Friday, February 26, 2016

My birthday wish...

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

THIS article was written on Wednesday, February 17th which was my 54th birthday. So happy birthday to me...opps it's sound odd to greet a happy birthday to oneself but that's what I would like to write about in this column after 'stumbling upon this beautiful piece' in the internet.

Birthday Prayer (Author Unknown)

Thank You, God, for giving me another year of life.
Thank You for all the people who remembered me today
by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes.

Thank You for all the experience of this past year;
for times of success which will always be happy memories,
for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for You,
for times of joy when the sun was shining,
for times of sadness which drove me to You.

Forgive me
for the hours I wasted,
for the chances I failed to take,
for the opportunities I missed this past year.
Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,
and through it to bring good credit to myself,
happiness and pride to my loved ones,
and joy to you. 

'Subhanallah' (Glory be to Allah), how fast time flies...54 years of my life had gone (of course I could not bring it back even I shed tears of blood); and for the future nobody knows what would happen. My 54 years of life was history; I preferred not to write too much about it; perhaps the best thing to do is to make full use of the remaining seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years we still have, before the Lord called upon us.

Why I began with the seconds...because in Surah Al-Asr (The Declining Day), Allah SWT who swear with time says: 1. By the declining day, 2. Lo! man is in the state of loss, 3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

Therefore it is a good reminder to myself and dear readers...please do not perform things except those that please Allah SWT for our existence in this world is to worship Him. In the Qur'an,  Allah SWT mentions, "I have not created the jinns and the humans except to worship Me." (51, Adh-Dhariyat, The Winnowing Winds,:56)

Scholars had divided time into three categories - yesterday (the past), now (present) and tomorrow( the future).To the thinking group of people, we have only the present because yesterday has gone and tomorrow nobody knows what would happen.

So let us talk about 'the now' (present). What to do about the present? Of course we do not know what is right to do unless we were guided in His straight path by Him. A Muslim performs 'solat' (prayers) at least five times daily, altogether he/she performs 17 'rakaat' (unit) of prayers; during each 'rakaat' he/she recites the Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening) in which he/she reads an ayah with the meaning 'Show us the straight path'.

To know His straight path we had to seek knowledge. Knowledge is the key to success in this world, what's more in the Hereafter. Human beings' knowledge is only like a drop of water in the vast oceans of knowledge so could you imagine how little we know compared to what we don't.

If you know yourself (this only could be obtained by seeking knowledge), only then you will know Allah SWT and the heavy responsibilities you shoulder in this world.Our existence is not without purpose or for play only. Each and every one of us holds higher responsibilities to God, the human race and in fact everything. Everyone is accountable for his actions, even if it is as small as an atomic part of substance.

Forgive me dear readers for 'lecturing' you on a subject perhaps your knowledge on it was miles ahead of me...but by doing so, I hope I could link it with what I mean as 'my birthday wish'.  Of course people could have many wishes for their birthday, here I would only discuss a wish...

'Alhamdulillah' (All praise to Allah) after I opted to retire early at the age of 50 in 2012,  almost every night I attended  'tazkirah' (lessons) in several 'masjids' and 'suraus' around my 'kampung' and now at the age of 54, perhaps after thousands of such lessons, I am in the understanding that we only need (my wish) to have Allah SWT 'reda' (blessing) in this world and the Hereafter.

If we were to look back at our past, we will realize that we had been wasting our time. If we are now in our fifties and suppose we die at the same age as the Prophet who died at 63, we have less than 10 years left to spend our lives. If we had done 'practically nothing' during our past 50 years, just imagine what could be done in our last few years. Yes, this is in case if we have a few years, but who knows if we were to die tomorrow or even after reading this article? Ooh God, I am very,very afraid!

So my 54th birthday wish was so spend the rest of my life to have His blessing. It is easy to write or talk about it, but the truth is how to have His blessing? To have His blessing, it was the greatest reward for a human being because Allah SWT says in the Qur'an: "(And) lo! those who believe and do god works are the best of created beings. Their reward is with their Lord: Garden of Eden underneath which river flows, wherein they dwell for ever. Allah hath pleasure in them and they have pleasure in Him. This is (in store) for him who feareth his Lord." (The Clear Proof, Al-Beyyinah, 7-8)

An 'ustaz' (religious teacher) during his class at a 'masjid' once said: "If we were to die at this moment, we must 'reda' (content to accept the will and decree of Allah)...the problem is had we readied ourselves to accept anything that befalls upon us what's more if it is death?" Remember His words...Allah hath pleasure in them and they have pleasure in Him!

A sincere Muslim is always content to accept the will and decree of Allah; in a 'hadith' narrated by Iman Bukhari, the Prophet s.a.w. said: "How amazing is the affair of the Muslims! His affairs are all good. If he experiences ease, he is grateful (syukur), and that is good for him. If he experiences hardship, he faces it with patience and perseverance (sabar), and that is also good for him." 

Yes, Happy Birthday LanH, always be 'syukur' and 'sabar' in life...'insya-Allah' you would have His blessing (reda) in this world and in the Hereafter...that was my 54th birthday wish and it is also my 'du'a' (supplication, pleading for His blessing) until my last breath on earth!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Secubit ikan tongkol, secebis udang sambal...

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32

CUTI sekolah selama seminggu sempena Tahun Baharu Cina, saya dan keluarga memanfaatkannya untuk menziarahi seorang anak dan isterinya di Kertih, Terengganu dan mengadakan hari keluarga di Melaka. Di Kertih, suatu pagi saya membeli tujuh bungkusan nasi dagang dan sedikit kuih untuk sarapan sekeluarga.

Apabila membuka bungkusan nasi dagang yang berharga RM2 sebungkus, terjumpa saya secubit ikan tongkol. "Aiii,"kata saya kepada isteri, "sekarang ini pada zaman harga barang serba naik ini, depa 'taruh' secubit ikan saja. Dulu sepotong, sekarang dah secubit pula!"

