Friday, August 24, 2012
Apabila berlaku ‘Perang Teluk’, angkat kaki, ‘blah’…
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
SEKARANG ini bukan saja kes perceraian menjadi-jadi malah krisis rumah tangga bagaikan tidak terbendung sehingga terjadi kejadian tragik seperti membunuh atau membunuh diri di kalangan suami isteri.
Ada beberapa peribahasa Melayu menyentuh mengenai hal rumah tangga ini; antaranya ‘sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit inikan pula suami isteri’ dan ‘pukul anak sindir menantu’. Hal ini membuktikan betapa halusnya orang Melayu dalam menyelami permasalahan hubungan kekeluargaan.
Pada musim raya ini, dikhuatiri ‘suhu’ hubungan suami isteri juga panas, misalnya persoalan balik kampung dan perbelanjaan raya boleh mencetuskan ‘Perang Teluk’. Ya, kehidupan suami isteri amat perlukan panduan agama bagi melahirkan kerukunan rumah tangga yang dalamnya terdapat unsur-unsur mulia seperti keadilan dan tolak ansur.
Namun dalam kehidupan suami isteri, kerap benar kita (termasuk penulis) tersasar, terjadilah pelbagai perang rumah tangga seperti Perang Teluk, Perang Dingin, Perang Periuk Belanga dan Perang Mulut. Hendaknya semua peperangan ini dapat diselesaikan secara aman; bagaikan menarik rambut dalam tepung, rambut tak putus dan tepung tak rosak.
Di sinilah panduan dan amalan agama amat diperlukan; kita gembira jika ‘peperangan’ ini membawa kepada kemaafan suami isteri yang insya-Allah akan membawa hubungan lebih harmonis selepas itu yang akhirnya menambahkan zuriat keluarga. Itulah kemanisan dalam rumah tangga, walaupun berlaku ‘peperangan’ tetapi anggota keluarga bertambah juga!
Namun akhir-akhir ini, kita tidak gembira kerana kerap benar terdengar perang rumah tangga berakhir dengan tragedi menyedihkan sampai pukul memukul atau nauzubillah membunuh atau membunuh diri yang tentunya bagi sesetengah orang Melayu dengan doanya ‘minta dijauhkan, simpang malaikat 44’!
Berceloteh mengenai perang balik kampung, seorang sahabat pernah bercerita, pernah suatu hari raya dulu dia dan isteri tidak dapat berkompromi menyebabkan dia balik hari raya ke selatan manakala isteri ke utara, meredah lebuh raya di ambang Aidilfitri dengan kereta masing-masing. Aiii, laki ke selatan, bini ke utara!
Nasib baik ketika itu mereka masih belum ada anak, kalau tak pening juga memikirkan jalan penyelesaian. Tetapi selepas berada di kampung, masing-masing menyesal kerana apa ertinya raya jika tiada pasangan dicintai di sisi. Kepada si isteri, keluarga dan orang kampung asyik bertanya; “mana laki kau” dan kepada si suami pula ditanya, “mana isteri kau?” menyebabkan kedua-duanya tak dapat berlama-lama di kampung.
Selepas berlaku perpisahan beberapa hari itu, barulah masing-masing sedar mereka saling perlu memerlukan. Mereka memilih berdamai, hasilnya sekarang ini anak sudah berderet!
Itulah antara kemanisan dalam rumah tangga, kalau asyik berkepit di rumah, bertentang mata 24 jam, akan berlaku pelbagai hal seperti Perang Teluk, Perang Periuk Belanga dan Perang Dingin tetapi apabila berlaku perpisahan seperti si suami atau isteri terpaksa pergi kursus atau ke luar negara, sepeninggalan pasangan masing-masing akan timbul rasa rindu, terasa tak sabar untuk berjumpa semula.
Pengalaman orang veteran dalam melayari rumah tangga juga boleh dijadikan panduan. Ini bagi membolehkan sesuatu pasangan suami isteri terutama yang masih baru dapat mengelakkan stres atau konflik rumah tangga.
Bapa saya pernah memberi panduan dengan berkata lebih kurang begini: “Orang lelaki ini jangan duduk lama-lama di rumah. Apabila berlaku ‘ketegangan’ dengan isteri, cepat-cepat angkat kaki, blah…pergi kedai kopi ke, pergi kebun ke, pergi ke bendang ke, jangan dilayan perbalahan itu kerana makin lama makin buruk akibatnya. Nanti apabila ‘dah cool’ baliklah, insya-Allah masalah dapat diselesaikan apabila suasana lebih tenang.
Seorang datuk saudara saya pun pernah mengamalkan petua ini, tetapi dengar khabar apabila dia ke kebun, habis pisang satu kebun dicantasnya dan apabila balik dia tidak ada tenaga untuk bergaduh lagi. Sudah penattt...
Ini nampak teruk, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya tindakannya itu lebih baik daripada mencederakan si isteri atau nauzubillah membunuhnya! Selamat Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Marilah bersama menangkan Islam
****************** Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ***************** Renungan *************** Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkannya (al-Quran) pada Lailatulqadar. Dan tahukah kamu apakah Lailatulqadar? Lailatulqadar itu adalah lebih baik daripada 1,000 bulan." (Maksud ayat 1-3 Surah Al-Qadr) ****************
ALLAAHU…AKBAR…Allaahu akbar…Allaahu akbar…Laa ilaaha illallaahu
wallaahu akbar. Allaahu akbar walillaahil hamd.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, maaf zahir dan batin.
Bersyukur ke hadrat Illahi kita masih diberi kesempatan oleh-Nya untuk sekali lagi
menyambut hari mulia Aidilfitri; kita kembali kepada keadaan fitrah selepas sebulan mengharungi madrasah Ramadan.
