasions had warned the non Malays about PAS ‘hudud’ initiatives.
My Chetty friend, Subra (not his real name) praised Mat Sabu (PAS Deputy President, Mohamad Sabu) for highlighted the issue of Mat Indera saying: “Only after Mat Sabu mentioned about Mat Indera, the Umno-BN gave attention to the plight of those veteran former army and police personnel and their families. Now they are going to get some form of assistance, so why not thanked Mat Sabu for opening the eyes of those in power?”
Another friend, Bala (also not his real name) who holds a top position in a government agency was more vocal. He accused the Umno-BN led federal and state leaders for playing ‘wayang kulit’ (shadow play) such as making various initiatives to help the Indians during this period of election fever.
For for the Indian community, he asked why only at this time the BN government gave them many goodies such as granting a total of 4,023 citizenship to individuals from this community and giving Indians allocations up to RM100 milion this year for building and upgrading Tamil schools.
“The question is why only now the government paying attention to the Indian community; to me they are fishing for votes even their top leaders deny it,” he said.
“Even the Prime Minister has shown his concern such as making his presence felt in temples including the Batu Caves during Thaipusam.”
Bala claimed that Umno-BN leaders were trying hard to woo Indian votes after recovering from the great bashing they received in the March 2008 general elections after they mistreated Indians fighting for their rights through Hindu Rights Action Front (Hindraf).
The 2010 census showed there were 1.9 million Indians, making up 7.3 percent of the country 28 million populations. Indians constitue a significant part of the electorate in 63 of the 168 parliamentary in Peninsular Malaysia and their votes, while a minority; is a crucial factor in many state and parliamentary constituencies in the West Coast, as shown in the by-elections after 2008.
Some Indians have been sidelined because they don’t like the idea of submitting to leaders who only care for themselves and their cronies but were good at giving ‘goodies’ at eve of elections. They are searching for the truth so that is what the power of truth is all about.
To the Chinese and Indians, they are about to say bye-bye to both MCA and MIC and BN who actually don’t care about the ordinary people’s life (they only show effection during election time), and welcome to the new Malaysia that hold hopes to all Malaysians as promised by Pakatan Rakyat.
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
Praise be to God, the Sustainer of all the Worlds,
The Merciful, the Compassionate.
Lord of the Day of Judgement
Thee alone do we worship and Thee
Do we ask for help.
Guide us on the Straight Path.
The path of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy Grace
Not of those upon whom is Thy Wrath,
Nor those who have gone astray.
Ameen. (O God! do grant us our request) - Al-Fatihah (The Opening)
AFTER reading my copy of Harakah, I put it aside on the front passenger seat of my car and headed for a tyre workshop in Simpang Empat, Semabok. At the shop, as I alighted from the car, a MPV came next to my vehicle.
The driver who was a middle-aged Chinese; after talking to the shop ‘towkay’ and greeted me, surprising asked if could lend him the copy of Harakah that was lying on the car seat. Wow, his eyes were sharp; how could he have notice the PAS newspaper.
“Of course,” I said, and he kept on mumbling: “In Melaka it is difficult to get a copy of Harakah. I like reading Harakah and Suara Keadilan; could you tell me the nearest place where I could get my copies?”
I told him of a place, he nodded and for the next few minutes I did not want to disturb him as I saw he was too absorbed flipping over the pages of the Harakah. He read on until his vehicle was ready. Before he left, he thanked me and returned my Harakah.
The Chinese Malaysian was one of several non Muslims non Malays I know who are interested to know the latest development in the country’s politics but not from the very biased of the so-called main stream media. They are sick of those one sided media and seek alternatives; unfortunately parties newsletters (or newspapers) – Harakah, Suara Keadilan and Rocket (Roket) are bared from being sold at open premises such as ‘mamak stalls’.
Only ‘regular customers’ knew where to get their copies of alternative papers; and in this case, I pity hopeful readers such as the Chinese whom I met at the tyre workshop. Yes, why deny those who were searching for the truth?
Concerned citizens including Chinese and Indians are now hungry for the latest information on the politicial situation in the country after the so-called main stream media had their knees on the ground, kowtowing to their BN political masters.
More than 50 years after independence the leaders of Umno and the media they control have their hands full in accusing and belittling the Opposition; and the saddest part of it they conceal information by making it hard for the people to have access of alternative media.
In Melaka Sentral, a Chinese newsvendor told me alternative papers were barred; officers from an agency of the state government confiscated copies of the newspapers and gave warning to those concerned who rented and run the stalls that their premises would be sealed if they defied their orders.
But those undemocratic actions to deny the public from knowing the truth was not going to work because the alternative front ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ is fast gaining support in the whole country including Melaka which has 28 state constituencies. Even Zentrum Chairman, Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah from University Malaya predicts the state would fall into Pakatan Rakyat hands in the coming 13th general election.
During my daily bus journey to work from Melaka to Kuala Lumpur and back, I befriended some non-Muslim non-Malay routine commuters; and all of them seem to be against the Umno-BN state and federal government which were accussed of insentitively to the rakyat's needs such as failing to control the price of necessities but kept on boasting that they were with the man in the streets by giving them ‘special goodies’ such as the RM500 ‘Bantuan Rakyat 1-Malaysia’ (BR1M), RM100 to each school-going child and monetary assistance to former army and police personel.
They questioned on why a very generous amount of money was disbursed when the country is going for a general election in a very short time. Is it not vote buying because the country's top leader had this famous quotation recorded – “I help you, you help me!”
Now that the BN, especially MIC and MCA are slowly but surely eroding from the hearts of the Chinese and Indians, those at helm in thede two parties are quick in blaming and finding faults in others such as PAS. For example MCA President, Chua Soi Lek on many occasions had warned the non Malays about PAS ‘hudud’ initiatives.
My Chetty friend, Subra (not his real name) praised Mat Sabu (PAS Deputy President, Mohamad Sabu) for highlighted the issue of Mat Indera saying: “Only after Mat Sabu mentioned about Mat Indera, the Umno-BN gave attention to the plight of those veteran former army and police personnel and their families. Now they are going to get some form of assistance, so why not thanked Mat Sabu for opening the eyes of those in power?”
Another friend, Bala (also not his real name) who holds a top position in a government agency was more vocal. He accused the Umno-BN led federal and state leaders for playing ‘wayang kulit’ (shadow play) such as making various initiatives to help the Indians during this period of election fever.
For for the Indian community, he asked why only at this time the BN government gave them many goodies such as granting a total of 4,023 citizenship to individuals from this community and giving Indians allocations up to RM100 milion this year for building and upgrading Tamil schools.
“The question is why only now the government paying attention to the Indian community; to me they are fishing for votes even their top leaders deny it,” he said.
“Even the Prime Minister has shown his concern such as making his presence felt in temples including the Batu Caves during Thaipusam.”
Bala claimed that Umno-BN leaders were trying hard to woo Indian votes after recovering from the great bashing they received in the March 2008 general elections after they mistreated Indians fighting for their rights through Hindu Rights Action Front (Hindraf).
The 2010 census showed there were 1.9 million Indians, making up 7.3 percent of the country 28 million populations. Indians constitue a significant part of the electorate in 63 of the 168 parliamentary in Peninsular Malaysia and their votes, while a minority; is a crucial factor in many state and parliamentary constituencies in the West Coast, as shown in the by-elections after 2008.
Some Indians have been sidelined because they don’t like the idea of submitting to leaders who only care for themselves and their cronies but were good at giving ‘goodies’ at eve of elections. They are searching for the truth so that is what the power of truth is all about.
To the Chinese and Indians, they are about to say bye-bye to both MCA and MIC and BN who actually don’t care about the ordinary people’s life (they only show effection during election time), and welcome to the new Malaysia that hold hopes to all Malaysians as promised by Pakatan Rakyat.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Di kaki lima badan tercampak…
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"...Sesungguhnya masjid yang didirikan atas dasar takwa (Masjid Quba'), sejak hari pertama adalah lebih patut kamu solat di dalamnya. Di dalam masjid itu ada orag-orang yang ingin membersihkan diri. Dan sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bersih." (Maksud Ayat 108 Surah At-Taubah)
PERSOALAN remaja begitu merungsingkan. Sebagai bapa lima anak remaja saya juga diselubungi kerisauan memanjang. Teringat saya daripada sebuah buku yang telah saya baca, Sayidina Ali karamah wahja antara lain berkata didiklah anak-anakmu mengikut zaman mereka.
Ya, zaman sekarang era IT, tak sama masa saya di IPT dulu. Ketika itu antara harta paling bernilai adalah mesin taip buruk. Kini kelengkapan IT anak-anak sangat canggih. Mereka terdedah kepada segala kemungkinan. Itulah yang saya bimbangkan.