Di Melaka pula, selepas menikmati santapan tengah hari pada hari keluarga, orang rumah saya mengomel: "Siapa masak sambal udang tu? Udangnya dipotong dua, tiga..." Demikianlah pada zaman harga barang serba mahal sekarang ini, nak makan udang pun, udangnya perlu dikerat sebelum dimasak. Yalah, tak boleh salahkan tuan rumah atau tukang masak kerana harga udang sekarang sudah mendadak naik lebih RM30 sekilogram! Selain mahal, nak dapat beli udang pun payah!

Sekalipun tekanan kehidupan semakin berat dari sehari ke sehari, kehidupan perlu diteruskan. Dunia dikatakan mengalami kemerosotan ekonomi yang parah. Harga minyak global merudum, dilaporkan pada paras AS$30 setong. Di negara kita perolehan Petronas merosot teruk, kerajaan dilaporkan gagal mengutip sehingga RM50 bilion daripada 'lubuk emasnya'.

Namun pemimpin negara dengan bangga mengumumkan "nasib baik kita dapat duit melalui GST" (cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan) yang dianggarkan RM30 bilion setahun. Ya, pemimpin berpandangan jauh, 'pandai membuat duit' pada zaman yang serba susah sekarang ini.

Namun wahai pemimpin, tidakkah kamu sedar bahawa wang berbilion-bilion ringgit yang kamu kutip itu sebenarnya adalah wang rakyat. Mungkin kerana adanya GST-lah, harga ikan tongkol dan udang naik mencanak sehinggakan rakyat seperti penulis terpaksa makan nasi dagang yang lauknya hanya secebis ikan manakala sambal mengandungi udang yang dikerat dua atau tiga!

Bagi penulis, syukurlah kerana masih dapat makan walaupun berlaukkan secebis ikan tongkol atau sekerat dua udang; rakyat di luar sana bagaimana keadaan mereka? 

Bercakap mengenai keadaan rakyat marhaen menghadapi kesukaran kehidupan, teringat penulis akan pesanan seorang pemimpin tidak lama dulu bahawa "kita perlu mengubah gaya hidup..." Hakikatnya, hari ini dia, isteri dan keluarganya begitu boros berbelanja.

Wahai pemimpin, jangan pandai bercakap muluk-muluk saja; bikinlah seperti apa awak cakap. Tunai apa awak janjikan seperti slogan 'rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan'. Kalau kamu utamakan rakyat, takkan rakyat sudah jadi begitu derita sekarang ini. 

Dulu sebelum pilihan raya kamu mengaku untuk menjadi hamba rakyat. Pilihlah saya, jika saya terpilih saya akan bekerja untuk rakyat; atau bekerjalah bersama saya bukan bekerja untuk saya. Tetapi sesudah berkuasa lain pula dibuatnya. 

Pemimpin beraya sakan dengan kuasa yang ada. Mereka ‘shopping’ sana sini termasuk kota London, Dubai dan New York; meninggalkan rakyat terhegeh-hegeh mencari duit tambahan (ada dua kerja) bagi menampung kos perbelanjaan yang semakin tinggi termasuk kenaikan tambang pengangkutan awam baru-baru ini.

Ada kata hikmat Melayu berbunyi 'raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah', jadi jika pemimpin berterusan boros dan melakukan pelbagai kemungkaran, apakah rakyat mahu berterusan menjadi tunggul...apakah rakyat sanggup menyaksikan sesama rakyat yang kehidupan mereka semakin susah hari demi hari.

Pemerintah hari ini yang menyanjung slogan 'rakyat didahulukan' sewajarnya diberitahu mengenai kisah seorang raja yang mendapat kejayaan gemilang di medan perang kerana mengambil berat penderitaan rakyat. Baginda adalah pemerintah Mesir, Raja Malikul Muzafar Quthaz yang dapat menewaskan seterusnya menghalang kemaraan tentera Tartar (Mongol) daripada membinasakan dunia Islam pada abad ke-13 Masihi.

Selepas menghancurkan kota Baghdad, sekali gus mengakhiri pemerintahan Khalifah Abasiyah pada tahun 1258, tentera Mongol pimpinan Hulago Khan menghala ke Barat dan berjaya menawan satu demi kerajaan Islam. Antara faktor kejatuhan kerajaan-kerajaan ini ialah sikap talam dua muka pemerintah dan rakyat, sama seperti dihadapi negara umat Islam hari ini. Pemerintah bertindak zalim, memaksa rakyat bersatu padu tetapi pada masa yang sama mengerah rakyat supaya memenuhi perbendaharaan negara (membayar cukai tinggi) bagi menghadapi musuh.

Bagaimanapul hal ini tidak dilakukan Quthaz, seorang raja yang pernah menjadi hamba tetapi akhirnya berjaya memerintah Mesir.  Dalam menghadapi kemaraan tentera Tartar baginda memanggil alim ulama, amir-amir, menteri, hakim dan pembesar negara untuk berbincang. Dalam majlis ini Sultan meminta padangan mereka apakah dibolehkan mengutip wang dan mengambil harta rakyat untuk membiayai kelengkapan perang.

Dalam majlis ini, tidak seorang pun berani mengeluarkan fatwa kecuali Syeikh Abdus Salam yang berkata, tindakan tersebut wajib dimulakan ke atas amir-amir dan pembesar negara. Permintaan ini adalah sesuatu yang berat kerana sebelum ini tiada amir dan pembesar negara yang berbuat demikian. Bagi Sultan pula, fatwa Syeikh Abdus Salam amat berat - bagaimana baginda mahu memaksa pembesar baginda menyerahkan sebahagian harta mereka?

Di dalam buku 'Wahai Islamku' tulisan Ali Muhammad Baktsir (terbitan Pustaka Nasional Pte Ltd Singapura-1986) ada diceritakan bagaimana Sultan Quthaz menunjukkan teladan bagi dicontohi raja-raja dan pemerintah selepasnya, termasuk pada hari ini.