Melalui Ramadan Allah SWT menjanjikan rahmat pada permulaannya, pengampunan dosa pada pertengahan dan pengakhirannya bebas atau merdeka daripada api neraka. Marilah kita merebut peluang ini,meningkatkan amalan untuk akhirnya melayakkan diri kita menjadi insan bertakwa kerana inilah hasil diharapkan melalui universiti Ramadan.
Namun sebahagian umat Islam terlepas pandang atau masih diseliputi kejahilan, terlupa akan hakikat pada Islam itu merangkumi segala bidang kehidupan termasuk politik, tidak terikat kepada amalan khusus saja seperti solat, puasa, zakat dan haji. Apabila ini berlaku, akan lahirlah insan yang tidak seimbang amalannya, dia berpuasa tetapi
tidak bersolat, dia bersolat tetapi di luar solat mendedahkan sebahagian besar auratnya, dan dia berhaji tetapi menyanjung kehidupan sekular.
Pemisahan politik daripada agama adalah antara penyelewengan itu. Apabila politik tidak terikat dengan agama, penyelewengan begitu berleluasa kerana matlamat menghalalkan cara. Matlamat utama adalah untuk terus berkuasa, jadi akan diusahakan perkara itu sekalipun tindak tanduk adalah berlawanan dengan ajaran agama.
Sekarang ini, pada bulan raya dan negara di ambang kemerdekaan ke-55 tahun, sesetengah pihak menyemarakkan politik perkauman dalam usaha mengekalkan kuasa. Ini termasuklah mengeksploitasi sambutan kemerdekaan demi kepentingan parti sehingga timbul tema perayaan ‘Janji Ditepati’ yang asalnya slogan parti.
Perkembangan ini begitu membimbangkan kerana yang akan menjadi mangsa adalah rakyat termasuk diri kita sendiri. Amat bahaya jika setiap pemimpin bangsa mengapi-apikan kepentingan dan sentimen kaum dan golongan masing-masing sedangkan perkara ini ditentang keras oleh Islam dan Rasulullah s.a.w. yang kedatangannya adalah untuk membawa rahmat kepada sekian alam, sekali gus mematikan semangat asabiyah jahiliah.
Selepas melalui madrasah Ramadan yang terdapat dalamnya mentadabbur al-Quran, sukacita kita mengingatkkan diri sendiri dan juga seluruh umat Islam untuk benar-benar mengambil dan mengamalkan seluruh ajaran Islam dan bukannya separuh-separuh seperti yang kerap berlaku mutakhir ini.
Berhubung mengambil sebahagian ajaran Allah dan meninggalkan sebahagian lain, Allah SWT telah memberi amaran kepada Bani Israil melalui ayat 85 Surah Al-Baqarah yang bermaksud: “Apakah kamu beriman kepada sebahagian Al-Kitab (Taurat) dan ingkar terhadap sebahagian yang lain? Tiadalah balasan bagi orang yang berbuat demikian
daripadamu, melainkan kenistaan dalam kehidupan dunia, dan pada hari kiamat mereka dikembalikan kepada seksa yang sangat berat. Allah tidak lengah daripada apa yang kamu perbuat.”
Dalam Surah al-Baqarah ada dua ayat berdekatan (ayat 178 dan ayat 183) yang meminta orang beriman supaya berhukum dengan hukum Allah (qisas) dan berpuasa, tetapi dalam masyarakat dan negara, kita hanya menekankan bab puasa tetapi gagal berhukum dengan hukum Allah, jadi sempena hari mulia Aidilfitri marilah kita bersama-sama melakukan
muhasabah, menyesali diri dan bertaubat kepada Allah kerana gagal melaksanakan Islam sepenuhnya dalam kehidupan.
Benar kita tidak layak untuk mendapatkan syurga Allah, tetapi kita juga tidak tertanggung azab neraka-Nya. Oleh itu marilah kita merintih meminta keampunan-Nya, saling maaf memaafi sesama insan di samping terus berusaha keras memenangkan Islam di dunia ini termasuk dalam politik sebelum ajal menjemput kita.
Allaahu akbar…Allaahu akbar…Allaahu akbar…Laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar. Allaahu akbar walillaahil hamd.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Repent, forgive and forget this Eid
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
I am now 50 years old. How time flies fast and never will be back. It seemed only yesterday I was in day one Primary One, shedding tears when my father left me alone to start schooling in Class 1 Green of a school in Melaka under the trusted eyes of one Mrs. Subramanian. Well, it was in January 1969, more than 40 years ago!
Scholars have divided time into three categories – yesterday (the past), now (present) and tomorrow (the future). To the the thinking group of people, we have only the present because yesterday was gone and tomorrow nobody knows what would happen.
Yesterday is too far because it is history. But I would like to recollect some of things I did, especially during my ‘jahiliah’ years (period of ignorance) during the eve of this year (2012) Eid Fitr (Aidilfitri) so that I can repent and apologize for my improper actions and to seek forgiveness from the person or persons involved.
As human beings, we always make mistakes, and the best among us are those who repent and seek forgiveness from God. Mistakes against Allah SWT can be wiped off if we repent to Him because of His kindness, forgiveness and merciful but sins related to other human beings can only be erased if we repent and seek forgiveness from that person. So this ‘Raya’, it is a good opportunity to do so!
Regarding these sins to fellow human beings, I would like to apologize to former friends in my primary and secondary years in school and in university as well as former colleagues in Berita Harian, Harian Metro and Harakah.
During my working years in the ‘main stream media’, perhaps my sins were greater because I was involved in the 'secular journalism' where good and bad things became interlocked. For example, we would write about the importance of following the Islamic code of dressing but at the same time we also produced suggestive pictures of female superstars.
The question is how and what could or should I do to make up for those aimless years and silly mistakes that I had done.
In my search for a solution, I found a passage from a book entitled ‘I want to Repent, But…by Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid (International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh) very useful and helpful.
