Monday, January 30, 2017

U Masjid (7): Kisah tahi cicak dan kahwin bidadari...

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21) 

AL-QURAN ada menyebut sejumlah binatang seperti labah-labah, semut dan lebah untuk dijadikan iktibar. Ada kisah menyatakan Namrud iaitu Raja Babylonia pada zaman Nabi Ibrahim a.s. mati selepas seekor nyamuk memasuki otaknya.

Kemudian ada kisah burung ababil yang memusnahkan tentera bergajah pimpinan Abrahah yang bercita-cita memusnahkan Kaabah. Kisah ini dirakamkan dalam Surah Al-Fil.

Berceloteh mengenai binatang ini, saya tertarik membicarakan hal cicak yang biasa kita temui di persekitaran masjid. Suatu malam ketika kuliah antara waktu maghrib-isyak di sebuah masjid saya duduk di beranda (disebabkan hal tertentu), bukan di dewan solat. 

Ketika mengikuti butir-butir perkataan dituturkan sang ustaz, saya memandang ke siling dan dinding masjid; terlihatlah saya seakan-akan satu 'pesta' sekurang-kurangnya 10 ekor cicak yang sedang 'mencari makan'.

Terpegun saya memerhatikan ketangkasan cicak-cicak itu memburu mangsanya. Cicak 'terlekap' di siling dan dinding tetapi sungguh menakjubkan bagaimana binatang yang tidak bersayap ini boleh menangkap mangsanya yang kebanyakannya berkepak seperti kelkatu. Subhanallah, binatang tak bersayap boleh makan haiwan bersayap. Fikir-fikirkanlah!

Cicak-cicak ini sentiasa 'bersedia' - menunggu mangsanya 'membuat sedikit kesilapan' atau 'lalai'. Apabila kelkatu bergerak 'terkonteng-konteng' di dinding, sepantas kilat sang cicak menerkam - hasilnya kenyanglah perutnya. Seekor dua cicak bertindak lebih berani dengan bergerak di lantai bagi mengejar kelkatu yang jatuh.

Daripada 'hal cicak' ini, pakar motivasi kerap mengingatkan kita - jika sang cicak yang tak bersayap itu pun boleh 'menikmati' daging binatang bersayap; apakah kita (manusia) yang dijadikan khalifah di dunia oleh Allah SWT tidak mampu membina kekuatan diri...hai takkan nak mengeluh saja...berusaha kuatlah bagi memenuhi impian diri...kalau nak ke syurga pun 'kena berusaha keras', tidak boleh berpeluk tubuh.

Saya perhatikan cicak-cicak yang banyak itu, 'menjatuhkan' najis yang banyak juga di lantai. Tahi-tahi cicak amat jelas kelihatan kerana lantai di beranda masjid itu adalah daripada jenis kayu parquet.

Sambil duduk-duduk itu timbullah ilham di kepala saya. Tahi cicak adalah najis dan mengotorkan masjid...jadi tidak mahukah saya mengambil 'tugas' untuk 'mengutip' tahi-tahi cicak untuk dibuang! 

Wah ini satu peluang keemasan; terfikir di otak saya untuk melakukan 'pekerjaan' ini secara tetap...terngiang-ngiang di telinga saya ada ustaz dalam ceramah mereka menyatakan membersihkan kotoran seperti membuang tahi cicak ibarat 'mas kahwin' (mahar) kita kepada bidadari di syurga nanti...aiii, awak tak nak 'kahwin' dengan bidadari ke?

Dulu masa kecil, selalu juga saya dengar 'orang' bercerita jika kita bunuh cicak terutama pada malam Jumaat, kita dapat pahala. Betulke? Ketika itu saya pun sudah jadi 'pembunuh cicak' dengan 'melastiknya' dengan 'lastik getah mainan'.

Apabila menginjak dewasa, saya semak hadis - memang betul ada hadis menyebutkan perkara itu. Antaranya, hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada sahabat Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Barang siapa membunuh cicak dalam sekali pukul, maka ditulis untuknya 100 kebaikan, dan dalam dua kali pukulan kurang daripada itu (100 kebaikan), dan dalam tiga kali pukulan, kurang daripada itu.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

Hadis lain riwayat Imam Muslim menyatakan: “Sesungguhnya Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa sallam memerintahkan untuk membunuh cicak, dan Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam menamainya dengan nama Fawaisiqo (binatang jahat). 
Sejak melihat cicak banyak di beranda masjid itu bermulalah 'tugas' saya 'mengutip' tahi-tahi cicak di beranda masjid terutama pada waktu subuh kerana faham-fahamlah ketika itu tahi cicak agak banyak selepas cicak-cicak itu 'berpesta' sepanjang malam.  
Mula-mula saya gunakan berus dan bekas yang disediakan pihak masjid. Tetapi peralatan ini kerap tiada daripada ada. Al-maklumlah berus dan bekas ini 'sentiasa bergerak'...kejap berada di dalam ruang solat, kemudian di beranda, kemudian di tepi masjid, kemudian ghaib terus.