"Sekarang akulah yang pertama turun tangan, menyetor emas dan perak yang aku miliki kepada Baitulmal. Inilah perhiasan Sultanmu," kata Malikul Muzafar menunjukkan pada peti yang terletak di hadapannya itu. "Sekarang aku serahkan harta ini kepada Baitulmal. Di hadapanmu sekarang aku bersumpah kepada Allah. Aku tidak mengambil hasil negeri ini selain daripada kebutuhan diriku. Sekali-kali aku tidak akan melebihi bahagianku daripada bahagianmu, katakanlah aku ini menyimpan harta dan kekuatan. Bagaimanalah caranya seseorang Sultan hidup tanpa ada barang simpanan dan kekuatan."

Selain menyerahkan hartanya, Sultan Quthaz juga ke medan perang bagi menghadapi musuh. Bukan saja baginda yang berada di barisan depan tetapi juga pemaisurinya, Jalinar (Jihad). Dalam pertempuran itu, Jalinar tewas dan apabila hampir menutup matanya buat selama-lamanya, di dalam pangkuan suaminya, permaisuri itu berkata: "Wahai Islamku, wahai Islamku."

Jalinar tidak mengatakan wahai kekasihku (suaminya) tetapi wahai Islamku, menunjukkan betapa cintanya pada Islam sehingga sanggup menyerahkan nyawanya untuk Islam. Demikianlah betapa sikap dan peribadi Quthaz dan permaisurinya dalam menghadapi musuh Islam. Ciri-ciri yang dimilikinya itulah membolehkan umat Islam menewaskan musuh-musuh Allah termasuk tentera Mongol yang terkenal ganasnya pada masa itu. Itulah pemimpin yang mendahulukan rakyat; biar dirinya susah hatta mati asal rakyat senang tidaklah seperti sekarang, pemimpin mendahulukan rakyat untuk 'mati', asalkan dia senang...

Saturday, February 20, 2016

'Praktikkan' murid sekolah agama solat berjemaah

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32

KETIKA saya sampai di sebuah masjid untuk solat asar, azan berkumandang di udara. Di sebelah masjid ada sebuah sekolah agama rakyat; murid-murid saya lihat sedang  bermain kejar-kejar - ya anak-anak itu sedang menikmati waktu rehat.

Terfikir di benak saya kenapa murid-murid sekolah agama tidak disertakan sekali untuk bersama-sama solat berjemaah di masjid. Alangkah bagusnya jika anak-anak dilatih sejak kecil untuk bersama-sama ke masjid untuk solat berjemaah.

Menyaksikan wajah bersih anak-anak itu, saya membayangkan alangkah moleknya jika pengurusan sekolah agama dapat mengatur jadual agar anak-anak dapat menyertai solat berjemaah asar di masjid. Perkara ini dapat dilakukan jika sekolah agama di sebelah masjid,  jika sekolah jauh dari masjid mereka boleh bersolat bersama-sama guru di surau atau dewan.

Membiasakan (mempraktikkan) anak-anak untuk bersolat berjemaah tersangat besar faeadahnya. Jika guru, murid dan sesiapa saja di kalangan Muslim dilatih bersiap sedia untuk solat waktu berjemaah, alangkah indahnya. Tetapi ini jarang berlaku, jadi di mana silapnya?

Saya amat-amati di sekolah agama rakyat itu, ketika azan berkumandang, aktiviti sekolah berjalan seperti 'biasa'. Jika bertepatan dengan waktu rehat (waktu solat berubah-rubah), murid-murid dilihat melompat, jika waktu lain, guru masih mengajar dan murid-murid menjerit mengikut apa yang guru suruh sebut. Subhanallah, tidakkah guru mahu mengajar anak muridnya 'melakukan apa yang patut' apabila mendengar seruan azan?

Jika guru-guru dan murid-murid menyertai solat asar berjemaah, insya-Allah akan beres banyak perkara seperti soal solat. Misalnya murid-murid balik jam 6.15-6.30 petang; bolehkah kita jamin mereka solat asar di rumah? Alangkah ruginya jika kita tidak membimbing anak-anak untuk solat berjemaah semata-mata untuk mengikuti jadual berdasarkan sukatan mata pelajaran yang ditetapkan. 

Ya, sekarang ini, anak-anak diajar untuk menimba ilmu sebanyak mungkin tetapi kurang dari segi pengamalannya. Budak-budak sekarang pandai menghafaz itu dan ini, dalam peperiksaan mereka mendapat berderet A, tetapi satu kajian menunjukkan hanya 20 peratus murid-murid yang cukup solat waktunya. Akhlak mereka juga perlu dipertingkatkan, sebagai contoh di laman masjid ramai ketika menanti untuk pulang, ada sesuka hati membuang sampah merata-rata tempat.

Berdasarkan apa yang saya saksikan ini, saya rayulah pihak berkuasa agama (di Malaysia hal berkaitan agama adalah di bawah kerajaan negeri), bermuhasabahlah; lakukan penambah-baikan kaedah pembelajaran anak-anak kita, biar mereka mempraktikkan apa yang diajar. Jika kita mengajar solat berjemaah itu sangat penting, marilah kita bimbing anak-anak murid kita untuk menyertai solat berjemaah di masjid dengan meninggalkan sebentar apa saja aktiviti di sekolah. Bukankah panggilan Allah itu lebih besar daripada segala-galanya!

Jika kita sudah mengajar dan mempraktikkan generasi muda untuk segera menyahut seruan Allah, insya-Allah mereka akan berterusan berbuat demikian sepanjang hayat mereka. Tetapi jika guru tidak terasa apa-apa pun ketika seruan kepada Allah dilaungkan (azan), kerana mereka masih mengajar dan tidak berasa perlu ke masjid, kita bimbang anak-anak murid akan ditanamkan ke dalam jiwa mereka untuk 'buat dek saja' (pekakkan telinga) apabila mendengar azan.