Sebahagian ibu bapa tersepit antara memberi kebebasan (peluang) kepada anak-anak remaja ini atau menyekat mereka daripada akses gajet moden ini. Misalnya, kemudahan internet, nak menyekat mereka daripada mempunyai aksesnya tentu merugikan mereka sendiri tetapi membenarkannya kita tidak tahu apa yang anak kita lakukan. Yalah depan kita, segala-galanya nampak okay, tetapi belakang kita terutama ketika bersama kawan-kawan mereka, siapa tahu. Mana kita ada masa nak kontrol mereka 24 jam sehari.
Kalau mak bapak mendidik sendiri anak-anak boleh tahan; tetapi berdasarkan apa yang saya lihat di persekitaran kehidupan saya, anak-anak yang diserahkan kepada datuk nenek, sebahagian besar daripada mereka gagal dalam kehidupan. Ada seorang pemuda saya lihat hidupnya tidak keruan sejak datuk dan neneknya meninggal dunia; itulah mungkin dulu dia terlalu dimanjakan menyebabkan dia tidak tahu hidup berdikari. Dia kini menjadi orang gelandangan, tidur di kaki lima dengan pakaian tak ditukar berhari-hari lamanya.
Ada seorang pemuda pula sudah jadi kaki dadah. Kerja sehari dua untuk mendapat seringgit dua selepas itu hanyut berminggu-minggu dalam dunia dadah bersama-sama kawan-kawannya. Mereka menjadikan sebuah pondok kosong sebagai syurga dunia.
Demikianlah betapa ramai anak-anak muda hanyut; selain dua contoh yang dinyatakan ini, di manakah remaja lain lain berada? Jika anda ke masjid sama ada untuk solat waktu berjemaah atau mengikuti kelas pengajian antara maghrib dan isyak, adakah ada anak muda menyertainya? Jawapannya tidak, jadi ke mana agaknya mereka pergi?
Ramai muda-mudi kita (sebenarnya bukan muda-mudi saja tetapi seluruh umat Islam) sudah tersasar, jadi apakah jalan penyelesaiannya? Seorang pembaca yang mengulas artikel saya sebelum ini yang bertajuk ‘Islam akan kembali tadbir dunia’, menyatakan: “Benar lagi tepat; Islam sahaja tamadun penyelamat dunia. Mana tidaknya? Bayangkan, ketika peperangan melawan musuh sekalipun, prinsip perang itu sendiri jelas; bunuhlah mereka yang menentang sahaja, tawanan perang hanya diminta menebus diri, syiar agama pihak musuh seperti gereja dan kuil haram diceroboh, apatah lagi diruntuhkan, dan setelah berkuasa, mestilah berdamai, bukan menjajah walaupun dengan tertegaknya pentadbiran Islam.
“Mungkin masih banyak lagi yang saya jahil tentangnya, namun, rasanya dengan itu sahaja pun memadai untuk mengisyaratkan Islam adalah tamadun perdamaian dan kesejahteraan untuk semua, sesuai sekali dengan perutusan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sebagai rahmat kepada sekalian alam. Begitulah juga dengan segala hukum-hakam serta peradaban yang digariskan Islam, daripada sekecil-kecil dan remeh perkara seperti ke tandas, tidur dan bangun tidur, sehinggalah ke urusan hubungan insani sejagat dan antara hanba dengan Allah SWT, pasti berkesan menyelamatkan masyarakat daripada kehancuran kiranya dihayati seluruhnya, sesuai dengan firman-Nya yang meminta agar kita menjadi Muslim yang mukmin secara total.
“Namun begitu, persoalannya, dengan pelaksanaan Islam oleh pentadbir ‘sekular’ yang Islam keturunanlah, kesucian Islam telah dinodai. Ia diburukkan lagi dengan kedapatan segelintir mereka yang diiktiraf sebagai ‘ulama’" yang turut rakus terhadap keduniaan sebagaimana para pendita Yahudi dan Nasrani. Mana tidaknya, ada ustazah dan ustaz pandai memfitnah orang termasuk melalui tulisan.
“Gejala keruntuhan akhlak remaja sering dikaitkan dengan kecuaian ibu bapa secara langsung. Nah, bukankah mereka yang dalam kepimpinan itu adalah ibu dan bapa kepada anak-anak mereka? Sekali gus, bukankah mereka juga merupakan ibu dan bapa kepada rakyat yang dipimpin? Bukankah dengan penajaan program dan aktiviti hiburan melampau dan pentafsiran agama menurut pemikiran dangkal menyebabkan akidah masyarakat runtuh, kesucian wanita dan gadis ternoda, bangsa jadi leka dan alpa terhadap ilmu, dan bermacam-macam kejahilan dan keruntuhan moral berlaku?
“Dengan itu, mari kita bersama kembalikan kegemilangan tamadun Islam dahulu untuk kini dan selamanya. Semoga usaha kita nan sedikit lagi tak seberapa ini dihitung antara kaedah jihad serta bukti pengabdian kita kepada-Nya sahaja."
Ya, benar apa yang ditulis pembaca ini. Pemimpin mempunyai saham dalam mencorak anak muda kita. Teringat penulis betapa ada pemimpin sanggup turun ke gelanggang konsert Jom Heboh sekalipun berlaku hujan dengan kilat dan guruh berdentam-dentum dan langkah beliau dikuti ribuan anak-anak muda. Muda-mudi ke konsert hiburan rupanya, sebab itu mereka tiada di masjid.
Apabila guru (pemimpin) kencing berdiri, anak murid kencing berlari, itulah sebabnya pada malam itu ramai anak muda bergelimpangan di kaki lima, hujung tahun ramailah yang masuk sekolah mengandung yang disediakan pemimpin berkenaan!
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"...Sesungguhnya masjid yang didirikan atas dasar takwa (Masjid Quba'), sejak hari pertama adalah lebih patut kamu solat di dalamnya. Di dalam masjid itu ada orag-orang yang ingin membersihkan diri. Dan sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bersih." (Maksud Ayat 108 Surah At-Taubah)
PERSOALAN remaja begitu merungsingkan. Sebagai bapa lima anak remaja saya juga diselubungi kerisauan memanjang. Teringat saya daripada sebuah buku yang telah saya baca, Sayidina Ali karamah wahja antara lain berkata didiklah anak-anakmu mengikut zaman mereka.
Ya, zaman sekarang era IT, tak sama masa saya di IPT dulu. Ketika itu antara harta paling bernilai adalah mesin taip buruk. Kini kelengkapan IT anak-anak sangat canggih. Mereka terdedah kepada segala kemungkinan. Itulah yang saya bimbangkan.
Sebahagian ibu bapa tersepit antara memberi kebebasan (peluang) kepada anak-anak remaja ini atau menyekat mereka daripada akses gajet moden ini. Misalnya, kemudahan internet, nak menyekat mereka daripada mempunyai aksesnya tentu merugikan mereka sendiri tetapi membenarkannya kita tidak tahu apa yang anak kita lakukan. Yalah depan kita, segala-galanya nampak okay, tetapi belakang kita terutama ketika bersama kawan-kawan mereka, siapa tahu. Mana kita ada masa nak kontrol mereka 24 jam sehari.
Kalau mak bapak mendidik sendiri anak-anak boleh tahan; tetapi berdasarkan apa yang saya lihat di persekitaran kehidupan saya, anak-anak yang diserahkan kepada datuk nenek, sebahagian besar daripada mereka gagal dalam kehidupan. Ada seorang pemuda saya lihat hidupnya tidak keruan sejak datuk dan neneknya meninggal dunia; itulah mungkin dulu dia terlalu dimanjakan menyebabkan dia tidak tahu hidup berdikari. Dia kini menjadi orang gelandangan, tidur di kaki lima dengan pakaian tak ditukar berhari-hari lamanya.
Ada seorang pemuda pula sudah jadi kaki dadah. Kerja sehari dua untuk mendapat seringgit dua selepas itu hanyut berminggu-minggu dalam dunia dadah bersama-sama kawan-kawannya. Mereka menjadikan sebuah pondok kosong sebagai syurga dunia.
Demikianlah betapa ramai anak-anak muda hanyut; selain dua contoh yang dinyatakan ini, di manakah remaja lain lain berada? Jika anda ke masjid sama ada untuk solat waktu berjemaah atau mengikuti kelas pengajian antara maghrib dan isyak, adakah ada anak muda menyertainya? Jawapannya tidak, jadi ke mana agaknya mereka pergi?
Ramai muda-mudi kita (sebenarnya bukan muda-mudi saja tetapi seluruh umat Islam) sudah tersasar, jadi apakah jalan penyelesaiannya? Seorang pembaca yang mengulas artikel saya sebelum ini yang bertajuk ‘Islam akan kembali tadbir dunia’, menyatakan: “Benar lagi tepat; Islam sahaja tamadun penyelamat dunia. Mana tidaknya? Bayangkan, ketika peperangan melawan musuh sekalipun, prinsip perang itu sendiri jelas; bunuhlah mereka yang menentang sahaja, tawanan perang hanya diminta menebus diri, syiar agama pihak musuh seperti gereja dan kuil haram diceroboh, apatah lagi diruntuhkan, dan setelah berkuasa, mestilah berdamai, bukan menjajah walaupun dengan tertegaknya pentadbiran Islam.