Akhirnya terfikirlah saya untuk membawa peralatan sendiri yang disimpan dalam kenderaan saya. Keadaan ini lebih menyenangkan. Sampai saja ke masjid, saya boleh memulakan 'tugas'. Kutip tahi cicak sebelum jemaah terpijak...kalau dah terpijak apa nak dikata...

Yalah, mula-mula 'cerita kahwin dengan bidadari' mengujakan kita untuk 'bekerja' membuang kotoran dari masjid. Kata orang ia 'bagai satu inspirasi'. Tetapi lama kelamaan, kita tak peduli lagi 'cerita bidadari itu'. 

Kita buat 'kerja' semata-mata kerana Allah Taala. Jika masa budak-budak kita boleh 'lastik' (bunuh) cicak sekarang ni apabila 'dah pencen' tak laratlah nak 'kejar' dan bunuh cicak, nanti cicak 'tertawakan' kita...jadi sekarang ini 'angkat' tahi cicak pun jadilah!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The free ride and ‘lecture’ on the MRT…

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

ALHAMDULILLAH (all praise belongs to Allah) I have tried the Mass Rail Transit (MRT) recently; travelling from the stations of Pusat Bandar Damansara to Sungai Buloh and back. 

It was a free ride; PM Najib Razak while officially launched Phase One of the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line, the country’s first MRT line on December 16th said commuters would be given a free ride for a period of one month.  He too said the public is free to give their comments.

This section of the line involves 12 stations between the Sungai Buloh Station and the Semantan Station, namely Kampung Selamat, Kwasa Damansara, Kwasa Sentral, Kota Damansara, Surian, Mutiara Damansara, Bandar Utama, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Phileo Damansara and Pusat Bandar Damansara.

Before trying the MRT, I did some research on the internet and was glad to know the authorities provided shuttle buses – so on the early morning of ‘that historic day’ I went to the bus stand in front of the Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) building in Jalan Raja Laut to catch that ‘special’ bus.

While sitting on the bench of the bus stand, a gentleman whom I guessed a Bangladeshi gave me a ‘salam’ and after waiting for almost half an hour, he loose patience and mumbled some words which I could not understand.

He then asked for my destination; well both of us were waiting for the ‘bas pengantara’ (feeder bus) to take us to the MRT station of Pusat Bandar Damansara.  After getting to know each other, we were at ease to talk about Islam and problems faced by the ‘ummah’ (Muslims).

So during the ride (which was also free) on the feeder bus which came about 15 minutes later and on the MRT we exchanged thoughts but it was the Bangladeshi who ‘dominated’ the conversation. I let him pour out his heart.

Only once I interrupted the Bangladeshi’s ‘lecture’.  I heard him saying, among others: “Brother, I came all the way from Bangladesh to Malaysia for what purpose….Yes I am here to heap as much money as I could. After my contract ends, I would take home all the money I have. Back home I will start a new life.

“Here in Malaysia we need to have the ringgit. With that money we could buy things for our needs…rice, salt, sugar and so on. Bangladeshi workers in Malaysia are paid in ringgit. I have a wife and six children back home. Every month I sent them some money.

“There in Bangladesh, arm with the ringgit you could not spend your money. You need to have the ‘taka’.  Ringgit is worth to spend only in Malaysia while taka is acceptable only in Bangladesh. Now listen very carefully, if you need to have ringgit in Malaysia and taka in Bangladesh, oooh brother tell me what ‘currency’ is of value ‘to spend’ in the Hereafter?”

I was stunned to the Bangladeshi far sighted views.  I only replied that we needed ‘pahala’ (rewards for good deeds) in the Hereafter. I then looked around; there were only a few commuters on the train. The MRT run and passed towns and housing estates …the Bangladeshi continued his lecture:

“Yes, it is ‘pahala’. We need ‘pahala’ in the Hereafter as we need money in this world. It is okay for us to heap as much money as we could. But remember dear brother, we must obtain the money by the ‘halal’ (permissible) way. The food that entered our mouths and stomachs must be ‘halal’ and obtain from ‘halal’ sources.  Our wives and children must be fed with ‘halal’ food derived from the ‘halal’ money we earned hard from our work…

“The problem in Bangladesh, corruption is too bad. Corruption destroys our country.  Here in Malaysia, I see the main problem is ‘zina’ (adultery). Leaders fall because of women. If this trend is not check, it will also destroy the country.”