Bagi saya, sekolah agama adalah tempat terbaik untuk mempraktikkan apa yang diajar. Jika diajar bab solat, pastikan guru dan anak murid sendiri solat berjemaah di masjid apabila keadaan mengizinkan. Jika pengurusan sekolah agama pun tidak dapat melakukan perkara ini, bagaimanakah situasi di sekolah lain seperti sekolah kebangsaan.

Saya difahamkan kehadiran di sekolah agama (petang) bukanlah 'perkara mesti' di negara kita. Dilaporkan lebih kurang 50 peratus saja anak-anak di sekolah kebangsaan (sebelah pagi) belajar di sekolah agama.

Ibu bapa mempunyai banyak alasan tidak menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah agama. Kena bayar yuranlah, lebih banyak belanjalah kerana anak dihantar ke sekolah dua kali dalam sehari dan ada yang memberitahu tak ada orang hendak menguruskan anak-anak. Ada yang mendakwa anak-anak mereka sibuk bersedia untuk menduduki UPSR dengan pelbagai tuisyen dan program bimbingan, jadi tiada masa untuk anak-anak ke sekolah agama.

Anak-anak yang tidak dihantar ke sekolah agama akan menghadapi banyak masalah. Mereka akan lemah pengetahuan agama, lemah Jawi dan terlepas peluang amalan praktikal seperti sembahyang berjemaah. Memang betul di sekolah kebangsaan ada subjek pengetahuan Islam termasuk bab solat tetapi itu tidak memadai.

Seorang ustaz berkata janganlah hendaknya agama hanya berguna pada tiga keadaan saja iaitu semasa kelahiran, perkahwinan dan kematian.Semasa lahir, anak diazankan kemudian semasa perkahwinan dinikahkan secara Islam dan akhirnya mati dimandi, kafan, solat dan dikebumikan; selain daripada hidupnya jauh daripada agama, solat dan masjid tersangat jauh daripada dirinya walaupun dia mungkin berjiran dengan masjid. Ya, didiklah anak-anak (murid) kita untuk sentiasa menunaikan solat waktu berjemaah di masjid!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

'We need to have Tabung Haji 2, 3...'

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

TABUNG Haji (The Pilgrims Fund) is synonym to Muslims in Malaysia. Perhaps every Muslim school going children in the country has an account with Tabung Haji. In my homestate of Melaka, Tabung Haji runs a campaign to register all Muslims school children as an account holder by depositing RM2 to each of them. The RM2 was token from the state government.

Not long ago the Melaka state government proudly announced that about 126,000 school children in the state including those in 'tadika' (kindergartens) had accounts with Tabung Haji. The value of their deposits was claimed to be RM106.37 million!

Nowadays Tabung Haji is on the news again. Until to this day when this article is written (February 3th) there is no word when Tabung Haji would declare payments of dividends and bonuses to depositors. Last year they announced it at the end of February 'smiling faces' of depositors especially 'kampung folks' could be seen at Tabung Haji offices but this year depositors have to endure 'a waiting game'. (Tabung Haji on the 4th February announced 5+3 percent bonuses for depositors, but there was no word about dividends)

Late last month, Tabung Haji has denied allegations that it was in hot water, following reports that its reserves were in the red, and assured depositors that it would announce bonuses in February.

Since I started working in 1986 until I 'pensioned' in 2012, I had my salary deducted every month to be deposited in Tabung Haji. I too made monthly contributions to all my five children, hoping they would have enough money for their education. I too registered them for hajj; for the youngest when I did it last year, her turn to perform hajj was stated in 2080's!

Being 'loyal' to Tabung Haji; keeping almost all my money there for a very long time, please allow me to offer my two sens mind regarding this institution which perhaps is near to the hearts of every Malaysian Muslims. 

During my early years as a reporter at a daily publication, Tabung Haji was one of my 'focus subjects' which was entrusted to me by my editor. I was assigned to many Tabung Haji functions; there I got to know some of its 'big shots' and took the opportunity to interview them for my write-up.

In a major article in the newspaper on August 18, 1988 under the topic 'Establishing a financial system without 'riba' (usury)' among other things I wrote: "A family with ten members living in a suburb of a town recently received seven letters of which had the words 'Tabung Haji' printed on the envelops."

During those days Tabung Haji depositors were without their account books, whats more the usage of ATM card. Every depositors would received statements of their account once in six months. Usually statements sent during February or March stated the bonuses for the previous year.

"The account of the father noted his savings was $2.41 (at that time the RM symbol was still not used), the mother $56, a son who was working $360 and four of their children who were still in school had between $2 and $3.

"The family had high awareness about the importance of savings because seven out of ten family members had accounts with Tabung Haji but because of certain set backs, the amounts being saved was too small. Furthermore some of them had not made any deposits since opening their accounts."

'Subhanallah' (Glory be to Allah), this scenario speak volume about how poor were Tabung Haji depositors at that time; thus those 'big shots' at the helm of that institution have to ponder about it. The same should be said to the leaders of the country - if they opened their minds and do some reflections, 'insya-Allah (God Willing) they would not betrayed the trust put on their shoulders by the 'rakyat'.

The 'rakyat' had worked hard and saved every sen they had in their their desire to fulfill their ambitions to perform the fifth pillar of 'Rukun Islam' that was to perform hajj!

Tabung Haji General Manager at that time, Haji Ahmad Haji Yeop Abdul Hamid said 90 percent from 1.1 millions depositors of Tabung Haji had less than $1,000 in their accounts. Furthermore many depositors were not active because many thought that the function of Tabung Haji was only to arrange and render services to hajj would to-be.

Haji Ahmad said Tabung Haji had high vision and hope. It hoped to develop a financial system free from 'riba' and this included house loans freed from usury. It too had ideas in creating financial arrangements which was free from 'riba' in other aspects of life such as car and personal loans.