“Mungkin masih banyak lagi yang saya jahil tentangnya, namun, rasanya dengan itu sahaja pun memadai untuk mengisyaratkan Islam adalah tamadun perdamaian dan kesejahteraan untuk semua, sesuai sekali dengan perutusan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sebagai rahmat kepada sekalian alam. Begitulah juga dengan segala hukum-hakam serta peradaban yang digariskan Islam, daripada sekecil-kecil dan remeh perkara seperti ke tandas, tidur dan bangun tidur, sehinggalah ke urusan hubungan insani sejagat dan antara hanba dengan Allah SWT, pasti berkesan menyelamatkan masyarakat daripada kehancuran kiranya dihayati seluruhnya, sesuai dengan firman-Nya yang meminta agar kita menjadi Muslim yang mukmin secara total.
“Namun begitu, persoalannya, dengan pelaksanaan Islam oleh pentadbir ‘sekular’ yang Islam keturunanlah, kesucian Islam telah dinodai. Ia diburukkan lagi dengan kedapatan segelintir mereka yang diiktiraf sebagai ‘ulama’" yang turut rakus terhadap keduniaan sebagaimana para pendita Yahudi dan Nasrani. Mana tidaknya, ada ustazah dan ustaz pandai memfitnah orang termasuk melalui tulisan.
“Gejala keruntuhan akhlak remaja sering dikaitkan dengan kecuaian ibu bapa secara langsung. Nah, bukankah mereka yang dalam kepimpinan itu adalah ibu dan bapa kepada anak-anak mereka? Sekali gus, bukankah mereka juga merupakan ibu dan bapa kepada rakyat yang dipimpin? Bukankah dengan penajaan program dan aktiviti hiburan melampau dan pentafsiran agama menurut pemikiran dangkal menyebabkan akidah masyarakat runtuh, kesucian wanita dan gadis ternoda, bangsa jadi leka dan alpa terhadap ilmu, dan bermacam-macam kejahilan dan keruntuhan moral berlaku?
“Dengan itu, mari kita bersama kembalikan kegemilangan tamadun Islam dahulu untuk kini dan selamanya. Semoga usaha kita nan sedikit lagi tak seberapa ini dihitung antara kaedah jihad serta bukti pengabdian kita kepada-Nya sahaja."
Ya, benar apa yang ditulis pembaca ini. Pemimpin mempunyai saham dalam mencorak anak muda kita. Teringat penulis betapa ada pemimpin sanggup turun ke gelanggang konsert Jom Heboh sekalipun berlaku hujan dengan kilat dan guruh berdentam-dentum dan langkah beliau dikuti ribuan anak-anak muda. Muda-mudi ke konsert hiburan rupanya, sebab itu mereka tiada di masjid.
Apabila guru (pemimpin) kencing berdiri, anak murid kencing berlari, itulah sebabnya pada malam itu ramai anak muda bergelimpangan di kaki lima, hujung tahun ramailah yang masuk sekolah mengandung yang disediakan pemimpin berkenaan!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Da'wah with wisdom and beautiful preaching…
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"Do not spy one another,
nor let any of you backbite others..." (Hujurat 49: 12)
THE call to prayer (azan) was on air. Instead of listening attentively to the ‘azan’ and readying themselves to perform the ‘zuhur’ (afternoon) ‘jemaah’ (mass) prayers, some workers attending to wiring works at a masjid near my house choose to rest including sleeping on the masjid’s verandah.
After entering the masjid with a ‘salam’ (greeting), as I passed the workers, I said quietly to them; “Jom solat’ (let’s pray). I realized only one worker responded; he quickly stood and went to take ablution, but the other workers continued lying lazily on the carpeted floor.
After the mass prayer, I went back to the group of workers; and ‘Alhamdulillah’ (all praise to Allah SWT) I had the courage to talk to them about the important of performing one’s religious obligations such as ‘solat’. I began with telling them an idiom “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink” which means I could only give them advice but cannot force them to do it.
“Listen, brothers; Westerners such as Yvonne Ridley (former Taliban captive), Cat Stevens (Yusof Islam) and Lauren Booth (Tony Blair’s sister in law) had to travel years and to far away lands searching for the truth before they converted to Islam but what do we have here? You are born Muslim and are now in a masjid yet you are not moved to perform your ‘solat’. Why it is so?
“An ‘ustaz’ (religious teacher) had told me bricks and steel are no hurdle to some workers but to perform one’s ablution is a very heavy task. Only a few could stop work, take ablution and perform prayers.
“Allah SWT is very generous. Your tummy must be full after taking your lunch. Allah gives you all those food – ‘nasi’ (rice), ‘ayam’ (chicken) and so on. The animal had to die to be on your table. So why not you say ‘thank you’ to the Provider who is Allah SWT. To say ‘thank you’ to Allah SWT is by performing your ‘solat’ (prayer)-lah.”
Alhamdulillah, their faces showed they were interested so I kept on telling them the importance of being a practicing Muslim. “Now you are alive it is okay, but who knows one day you fall from the masjid’s ceiling and died, what will happened to you in your grave without you having any preparation?”
After speaking my mind to them, I gave oppourtunity for them to ask me question. Only one guy spoke up. Among others, he told me: “Thank you uncle for your concern. But you are not the first person to tell us what to do when we are in this masjid.
“But their ways put us off. One person said in a harsh manner, ‘Hey boys, why you all do not pray? You want to go to hell?’ Please ‘pakcik’ we are not primary school children to be treated that way. Couldn’t he tell us in a polite manner?
He said many of his friends had improper upbringing at home. Some had never said their prayers at home; their parents too did not ‘solat’.
“If our parents do not care if we ‘solat’ or not, then why should we bother with other’s people concerns? Telling us that our place is in hell only made us more rebellious and hated those so called ‘religious’ people.
“By the way, I like your approach ‘pakcik’. You sit with us and talk nicely to us. We listened to you and now it is up to us to accept or trash it.”
As I slowly moved away from the group after delivering my ‘words’, I could not believed myself that I could da'wah ‘those guys’. ‘Alhamdulillah’, God gave me the strength, I knew on ‘normal circumstances’ I would not be able to do it, but on that particular time, He gave me the courage to speak to those ‘tough guys’ who could climb ceilings and do hard work.
And ‘alhamdulillah’, during Asar (late afternoon) prayers, I noticed a few of the workers joined the congregators in ‘solat’. Allah had moved their hearts, insya-Allah (God willing) they would be guided to the straight path as we asked every time we perform solat when we read ‘ih-di-nasw-swi-ra-twal-mus-ta-qiim’ (from Surah al-Fatihah) which means, ‘do guide us along the right path’.
Yes, it needs wisdom in da'wah. In Malay, it is call ‘berhikmah’. In the Qur’an, there are many ‘ayats’ suggesting to do the da'wah work with wisdom. Among them in ayat 83 Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow): “…And speak to people good (words)…” (Qur’an 2:83); ayat 148 of Surah an-Nisa (Woman): “Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one who has been wronged…” (Qur’an 4:148); ayat 3 of Surah Ali Imran (Family of Imran): “…And if you had been rude (in speech) and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you…” (Qur’an 3: 159).
Then Allah SWT mentioned in ayat 53 of Surah al-Isra’ (The Night Journey): “And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces (dissension) among them. Indeed Satan is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy.” (Qur’an 17:53); ayat 44 of Surah Taha: “And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear (Allah).” (Qur’an 20:44); and ayat 25 of Surah of Surah al-Furqan (The Criterian): “And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them (harshly), the say (words of) peace.” (Qur’an 25:63)
Regarding wisdom in da'wah, it is not restricted to Muslims only. Da'wah to the non Muslim should be done professionally in a ‘beautiful’ way. In the Qur’an (ayat 125 Surah An-Nahl, The Bee), Allah SWT says: “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is (rightly) guided.” (Qur’an, 16:125)
And as the result after doing ‘good da'wah work’ I was interested to quote comments from the Guest Book at Masjid Negara extracted from a phamphelet entitled ‘Mosque Tour Guide Programme by Islamic Outreach ABIM’ which I received recently.
“We learnt a lot about Islam that we didn’t know before.” – Linda & Ken Gulbrandsen, Norway
“I received a wealth of truths in this time of untruths.” – Vinay Kala, India
“My interest in Islam has grown.” – Misaa Makinchi, Japan
“All our questions were answered fully and in a friendly way.’ - Carly Bliss, England
“I feel truly blessed to receive the goodness and kindness of your religion.” – Milena Langd, Germany
“Open my eyes.” – Smonia; India
“Thanks so much for introducing me to Islam. Islam was really impressive.” – Sanne Kersken, Holland
“Good conversation with an awesome person.” – Lois Enrique, Mexico
“Very good, very, very super volunteer guide. Excellent.” – Ying, China
Finally, to all, I included, I quote this from ‘The Light of Revelation’ by Islamic Outreach-ABIM; “If you seek HIM, you will surely find HIM!”