The ‘lecture’ by the Bangladeshi reminded me about my own lecture notes which I had compiled over the years. Among others, I noted that our 'worldly treasures' including houses, cars, money and businesses would of no use in the Hereafter. The much sought items there are ‘iman’ (faith) and good deeds; unfortunately the Hereafter is not a place to do good deeds but a place to reaped ‘our best crop’ grown on earth! 

The world 'is only a stepping stone' for one to gather as much as 'benefits' as possible to be taken to the Hereafter. It is only a place to sow seeds but the fruits shall be reaped in the Hereafter. The duration of our life in the world (say 60-70 years) is only about two and a half hours compared with the next world which is for eternity. 

Our temporary life here is only a life of probation, for perpetual life in the Hereafter. All life ends in death. Therefore, let us remember that a certain time is fixed for us when we will be abandoned to the darkness of our graves. We should be therefore, consider the passing life of this world as a means towards our ultimate goal. Yes, this material world is not the main object of our life but a means towards a higher goal.

So it is really a very big mistake we put so much effort for our worldly gains and benefits in this world but forget our share in the Hereafter. Everything we heaped in this world would be left behind. The correct way is to follow the path shown by Allah SWT. From the Quran (Surah al-Baqarah 2:201), we recited this popular 'du'a': 'Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar" with the meaning: "Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire."

Two of the best companions of the Prophets traded their worldly pleasures for the Hereafter. During a war campaign when the Prophets asked Muslims to help to finance it, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq gave all his properties while Umar Al-Khattab donated half of his belongings. To Abu Bakr, the Prophet s.a.w. asked: "What did you leave for your family?" Abu Bakr answered: "God and His Prophet."

In the Qu'ran (Surah an-Nisa' 4.74), Allah SWT says: "So let those who trade the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in God's cause. Whoever fights in God's cause, whether he is killed or victorious, We will grant him a tremendous reward."

But there are people who seemed not to bother at all about their fate in the Hereafter. Many people even 'veterans' are madly in the 'rat race chase' - their lives are only to fulfill their worldly desires such as having a big house, a fleet of cars and lots of money stashed in banks.

Some seemed like animals; Allah SWT says in the Qur'an: They are like cattle, who only think about what it eats, and does not think about the future and prepare for another life. They are not only like cattle but even worse, because cattle obey Allah in reasons of its creation. This is reflected in Surah al-Furqan where it says: "They are only like cattle - nay, they are even further astray from the Path - even worse than cattle." (Al-Qur'an 25: 44)

Allah informs man about the insignificance and deceptive allure of the world in the Qur'an: "Know you (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: how rain and the growth which it brings forth delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; you will see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And forgiveness from Allah and (His) good pleasure (for the devotees of Allah). And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception? (Surat al-Hadid: 20)

Subhanallah, in life we begun with nothing...we brought nothing along with us but as the days turn into weeks, months, years and decades our 'properties' increased for example regarding vehicles, we started from owing a walker, then it is a bicycle, a motorcycle, a car and so on; but what is the state of our ‘imam’?

As children we stayed at our parents house, then we rented a room; after getting married we managed to rent a house, then we bought one, then had two or three houses or enlarge the former until the day when we die...we would be send to our 'deep and narrow graves' with nothing (worldly properties) attached to us...yes we were from zero and would be back to zero but this time around we would be answerable to all our actions in the world in the form of 'dosa' (sins) and 'pahala' (rewards)!

The Bangladeshi whom I befriended on the bus and MRT was right…his ‘lecture’ was priceless. It reminded me to be always on His straight path…but in my opinion his advice is not only for me but applicable to leaders of the country – well it is great for us to have ‘great projects’ like the MRT, the East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) and the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) but all of them must be in ‘HALAL’ ways!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Akhiri sandiwara perkauman menjelang PRU-14

DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


Daripada Aisyah r.a., berkata: "Saya mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: 'Semua manusia dikumpulkan tanpa memakai alas kaki, telanjang dan belum dikhatan.' Aisyah bertanya; 'Apakah antara lelaki dan perempuan akan saling melihat antara satu dengan yang lain?' Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: 'Urusan pada hari itu lebih dahsyat daripada mementingkan hal-hal seperti itu.'" (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

NEGARA kita sudah hampir 60 tahun merdeka tetapi sungguh membimbangkan kerana persoalan perkauman masih membelenggu rakyat terutama apabila disemarakkan oleh pemimpin yang mahu berkuasa 'dulu, kini dan selamanya'.