Now 30 years had passed...Tabung Haji is now one of the premier financial institution in the country. It's depositors had grown to about five million, its businesses were diverse; the question is had Tabung Haji offered to give away free 'riba' housing and car loans to its depositors as mentioned and dreamed off by Haji Ahmad and people of his ranks during the good old times?

To the big shots of Tabung Haji including leaders of our country, please remember what was promised by Haji Ahmad to depositors some 30 years ago, among others money deposited should be used for 'halal' investments. They wanted clean investments; which are in line with religious requirements.

Thus, to those leaders concerned, please do not break the trust given by the 'rakyat': their hard earned money which they deposited in Tabung Haji were from their labour in the paddy fields, plantations and catching fish in sea - have you the heart to break the trust from the RM5, RM10, RM20 and RM50 which they put aside to be saved in Tabung Haji?
A friend said the 'main problem' of Tabung Haji was that it has no rival so it was so complacent ; if that was the case, why not we have rival institutions say 'Tabung Haji 2', 'Tabung Haji 3' and so on, only than 'the old Tabung Haji' would 'spring back to life' and give the best to the people.

He also claimed some 'big shots' (political leaders) 'played' their hands in some aspects of Tabung Haji management for example, the prime minister, ministers, state governments and so on have their own quotas of pilgrims to be sent for hajj.

It was said pilgrims sent by IMDB (the quotas of the PM and other top officers) amounting to thousands of people, they cut the queue of pilgrims hopeful in the waiting list.

Tabung Haji should wake up and not to be used by politicians for their own self interest. It was reported that 900,000 pilgrims hopeful were in the waiting list, why not Tabung Haji hold tight to its first registered to be served first and not fall into the hanky-panky hands of those political bureaucracy!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

'Tegak hukum Islam di Mahkamah Syariah'

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32

MEMBACA Suara Keadilan baru-baru ini (12 Januari), saya yang tertarik dengan berita bertajuk di atas, bertindak bertanyakan ustaz-ustaz termasuk pengamal undang-undang akan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah seperti apakah ia boleh membicarakan kes qazaf yang termasuk dalam hukum hudud.

Seorang ustaz yang juga pengamal undang-undang menjelaskan hudud adalah hukuman yang telah ditentu dan ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT di dalam al-Quran dan hadis. Hukuman hudud ini adalah hak Allah yang bukan saja tidak boleh ditukar ganti hukumannya atau diubah suai atau dipinda malah tidak boleh dimaafkan oleh sesiapa pun di dunia ini. Kesalahan yang wajib dikenakan hukuman hudud adalah berzina, menuduh orang berzina (qazaf), minum arak, mencuri, murtad, merompak (hirabah) dan penderhaka (bughat).

Qazaf iaitu menuduh orang berzina dan menurut ustaz-ustaz ini boleh terpakai menuduh orang melakukan liwat adalah termasuk dalam hukuman hudud; persoalannya apakah hukuman hudud 'ada tempatnya' dalam Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia?

Apabila disemak dan dirujuk bagaimana agama Islam ditadbirkan di Malaysia (ini menujukkan bahawa Islam ditadbir dan bukan mentadbir), kita akan dapati bahawa:
1. Mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, agama Islam terletak di bawah kuasa negeri.
2. Setiap negeri menggubal Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam masing-masing.
3. Setiap negeri juga membentuk Majlis Agama Islam yang mengandungi tokoh-tokoh Islam dan bertindak sebagai badan perundangan Islam yang sebenar di negeri itu.

4. Tugas utama Majlis Agama Islam termasuk:
a) Membuat peraturan-peraturan mengenai agama Islam.
b) Mengeluarkan fatwa.
c) Mentadbir masjid-masjid dan sekolah-sekolah agama.
d) Mengutip zakat, fitrah dan bayaran yang lain yang diwajibkan bagi orang Islam.
e) Mengurus wakaf.

5. Di samping itu sebuah Jabatan Agama Islam yang mengandungi pegawai-pegawai kerajaan juga dibentuk untuk membantu Majlis Agama Islam menjalankan tugasnya.

Perlembagaan Persekutuan juga mengehadkan pemakaian undang-undang Islam.

1. Perlembagaan Persekutuan memberi kuasa kepada Dewan Undangan Negeri untuk membuat undang-undang mengenai pentadbiran agama Islam termasuk Mahkamah Syariah bagi negeri yang berkenaan.

2. Bagaimanapun Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa Mahkamah Syariah hanya mempunyai bidang kuasa atas umat Islam dan mengenai pengamalan ajaran Islam setakat ditetapkan oleh undang-undang Persekutuan.

3. Dengan itu Akta Mahkamah Syariah 1965 (pindaan 1984) telah mengehadkan kuasa Mahkamah Syariah pada paras menjatuhi penjara sehingga tiga tahun, hukuman denda sehingga RM5,000 dan hukum sebat sehingga enam rotan.

4. Mengikut suatu pindaan Perlembagaan Persekutuan pada 1988, Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah-mahkamah Bawahan tidak mempunyai kuasa kehakiman ke atas perkara-perkara yang telah menjadi bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah.

5. Undang-undang HUDUD tidak diamalkan di Malaysia.

Dinyatakan juga bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah yang terhad.
1. Bidang kuasa sivil meliputi:
a) Perkahwinan.
b) Penceraian.
c) Nafkah anak dan isteri.
d) Pewarisan harta.
2. Bidang kuasa jenayah meliputi:
a) Kesalahan matrimoni seperti tidak taat kepada suami.
b) Kesalahan hubungan seks seperti persetubuhan haram, berkhalwat dan pelacuran.
c) Kesalahan minuman keras seperti menjual dan meminum arak.
d) Kesalahan keimanan seperti tidak solat Jumaat, tidak berpuasa atau tidak membayar zakat.
e) Kesalahan pertukaran agama seperti tidak mendaftarkan masuk atau keluarnya daripada Islam.
f) Kesalahan berhubungan dengan perjudian.