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"Do not spy one another,
nor let any of you backbite others..." (Hujurat 49: 12)
THE call to prayer (azan) was on air. Instead of listening attentively to the ‘azan’ and readying themselves to perform the ‘zuhur’ (afternoon) ‘jemaah’ (mass) prayers, some workers attending to wiring works at a masjid near my house choose to rest including sleeping on the masjid’s verandah.
After entering the masjid with a ‘salam’ (greeting), as I passed the workers, I said quietly to them; “Jom solat’ (let’s pray). I realized only one worker responded; he quickly stood and went to take ablution, but the other workers continued lying lazily on the carpeted floor.
After the mass prayer, I went back to the group of workers; and ‘Alhamdulillah’ (all praise to Allah SWT) I had the courage to talk to them about the important of performing one’s religious obligations such as ‘solat’. I began with telling them an idiom “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink” which means I could only give them advice but cannot force them to do it.
“Listen, brothers; Westerners such as Yvonne Ridley (former Taliban captive), Cat Stevens (Yusof Islam) and Lauren Booth (Tony Blair’s sister in law) had to travel years and to far away lands searching for the truth before they converted to Islam but what do we have here? You are born Muslim and are now in a masjid yet you are not moved to perform your ‘solat’. Why it is so?
“An ‘ustaz’ (religious teacher) had told me bricks and steel are no hurdle to some workers but to perform one’s ablution is a very heavy task. Only a few could stop work, take ablution and perform prayers.
“Allah SWT is very generous. Your tummy must be full after taking your lunch. Allah gives you all those food – ‘nasi’ (rice), ‘ayam’ (chicken) and so on. The animal had to die to be on your table. So why not you say ‘thank you’ to the Provider who is Allah SWT. To say ‘thank you’ to Allah SWT is by performing your ‘solat’ (prayer)-lah.”
Alhamdulillah, their faces showed they were interested so I kept on telling them the importance of being a practicing Muslim. “Now you are alive it is okay, but who knows one day you fall from the masjid’s ceiling and died, what will happened to you in your grave without you having any preparation?”
After speaking my mind to them, I gave oppourtunity for them to ask me question. Only one guy spoke up. Among others, he told me: “Thank you uncle for your concern. But you are not the first person to tell us what to do when we are in this masjid.
“But their ways put us off. One person said in a harsh manner, ‘Hey boys, why you all do not pray? You want to go to hell?’ Please ‘pakcik’ we are not primary school children to be treated that way. Couldn’t he tell us in a polite manner?
He said many of his friends had improper upbringing at home. Some had never said their prayers at home; their parents too did not ‘solat’.
“If our parents do not care if we ‘solat’ or not, then why should we bother with other’s people concerns? Telling us that our place is in hell only made us more rebellious and hated those so called ‘religious’ people.
“By the way, I like your approach ‘pakcik’. You sit with us and talk nicely to us. We listened to you and now it is up to us to accept or trash it.”
As I slowly moved away from the group after delivering my ‘words’, I could not believed myself that I could da'wah ‘those guys’. ‘Alhamdulillah’, God gave me the strength, I knew on ‘normal circumstances’ I would not be able to do it, but on that particular time, He gave me the courage to speak to those ‘tough guys’ who could climb ceilings and do hard work.
And ‘alhamdulillah’, during Asar (late afternoon) prayers, I noticed a few of the workers joined the congregators in ‘solat’. Allah had moved their hearts, insya-Allah (God willing) they would be guided to the straight path as we asked every time we perform solat when we read ‘ih-di-nasw-swi-ra-twal-mus-ta-qiim’ (from Surah al-Fatihah) which means, ‘do guide us along the right path’.
Yes, it needs wisdom in da'wah. In Malay, it is call ‘berhikmah’. In the Qur’an, there are many ‘ayats’ suggesting to do the da'wah work with wisdom. Among them in ayat 83 Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow): “…And speak to people good (words)…” (Qur’an 2:83); ayat 148 of Surah an-Nisa (Woman): “Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one who has been wronged…” (Qur’an 4:148); ayat 3 of Surah Ali Imran (Family of Imran): “…And if you had been rude (in speech) and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you…” (Qur’an 3: 159).
Then Allah SWT mentioned in ayat 53 of Surah al-Isra’ (The Night Journey): “And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces (dissension) among them. Indeed Satan is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy.” (Qur’an 17:53); ayat 44 of Surah Taha: “And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear (Allah).” (Qur’an 20:44); and ayat 25 of Surah of Surah al-Furqan (The Criterian): “And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them (harshly), the say (words of) peace.” (Qur’an 25:63)
Regarding wisdom in da'wah, it is not restricted to Muslims only. Da'wah to the non Muslim should be done professionally in a ‘beautiful’ way. In the Qur’an (ayat 125 Surah An-Nahl, The Bee), Allah SWT says: “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is (rightly) guided.” (Qur’an, 16:125)
And as the result after doing ‘good da'wah work’ I was interested to quote comments from the Guest Book at Masjid Negara extracted from a phamphelet entitled ‘Mosque Tour Guide Programme by Islamic Outreach ABIM’ which I received recently.
“We learnt a lot about Islam that we didn’t know before.” – Linda & Ken Gulbrandsen, Norway
“I received a wealth of truths in this time of untruths.” – Vinay Kala, India
“My interest in Islam has grown.” – Misaa Makinchi, Japan
“All our questions were answered fully and in a friendly way.’ - Carly Bliss, England
“I feel truly blessed to receive the goodness and kindness of your religion.” – Milena Langd, Germany
“Open my eyes.” – Smonia; India
“Thanks so much for introducing me to Islam. Islam was really impressive.” – Sanne Kersken, Holland
“Good conversation with an awesome person.” – Lois Enrique, Mexico
“Very good, very, very super volunteer guide. Excellent.” – Ying, China
Finally, to all, I included, I quote this from ‘The Light of Revelation’ by Islamic Outreach-ABIM; “If you seek HIM, you will surely find HIM!”
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Mencari pengajar lesen L wanita
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
SEORANG anak gadis saya kini duduk-duduk saja di rumah; menunggu keputusan peperiksaan SPM-nya. Ingatkan dia dipanggil menyertai PLKN, tetapi tidak pula. Bagi mengisi masa lapang, saya mengesyorkan dia belajar memandu kereta. Dia bersedia belajar; jadi terpaksalah saya menyediakan wang bagi membayar pelbagai yuran dan kos pengajian yang mencecah RM1,000.
Sebelum ini dua orang anak saya yang pernah belajar memandu ini adalah lelaki; tidaklah saya peduli sangat di mana dan dengan siapa mereka belajar, tetapi apabila anak gadis saya mahu belajar memandu, saya usahakan mencari tenaga pengajar wanita. Ya, wanita belajar dengan wanitalah, tetapi masalahnya wujudkah pengajar wanita itu?
Memang susah mencari tenaga pengajar wanita. Saya bertanya ke sana dan sini, semuanya menjawab tidak tahu. Mereka tidak tahu kewujudan pengajar lesen L wanita. Agak-agak saya di seluruh negeri kami tidak ada pengajar lesen L wanita.
Namun mungkin niat dan keazaman kuat saya untuk mendapatkan pengajar wanita untuk mengajar anak gadis saya, suatu hari ketika saya sedang memandu, Allah 'menemukan' saya dengan pengajar wanita itu.
Ya, di depan kereta saya ada sebuah kereta L, bergerak perlahan-lahan macam kura-kura; saya meneka yang memandu itu seorang gadis pelajar manakala pengajarnya seorang wanita! Apalagi, bagai pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, saya pun mengikuti kereta ini yang akhirnya masuk ke kawasan latihan memandu.
Kereta itu berhenti; wanita pengajar itu turun dari keretanya, bertanya apa saya mahu kerana mengekorinya. Terus saja saya katakan saya mencari seorang pengajar L untuk anak gadis saya. Orang itu ketawa dan saya pun ketawa. Lama kemudian baru saya perasan bahawa pengajar L itu adalah Lisa, orang yang telah mengajar hampir semua adik beradik perempuan saya dan juga isteri saya mendapatkan lesen kereta lama dulu.
Pada tahun-tahun 1990-an, bapa saya memberi kepercayaan kepada Lisa untuk mengajar anak-anak gadisnya, tetapi selepas puluhan tahun saya sudah terlupakan si Lisa sehinggalah pertemuan terbaru itu.
Saya ingatkan Lisa ini sudah 'pencen' kerana usianya sudah hampir 70 tahun; rupa-rupanya dia masih 'ligat' mengajar 'budak-budak' mendapatkan lesen kereta. Syabas Lisa kerana 'perjuanganmu', tetapi apa yang ingin saya suarakan di sini; semua pihak perlulah berusaha untuk 'meramaikan' tenaga pengajar lesen kereta wanita.