Berbicara mengenai negara ini terutama menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-14 (PRU-14) , tidak lengkap jika tidak membicarakan komposisi kaumnya yang pelbagai itu - Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan dan sebagainya. 

Hal ini termasuklah politik apabila kaum masing-masing pada asalnya diwakili oleh pertubuhan politik perkauman; seperti United Malay National Organization (Umno), Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) dan Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC).

Sekalipun ketiga-tiga parti ini bergabung membentuk dulunya Perikatan, kini Barisan Nasional (BN), perjuangan parti masing-masing adalah berdasarkan perkauman (desakan dan kehendak kaum masing-masing); hanya sedikit hal berhubung matlamat sama seperti mencapai kemenangan dalam sesuatu pilihan raya.

Sekalipun sedar akan keperluan sesuatu kaum memperjuangkan masa depan kaumnya, jika kita rujuk kepada Sirah Rasulullah SAW yang sewajarnya menjadi panduan setiap Muslim dan tatapan ‘non-Muslim’, baginda Rasul tidak pernah melaungkan semangat perkauman seperti "hidup Arab" atau "hidup Quraisy" (bagi kita "hidup Melayu" sambil menghunuskan keris dan sebagainya), tetapi membebaskan manusia daripada kejahilan dan kesesatan kepada hanya tunduk kepada Yang Maha Kuasa.

Baginda berhijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah dan kemudian kembali ke Makkah adalah bagi membebaskan bangsa Arab dan seluruh manusia daripada penjajahan dan penindasan sesama manusia dan bukan mengangkat martabat sesuatu bangsa seperti Arab ke puncak kuasa atau menguasai bidang kehidupan seperti ekonomi dan perluasan wilayah.

Hakikat Islam sebagai satu-satunya ajaran yang dapat membebaskan seluruh umat manusia dinyatakan dalam firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud; "tidaklah Aku utuskan engkau (Muhammad) melainkan untuk rahmat kepada sekalian alam." Di atas dasar inilah umat Islam menyebarkan risalah Allah ke seluruh pelosok alam.

Perihal kemerdekaan terutama tugas memerdekakan akidah manusia kepada mentauhidkan Allah SWT dinyatakan dengan jelas oleh Ruba’i bin ‘Umair, panglima tentera Islam ketika berhadapan dengan panglima Rustum dari Parsi; "Kami datang untuk membebaskan umat manusia daripada penyembahan selain daripada Allah, membebaskan manusia daripada kesempitan dunia kepada keluasan akhirat dan daripada kezaliman kepada keadilan. Barangsiapa yang menerimanya, kami akan kembali (tidak akan berperang dengannnya) tetapi bagi siapa yang enggan maka kami memerangi mereka sehingga Allah menunaikan janjinya."

Bagi kita, politik berasaskan perkauman kian menjauh dan tersasar daripada realiti perkembangan semasa. Apatah lagi dalam situasai sekarang, dengan perkembangan terlalu pantas di bidang teknologi maklumat, hampir semua perkara terdedah kepada pengetahuan umum dan dibahaskan semua peringkat rakyat saban masa. Oleh itu sebarang lontaran isu perkauman termasuk untuk mendapat sokongan undian kaum tertentu ketika pilihan raya akan hanya memakan diri dan lebih malang lagi mengundang negara dan manusia sejagat ke jurang kehancuran.

Di sini, kita melihat betapa murninya ajaran Islam dengan Allah SWT mengutus Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. untuk membawa rahmat kepada sekalian alam termasuk manusia. Baginda tidak diutuskan untuk kebahagiaan satu-satu kaum saja seperti orang Arab atau Quraisy tetapi membawa mesej kesejahteraan untuk semua - orang Islam, bukan Islam malah makhluk lain seperti jin, binatang dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Lihatlah betapa indahnya peraturan dalam Islam seperti adab-abab peperangan dan penyembelihan bagi membuktikan bahawa ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW itu adalah rahmat bagi sekalian alam.

Kewujudan negara-negara dengan sempadan sekarang ini adalah bikinan Barat untuk menunjukkan kekuatan dan melempiaskan kebongkakan mereka ke atas bangsa lain (bangsa jajahan). Dengan wujudnya situasi ini, maka bebaslah mereka mempromosi kekuasaan bangsa mereka ke atas bangsa lain; bagi mereka kaum di negara taklukan seperti Iraq dan Afghanistan tidak bernilai sesen pun sebab itu pembunuhan puluhan ribu orang di rantau ini tidak ada apa-apa kepada mereka sedangkan jika sejumlah kecil bangsa atau warga mereka terbunuh, mereka memburu pihak disyaki hingga ke lubang cacing dan melabel mereka sebagai pengganas.

