Thursday, March 31, 2022

Syaaban 28, 1443: Kashmir: 'Syurga Dunia' dilanda nestapa (U)

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Janganlah kamu mengira bahawa orang-orang yang gugur di jalan Allah itu mati, bahkan mereka itu hidup di sisi Rabb-nya dengan mendapat rezeki. Mereka dalam keadaan gembira disebabkan kurnia Allah yang diberikan-Nya kepada mereka. Dan mereka bergirang hati terhadap orang-orang yang masih tinggal di belakang yang belum menyusul mereka. Bahkan tiada ada kekhuatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati." (QS: Ali Imran: 169-170)

APABILA kapal terbang tambang murah GoAir (semacam AirAsia) selamat mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Srinagar, saya yang menjengok dari tingkap, dapat melihat huruf 'jawi' (Arab) beserta dengan tulisan 'rumi' Srinagar dan 'India' (saya tidak tahu bahasa apa) pada papan tanda besar lapangan terbang itu.

Terdetiklah di hati saya, mungkinkah tulisan 'jawi' itu adalah huruf bahasa orang Kashmir (yang kemudiannya yang tahu Kashmiri) mempunyai ikatan yang kuat dengan bahasa Arab, sekali gus menunjukkan bahawa Islam adalah dominan di negeri India paling utara ini. Selain bahasa Kashmiri itu, sesetengah orang Kashmir berbahasa Urdu iaitu yang sama digunakan di Pakistan.

Baiklah, sebelum saya menceritakan apa yang saya lihat dan alami seterusnya di bumi Kashmir, tergerak di hati ini untuk menyatakan apa yang saya dengari dalam pesawat GoAir dari New Delhi ke Srinagar (juga dikenali sebagai Iqbalabad) itu yang berhenti sebentar (transit) di Lapangan Terbang Jammu.

Ketika pesawat bersiap sedia berlepas, selain 'pertunjukan biasa' pramugari mengenai prosedur keselamatan, terdengar nyaring pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggeris: "Tuan Puan diingatkan bahawa minum (mengambil minuman keras) dan merokok adalah dilarang di dalam pesawat ini."

Maka terkenanglah saya akan sejumlah perjalanan saya dengan menaiki pesawat MAS selama ini, memang merokok tidak dibenarkan tetapi dalam bab MINUMAN KERAS itu tiada pula larangannya. Malah saban waktu saya dapat saksikan betapa pramugari MAS dengan bangga menolak troli makanan yang di atas jelas kelihatan botol-botol arak yang pada perkiraan saya tentunya jenis yang mahal-mahal. Apa kata, kalau MAS dapat contohi GoAir ini, getus hati saya.

Bagi perjalanan satu setengah jam ke Srinagar itu, saya perhatikan pramugari GoAir berseluar panjang seakan-akan warna biru manakala baju yang dipakai panjang, menutupi bahagian punggung. Jadi fikir saya, apakah salahnya 'orang' AirAsia dapat mencontohinya sebab sudah kedengaran di telinga hamba ini, orang 'komplen' skirt dipakai pramugarinya begitu singkat; amat jelek sekali jika mereka dalam situasi membongkok untuk mengambil sesuatu.

Di lapangan terbang Srinagar, di samping warga awam yang bersesak-sesak untuk keluar; ada setumbukan askar India. Jumlahnya agak saya dalam 50 orang. Mereka juga sibuk mengambil bagasi untuk keluar. Ketika saya ke tandas, satu tandas dipenuhi askar India. Cepat-cepat saya membereskan urusan saya; tidak senang saya melihat muka mereka yang bengis-bengis itu.

Kenapa askar India terlalu ramai di bumi Kashmir? Seorang penduduk memberitahu saya jumlahnya lebih sejuta orang sedangkan orang Kashmir hanya lapan juta jiwa. Ertinya seorang soldalu mengawal lapan penduduk. Mengapa begitu ketat sekali kawalan India ke atas bumi Kashmir ini?