Alangkah 'indahnya' (tentunya faktor agama seperti batas pergaulan perlu diberi perhatian) jika wanita diajar memandu oleh wanita; tidaklah mereka terdedah kepada fitnah jika berdua-duaan dalam kereta dengan pengajar lelaki.
Jadi kepada wanita yang berkelayakan, saya menyeru jadilah tenaga pengajar lesen L agar 'wanita dapat mengajar wanita juga' dan yang paling penting, kita dapat 'menjaga' agama kita.
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
SEORANG anak gadis saya kini duduk-duduk saja di rumah; menunggu keputusan peperiksaan SPM-nya. Ingatkan dia dipanggil menyertai PLKN, tetapi tidak pula. Bagi mengisi masa lapang, saya mengesyorkan dia belajar memandu kereta. Dia bersedia belajar; jadi terpaksalah saya menyediakan wang bagi membayar pelbagai yuran dan kos pengajian yang mencecah RM1,000.
Sebelum ini dua orang anak saya yang pernah belajar memandu ini adalah lelaki; tidaklah saya peduli sangat di mana dan dengan siapa mereka belajar, tetapi apabila anak gadis saya mahu belajar memandu, saya usahakan mencari tenaga pengajar wanita. Ya, wanita belajar dengan wanitalah, tetapi masalahnya wujudkah pengajar wanita itu?
Memang susah mencari tenaga pengajar wanita. Saya bertanya ke sana dan sini, semuanya menjawab tidak tahu. Mereka tidak tahu kewujudan pengajar lesen L wanita. Agak-agak saya di seluruh negeri kami tidak ada pengajar lesen L wanita.
Namun mungkin niat dan keazaman kuat saya untuk mendapatkan pengajar wanita untuk mengajar anak gadis saya, suatu hari ketika saya sedang memandu, Allah 'menemukan' saya dengan pengajar wanita itu.
Ya, di depan kereta saya ada sebuah kereta L, bergerak perlahan-lahan macam kura-kura; saya meneka yang memandu itu seorang gadis pelajar manakala pengajarnya seorang wanita! Apalagi, bagai pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, saya pun mengikuti kereta ini yang akhirnya masuk ke kawasan latihan memandu.
Kereta itu berhenti; wanita pengajar itu turun dari keretanya, bertanya apa saya mahu kerana mengekorinya. Terus saja saya katakan saya mencari seorang pengajar L untuk anak gadis saya. Orang itu ketawa dan saya pun ketawa. Lama kemudian baru saya perasan bahawa pengajar L itu adalah Lisa, orang yang telah mengajar hampir semua adik beradik perempuan saya dan juga isteri saya mendapatkan lesen kereta lama dulu.
Pada tahun-tahun 1990-an, bapa saya memberi kepercayaan kepada Lisa untuk mengajar anak-anak gadisnya, tetapi selepas puluhan tahun saya sudah terlupakan si Lisa sehinggalah pertemuan terbaru itu.
Saya ingatkan Lisa ini sudah 'pencen' kerana usianya sudah hampir 70 tahun; rupa-rupanya dia masih 'ligat' mengajar 'budak-budak' mendapatkan lesen kereta. Syabas Lisa kerana 'perjuanganmu', tetapi apa yang ingin saya suarakan di sini; semua pihak perlulah berusaha untuk 'meramaikan' tenaga pengajar lesen kereta wanita.
Alangkah 'indahnya' (tentunya faktor agama seperti batas pergaulan perlu diberi perhatian) jika wanita diajar memandu oleh wanita; tidaklah mereka terdedah kepada fitnah jika berdua-duaan dalam kereta dengan pengajar lelaki.
Jadi kepada wanita yang berkelayakan, saya menyeru jadilah tenaga pengajar lesen L agar 'wanita dapat mengajar wanita juga' dan yang paling penting, kita dapat 'menjaga' agama kita.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Don’t let time cut you…
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
HOW time flies. No wonder the Malay says ‘masa itu emas’ (time is gold) while the Arab is more concerned with his famous proverb; time is like a sword, if you don’t cut it then it will cut you. Have we understood how precious is time is?
Those who came before us (the Salaf) understood the essence of what this meant to appreciate/value time; this is how they achieved their revival with the help of Allah. Their sayings and practices bear testimony to this…
· Ibn Mas`ud:
I never regretted anything except a day that passed by without having increased my deeds.
· Al-Hasan Al-Basri:
Every day the sun rises it calls upon us, O people! I am a new day; I am an observer of your actions. Take advantage of me for I will not return until the Day of Judgment. O son of Adam, you are nothing but a few breaths. Once one breath goes out, part of you goes with it. In the same way that part of you has gone, soon all of you will go.
· Ibn ul-Qayyim:
Every gulp of air that goes out in a cause other than the cause of Allah will turn to sorrow and regret on the Day of Judgment.
· Al-Muhasiby:
I wish that time could be acquired with money. If so, I would buy time from wasteful and ungrateful people so that I could spend it serving Allah.
It is reported that Sa`d ibn Mu`adh accepted Islam when he was 30 years old and died when he was 37. Despite living only seven years as a Muslim, the throne of Allah was shaken over his death, and seventy thousand angels came down for his funeral.
If Sa’d ibn Mu’ah made full use of the his last seven years to please Allah SWT, what could be said about me (the writer) who was born a Muslim and celebrated his 50th birthday recently (17th February 2012)? Well, perhaps nothing to compare to Sa’d; but I as a writer, have tried hard to convey messages and pass information to readers from the little reading materials I have come across.
I am now a ‘senior citizen’; the past 50 years has become history. Time flies quickly and will never come back. Scholars had divided time into three categories – yesterday (the past), now (present) and tomorrow (the future). To the thinking group of people, we have only the present because yesterday has gone and tomorrow nobody knows what would happen.
Yesterday was just like milk being split. You can’t have the milk back; there is a proverb about it – don’t cry over split milk. But as a ‘weak’ human being, I still cherish those yesteryears especially my college (secondary school) days because that was the place where me and my mates experienced the process of growing up – from adolescence to the adult world.
At that college, I must admit we were crazy over the paper chase. It was the strings of ‘As’ that counts. But now at the age of 50, after hundreds or perhaps thousands of religious talks in ‘masjids’, 'suraus' and 'tazkirah'(religious reminders), only now do I realize how I longed and craved for more and more knowledge.
If you know yourself (this only could be obtained by seeking knowledge), only then you will know Allah SWT and the heavy responsibilities you need to shoulder in this world. Our existence is not without purpose or to 'suka-suka saja' (for play only). Each and every one of us holds higher responsibilities to God, the human race and in fact everything. Everyone is accountable for his actions, even if it is as small as an atomic part of a substance.
So to my ‘old friends’ (and readers) fulfill your days seeking knowledge, for with knowledge, for with knowledge you will understand that everything you do, is to seek God's forgiveness and acknowledge His Greatness.
For example when you stare at the empty sky and acknowledge Allah SWT's greatness in creating it without pillars and feel how small you are, only then you are in the right direction to have His Blessing in this world and the Hereafter.
When you realize this, you will understand, there is no such thing as unemployment in Islam.
There is so much to do and we are short of time to make them materialize. If we were to look at the Prophet as an example, he successfully preached Islam in 23 years - 13 years in Mecca and 10 years in Medina, and died at the age of 63.
If we were to look back at our past, we will realize that we had been wasting our time. If we are now in our fifties and suppose we die at the same age as the prophet, we have about 13 years left to spend our lives. If we have done 'practically nothing' during our past 50 years, just imagine what could be done in our last 10 years.
Even though those college days were more than 35 years ago, some of my friends still preserve the bonds among us and with the help of the new social media - ideas and guides kept on pouring and this e-mail from a friend reminded what we should to and think when we had the ‘golden age’.
One e-mail read: “Late last year, I chanced upon a bookshop selling Islamic books at Right Angle. There I bought Zad Al Ma'ad, although an abridged version.
Good book, though I rate 2nd to Riadhus Salehin…time for all of us to read these sort of books as we hit, approach 50 y'all!
The following is a sermon that is mentioned in ibn Al-Qayyim’s famous book Zad Al-Ma’ad (Provisions of the Hereafter). This book is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (s.a.w.) as well as, the Fiqh learned from it. This is a book that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah.
This sermon was delivered when the Prophet (s.a.w.) first arrived in Quba / Al-Madinah and before he (s.a.w.) built his mosque in Al-Madinah.
Ibn Ishaq reported on the authority of ‘Abdur-Rahman Ibn Ka’b Ibn Malik that he said (part of the narration): "After the Messenger of Allah arrived in Al-Madinah and he stayed In Quba’ on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and he built their mosque, then he left on Friday and time for Friday prayer overtook him in the land of Banu Salim Ibn ‘Awf, and so he prayed it in the mosque which was in the middle of the valley before the building of his mosque.