Perkara (5) secara jelas menyatakan undang-undang hudud tidak diamalkan di Malaysia. Berdasarkan ini, kes qazaf (salah satu kesalahan dikenakan hukuman hudud) 'tiada' sehinggakan peguam Saudara Anwar Ibrahim (tertuduh dalam kes Fitnah 11), Kamar Aniah Kamaruzzaman berkata: "Kita nak menegakkan hukum Islam di Mahkamah Syariah, bukan menegakkan hukum syariah di Mahkamah Sivil."

Berdasarkan hujah peguam Kamar Aniah ini, saya tanyakan ustaz-ustaz itu apakah hukum-hukum Islam perlu ditegakkan di Mahkamah Syariah sedangkan pada pandangan awam sudah tentulah Mahkamah Syariah mengikut panduan agama, ustaz-ustaz itu berkata ya, kerana sebagai misalnya apakah boleh kesalahan seks seperti persetubuhan haram (zina) dikenakan denda sedangkan hudud tidak dilaksanakan?

Kamar Aniah berusaha untuk membawa kes qazaf itu ke Mahkamah Syariah tetapi Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom memohon ia diketepikan kerana menyifatkan keputusan hukuman Fitnah 11 diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Sivil.

Jika hukum Islam sendiri pun tidak tertegak di Mahkamah Syariah, apakah kita rakyat biasa perlu buat? Seorang ustaz memberitahu setiap Muslim wajib mempunyai niat atau cita-cita menegakkan hukum-hakam Islam. Dengan adanya niat itu, diharapkan kita terlepas daripada dakwaan tidak melaksanakan hukum Allah apabila diadili di Mahsyar nanti.

Bagaimanapun niat saja tidak mencukupi. Niat perlu disertakan usaha dan doa. Setiap orang perlu berusaha mengikut kemampuan masing-masing. Ustaz dengan kelas pengajiannya, penulis dengan tulisannya dan begitulah seterusnya. 

Selain usaha, doa amat penting, demikian beritahu ustaz itu. "Marilah kita berdoa semoga pembesar dan pemimpin negara dibukakan hati untuk melaksanakan hukum-hakam Islam," katanya.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Reaching the 'moon' without 'a rocket'?

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

"Do not spy one another,
nor let any of you backbite others..." (Hujurat 49: 12)

IT was almost ten years since Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor became the first Malaysian in space. After all those years, are we closer to have a space station or requirements to build a rocket? 

Not long after 'the flying Sheikh' shot into space, in politics, the three main opponent parties - PAS, DAP and PKR formed a pack - Pakatan Rakyat - to administer several states after they achieved astounding results in the 2008 general elections.

Sheikh Muszaphar was in space without the country having a spacecraft (rocket). At 36, the medical doctor was the first Malaysian and Muslim male in space when he, Russia's Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Mallenchenko and flight engineer and Soyuz commander Peggy Whitson, blast off with a Russian rocket to the International Space Station (ISS) on 10th October 2007. 

At that time some sides belittled Sheikh Muszaphar saying he was just a spacecraft participant or a space tourist or liken him to a spacecraft passenger, but his journey is a big leap for Malaysia and Malaysians.

It was said the Malaysian government spent some RM95 million to send the first Malaysian into space. That project was part of a deal for the purchasing of Russia's 18 Sukhoi 30-MKM fighter jets, amounting to billions of ringgit. 

Recent development noted that the government would have to spend RM240 million to send another Malaysian astronaut to ISS for a 10-day trip. Sheikh Muszaphar who won the trip over Major Faiz Khalid, said Malaysian needs to set a clear objective if it intends to send another person into space.

So 'the flying Sheikh' was able to make great achievement eventhough our beloved country up to this day are no closer to build a rocket. If Sheikh Muszaphar could made it without the country having a rocket, I tried to think out of the box, I posed a 'tricky' question to some PAS people that could PAS 'reach the moon' (take over) Putrajaya without using or riding 'a rocket'.

Some of my friends inquired me, asking how could PAS reach the moon (come into power) without 'using a rocket'. PAS must use a rocket, only then there will be possibilities that they will reach the moon, they said.

They asked how could PAS be in power (at the Federal level) without the support of 'the rocket'? PAS could wrest power in the Malay belt states such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis but what about the other states? PAS doesn't have a rocket, so it almost impossible for it to reach the moon, they claimed.

PAS has no rocket, but it is aiming 'to reach the moon'. Malaysians too have no rocket but somehow, one of them had been in space! So it implies that, without a rocket too, PAS could, 'insya-Allah' (God willing) reach the moon. That is only a suggestion, others might have different views. 

During the anti-TPP gathering in Padang Merbok on Saturday afternoon January 23,  I asked a 'middle level' PAS leader how they could be in power in Putrajaya without the 'aid' of the rocket party. Members of the rocket party whats more its leaders was nowhere to be seen during the protest.

Eventhough I felt it was a 'tricky question', he answered in convincingly. Let's emulate Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in politics. He read from the Qur'an with the meaning,Say: "O Allah! Lord of Power (And Rule), Thou givest power to whom Thou pleasest, and Thou strippest off power from whom Thou pleasest: Thou enduest with honour whom Thou pleasest, and Thou bringest low whom Thou pleasest: In Thy hand is all good. Verily, over all things Thou hast power. - Ali Imran, 3:26

So let's 'istiqamah' (consistent) in our struggle until 'isya-Allah' (God Willing) we will see fruits of our labour. He stressed that human beings are weak and unknowledgeable so they had to depend on Allah SWT who at His mercy sent prophets and His books as their guidance. He said the job of human beings was to follow and obey Allah SWT instructions contained in the Qur’an and examples shown by the Prophet s.a.w.

He said we must follow Prophet Muhammad’s step in all aspects of life, including politic. When Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ‘hijrah’ (migrated) to Madinah, the first step he took was building Masjid Quba’ where all activities including politics were discussed there. So there’s no separation between religion and politics, contradict to claims by certain leaders who were in favor of nationalism.”