Pembaca perlu faham bahawa bumi yang dikenali sebagai 'Syurga Dunia' kerana kecantikan alam semulanya yang mempersona ini sebagai salah satu kawasan paling bergolak, menyamai isu Palestin kerana ia gagal diselesaikan sejak 1947 apabila India dan Pakistan mendapat kemerdekaan masing-masing daripada British.

Sama seperti orang Kurdis (kebanyakannya mendiami Iran, Iraq dan Turki), orang Kashmir juga tidak mempunyai negara. Wilayah orang Kashmir hari ini terletak di Pakistan, India dan China. 

Ketiga-tiga negara tidak berganjak dalam menduduki rantau yang mereka dakwa sebahagian daripada negara mereka. China tidak menuntut apa-apa daripada wilayah yang dipertikaikan oleh India-Pakistan, tetapi mencengkam kukuh rantau dan orang Kashmir yang telah dimasukkan dalam wilayah kekuasaannya.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Syaaban 27, 1443: Getting ready for Ramadan...(U)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)

1. By the declining day,

2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,

3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 

one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

DURING Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar, often we heard or recited this 'du'a' (supplication) especially after 'solat' (prayers) -  Allahumma baarik lana fi Rajaba wa Sha’bana wa balligh-na Ramadan (Oh Allah! grant us 'barakah' (blessing) during (the months of) Rajab and Sha’ban, and allow us to reach Ramadan).

Rajab 'was gone' and now we are in the final days of Sha'ban. I remembered an 'ustaz' (religious teacher) during his 'tazkirah' (lesson) at a 'masjid' near my house a few days ago asked his audiences: "Dear brothers, have you done these three things during the month of Rajab - first visit your parents, second promote 'silaturahim' (strengthening the bond of kinship) and third read the Qur'an."

The 'ustaz' said if the answer is no, then start doing them right now in the month of Sha'ban. "In this month of Sha'ban please increase our good deeds and 'tame' our hearts to be closer to Allah SWT before we enter the holy month of Ramadan."

Insya-Allah, we would be observing Ramadan, the 9th month of the Hijra year when Muslims worldwide fast for the whole month. To all readers, 'Ramadan Kareem' (Generous Ramadan) and 'Ramadan Mubarak' (Blessed Ramadan). 

To all, please refresh our minds about matters regarding 'puasa' (Ramadan) for example by reading our old notes, books or pose questions to the learned ones. Try to (practice) 'puasa' a few days before the 15th of Sha'ban as recommended deeds. And to those who had 'skipped' fasting during the last Ramadan especially ladies, please pay your 'puasa due' immediately!

Ramadan is the month when Muslims abstain from taking food and drinks during the day and increase our 'ibadat' especially in the night. So Ramadan is about taking less food because you can only eat after sunset but the irony of it, Ramadan is the month when many Muslims spend so much time, money and concern (thinking) on it as portrayed by the many promotions, advertisements on the mass media especially TV these days.

During Rajab, many 'masjids' held talks on 'Isra' and Mi'raj; an 'ustaz' said it is important for us to note three things regarding the 'barakah' journey of the Prophet s.a.w. that is regarding ‘masjid’, night hour and ‘solat’ (prayer).

He said, we could put into practice regarding the three things mentioned during this coming Ramadan. ‘Insya-Allah’ we would lead a tranquil life if we take concern of the three things mentioned. Regarding ‘masjid’ – the Prophet’s (s.a.w.) Isra’ journey of more than 1,000 kilometers was from Masjidilharam to Masjidil Aqsa. It was a journey from a ‘masjid’ to another ‘masjid’. In our daily life especially among men, ‘masjid’ should be always in our mind.

As for the five times ‘fardu’ (obligatory prayers) that are subuh, zuhur, asar, maghrib and isyak, all 'gentlemen' must have the determination to perform all of them in ‘jemaah’ (congregation) in ‘masjids’ or ‘suraus’ (small masjid) where the ‘azan’ (call for prayers) were heard from.