Ibn Ishaq said: "It was the first sermon which he delivered; according to Abu Salamah Ibn ‘Abdur-Rahman – and we seek refuge with Allah from attributing to him anything which he did not say – he stood up among them and praised Allah and extolled Him, then he said:
"As for what follows, oh, you people! Send forth for yourselves (good deeds); you know for sure, by Allah, that a person among you will be struck down unconscious and he will leave his sheep without a shepherd, then his Lord will surely say to him – and there will be neither intermediary nor screen between them: "Did not My Messenger come to you and communicate (the Message), and did I not give you wealth and favor you? And what did you send forth for yourself?" And verily, he will look right and left, but he will see nothing; then he will look in front of him and he will see naught but the Hell-fire. So whoever is able to shield his face from the Fire, even if it be only by giving a piece of a date in charity, let him do so; and whoever was unable to do so, let him (shield it) by saying a good word, for the reward of a good deed is multiplied by ten times seven hundred times. And may the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you.”
Ibn Ishaq said: "Then the Messenger of Allah, delivered a second sermon, saying: "All praise and thanks be to Allah, I praise Him and I seek His Aid. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of ourselves and from the wickedness of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, there is none can misguide him and whomsoever Allah sends astray; there is none can guide him. And I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Alone, without partners. The best of speech is the Book of Allah. He whose heart has been beautified with it by Allah and whom He has admitted to the fold of Islam after he had disbelieved will be successful, for he has chosen it (Allah’s Speech) over that of all of mankind. Truly, it is the best of speech and the most eloquent. Love what Allah loves; love Allah with all of your hearts. Do not become tired of Allah’s Speech, nor of mentioning His Name and do not make your hearts hard towards it.
"Hence, amongst everything that Allah creates He chooses [something]; Allah would call it: His Kheerah (best) in terms of deeds; His favorite ones amongst the servants; that which is good and useful in terms of speech; So worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him and fear Him as He should be feared and be sincere to Allah in the righteous words which pass your lips and love one another with Allah’s Spirit between you. Verily, Allah hates that His Covenant should be broken. And may the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you."
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
HOW time flies. No wonder the Malay says ‘masa itu emas’ (time is gold) while the Arab is more concerned with his famous proverb; time is like a sword, if you don’t cut it then it will cut you. Have we understood how precious is time is?
Those who came before us (the Salaf) understood the essence of what this meant to appreciate/value time; this is how they achieved their revival with the help of Allah. Their sayings and practices bear testimony to this…
· Ibn Mas`ud:
I never regretted anything except a day that passed by without having increased my deeds.
· Al-Hasan Al-Basri:
Every day the sun rises it calls upon us, O people! I am a new day; I am an observer of your actions. Take advantage of me for I will not return until the Day of Judgment. O son of Adam, you are nothing but a few breaths. Once one breath goes out, part of you goes with it. In the same way that part of you has gone, soon all of you will go.
· Ibn ul-Qayyim:
Every gulp of air that goes out in a cause other than the cause of Allah will turn to sorrow and regret on the Day of Judgment.
· Al-Muhasiby:
I wish that time could be acquired with money. If so, I would buy time from wasteful and ungrateful people so that I could spend it serving Allah.
It is reported that Sa`d ibn Mu`adh accepted Islam when he was 30 years old and died when he was 37. Despite living only seven years as a Muslim, the throne of Allah was shaken over his death, and seventy thousand angels came down for his funeral.
If Sa’d ibn Mu’ah made full use of the his last seven years to please Allah SWT, what could be said about me (the writer) who was born a Muslim and celebrated his 50th birthday recently (17th February 2012)? Well, perhaps nothing to compare to Sa’d; but I as a writer, have tried hard to convey messages and pass information to readers from the little reading materials I have come across.
I am now a ‘senior citizen’; the past 50 years has become history. Time flies quickly and will never come back. Scholars had divided time into three categories – yesterday (the past), now (present) and tomorrow (the future). To the thinking group of people, we have only the present because yesterday has gone and tomorrow nobody knows what would happen.
Yesterday was just like milk being split. You can’t have the milk back; there is a proverb about it – don’t cry over split milk. But as a ‘weak’ human being, I still cherish those yesteryears especially my college (secondary school) days because that was the place where me and my mates experienced the process of growing up – from adolescence to the adult world.
At that college, I must admit we were crazy over the paper chase. It was the strings of ‘As’ that counts. But now at the age of 50, after hundreds or perhaps thousands of religious talks in ‘masjids’, 'suraus' and 'tazkirah'(religious reminders), only now do I realize how I longed and craved for more and more knowledge.
If you know yourself (this only could be obtained by seeking knowledge), only then you will know Allah SWT and the heavy responsibilities you need to shoulder in this world. Our existence is not without purpose or to 'suka-suka saja' (for play only). Each and every one of us holds higher responsibilities to God, the human race and in fact everything. Everyone is accountable for his actions, even if it is as small as an atomic part of a substance.
So to my ‘old friends’ (and readers) fulfill your days seeking knowledge, for with knowledge, for with knowledge you will understand that everything you do, is to seek God's forgiveness and acknowledge His Greatness.
For example when you stare at the empty sky and acknowledge Allah SWT's greatness in creating it without pillars and feel how small you are, only then you are in the right direction to have His Blessing in this world and the Hereafter.
When you realize this, you will understand, there is no such thing as unemployment in Islam.
There is so much to do and we are short of time to make them materialize. If we were to look at the Prophet as an example, he successfully preached Islam in 23 years - 13 years in Mecca and 10 years in Medina, and died at the age of 63.
If we were to look back at our past, we will realize that we had been wasting our time. If we are now in our fifties and suppose we die at the same age as the prophet, we have about 13 years left to spend our lives. If we have done 'practically nothing' during our past 50 years, just imagine what could be done in our last 10 years.
Even though those college days were more than 35 years ago, some of my friends still preserve the bonds among us and with the help of the new social media - ideas and guides kept on pouring and this e-mail from a friend reminded what we should to and think when we had the ‘golden age’.
One e-mail read: “Late last year, I chanced upon a bookshop selling Islamic books at Right Angle. There I bought Zad Al Ma'ad, although an abridged version.
Good book, though I rate 2nd to Riadhus Salehin…time for all of us to read these sort of books as we hit, approach 50 y'all!
The following is a sermon that is mentioned in ibn Al-Qayyim’s famous book Zad Al-Ma’ad (Provisions of the Hereafter). This book is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (s.a.w.) as well as, the Fiqh learned from it. This is a book that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah.
This sermon was delivered when the Prophet (s.a.w.) first arrived in Quba / Al-Madinah and before he (s.a.w.) built his mosque in Al-Madinah.
Ibn Ishaq reported on the authority of ‘Abdur-Rahman Ibn Ka’b Ibn Malik that he said (part of the narration): "After the Messenger of Allah arrived in Al-Madinah and he stayed In Quba’ on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and he built their mosque, then he left on Friday and time for Friday prayer overtook him in the land of Banu Salim Ibn ‘Awf, and so he prayed it in the mosque which was in the middle of the valley before the building of his mosque.
Ibn Ishaq said: "It was the first sermon which he delivered; according to Abu Salamah Ibn ‘Abdur-Rahman – and we seek refuge with Allah from attributing to him anything which he did not say – he stood up among them and praised Allah and extolled Him, then he said:
"As for what follows, oh, you people! Send forth for yourselves (good deeds); you know for sure, by Allah, that a person among you will be struck down unconscious and he will leave his sheep without a shepherd, then his Lord will surely say to him – and there will be neither intermediary nor screen between them: "Did not My Messenger come to you and communicate (the Message), and did I not give you wealth and favor you? And what did you send forth for yourself?" And verily, he will look right and left, but he will see nothing; then he will look in front of him and he will see naught but the Hell-fire. So whoever is able to shield his face from the Fire, even if it be only by giving a piece of a date in charity, let him do so; and whoever was unable to do so, let him (shield it) by saying a good word, for the reward of a good deed is multiplied by ten times seven hundred times. And may the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you.”
Ibn Ishaq said: "Then the Messenger of Allah, delivered a second sermon, saying: "All praise and thanks be to Allah, I praise Him and I seek His Aid. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of ourselves and from the wickedness of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, there is none can misguide him and whomsoever Allah sends astray; there is none can guide him. And I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Alone, without partners. The best of speech is the Book of Allah. He whose heart has been beautified with it by Allah and whom He has admitted to the fold of Islam after he had disbelieved will be successful, for he has chosen it (Allah’s Speech) over that of all of mankind. Truly, it is the best of speech and the most eloquent. Love what Allah loves; love Allah with all of your hearts. Do not become tired of Allah’s Speech, nor of mentioning His Name and do not make your hearts hard towards it.
"Hence, amongst everything that Allah creates He chooses [something]; Allah would call it: His Kheerah (best) in terms of deeds; His favorite ones amongst the servants; that which is good and useful in terms of speech; So worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him and fear Him as He should be feared and be sincere to Allah in the righteous words which pass your lips and love one another with Allah’s Spirit between you. Verily, Allah hates that His Covenant should be broken. And may the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you."