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. as the greatest man in the world including in politics;  the world from Adam onwards had produced monarchs of great pomp and show, generals of extensive conquests, philosophers and thinkers of great repute and poets of world-fame, but can anyone point out how far any of those were instrumental in raising the social status of down-trodden humanity and to what extent they catered to the spiritual elevation of the human mind by removing the rust within their unclean heart.

He said PAS struggle is to uphold the Prophet’s teaching including in politics. Everyone is answerable to their deeds; even in voting, one is subjected to be rewarded and punished. To be in power on not is not in the hands of human beings, it is Allah The Mighty who decides it. 

We could only work hard to achieve it but during the process we must make sure that they are in line of the teaching of Islam. We must remember that all Muslims actions are governed by the principles of ‘halal’ (permissible) and ‘haram’ (forbidden, unlawful or sinful). It is ‘halal’ to do campaign in elections but it is ‘haram’ to buy votes. So, whats the point of reaching 'the moon' (Putrajaya) if it done in the 'haram' way?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

My 'half-day' friend...

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

RECENTLY I went to an old friend's wedding reception in Shah Alam. But don't get me wrong; it was his eldest son's wedding, not his. Since he was my former school mate, I tried hard to make it eventhough the venue of the wedding was quite far from my home in Melaka.

To go to wedding by the family's car would cost at least RM100 for the fuel and toll and with the +++ (plus, plus) items such as buying drinks and food, another RM100 would be needed. And for the 'ang pau' (gift) another RM100 or at least RM50 must be put aside. Since it was in the middle of the month with my budget running short; I opted to go alone by bus instead.

Since the wedding reception was on Sunday, I began my journey on Saturday evening. I caught the 7:30 pm express bus to Shah Alam from Melaka Sentral. The ticket was RM16.50; the journey was 'alhamdulillah' smooth. I reached the bus station in Seksyen 13 Shah Alam at about 9:30 pm. The station was a small one; the bus stopped at a roadside; then I was left alone in the dark...what to do next, I did a 'quick thinking'...why not just walk along the road, 'insya-Allah', there would be always 'light at the end of the tunnel', I tried to coax myself.

After walking for about 15 minutes; I spotted a minaret of a 'masjid'...'alhamdulillah', I headed straight to the ground of the masjid, hopeful that the 'atmosphere' there was 'a friendly one' for a weary and tired traveler like me! At first I checked the toilets...well toilets were 'a must'...suddenly 'from nowhere' a person in uniform whom later I identified as a guard of the 'masjid' was next to me.

I asked him whether it was okay for me to spend the night at the 'masjid' but he did not respond. I asked him again, he only smiled; that signaled the green light...thus 'my activity' in the 'masjid' began. I cleaned myself and after doing the 'solat tahiyatul masjid' (a recommended prayer when one enters a masjid), I tried to sleep but I could not do so until the wee hours of the night.

When I was on my back, a realized a young man in a white 'jubah' (robe) was restlessly walking up and down the section which I was lying. His hands were busy on his electronic device - perhaps an I-Pad. He then settled at a spot several feet from me and perform his 'solat' (prayers). Perhaps he was doing his 'solat tahajud' (a recommended late night prayer)...I heard him recited some 'surah' (verses) from the Qur'an beautifully...

At about 3.00 am, I went to the toilet, took ablution and perform the night prayers. That 'guy' was still at his spot...I heard him recited a very long 'du'a'. After prayers, once again I laid down on my back but the stranger was still in the same position...

Only after the 'subuh' (fajr) prayers and 'kuliah subuh' (early morning lessons) I got to know the young man. He claimed to be a 'tahfiz' student in Kelantan who was having a break and to make full use of the time, he worked as a restaurant worker in Shah Alam. When he was not on duty especially at night he spent his time at the 'masjid'.

We then went to a nearby restaurant for breakfast and before I could pulled my money to make payment, he had settled the bill. After explaining to him that I wanted to go my friend's wedding reception in Seksyen 10 Shah Alam, he offered to take me there; of course 'by bus' because he too did not have any vehicle.

On our way to the wedding, we got to know more about each other (I prefer not to write his name here) and I must admit that I liked him for his courtesy and helpfulness. At the reception I introduced him to the host as my nephew; we ate and met some of my old friends. After lunch; we went our separate ways, I walked to the nearest bus stand for the journey to Kuala Lumpur while he fetched a bus to his workplace. Before that we bade goodbye to each other, I wish him the best...when we shook hands I pushed some money into his. Well, that was the last time I saw this 'nice guy' or heard anything from him eventhough I had given him my contact number while he had mine!

This is 'my story' and when an 'ustaz' who was 'lecturing' his class (congregators at a masjid near my house) regarding qualities to look for in a friend from Imam Ghazali's 'Bidayatul Hidayah' (The Beginning of Guidance) opened questions from the floor, I quickly asked him whether it is wrong for us 'to take advantage' from a short term friend (in my case befriending someone for only half a day to take me to my destination).

The 'ustaz' answered that it was not proper to do so; we should not try 'to take advantage' from a friendship. We must sincere in all our doings; we befriended and ever ready to help anybody including strangers just because Allah SWT orders us to do so. It was only to please Him and nothing else.

He said both parties must truly love to extend support and assistance to each other and must love good for one another. The Messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said, “None of you will attain (perfect) faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

There is also a 'hadith' that mentioned among the seven categories of people that would be under the shade of Allah SWT in the Hereafter are two men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that'...why not maximized the friendship even if it was a brief one to attain this reward.

Regarding qualities to look for in a friend, the 'ustaz' who read from 'Bidayatul Hidayah' said they are intelligence, good character, righteousness, absence of greed and truthfulness. These qualities are very important because The Messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said: “A man is considered by God to be of the religion of his intimate friend (khalil) so let each of you consider whom he has taken for an intimate friend.”