In a question and answer chapter, it states clearly what I should do. ‘Alhamdulillah’ (thanks Allah) for Your guidance. The book notes:
Question: I used to be a misguided writer, spreading secular thoughts thorough my stories and articles. I used my poetry to spread promiscuity and immorality. Then Allah SWT turned me with His mercy and guided me, bringing me out of darkness into light. How should I repent?
Answer: Anyone who used his words and his pen to wage war on Islam by spreading deviant ideologies, misguided heresies (bid’ahs), corruption and immorality, is obliged to do the following.
1. He should announce his repentance of everything he has written and publicly – through all available means – renounce his misguided writings and refute all his old ideas. Thus, his new stance will become well known, and no one be able to claim that he was misguided by the writings that he has now disowned.
This public announcement is one of the obligations of repentance in such cases, as Allah SWT says in the Qur’an 2:160, “Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed). These, I will accept their repentance. And I am the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.”
2. He should use his words and pens to spread Islam, expending his energy to support the religion of Allah, teaching the people about the Truth and calling them to it.
3. He should direct his energies towards counterattacking the enemies of Islam, exposing them and their schemes, and proving their claims wrong, just as he used to support them before. Thus he will become a sword in defence of the truth against falsehood. Similary, anyone who has previously convinced another person – even in a private gathering – of something ‘haraam’ (forbidden) such as the idea that ‘riba’ is not usury and is therefore allowed, should go back to that person and explain the truth to him, just as he previously led him astray. In this way, he can expiate for his previous sin. And Allah SWT is the One Who guides.
So, to readers and friends; I took the oppourtunity to admit my mistake and repented. Let us fight the evil inside and outside us such as publications that destroy the minds of the young generation.
Instead let us work hard to produce quality reading materials for all, emphasizing Allah SWT's greatness at all times by totally submitting to His laws and orders. Insya-Allah (God willing) we would be rewarded handsomely in this world and in the ‘akhirah’ (Hereafter).
Scholars have reminded us that our priorities in life keep on changing as the years pass; for example when we are young, many of us were are after wealth and a sound and peaceful married life, then as we grow older we realize that it is health, then it is love (bondness among families members) and then when we lay on our death bed, only then we realize that we long for good deeds done. At this critical moment only do we realize that our ‘amal’ (good deeds) are not enough to take us to the Hereafter; but it is already too late.
The son of man grows and with him grows two things – the love of wealth and love of long life. But what about good deeds?
If we knew that we need to gather lots of good deeds in this world for ‘stock’ in the Hereafter where RM, dollars and pounds were useless, we would be after them when we were still young; unfortunately many of us realize it when death is upon us.
The Holy Prophet s.a.w. warned us when he said: “On the day of Judgment, one will not be able to move away before Allah until he has accounted for his life, how it was spent; on knowledge, ro what use it was put; regarding wealth, how it was acquired and spent; and on body, how it is utilized?
All things related to this world would not satisfy human beings, for example regarding richness (wealth) the Holy Prophet said: “Even if there were for a man two valleys full of wealth he would aspire for a third one, and nothing would fill man’s belly but dust, and Allah turns him who turns to Allah.
So, turning 50 this year, it is timely to remind myself, friends and readers through this article, that our priority in life should be expanding our stock of ‘amal’ (good deeds) before our ‘Big Day’ (death) catches up on us. Don’t gamble with your life, thinking that death is still far away from us; who knows this Ramadan or Eid would be our last.
As for this Ramadan that would be over in a few days time, pray and work hard, hoping that we would get Lailatulqadar (Night of Power). In Surah Al-Qadr, Allah SWT says: “Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Power; Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is!; The Night of Power is better than a thousand months; The angels and Spirit (Jibril, Gabriel) descend therein, by permissions of their Lord, with all decrees; (That night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.”
To former college friends, on this auspicious holy month of Ramadan and Syawal (Eid) let us repent, forgive and forget for Allah’s sake; remember this famous song - Auld Lang Syne - which we sang with all our hearts before we departed our separate ways after Form Five. Well, it was an 'ala orang putih' (Englishman) style of life we were practising then, nevertheless it had good values in it, why not copy the good aspect of it!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne!
For auld lang syne, my Dear,
For auld syne,
We’ll take a cup of o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne…
Selamat Aidilfitri (Happy Eid), Maaf zahir dan batin.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Usah 'jadi lembu' pengakhiran Ramadan ini
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Maka barangsiapa yang derhaka dan mengutamakan hidup di dunia, maka sesungguhnya nerakalah tempat diamnya. Adapun orang yang takut akan kebesaran Tuhannya dan menahan dirinya daripada hawa nafsunya, maka sesungguhnya syurgalah tempat diamnya." - Q.S An-Nazi'at 37-41
PADA hari-hari menjelang Raya ini terkenang saya akan 'seni kerja tangan unik' orang tua-tua Melayu-Melaka yang sudah pupus. Jika pembaca anak Melaka yang membesar pada tahun-tahun 70-an atau lebih awal, mungkin perasaan kerja tangan mudah ini ketika berkunjung ke rumah-rumah orang veteran.
Ketika era 1960-an, saya cukup teruja dengan susunan botol-botol berisi air berwarna yang dipamerkan di rak-rak yang orang Melaka panggil para. Ada barisan air berwarna merah, hijau, biru dan sebagainya. Apabila botol-botol air warna yang sama bentuk dan saiznya disusun sedemikian rupa (mungkin 20 atau 30 botol), ia dengan serta-merta menjadi tarikan kanak-kanak seperti saya ketika itu. Ada kalanya ketika cahaya matahari menyimbah ke dalam rumah dan mengenai botol-botol berwarna itu, ia menghasilkan cahaya berwarna yang sungguh cantik (bagi sayalah ketika itu).