Monday, March 5, 2012
Jangan abai pengundi wanita
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, tidaklah dapat kamu menghitungnya." (Ibrahim:34)
HAMPIR separuh (lebih 49 peratus) pengundi di Malaysia adalah wanita oleh itu sumbangan golongan ini adalah besar bagi kejayaan mana-mana pihak dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang akan diadakan dalam masa terdekat ini.
Sehubungan itu, kita meminta semua pihak memikirkan hal ini dan melakukan tindakan segera bagi memenangi hati wanita kerana mereka mungkin menjadi penentu kemenangan pilihan raya. Isu-isu wanita perlu diketengahkan dan ditangani secara bijaksana kerana sebarang kelemahan di pihak kita akan memungkinkan musuh meraih sebanyak mungkin undi daripada golongan ini.
Kita mungkin sudah bergerak ke depan dengan mengemukakan sejumlah calon Muslimat pada pilihan raya umum lalu dan juga pilihan raya kecil Dun Tenang (calonnya Normala Sudirman) tetapi masih banyak lompang yang perlu diperbaiki. Sekalipun kita mengemukakan lebih ramai calon Muslimat, pihak musuh akan tetap menuduh kita sebagai hanya mahu memancing undi golongan wanita.
Sebenarnya, apa saja yang kita buat (termasuk memartabatkan golongan wanita) akan dipandang sinis oleh pihak ini; oleh itu tabahkan semangat untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik kepada golongan wanita sejajar dengan ketetapan Allah SWT melalui Kitab dan Rasul-Nya. Namun pelaksanaan hal ini tidak mudah kerana wanita sebagai golongan lemah yang dijadikan daripada tulang rusuk Nabi Adam s.a.w.; sebahagiannya mudah terpengaruh dengan manis dunia termasuklah hiburan dan laranya. Kelemahan inilah yang dieksploitasi oleh pihak lawan kita yang terus berjanji memberikan yang muluk-muluk kepada wanita penyokong atau pengundinya.
Di sini kita lihat betapa pentingnya golongan lelaki sebagai pemimpin (termasuklah sebagai suami dan bapa) berperanan untuk mendidik orang di bawah mereka. Bukanlah Allah SWT telah berfirman melalui ayat 6 Surah At-Tahrin yang bermaksud: “Wahai orang yang beriman. Peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu daripada api neraka, yang bahan-bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu (berhala).”
Insya-Allah apabila kebanyakan wanita sudah dirapati dan dipasakkan ilmu agama dalam diri masing-masing, mereka akan tahu menilai mana intan dan mana kaca; pihak mana yang berjuang untuk keselamatan mereka di dunia dan akhirat dan pihak mana yang hanya menjanjikan kemanisan dunia yang bersifat sangat sementara. Ya berusaha keras dan berdoalah agar wanita-wanita kita diberi taufik dan hidayah untuk memilih antara kaca dan permata.
Namun memasakkan ilmu ke dada-dada wanita kita bukan proses mudah atau boleh dilakukan menjelang pilihan raya saja. Pendidikan bermula daripada bayi dalam kandungan lagi, berterusan di alam bayi, alam kanak-kanak, remaja, dewasa, tua sehinggalah seseorang itu masuk ke alam kubur. Ertinya pendidikan adalah proses seumur hidup. Persoalannya adakah kita bersedia dan cukup prasarananya untuk menjayakan cita-cita mendidik seluruh masyarakat ini?
Sekalipun kelihatan berat, tetapi usaha perlu dilakukan dengan doa tanpa putus-putus. Insya-Allah apabila wanita kita terurus matlamatnya, kita akan sentiasa mendapat sokongan mereka termasuk ketika pilihan raya.
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, tidaklah dapat kamu menghitungnya." (Ibrahim:34)
HAMPIR separuh (lebih 49 peratus) pengundi di Malaysia adalah wanita oleh itu sumbangan golongan ini adalah besar bagi kejayaan mana-mana pihak dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang akan diadakan dalam masa terdekat ini.
Sehubungan itu, kita meminta semua pihak memikirkan hal ini dan melakukan tindakan segera bagi memenangi hati wanita kerana mereka mungkin menjadi penentu kemenangan pilihan raya. Isu-isu wanita perlu diketengahkan dan ditangani secara bijaksana kerana sebarang kelemahan di pihak kita akan memungkinkan musuh meraih sebanyak mungkin undi daripada golongan ini.
Kita mungkin sudah bergerak ke depan dengan mengemukakan sejumlah calon Muslimat pada pilihan raya umum lalu dan juga pilihan raya kecil Dun Tenang (calonnya Normala Sudirman) tetapi masih banyak lompang yang perlu diperbaiki. Sekalipun kita mengemukakan lebih ramai calon Muslimat, pihak musuh akan tetap menuduh kita sebagai hanya mahu memancing undi golongan wanita.
Sebenarnya, apa saja yang kita buat (termasuk memartabatkan golongan wanita) akan dipandang sinis oleh pihak ini; oleh itu tabahkan semangat untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik kepada golongan wanita sejajar dengan ketetapan Allah SWT melalui Kitab dan Rasul-Nya. Namun pelaksanaan hal ini tidak mudah kerana wanita sebagai golongan lemah yang dijadikan daripada tulang rusuk Nabi Adam s.a.w.; sebahagiannya mudah terpengaruh dengan manis dunia termasuklah hiburan dan laranya. Kelemahan inilah yang dieksploitasi oleh pihak lawan kita yang terus berjanji memberikan yang muluk-muluk kepada wanita penyokong atau pengundinya.
Di sini kita lihat betapa pentingnya golongan lelaki sebagai pemimpin (termasuklah sebagai suami dan bapa) berperanan untuk mendidik orang di bawah mereka. Bukanlah Allah SWT telah berfirman melalui ayat 6 Surah At-Tahrin yang bermaksud: “Wahai orang yang beriman. Peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu daripada api neraka, yang bahan-bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu (berhala).”
Insya-Allah apabila kebanyakan wanita sudah dirapati dan dipasakkan ilmu agama dalam diri masing-masing, mereka akan tahu menilai mana intan dan mana kaca; pihak mana yang berjuang untuk keselamatan mereka di dunia dan akhirat dan pihak mana yang hanya menjanjikan kemanisan dunia yang bersifat sangat sementara. Ya berusaha keras dan berdoalah agar wanita-wanita kita diberi taufik dan hidayah untuk memilih antara kaca dan permata.
Namun memasakkan ilmu ke dada-dada wanita kita bukan proses mudah atau boleh dilakukan menjelang pilihan raya saja. Pendidikan bermula daripada bayi dalam kandungan lagi, berterusan di alam bayi, alam kanak-kanak, remaja, dewasa, tua sehinggalah seseorang itu masuk ke alam kubur. Ertinya pendidikan adalah proses seumur hidup. Persoalannya adakah kita bersedia dan cukup prasarananya untuk menjayakan cita-cita mendidik seluruh masyarakat ini?
Sekalipun kelihatan berat, tetapi usaha perlu dilakukan dengan doa tanpa putus-putus. Insya-Allah apabila wanita kita terurus matlamatnya, kita akan sentiasa mendapat sokongan mereka termasuk ketika pilihan raya.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Remember Prophet Muhammad not only on his birthday!
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God..." (Nisaa 4:80)
IF for Aidilfitri, some Malays celebrated it for a month during Syawal; I was surprised when some ‘masjid people’ told me for the Prophet’s birthday (Maulidur Rasul), we should celebrated it during the whole month of Rabiulawal (the Prophet’s birthday is on 12th Rabiulawal).
Thus at some places, there are still functions and talks on the subject. Recently a ‘surau’ near my house too held that event. There were other functions too at masjids nearby.
Of all the talks I had attended, I cherished one remark by an ‘ustaz’. He said: “Please do not remember Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. only on his birthday but keep thinking about him at all times.”
In doing so, he said ‘insya-Allah’ (God willing) all our actions would be in line with his teachings. Then our lives would be guarded; our actions would be based on the five sections of ‘hukum shara’ (law of fiqh or religious law), that are ‘waajib’ (obligatory), ‘sunnah’ (optional), ‘harus’ or ‘mubah’ (probable), ‘makruh’ (improper) and ‘haram’ (unlawful or sinful).
It is ‘wajib’ to perform our five daily obligatory prayers (subuh, zuhur, asar, maghrib and isyak) so perform our best while doing it; it is ‘haram’ to shake hands with those of the opposite sex who are not our ‘muhram’ (those who are closely related to us such as our father, mother and siblings), then just leave it.
But the problem with some of us, we ignore what is ordained upon us; we just follow our ‘nafsu’ (desires), thinking that what we do (such as shaking hands with the opposite sex) is allowed or just a ‘small sin’.
Shaking hands involving the opposite sex is rampant in top party functions. If we were to observe closely the moment when a leader arrived at a function, he would be greeted with handshakes by men and women.