Regarding intelligence, Sayyidina Ali r.a. said:
Do not be in the company of an ignorant friend;
Beware of him and let him beware of you.
How often an ignorant man has brought estruction
To a forbearing man who has befriended him.
A man is likened with another man
When that man walks with him.
Like the similarity of one shoe to another
When it is set opposite to it.
A thing has patterns and resemblances from other things.
A soul reflects another which it encounters. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

'To be fair give your boy, girl a songkok each...'

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

DURING an 'ustaz' (religious teacher) 'tazkirah' (lessons) on 'nafkah' (livelihood allocation) at a 'masjid' near my house recently, he asked his audience what did they understood about fairness.

He then recalled a P Ramlee movie in which there was a scene where two thieves divided their shares on their loot - 'satu untuk engkau', satu untuk aku' (one for you, one for me) which made his audience burst into laughter.

"If you believe that the concept 'one for you, one for me' is fair, then think about this -  you as a father when you go home after this 'tazkirah', stop at a store and buy a songkok each for your Ahmad and Aminah. Both get a songkok, that's fair isn't it?

"That's not fair. It is 'bangang' (foolish)," said the 'ustaz'. "For Ahmad it is great for him to have a songkok, but for Aminah, a 'tudung' (head covering) might please her.

"So what's the meaning of 'fairness'? It is to place something at a right (suitable) place and time," said the 'ustaz'. "If you agreed that buying a songkok each for Ahmad and Aminah was not a fair action but to be fair is to give him a songkok and her a 'tudung', let's us continue our discussion...

Regarding 'nafkah', the ustaz said a man has a very heavy responsibility towards his wife and family, his parents, his siblings and those under his care. Muslim man has been given the position of 'qawwaam' (protector and maintainer) over women.

It is because of the characteristics which Islam instills in him, the qualification it has given him and the conditions and limits it has imposed on him. Allah SWT says in the Qur'an with the meaning: "Men are 'qawwaam' of women, because of Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means..." (Qur'an 4:34)

Thus, regarding women's right of inheritance, Allah SWT, stated in the Glorious Qur'an, with the meaning: "Allah commands you as regards to your children's (inheritance); to the male, a portion equal to that of two females." (Qur'an 4:11)

Why two parts to the males an one part to the females? This is NOT FAIR shouted many women liberation movement. They wanted the concept of 'one for you, one for me'. For them that is fair, said the 'ustaz'.

Yes, to those who misunderstand Islam claim that Islam does injustice to women in terms of inheritance. They are in the opinion that it is unfair to grant the male a double to that of the female even though they are children of the same parents. Allah SWT, offered a full and detailed method of women's inheritance in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Allah has determined all the shares of all the relatives in respect to their relationship to the deceased. As He the Most Wise said: "There is a share for men and a share for women from what is left by parents and those nearest related, whether the property is small or large, an obligatory share." (Qur'an 4:7)

The 'ustaz' explained that the responsibilities of men and women are different. A husband 'wajib' (must) provide 'nafkhah' to his wife and family members. If he failed to do so he would be 'berdosa' (being sinful) and would be punished not only in the Hereafter but also in the world such as loosing 'barakah' (blessing) in his life and he would be called by the 'Pejabat Agama' (Religion Department).

The husband must (wajib) provide for the necessities of his wife and family such as a place to shelter (house), clothing, food and needs for example living in this modern world, education for his children, medical expenses, transportation and so on, said the 'ustaz'.

"But a wife is not required to give 'nafkah'. If she owned some monies and properties or has an income, those are her's and her husband has no right to 'touch' them. What is required from her is to be obedience to her husband and she is 'in charge' of everything inside her husband's house," he said.

The 'ustaz' said in our society nowadays many husbands failed to provide for the 'nafkah' - some took it lightly, they thought it was right to share the responsibilities with the wives especially those who had jobs. 

"If a husband failed to provide for the 'nafkah', a wife could even 'steal' from her husband," warned the 'ustaz' who cited the case of Hindun, the wife of Abu Suffian. Such as the case of Hindun during the time of the Prophet s.a.w. complained to the Prophet that her husband refused to give adequate maintenance to her and her child. The Prophet instructed to take of her husband’s property "what is sufficient for yourself and your child according to custom."

According to the 'ustaz', other than 'nafkah' for well-being of a family, a husband must also provide for a special 'nafkah' for his wife - for her to buy her personal necessities items such as toiletries and makeup, Many 'modern' husbands failed to do so, especially if their wives had their own incomes.

"The correct way for a husband to excuse himself from providing the personal 'nafkah' to his 'rich wife' is by asking her to 'halal' (forgive or to consider as settled)," said the 'ustaz'. "If she agrees than it is okay, but if she insists, the husband must pay the 'nafkah' to her."

Other than providing for his wife and family, a man is also entrusted to look after the welfare of his parents and siblings. A husband (man) responsibilities are too heavy, thus, demanding a 'fair', 'just' or 'equal' share of inheritance for both male and female Muslims, who do not have equal financial obligations and responsibilities, is an unfair and unjust demand. 

It is only fair and just to give preference to a male heir, in light of his financial responsibilities, over the female heir from the inheritance of the father, mother or others. Considering all this, the fact that a female is still entitled by the Islamic law to a half share of the portion of inheritance received by the male, and sometimes an equal share, is indeed fair, just, and generous.

Islam views men and women to be equal in their humanity. The Holy Qur'an did not address men alone, when treating general issues in life; but meant both for men and women to hold due responsibilities in this regard. Thus, the Qur'an values the roles of male and female believers alike, for Allah says: “It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.”(Qur'an 33:36)

Men are men and women are women. Hence, both men and women, go along side by side practicing their duties before Allah, in accordance with His Messenger’s teachings, so that one’s life would be a portray of one’s sound actions… All that includes men and women; thus, male and female believers ought to abide by Allah’s holy decisive speech.

Yes men are men and women are women and to those who choose to equal men and women in every aspects of life; think why in sporting events even at the Olympics men and women are separated based on the sexes. Why not have men and women compete among themselves say in the 100 meter dash because they are equals...and that is 'fair' according to some of us!