"Nek, nak air sirap tu!" pinta saya, tak tahan melihat 'godaan' air berkilauan itu. Tetapi sungguh memeranjatkan apabila tuan rumah yang saya panggil 'nenek' itu dengan lembut memberitahu saya bahawa air itu bukan untuk diminum. Ia hanya sebagai perhiasan saja! Sungguh menghairankan saya, 'air secantik' itu hanya menjadi hiasan, kalaulah boleh masuk ke dalam tekak saya, tentu sedappp!
Lama kemudian barulah saya tahu, 'air cantik' itu dihasilkan daripada air yang direndam dengan kertas warna. Air itu kemudian ditapis; sisa kertas warna dibuang manakala air dimasukkan dalam botol-botol berkenaan. Botol-botol itu kemudian disusun di para-para, biasanya para di atas sekatan ruang tamu dan dapur supaya tetamu dapatlah melihat dengan jelas keindahan botol-botol berisi air berwarna itu! Ya hasil seni ini cantik tetapi awas, airnya bukan untuk diminum!
Sekarang ini tiada satu pun rumah orang Melayu yang saya kunjungi pada hari raya ada dipamerkan air berwarna. Ia hanya berada dalam memori orang seangkatan saya atau orang lebih tua. Sempena kehadiran penghujung Ramadan ini, teringat juga saya 'kerja seni' orang lama Melayu-Melaka yang bermati-matian membuat kuih tradisional untuk sambutan hari raya. Antara kuih itu adalah dodol dan wajik.
Dodol seolah-olah hidangan kemestian pada hari raya. Hampir setiap rumah, anggota keluarganya akan terbabit membuat dodol. Kerja membuat dodol terutama mengacaunya amat berat dan lama. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, sebaik saja selepas sahur, kuali besar sudah diletakkan di atas tungku, api mulai dinyalakan dan santan dituang dan dikacau. Kerja mengacau kelihatan mudah, tetapi awas, bahan dikacau itu semakin lama semakin pekat dan likat, maklumlah selepas dimasukkan gula melaka dan sebagainya. Kerja mengacau itu tersangat lama, mungkin hanya berakhir selepas zuhur atau asar!
Pertengahan waktu sebelum dodol masak adalah saat ditunggu kanak-kanak seperti saya (belum balighlah) kerana kami akan dipanggil beramai-ramai untuk makan dodol cair yang diseduk dan diletakkan di atas daun pisang. Ya, di kalangan keluarga kami, hanya kanak-kanak yang dibenarkan makan dodol cair itu, orang dewasa tidak sama sekali.
Namun saya dimaklumkan, di sesetengah tempat, ada orang tua pun mencuba dodol yang sedap itu apatah lagi mereka sudah berlalu penat, berhempas pulas 'mendayung' (mengacau) dodol dari subuh sampai asar. Mereka tak puasa pun. Ada yang tertinggal solat subuh, zuhur dan asar kerana leka membuat dodol.
Sama seperti 'seni' membuat 'air warna', 'seni' membuat dodol pun sudah mati. Sudah puluhan tahun, saya tidak lagi 'mengacau' dodol. Kalau teringin makan dodol 'order' saja atau pergilah ke gerai-gerai di tepi jalan. Tetapi semua itu tidak dapat menyaingi 'dodol cair' yang saya nikmati puluhan tahun lalu!
Kalau ada orang boleh tak puasa kerana dodol, hari membantai (bergotong royong menyembelih lembu, kambing) menjelang Aidilfitri juga menjadi penyebab segelintir orang tak puasa. Mereka berkata nak rasa daging baru. Namun sama seperti 'seni' membuat dodol, acara membantai juga kian pupus. Kebanyakan urusan sekarang dilakukan secara komersial.
Sekarang ini akan muncullah gerai-gerai menjual daging di tepi jalan menjelang hari berbahagia itu. Namun apa yang saya perhatikan, ada orang bagaikan 'sudah jadi lembu' dalam mengendalikan perniagaan. Siang malam dengan bisnes lembunya malah tengah hari Jumaat ketika orang sibuk ke masjid, mereka tetap tekun di gerai daging lembunya.
Demikian juga orang yang terbabit dalam bisnes lain dan para pembeli. Siang malam, berniaga dan 'bershopping' sakan untuk beraya. Tidak kira waktu sembahyang ke, malam ganjil 10 hari terakhir Ramadan ke, mereka tidak peduli. Yang penting hajat mereka untuk melaram raya ini tercapai.
Kesimpulannya, ingatlah wahai diri sendiri terutamanya dan semua, janganlah kita 'jadi lembu' pada hujung Ramadan ini dengan membuat perkara atau 'seni sia-sia' sebaliknya berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan tawaran istimewa Allah SWT termasuk dalam memburu Lailatulqadar-Nya!
Friday, August 10, 2012
‘Have fun’ while adhering to Islamic teachings...
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)
1. By the declining day,
2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,
3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort
one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
AFTER attending perhaps more than a thousand religious classes (tazkirah) in several masjids near my house during the short interval between maghrib and isyak prayers; I have learned some ‘fine aspects’ of Islam rarely spoken about openly by ‘ustazs’ (religious teacher).
For example, one night an ustaz told congregators at a masjid: “You would be rewarded handsomely if you hold your wife’s hand affectionately; some of your sins would fall off; you would also be rewarded if you look into your wife’s eyes lovingly; kissed her on the cheeks and bla…bla...”