The leader seemed not to have a sense of guilty when shaking and pressing his hand to the hands of other people’s wives (bini orang) or daughters (anak dara orang). It is sinful but the people of that party just ignore it. Women too, were seen pressing or pushing their way to shake hands with the top leaders.
Based on ‘this sinful’ phenomenon, I am afraid we are not thinking about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. at all times, we are only good at remembering him when celebrating his birthday. Imagine what the Prophet would say, if he were to witness our deeds of not following his teachings and yet during Maulidur Rasul processions some of us are shouting our lungs in praising him.
During this long month of Rabiulawal, Muslims in Malaysia celebrate Maulidur Rasul; on a large scale with most of the events such as gatherings and processions being organized by government and its agencies such as the state religious department. In masjids, events such as reading of the ‘Barzanji’ (a kind of song in praise of Prophet Muhammad) were mainly dominated by the masjid’s committees.
During these gatherings, Muslims were reminded again and again about the life and sacrifice of the Prophet, his humble beginning as an orphan, his becoming a prophet at the age of 40, how he was mistreated in Makkah and about his flight from Makkah to Medina (the Hijra).
And in Medina, it was about the many battle the Prophet lead, the Islamic state of Medina he founded, the expansion of Islam in the Arabian peninsula up to his demise in Medina at the age of 63 in 632 AD.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is the unanimous choice of scholars as the the greatest man in history. Michael H Hart in his book ‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History’ ranked the Prophet first, while Lamartine/Histoire de la Turquie/Paris 1854 asked; “If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad?”
Hard’s The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, has sold more than 500,000 copies and been translated into 15 languages. What mainly surprised readers in this book was the first person on Hart's list (Hart, 1992). Hart decided to choose Muhammad over Jesus or Moses. Hart attributes this to the fact that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in both the religious and secular realms.
During the many ‘Maulidur Rasul’ talks I attented, almost all the speakers reminded Muslims to show their love for the Prophet by always remembering him by way of pronouncing the ‘salawat’ (salutations to the Prophet) and to adhere and follow all his teachings and actions.
So what are the teachings of the Prophet s.a.w. or to cut short what is Islam? In the book ‘Essence of Islam’ (Islamic Outreach-ABIM), it is stated that Islam means complete submission or surrender to the will of Allah SWT (The Most High).
Islam also means peace and the way to achieve peace. Islam teaches that there is only one God, who is called Allah in Arabic. Since the time of emergence of the first man on earth, God in His mercy raised among men numerous prophets or messengers, such as Abraham (Ibrahim), Isaac (Ishak), Jacob (Yaakob), Joseph (Yusof), Moses (Musa), David (Daud) and Jesus (Isa). The last of all the messengers was Muhammad s.a.w.
Islam is not a new religion. It consists of the same basic message which God has given in all true religions, and all prophets brought this same message for our guidance.
Muhammad s.a.w., the final Prophet and Messenger of God, taught us the full and complete meaning of Islam (surrender and commitment to the will of God) through his words, his actions and the revealed book, the Holy Qur’an.
All Muslims actions are governed by the principles of ‘halal’ (permissible) and ‘haram’ (forbidden, unlawful or sinful). It is ‘halal’ to be involved in business activities but ‘haram’ in practising ‘riba’ (usury).
It is ‘halal’ to touch one’s wife (or to the extent of having sex with her) but is ‘haram’ for men to touch and shake the hands of non-mahram women, but why does this continue to happen at the ruling party’s functions?
All along the party leaders would be shaking hands with the opposite sex. If dealing with this ‘simple’ matter, they do not follow the teachings of the Prophet, then what could be said about their commitments and pledges in more important and pressing matters.
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God..." (Nisaa 4:80)
IF for Aidilfitri, some Malays celebrated it for a month during Syawal; I was surprised when some ‘masjid people’ told me for the Prophet’s birthday (Maulidur Rasul), we should celebrated it during the whole month of Rabiulawal (the Prophet’s birthday is on 12th Rabiulawal).
Thus at some places, there are still functions and talks on the subject. Recently a ‘surau’ near my house too held that event. There were other functions too at masjids nearby.
Of all the talks I had attended, I cherished one remark by an ‘ustaz’. He said: “Please do not remember Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. only on his birthday but keep thinking about him at all times.”
In doing so, he said ‘insya-Allah’ (God willing) all our actions would be in line with his teachings. Then our lives would be guarded; our actions would be based on the five sections of ‘hukum shara’ (law of fiqh or religious law), that are ‘waajib’ (obligatory), ‘sunnah’ (optional), ‘harus’ or ‘mubah’ (probable), ‘makruh’ (improper) and ‘haram’ (unlawful or sinful).
It is ‘wajib’ to perform our five daily obligatory prayers (subuh, zuhur, asar, maghrib and isyak) so perform our best while doing it; it is ‘haram’ to shake hands with those of the opposite sex who are not our ‘muhram’ (those who are closely related to us such as our father, mother and siblings), then just leave it.
But the problem with some of us, we ignore what is ordained upon us; we just follow our ‘nafsu’ (desires), thinking that what we do (such as shaking hands with the opposite sex) is allowed or just a ‘small sin’.
Shaking hands involving the opposite sex is rampant in top party functions. If we were to observe closely the moment when a leader arrived at a function, he would be greeted with handshakes by men and women.
The leader seemed not to have a sense of guilty when shaking and pressing his hand to the hands of other people’s wives (bini orang) or daughters (anak dara orang). It is sinful but the people of that party just ignore it. Women too, were seen pressing or pushing their way to shake hands with the top leaders.
Based on ‘this sinful’ phenomenon, I am afraid we are not thinking about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. at all times, we are only good at remembering him when celebrating his birthday. Imagine what the Prophet would say, if he were to witness our deeds of not following his teachings and yet during Maulidur Rasul processions some of us are shouting our lungs in praising him.
During this long month of Rabiulawal, Muslims in Malaysia celebrate Maulidur Rasul; on a large scale with most of the events such as gatherings and processions being organized by government and its agencies such as the state religious department. In masjids, events such as reading of the ‘Barzanji’ (a kind of song in praise of Prophet Muhammad) were mainly dominated by the masjid’s committees.
During these gatherings, Muslims were reminded again and again about the life and sacrifice of the Prophet, his humble beginning as an orphan, his becoming a prophet at the age of 40, how he was mistreated in Makkah and about his flight from Makkah to Medina (the Hijra).
And in Medina, it was about the many battle the Prophet lead, the Islamic state of Medina he founded, the expansion of Islam in the Arabian peninsula up to his demise in Medina at the age of 63 in 632 AD.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is the unanimous choice of scholars as the the greatest man in history. Michael H Hart in his book ‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History’ ranked the Prophet first, while Lamartine/Histoire de la Turquie/Paris 1854 asked; “If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad?”
Hard’s The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, has sold more than 500,000 copies and been translated into 15 languages. What mainly surprised readers in this book was the first person on Hart's list (Hart, 1992). Hart decided to choose Muhammad over Jesus or Moses. Hart attributes this to the fact that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in both the religious and secular realms.
During the many ‘Maulidur Rasul’ talks I attented, almost all the speakers reminded Muslims to show their love for the Prophet by always remembering him by way of pronouncing the ‘salawat’ (salutations to the Prophet) and to adhere and follow all his teachings and actions.
So what are the teachings of the Prophet s.a.w. or to cut short what is Islam? In the book ‘Essence of Islam’ (Islamic Outreach-ABIM), it is stated that Islam means complete submission or surrender to the will of Allah SWT (The Most High).
Islam also means peace and the way to achieve peace. Islam teaches that there is only one God, who is called Allah in Arabic. Since the time of emergence of the first man on earth, God in His mercy raised among men numerous prophets or messengers, such as Abraham (Ibrahim), Isaac (Ishak), Jacob (Yaakob), Joseph (Yusof), Moses (Musa), David (Daud) and Jesus (Isa). The last of all the messengers was Muhammad s.a.w.
Islam is not a new religion. It consists of the same basic message which God has given in all true religions, and all prophets brought this same message for our guidance.
Muhammad s.a.w., the final Prophet and Messenger of God, taught us the full and complete meaning of Islam (surrender and commitment to the will of God) through his words, his actions and the revealed book, the Holy Qur’an.
All Muslims actions are governed by the principles of ‘halal’ (permissible) and ‘haram’ (forbidden, unlawful or sinful). It is ‘halal’ to be involved in business activities but ‘haram’ in practising ‘riba’ (usury).
It is ‘halal’ to touch one’s wife (or to the extent of having sex with her) but is ‘haram’ for men to touch and shake the hands of non-mahram women, but why does this continue to happen at the ruling party’s functions?
All along the party leaders would be shaking hands with the opposite sex. If dealing with this ‘simple’ matter, they do not follow the teachings of the Prophet, then what could be said about their commitments and pledges in more important and pressing matters.
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