Demikianlah tembelang dan temberang pejuang perkauman sama ada di dalam negara atau di luar negara kian terdedah, maka kepada Muslim dan Muslimat dinasihatkan agar kembali kepada ajaran Islam bawaan Rasulullah SAW kerana hanya itu penyelamat sebenar kehidupan di dunia dan akhirat.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Wake up, know our identity! (LanH Jr)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
RECENTLY I was in Uzbekistan, visiting historically cities such as Bukhara and Samarkand. Alhamdulillah, our entourage was lucky to have a 'smart and very knowledgeable' local tourist guide.

His knowledge on Uzbekistan history really amazed me. He could recalled every single detail of events without difficulty, as we set foot in front of the many monuments there. 

But unfortunately, his lengthy stories about the Great Emir Timur empire, Ulugbek’s achievements in astronomy, prominent Muslim scholars, the Soviet Union era and even current geopolitical issues in the country sometimes bored many members of the entourage including me as many of us had little or no background about the subjects what's more they were not much of our concern.

One may argue, it was his job as a tourist guide but I doubt in our country, tourist guides would be able to do such thing (at par with historians) with the same passion! 

After visiting miraculous monuments that was still standing after hundreds and some of them thousands of years, that not only undergone wear and tear due to weather, but also through the World War II, I kept thinking about our own Malay heritage.

During the famous era of the Melaka Sultanate from early 1400, Melaka once was known as the most prominent ‘entreport’ in the world with classical Malay language was being used as the ‘lingua franca’ in the region. 

Sadly,the only thing left for us to see from that era is the replica of ‘Istana Kesultanan Melayu Melaka’ (Malacca Sultanate Palace) in Bandar Hilir, Melaka. Perhaps the only thing remaining as our identity is rooted deep in our heart displayed by ‘adab dan tatasusila orang Melayu’ (Malays way of life) that was also becoming alarmingly ‘endangered’.

Actually, many facts hypothesised by historians, especially the Westerners can be questioned nowadays with newer facts and findings. Melaka before the Portuguese colonization was not just a mere sea-side village with a port, but according to recent finding of Kota Melaka map and drawing, it was a huge city walled by bricks and laterite. 

Then, we were told that the Malays using ‘keris’ and ‘tombak’ to fight with the colonials, but recent findings show during those days, our ancestors had firearms and cannon technologies as mention byGodinhoEredia in Asia Portugueza and Manuel de Faria Y Souza in E. Koek, Portuguese History of Malacca. In fact, we have our own names for those various firearms known as  ‘terakul’, ‘pemuras’ and ‘rentaka’

In addition, even most of us do not realized that the most recent archeological findings in this nation was Sungai Batu,Merbok, Kedah, believed dated back to 500 BC. The site was known as Kadahar, Queda, CheahCya or Qalah in ancient times was recognized officially by the expert archeologists as the earliest civilization in the South East Asia.

It was not just mere findings, as the millions of tube was believed as tuyere’ with more than 10 ancient blast furnaces hold secrets of the technologies during those days in iron melting industry. It was considered as a large scale industry and had played an important role as the main exporter of iron in South East Asia during that era.

It actually proves the greatness of Malay civilization which we should be proud of to tell the world. Only by various source readings and researches, one can discover the true greatness of our own origin. I am hopefully that our country would 'produce' smart and very knowledgeable tourist guides just like the Uzbek gentleman I had met.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Harga barangan tinggi, alternatifnya hampir tiada...

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21) 

SEHARI dua memasuki tahun baharu 2017, terkejut besar kita apabila harga barangan keperluan dapur terutama ikan dan sayur melambung mendadak. Misalnya harga ikan yang suatu ketika dulu digelar lauk orang miskin seperti kembong mencecah RM16 manakala selar RM18, malahan cencaru RM14 sekilogram.

Pelbagai pihak beralasan bahawa harga ikan tinggi disebabkan musim tengkujuh di Pantai Timur mengakibatkan nelayan tidak dapat ke laut. Namum umum mengetahui bahawa sebahagian besar ikan-ikan di pasaran adalah 'ikan kotak' yang sesetengahnya diimport dari Thailand dan Indonesia, jadi alasan 'musim tengkujuh' boleh dipertikai.

Kenapa hampir tidak ada pihak berani menyebut bahawa harga barangan keperluan termasuk ikan meningkat tinggi disebabkan kenaikan 'tinggi' harga petroleum mulai 1 Januari 2017? Apabila harga minyak naik, tidakkah kos pengangkutan juga naik menyebabkan harga barangan turut naik?