Sex between husband and wife is an act of worship, ibadah. A Muslim would be rewarded when he practices this act, as he is rewarded when he does any other acts of prescribed types of worship. Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) alluded to this concept when he said, which reads as follows: “[A Muslim] would have an intercourse with his spouse ad would be rewarded for it. The Companions (may Allah be pleased with him) asked: Oh Messenger of Allah! A person would be rewarded while satisfying his sexual need? Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: Yes. Isn't it that he would be punished had he practiced sex illegally? The same applies if a Muslim practiced a lawful intercourse with his spouse. As such, he would be rewarded.” (Ahmad)
If a husband or wife does something to please his/her spouse which is in line with the teaching of Islam, then he/she would be rewarded. The Prophet s.a.w. for example challenged his young wife, Aisyah for a race and at times he would put his head on her lap. ‘Have fun’ with your spouse, and Allah SWT would reward you handsomely. Rasulullah s.a.w. said: "The best of women is one that pleases her husband when he glances at her; obeys him when he commands her and does not oppose him and displease him in matters regarding her body and wealth."
There are many more hadiths regarding ‘the fun’ between the wife and husband that would be rewarded by Allah SWT. Surely the wife would be pleased if her husband is helpful because the Prophet s.a.w. had said: "By assisting your wives in their household matters you men receive the reward of sadaqah." But in today’s modern world, many men refused to do house chores; perhaps many of them are not equipped with this knowledge of ‘the fine aspects’ of Islamic teaching.
Wonderful rewards are waiting for the righteous wife; for example Rasulullah s.a.w. said: "The woman that does her domestic chores attains the rank of those upholding Jihad." He s.a.w. also said: "The woman who prays her 5 prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, protects her chastity and is obedient to her husband; such a woman will enter into Jannah from any of the doors she wishes to enter from."
In other hadith, the Prophet said: "The woman that is obedient and subservient to her husband; the birds in the air, fish in the sea, angels in the sky and animals in the jungles seek forgiveness for her." After her sins have been forgiven her stages are elevated.
Rasulullah s.a.w. also said: "0 women! Remember, those who are pious and upright amongst you they will enter Jannah before the pious men. These women will then be bathed, perfumed, and presented to their husbands on red and yellow mounts. They will have such children with them who will resemble scattered pearls."
Rasulullah s.a.w. also said: "Does it not please you that when you conceive from your husband while he is pleased with you then that woman will receive such reward equal to that of a person fasting in the path of Allah and spending the night in worship; then when her labour pain commences the inhabitants of the earth and the sky are unaware of the stores of comfort that are prepared for her; when she delivers and breastfeeds her child then she will be granted a reward for every gulp of milk; and if she had to remain awake during the night for the sake of her child she will receive the reward of emancipating seventy slaves in the path of Allah. O Salamat! do you know who these women are? They are pious, upright, delicately natured but yet are obedient to their husbands and not ungrateful to them."
And to women out there; one night during a ‘tazkirah’ I heard an ustaz mentioned this: “It is okay for a wife to steal from her husband!” He said this act is allowed if her husband is a stingy person who does not provide enough for her ‘nafkah’ (livelihood expenses).
The ustaz also stirred commotion among congregators when he said: “A husband has to pay personal ‘nafkah’ for his wife so that she could buy personal items such as toiletries even though the wife is working and having her own income. I believe many of you do not do it. You would be asked by God in the Hereafter for this failure, but I could show you a way out…but I will tell you in class next week!” (The way out is by pleading clearance and forgiveness from one’s wife for not providing that ‘nafkah’).
Yes, Islam is truly a religion or the only way of life from The Creator Himself. Imagine while ‘having fun’, one would be rewarded handsomely. In fact almost all of our actions would be rewarded (given ‘pahala’) by Allah The Mighty if they are done according to laws of Islam.
For example sleeping is just part and partial of our daily activities but when ones sleep by mentioning the name of Allah SWT (Bismillaah-hir-raHmaa-nir ra-Him which means ‘In the name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful) and having good intention (niat) such as “I would be stronger to do my ‘ibadah’ after sleeping” or “please Allah give me the energy and strength so that I could wake up in early morning (about 3.00 am) to perfom my night (tahajjud, taubat and witir) prayers, then our sleep would be rewarded by Allah SWT. Imagine by having a good sleep you are recorded to have done a good deed! Isn’t that fun?
If sleeping as a ‘fun activity’ is rewarded by Allah SWT, a Muslim who is also active in sports would gets Allah SWT blessing. In his Hadith, the Prophet s.a.w., commands Muslims saying: “Teach your children swimming, archery and horse-riding.” This direct call to practice sports shows the great importance Islam places on sports in training the Muslims and making their bodies healthy and sound. It is no wonder also to hear the saying: “A sound mind is in a sound body.”
If a Muslim developed interest in the games stated by the Prophet; then by getting involved in these ‘fun activities’ he/she would be rewarded handsomely by Allah SWT. But of course one has to adhere to the teaching of Islam; if a female swimmer wears skimpy swimsuit in a public pool, then she against the teaching of Islam and would be punished heavily in the Hereafter. Well, there are ways for women to enjoy this activity without jeopardizing their ‘iman’ (faith) such as by having separate pools for the sexes. A few countries such as Iran and UAE have already this facilitiy.
Well, you are having so much fun doing things you loved such as swimming and horse riding, yet at the same time you are being rewarded by Allah SWT for following the Prophet’s ‘sunnah’ (way of living). Isn’t that a real beauty of Islam?
Then there are things that you are not required to do anything about but just by looking at them, then you would be rewarded by Allah SWT. Among them are looking at the faces of your parents lovingly, looking at the Qur’an, looking at the Ka’abah, and looking at zam-zam water!