Demikianlah rakyat marhaen memulakan tahun baharu dalam keadaan penuh tertekan. Berhubung 'penderitaan rakyat' ini, penulis berusaha menyelami hati beberapa 'individu bawahan' yang pandangan sesetengahnya dapat dijadikan iktibar bersama.

Haji Jabar sudah lama bersara. Kini dalam usia 70-an, beliau berusaha 'sikit-sikit' (berdasarkan umur tuanya) menambah pendapatan - kadang-kadang dia melangai (menangkap geragau atau anak udang) serta ikan di pinggiran laut Selat Melaka. 

Dengan cara ini dapatlah dia membantu mengurangkan perbelanjaan dapur keluarganya kerana mereka tidak perlu kerap membeli ikan untuk dijadikan lauk. Pendeknya, beliau ada alternatif - misalnya jika harga ikan mahal dia boleh ke laut.

Namun dalam perbualan terkini beliau dengan penulis, dia tampak marah kerana katanya ada pihak tertentu melarangnya daripada melangai di laut persisiran bandar raya Melaka. Beliau mendakwa sejumlah kawasan di tepi laut sudah menjadi milik persendirian. Malah ada pihak yang sudah mengepung kawasan mereka sekali gus menyebabkan pelangai atau nelayan persisiran pantai tidak dapat ke laut.

Demikianlah dalam keghairahan pihak pemerintah mengejar kemajuan, periuk nasi sesetengah rakyat ditaburi pasir. Jadi pada ketika harga barangan keperluan termasuk ikan sangat mahal sekarang ini, alternatif Haji Jabar mengusahakan lauk untuk keluarganya seolah-olah sudah tertutup rapat. Kasihan Haji Jabar, tetapi apa dia boleh buat?

Berbual-buah dengan Encik Rashid, 30, seorang pembantu kedai yang membantu penulis menyiang ikan selar yang dibeli dengan harga RM18 sekilogram, mendedahkan dia terpaksa ke Muar untuk memancing ikan puyu (sebagai alternatif lauk berikutan harga ikan yang mahal) kerana parit, terusan dan sungai di Melaka hampir tiada ikan puyu (betuk) lagi.

Menurutnya suatu ketika dulu, 'ikan darat' mudah diperolehi tetapi sekarang seakan sudah menjadi menjadi eksotik pula. Dulu kalau tak ada lauk, 'ikan darat' seperti betuk, haruan dan keli adalah alternatifnya tetapi sekarang ikan-ikan ini harganya sudah melambung tinggi terutama haruan yang dikatakan amat mujarab untuk merawat luka dan untuk wanita yang baru bersalin.

Di kedai yang sama, Encik Deraman mengulas mengenai sayur-mayur pula. Katanya, dulu jika sayur seperti sawi, bayam dan kubis mahal atau tidak ada di pasaran, orang kampung tidak bimbang sebab mereka pada bila-bila masa boleh memetik 'sayur asli' seperti pucuk paku, pucuk pakis dan pucuk ubi yang tumbuh melata di belukar berhampiran rumah mereka. Malah 'kangkung kampung' pun segar bugar tumbuh dalam parit dan sawah serta kolam.

Malah katanya, orang kampung boleh makan sulur keladi, umbut pisang dan banyak lagi tumbuhan yang boleh dijadikan lauk. Pendeknya mereka ada alternatif tetapi sekarang ini pada ketika harga barangan keperluan termasuk ikan dan sayur-sayuran melambung tinggi, sebahagian besar rakyat tiada pilihan.Ya, amat menyedihkan sayur-mayur kampung ini hampir pupus malah di sesetengah tempat sudah pupus sama sekali!

Kerakusan pihak-pihak tertentu termasuk pemerintah dalam melaksanakan pelbagai projek termasuk untuk 'membesar perut kroni' telah menyebabkan alam sekitar musnah teruk. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika rakyat terutama orang kampung tidak lagi mempunyai alternatif jika harga barangan keperluan meningkat terlalu tinggi; malah orang Asal pun mengadu bahawa banyak 'kawasan rayau' mereka (di hutan) sudah musnah menyebabkan mereka 'susah cari makan'!

Demikian pada masa zaman 'paceklik' (bahasa Jawa bermakna zaman susah) sekarang ini, tidak mudah mendapatkan alternatif sesuatu barangan keperluan itu, jika dulu tiada beras mungkin ubi kayu gantinya tetapi sekarang ini harga ubi kayu pun amat tinggi!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

'Goodness' on wheels…

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

"Anyone who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God..." (Nisaa 4:80)

IN the middle of last year my family brought home five stray kittens and recently for an 'unavoidable reason' we had to give away all the five beautiful and cute creatures. 

I was sad and felt a great loss but fortunately an idea crossed my mind - why not I bring along cats food in my motorcycle's basket. Thus I could always feed stray hungry cats whenever I find them without taking them back home.

The 'idea' worked; nowadays I have 'befriended' some 'kittens' at two 'masjids' that I often goes - strangely they would run to my motorcycle whenever I arrived at the said premises. 

Based on this experience, I broadened my thinking that it is wise for us to carry along useful things or necessary equipment in our vehicles if of sudden there is an emergency. Yes, we needed to be ready to help others at all time, but one factor that hampered us from giving help is that we do not have the necessary and right equipment.

Discussing on this topic, I remember one of my best friend testimony that he always kept a motorcycle's tube, an air pump, spanners and other equipment in the boot of his car just in case he came across motorcyclists pushing their punctured vehicles along the road what's more on the highway.

Years ago I had the experience of pushing my punctured bike along the highway; I felt it was like an endless journey...I had to push the vehicle up and down the slopes and hills of the highway for more than 15 kilometers...yes nobody stopped to help me on the highway. While pushing the bike, my heart cried - Ya Allah, please help me, please help me! 

I exited at an interchange and after more than five kilometers only than I found a workshop and have my motorcycle repaired. On reaching home, I felt my body and bone ached - ooh, if only a good samaritan like my best friend who always carried the necessary tools had seen me on the highway! 

Perhaps in the past I was not good and fast in helping others, thus help was delayed to me! It was my mistake, I wowed to correct it. We must be ever ready to help those in distress.

Thus if we want to help others, always be prepared for an emergency. Be ready to render help just like my best friend who had motorcycle's repairing kit stored in his car boot!

It is good for us to have a car emergency kit which includes charged cell phone. Although this item will probably be on your person, it may make the difference between getting help fast and maybe not getting help at all. Make sure it is properly charged every time you get into your car.

We too should have first-aid kit, it should include adhesive tape, gauze pads, aspirin, antiseptic wipes, antiseptic cream or ointment, and anything related. Other items are fire extinguisher and warning triangles.

From experiences, I knew of some drivers carrying 'weapons' such as hockey sticks and iron rods in their cars in case they were attacked by road bullies but there are also 'some good souls' that carry with them 'parang' (chopper) and 'cangkul' (hoe) with a conscience intention.

Why carry a 'parang'...because when they come across felled trees they could help in clearing the branches and why carry a 'cangkul'...because they could removed carcasses of dead animals such as kittens on the road and then buried them. But to those good samaritans, be careful because carrying sharp objects such as 'parang' could land you in hot soup because it is against the law. 

Then when going to 'masjids' for your five times daily prayers or 'kuliah' (lessons), always be ready in your vehicles simple apparatus such as a brush and a small container for you to pick up and clear 'tahi cicak' (lizard's excrement) in the 'masjid'. You too could ready a 'penyapu' (broom) to sweep the floor or compound of the 'masjid'.

If you bring along brushes and detergents you could clean the toilets; but remember to bring 'pakaian basahan' (attires worn when doing dirty work) for you need to be in you best clothes when entering 'masjid' and performing our 'solat' (prayers). Then if you have a 'parang' and 'sabit' (sickle), you could clean and clear areas around the 'masjid' such as cutting grass.

To help 'needy' people or individual in distress perhaps it does not require much effort - drivers could give lift to people for example neighbours who are waiting for the bus or walking on the road. Stop and ask them; if their route match yours...then take them into your car; from my experience doing this, they were very grateful and said thank you several times!

Yes be kind to all including fellow human beings especially to those in need because whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad is to withhold him from evil, thus in Heaven you will be treated kindly. He who is not kind to God's creatures, God will not be kind to him. 

The Qur'an states that whatever we give away generously (including help), with the intention of pleasing God, He will replace it. God knows what is in the hearts of men. Say: “Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and also restricts it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in God’s Cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of providers.” (Qur'an 34:39) - ES

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Uzbekistan 'revisted' after 25 years...

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

ABOUT 25 years ago (in 1992), the writer (LanH) was in Uzbekistan, a newly independence nation after the collapse of Soviet Union. 

In this Central Asian country of some 30 million people, 90 percent of them Muslims, the writer found out the eagerness of the people to be practicing Muslims - well during the communist era for about 70 years they were denied in displaying their religious obligations such as 'solat' (prayers)...even 'masjids' were turned into museums and storehouses.

Recently the writer's son had the opportunity to visit Uzbekistan; it is interesting to know the latest development in that country especially regarding our Uzbek Muslim brothers there. Here's LanH Jr's account of his experience in this Central Asian country in which lies the world's famous Silk Road...