Truly, Allah has made Islam a perfect religion, as a guidance for human being to live in a perfect happy life in this word and Hereafter; the Qur’an says: “Allah desireth for you ease, He desireth not hardship for you.” (2:185)
But as usual human beings complicate life, thus living in this world is full of misery; the ‘fun of living’ was robbed from us!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Antara derita Rohingya dengan gahnya Olimpik London
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
“Ucapkanlah wahai anak, ‘Ya Tuhanku, kasihilah kedua ibu bapaku sepertimana mereka berdua mengasihi aku sewaktu aku kecil.” (Surah al-Israk, ayat 24)
Kini Ramadan Kareem sudah menginjak ke pengakhiran. Semoga kita mendapat pengampunan-Nya. Ramadan beberapa tahun lalu, kita dikejutkan dengan tragedi umat Islam selatan Thailand apabila lebih ratusan orang terbunuh selepas pasukan tentera Thai melepaskan tembakan ke atas penunjuk perasaan yang membantah penangkapan guru agama.
Kini pada Ramadan mulia ini orang Islam Rohingya di Myanmar (Burma) pula disembelih beramai-ramai. Pengusiran orang Rohingya sekali gus memalitkan rasa malu kepada pertubuhan serantau Asean dan sejagat seperti OIC dan PBB yang setakat ini 'malu-malu untuk bersuara' apatah lagi bertindak. Malaysia yang pernah menjadi Pengerusi OIC dan anggota kanan dalam Asean perlu bertindak segera bagi membela golongan minoriti itu.
Berdasarkan sejarah, kita tahu PBB akan bertindak segera untuk menangani apa yang mereka dakwa keganasan yang berlaku di sebuah negara umat Islam. Krisis di Dafur, Sudan; Timor Timur (bekas wilayah Indonesia), Iraq; Afganistan, Iraq dan Iran adalah sebahagian contohnya.
Tetapi dalam kes membabitkan penganiayaan ke atas umat Islam seperti di Kashmir (India), Xinjiang (China), Chechnya (Rusia), Rohingya (Myanmar) dan kini di Thailand, PBB 'tidak berkutik' pun, apatah lagi untuk mengharapkan suara lantang kuasa besar dunia.
Dunia Islam juga memandang sepi. Masalah Rohingya bukan keutamaan mereka, jadi tidak perlu susah-susahkan diri. Jika OIC yang mendakwa sebagai 'payung umat Islam' sedunia lambat bertindak, apa lagi yang dapat dilakukan ummah, selain mendoakan keselamatan saudara seagama.
Kini selepas lebih empat dekad sejak diwujudkan pada 1969; OIC, pemimpin dan ummah perlulah bermuhasabah diri, mengkoreksi dan memperbaiki apa-apa kelemahan yang menyebabkan umat Islam seluruh dunia dihina sedemikian rupa.
Kita yakin selagi umat Islam terutama pemimpinnya tidak kembali kepada panduan Allah dan Rasul-nya selagi itu penghinaan akan dihadapkan kepada umat ini. Kini dari China ke Afrika Selatan, dan dari Amerika Syarikat ke Australia, umat Islam hidup penuh tekanan sehinggakan di negara yang mengaku negara Islam contoh, hukum-hakam Islam dicemuh walaupun baru ada ura-ura melaksanakan sebahagian daripadanya.
Bagi kita, berapa banyak pun sidang OIC, selagi sebahagian besar pemimpinnya dan juga pemimpin negara umat Islam masih berkiblatkan Washington, London dan Moscow, selagi itulah ummah akan dihina.
Ketika saudara seislam kita, orang Rohingya menderita, dunia termasuk negara dan masyarakat Islam bergegak gempita dan gah dengan Sukan Olimpik yang dilangsungkan di London pada bulan suci Ramadan. Cendekiawan Islam juga sibuk membicarakan perihal sukan ini sama ada atlet dibolehkan menangguhkan puasa. Tetapi tidak ramai yang peduli akan penderitaan orang Rohingya.
Penganjuran Olimpik pada bulan Ramadan menunjukkan Barat tidak peduli pun akan amalan orang Islam. Sukan yang berasal daripada kepercayaan Greek purba ini penuh dengan gaya bertentangan ajaran Islam seperti memuja api (berlari membawa obor api) manakala sesetengah atletnya hampir bertelanjang. Melalui sukan ini Barat mahu seluruh dunia termasuk orang Islam mengikut cara hidup mereka. Itulah sebabnya timbul kontroversi apabila Arab Saudi bertegas atlet wanitanya tetap berhijab manakala Iran siang-siang lagi sudah memboikot sukan ini.
Jika pada tahun 1980 dulu, sebahagian besar negara dunia termasuk negara kita memboikot Sukan Olimpik Moscow kerana pencabulan Soviet Union terhadap Afghanistan, tidak bolehkah negara dan umat Islam mengambil sesuatu inisiatif untuk menarik perhatian dunia terhadap penderitaan umat Islam minoriti di negara seperti Myanmar (Rohingya), China (Xinjiang), India (Kashmir) dan Filipina (Mindanao).
Atau mereka terpukau dengan gah dan keglamoran London sehingga melupakan bahawa kini adalah bulan Ramadan dan lebih malang lagi saudara seagama mereka dizalimi sedemikian rupa?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
‘Nak bersara umur berapa, 55 atau 60 tahun?’
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkannya (al-Quran) pada Lailatulqadar. Dan tahukah kamu apakah Lailatulqadar? Lailatulqadar itu adalah lebih baik daripada 1,000 bulan." (Maksud ayat 1-3 Surah Al-Qadr)
SEKARANG negara di ambang menyambut ulang tahun kemerdekaan ke-55. Tema sambutan ‘Janji Ditepati’ menjadi kontroversi. Sejak merdeka pada 1957, hanya Umno-BN (dulunya Umno-Perikatan) yang memerintah negara ini.
Jadi tahun ini, sempena tarikh keramat 55 tahun itu, sudah cukup tempohnya Umno-BN memerintah negara ini; kalau seorang pekerja bolehlah bersiap sedia pencen! Ini kerana umur pencen pekerja asalnya 55 tahun, hanya tidak lama dulu dinaikkan kepada 56, kemudian 58 dan akhirnya-akhir ini 60 tahun.
Apakah Umno-BN mahu atau terpaksa pencen setelah 55 tahun memerintah negara ini? Kalau komponen parti ini kalah pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU) yang mesti diadakan dalam masa terdekat ini, maka terpaksalah Umno-BN pencen pada 55 tahun. Tetapi jika Umno-BN menang, ia boleh melanjutkan umur persaraannya, mungkin sampai 60 tahun sehingga PRU14 diadakan.
Sudah tentu Umno-BN tidak mahu pencen setelah 55 tahun memerintah. Pekerja pun tidak mahu pencen pada 55 tahun. Masih muda, kata kebanyakannya, terutama daripada sektor awam. Masih banyak boleh disumbangkan kepada agama, bangsa dan negara, dakwa sesetengahnya.
Demikianlah betapa banyak alasan diberi sedangkan jika mereka tidak pencen, macam mana ada kekosongan bagi membolehkan anak cucu masuk dalam dunia pekerjaan. Itulah antara sebabnya puluhan ribu graduan kini menganggur!
Ini kerana di ofis berlaku lambakan ‘datuk’ dan ‘nenek’. Masakan tidak ramai golongan veteran membanjiri dunia pekerjaan kerana hampir tiada yang mahu bersara pada usia 55 tahun kerana bimbang tidak dapat imbuhan malah ada ura-ura tidak boleh keluar wang KWSP sepenuhnya pada usia itu sebaliknya 60 tahun.
Ramai juga tak mahu pencen pada usia 56 dan 58 tahun dan baru-baru ini boleh dikatakan hampir semua kakitangan kerajaan ‘sign’ akan pencen pada usia 60 tahun. Jika pekerja yang ‘tiada kepentingan sangat’ enggan pencen pada usia 55 tahun tentunya Umno-BN tidak mahu kerusi empuk yang didudukinya direnggut pada usia 55 tahun ini.
Mestilah Umno-BN mahu berganjak ke angka 60, 65 atau 70 tahun. Atau lebih baik lagi dulu, kini dan selamanya…Apabila Umno-BN tidak sedia pencen pada usia 55 tahun ini (berdasarkan propaganda hebat dilancarkannya terutama melalui media massa), apakah rakyat boleh berterusan berdiam diri?
Seorang kakitangan (pekerja) yang mahu usia persaraannya dilanjutkan sehingga 60 tahun mestilah menunjukkan prestasi baik bahawa dia masih boleh menyumbang bakti sekali pun badannya sudah sakit sana sakit sini.
Tidak guna ‘sign’ kontrak bersara umur 60 tahun tetapi tahun-tahun terakhir bekerja dipenuhi MC, terlantar di wad hospital, ponteng, termenung sana termenung sini kerana kaki sudah dipotong kerana diabetes, tak larat bekerja dan sebagainya yang pasti menjejaskan operasi jabatan atau syarikat. Hal ini akan menyusahkan pihak pengurusan dan rakan-rakan sekerja. Lebih buruk lagi, dalam usia senja itu terbabit pula dalam amalan buruk seperti rasuah malah cuba merogol dan mencabul anak dara orang pula!
Jika seorang pekerja boleh disemak rekodnya sama ada dia layak bekerja sehingga umur 60 tahun, Umno-BN juga boleh diperiksa prestasinya sama ada ia layak dipencenkan pada usia 55 tahun ini atau sehingga usia 60 tahun apabila PRU14 diadakan atau boleh bekerja sehingga usia kemerdekaan negara 65 atau 70 tahun.
Akhir-akhir ini apabila Umno-BN sudah ada tanda-tanda kena pencen pada usia 55 tahun, dirinya semakin gelisah sehingga terpaksa ‘masuk bakul angkat sendiri’. Maklumlah takut dipencenkan pada ‘usia muda’ kononnya! Tukang kempennya seperti media massa sarat dengan puji-pujian melangit, membodek Umno-BN sebaliknya menjadi kaki kutuk paling dahsyat terhadap lawannya.
Jika kita tengok TV, hampir setiap masa rakyat disogokkan dengan kejayaan BR1M, Kedai 1-Malaysia, Klinik 1-Malaysia dan program membeli undi rakyat lainnya. Beritanya sarat dengan propaganda murahan sehingga rakyat ‘tidak ghairah’ lagi ‘membuka’ TV. "Boleh jalanlah kau dengan TV kau!”
Ketakutan Umno-BN untuk pencen pada usia 55 tahun ini juga menyebabkan ia begitu tak ketentuan sehingga sanggup mengangkat lagu kempen parti ‘Janji Ditepati’ sebagai tema Hari Kemerdekaan.
Tubuh badan Umno-BN sudah rosak teruk, menjadi sarang penyakit, oleh itu bersaralah wahai Umno-BN pada usia 55 tahun; kalau tak, rakyat akan memaksa anda! Hentilah cakap besar untuk terus ‘bekerja’ sehingga 60 tahun atau lebih teruk lagi ‘dulu, kini dan selamanya’!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Caring for one’s aging parents
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
There is no god but He,
Praise and glory to Him;
Far is He from having the partners
they associate unto Him. (Tauba 9:31)
While holidaying in Manchester, United Kingdom several years ago, I went to one of its famous car boot sales and bought a few second hand books – the one I would like to discuss in this article was written by Claire Berman entitled ‘Caring for Yourself While Caring for You Aging Parents (How to Help, How to Survive)’. This book was published by Henry Holt and Company Inc.
During this ‘puasa’ (fasting) time, while going through my volumes of books, I came across the book again and I thought why not I discussed the topic mentioned as many of us, I included, have aging parents to be taken care of.
Claire in her introduction reminded readers with a beautiful and helpful quotation from Dorothy Calvani, a former staff nurse in the Geriatric Clinic of New York’s Mt Sinai Hospital which read: “You have to take care of yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of another person.”