IT was almost 4:00 in the morning on December 1st, and the chilling early morning breeze and spots of snow welcomed our entourage to Tashkent International Airport as there were no aerobridge facility provided! 

We were transferred to the airport main terminal using a shuttle bus. After the hustle and bustle dealing with immigration and customs officers, we were transferred to the domestic airport where we would take a flight to Bukhara as the first place to be visited.

In the bus at Bukhara, we were welcome by our local tour guide and without hesitation, we were offered the black market rate of exchanging our US currency to the local Som. Mind you, the rate offered by the bank on that day was 1USD to 3,200 Som and he offered us at 5,000 Som instead. Later I found out in the market, 1USD = 7,000  Som. The rate was mind boggling and I kept telling myself, when in Rome, do as the Romans do and all the deals was done in the bus, never outside.
In Uzbekistan, during the last few weeks, it had been most difficult for the public as a national election would be carried out to give the people opportunity to vote for a new President as Islam Karimov, the first President of independence Uzbekistan had passed away in September. However, the public strongly believed the current Prime Minister, Shavkat Mirziyoyev also disciple of the late president will be chosen without challenges.

Thus, level of security has been levelled up and also, Uzbekistan will welcome hundreds of election observers from all over the world to ensure the election will be fully ‘democratic’. 

For a country that claims 90 percent of its population are Muslims, the people's way of daily lives contrast to situation in Malaysia. Muslim women (Muslimah) with hijab could be finger counted, most of them were elderly. Many 'jamek' (large) 'masjids' in Uzbekistan were only used for Jumaah or Eid prayers; for the five times 'jemaah' (congregational) they performed them in small 'masjids' normally by the side of the big 'masjids' and the sad part of it many people claimed that they only pray once a week that was the Jumaah prayers. 

'Adzan; (call for prayers) is not allowed through speakers and 'zakat' (tithe) is the matter of own personal initiative. No specific organisation will collect and distribute 'zakat' properly to the needed. Your 'salam' will be answered with the repeatation of ‘assalammualaikum’ as though it was like ‘hello’ to them.

Old Uzbekistan is noted for being an Islamic centre for scholarly study as its cities of Samarkand, Tashkent and Bukhara were part of the Great Silk Road. In the 14th century  Samarkand was the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane) and since then, hundreds of 'madrasahs' (religious schools) had been built and provided education for boys and girls separately. 

Perhaps the most notable 'madrasahs' in Samarkand were housed in the Registan. In it was placed three 'madrasahs' side by side forming a public square. Nowadays, the 'madrasahs' have past their glory and are now being visited for its historical and architectural values and there is also a shopping centre.

Bukhara, the ancient city along the Silk Road is an arid land. It was the birth place of Imam Bukhari; there also lies what was believed to be Prophet Ayyub's grave and well, the Citadel Ark, bazaar and numerous museum and 'masjids'. 

The present Museum of Carpet here once was a prayer spot for Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Muslims and Jews in different era but now sadly known for what it stands today. It is also here situated the 40 Pillars Masjid in front of the Citadel Ark but claimed to be used only for Jumaah prayer. 

In Chelak district, Samarkand, we visited the mausoleum of Imam Al-Bukhari. We arrived at the mausoleum complex said to be the idea of the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno, while Jumaah prayer was being perform. It was a very interesting scene to witness. While we were walking towards the complex, there were still groups of men outside chatting, ignoring the ongoing in the 'masjid'. 

In Samarkand also stand the enormous Bibi Khanoum Masjid, with a giant 'rehal' (stand) of the Qur'an in front of it. After restoration work, it only served as a mausoleum and have several souvenir shops. 

In Tashkent, we visited the main 'masjid' in the city centre. The Khazrati Imam Complex holds the Khazrat Imam Masjid, used only for Eid prayers, a smaller masjid used for the five times daily dan Jumaah prayers.

Baraqan Madrasah is now used as a woodwork souvenir shop. There is also an Al-Qur'an museum which kept the original manuscript of Al-Qur'an written in Khufi during the rule of Al-Rashidin Caliphate Uthman Affan and was retrieved from Moscow. At the middle of the huge Qur'an, there was a blood stain believed to be from Sayidina Uthman when he was murdered while reading the holy book.

The claws of Soviet rule buried deep inside the heart of the Uzbek people made it hard for outside influences; the people stay 'preserved' from what’s left after independence. 

To make things more difficult, the government is not allowing any visitors to freely roamed this country. Every visitor must be registered and the public is not allowed to receive any visitors overnight at their homes without permission. That’s maybe the main reason preachers from outside find it hard to set foot in this Central Asian nation.