The writer began her story by introducing herself. Among others, she wrote: “I am that adult child. At this time of writing, I am fifty-eight years old. My mother, Rebecca, age ninety, has been widowed for close to three decades, almost from the age that I am now. She has been suffering from dementia for the last half dozen of those years. It’s Alzheimer’s disease, according according to the many doctors that Mom and I have visited during this time…
“My mother-in-law, Hazel, now ninety-eight, suffers from from a host of problems resulting from the deterioration of the machine that is her body. Simply and sadly, the parts are wearing out. You could open a pharmacy with the medication and pills that this frail woman must take each day just to make it to the next morning. ‘Old age is hell,’ she tells me one day when we speak on the phone. She begins to cry…”
Well, as a responsible daughter and daughter in law, not all was sailing smoothly for Claire. She talked about her guilt, her anger, her fear, frustrating moments, feeling of powerless and being overwhelmed.
She admitted that the key to be a better person was to have knowledge. “Knowledge is power,” she quoted Dr Lori Bright-Long, director of Geriatric Psychiatry at New York’s Pilgrim State Hospital as saying, “If you don’t have any strength or energy or you don’t know any way that you can face the problem, you will become much more overwhelmed than if you say to yourself, ‘Yes, I’ve got something I can do, I’ve got some power in this situation.’” Information is one of the most important coping mechanisms you can have.
The issues revolving Claire and almost all of us who have aging parents are similar. For example she wrote: “I feel guilty because of my periodic outrage at a much-loved brother when I have felt he wasn’t doing enough…I feel anger when my mother, who was always neat and wll-groomed, insist on wearing the same soiled red woolen jacket day in and day out…I feel powerless because I cannot shape her life. And because I do not know, in this situation, what there is for each of us to do. At times, I find myself wondering not so much whether my mother will make it through a particular day, but whether I will!”
Regarding the importance of knowledge while tendering one’s parents as mentioned by Claire, it is beneficial for Muslims to have Islamic knowledge and views about caring one’s parents. Yes, there are bountiful rewards in this word and the Hereafter to those who take great care of their parents; what more when they are of old age but those who abandon them would see the doom in this world and Hereafter.
To those who have old age parents under their care, please take note about this hadith. Kaab bin Ujra relates, "Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, "Come near to the mimbar." And we came near to the mimbar.
When he ascended the first step of the mimbar he said "Aameen." When he ascended the second step of the mimbar he said, "Aameen.: When he ascended the third step he said, "Aameen."
When he descended we said, "0 Rasul of Allah, we have heard from you today something which we never heard before." He said, when I ascended the first step, Jibra-eel a.s. appeared before me and said, "Woe to him who found the blessed month of Ramadan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness,” upon that I said, "Aameen."
When I ascended the second step, he said "Woe to him before whom thy name is mentioned and then does not read Durood (salaat alan Nabi) on you."
I replied "Aameen." When I ascended the third step he said, "Woe unto the person in whose presence both parents or one of them attain old age, and (through failure to serve them) is not allowed to enter Jannah." I said "Aameen." (Reported by Haakim)
There are bountiful rewards to those who care for their parents and heavy penalties to those who resist but why nowadays more and more aged parents were abandoned by their own children? Some are left abandoned in their own homes, others are sent to old folks' homes. Among reasons given the children are busy working and don’t have the time to attend to their parents' needs.
We could not attain success if we abandoned our parents for heaven lies at the feet of mothers; he who wishes to enter Paradise through the best door must please his father and mother.
The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Allah delays all sins, by His Will, except the disobedience towards parents. He punishes the one who is undutiful to his parents even before his death.”
Allah SWT said: “And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a world of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.
“And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy, and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.” (Al-Isra; 17: 23-24)
In one of our classical books of history and narrations, it is mentioned that once, Abdullah ibn Umar was doing tawaaf around the Ka’bah as an elderly person, many years after the death of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam.
And he saw a man doing tawaaf around the Ka’bah who had a very old lady on his back. He was doing tawaaf carrying this lady on his back. And when the man saw ibn Umar, he rushed up to him, recognizing who he is, and he said, “Oh ibn Umar,” oh son of Umar ibn al-Khattaab, “Oh ibn Umar, this lady on my back is my mother.” This lady is my mother. “And she had a desire to go do Hajj. And I live in such and such a province,” and he mentioned a far province in the Muslim lands, “And I could not afford a mount.” I could not afford an animal; I could not afford to bring her in any other means except by carrying her on my back, walking from such and such a village. “Oh ibn Umar, have I done my duty as a son?” Is the scale now equivalent? Have all of the good deeds that the mother did, have I now recompensed her the way that she deserves?
Ibn Umar responded: “You have done nothing in return.” You’re proud and boastful about this? You have done nothing; your deeds are not worth anything in the scale! You’re comparing a scale of what your mother has done to what you have done back to her?! He says, “You have done nothing in return. But you have done good, and Allah will reward you.”
The man said, “Oh ibn Umar, I have traveled from such and such a province,” what do you mean I’ve done nothing? “I have traveled from the furthest lands, carrying my mother on my back - and you say I have done nothing?” Ibn Umar said – and listen to this psychologist, listen to the profundity of the response that he gave to this man, listen to it and understand it and apply it in your daily lives – he said:
“You have done nothing because: when she sacrificed everything for you; when she did everything that she did for you – she gave up her time, her pleasures, her health – she gave up everything she had to raise you as you are – she did it out of a pure love and joy – wanting to see you flourish, waiting so you grow up and you live a full healthy life – she did it for your life - and now that you do it in return, you are waiting for her death – doing it as a pity – doing as an equivalent, doing it in return for the favors – you’re not doing it to see her flourish and live. You’re doing it as a sense of guilt, trying to pay back what she’s done, and waiting for her death, so she is literally off your back.”
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