When a Muslim (man) is determined to do all his obligatory prayers at 'masjids', insya-Allah he would have the blessing of Allah SWT. He is among the seven righteous people whom Allah will shade on the Day of Judgment.

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There are seven persons whom Allah will shade on a Day when there is no shade but His. They are a just ruler, a young person who grew up in the worship of Allah, a person whose heart is attached to the 'masjids', two persons who love each other who meet and depart from each other for the sake of Allah, a man whom a beautiful woman of high status seduces but he rejects her by saying I fear Allah, a person who spends in charity and conceals it such that his right hand does not know what his left hand has given, and a person who remembered Allah in private and he wept.” (Sahih Bukhari 629, Sahih Muslim 1031)

Insya-Allah, by going to the 'masjids', all your problems would be solved. But of course you must be ‘ikhlas’ (sincere)…you go to the 'masjid' only for Allah SWT shake and nothing else. For example during this Ramadan, you don’t have to think about food for ‘iftar’ (breaking of fast) because many 'masjids' would have spread of food for congregators. The food may not be lavish or up to ‘your standard’, but remember the wise man saying…’eat to live not live to eat’.

Next is regarding the 'night hour'; of course during the day we are busy working but at night we are blessed with free time for us to rest and sleep and it is recommended for us to spare the last 1/3 of the night at home to do recommended (sunat) good deeds such as performing the night prayers such as ‘solat tahajud’, making du’a, doing ‘dzikir’ and reflections on ourselves and of course reading the Qur'an during the tranquil of night.

According to some ‘ulamas’, our home is a gowdown for us to gather ‘pahala’ (Allah’s blessing); for small deeds such as a wife making drinks for her husband would be rewarded handsomely by Allah SWT, what’s more if she cooks and serves food for the whole family either for ‘iftar’ or ‘sahur’ during Ramadan.

This Ramadan, do not waste our precious time for example watching 'unworthy' TV programmes. Fill our days and nights with reading the Qur'an, doing ‘zikir’ (dhikir that is eulogizing Allah in the words taught by the Prophet or in the words prescribed in the Qur’an) and increase our du’a to Him.

Work hard to gain maximum benefits from the gifts of Allah SWT during Ramadan. In this holy month, one ‘sunat’ (optional) deed done would be rewarded like a ‘wajib’ or ‘fardu’ (obligatory) deed, and a ‘fardu’ deed would be rewarded 70 times or more than in other months

Who know perhaps this is our last Ramadan, thus grab the opportunities given by The Almighty ; we should do our best to please our Creator, Allah SWT. Every second counts thus fulfill it with activities in accordance to the Creator’s wish.

This Ramadan, one’s tongue should be wet with words of praising Allah SWT with the chants of ‘Laa Ilaha IllAllah (there is no God except Allah) which is the heaviest in weight in the side of Allah SWT.

“Then there are many more ‘kalimah’ that should be read such as ‘Subhanallah, Walhamdulillah, Wala Ilaha Illallah, Wallahuakbar’, Astaghfirullah al Lazi La Ilaha ‘illa Hual Hayyul Qayyum Wa Atubu Illahi’, ‘La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah’, and ‘Subhanallahi Wabihamdihi Subhanallahil ‘Azim’. There is a hadith saying that chanting ‘Subhanallahi Wabihamdihi’ once, a ‘nakhlah’ tree would be planted for that person in Paradise.

In doing our daily chores such as paying bills, waiting for public transport and even when one is trapped in a massive traffic jam, why not use the time to recite the above ‘kalimah’.

These ‘kalimah’ should be chanted in full concentration for the maximum rewards by Allah SWT but for the ‘zikir selawat’ (praises to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) its reciters' would also be rewarded even if his mind is not on what they recite, what more if he pays full attention to it. Among the simplest ‘selawat’ is ‘Allahumma Salli Ala Saiyidina Muhammad, Wa’ ala Ali Saiyidina Muhammad’.

Ramadan and the noble Qur’an cannot be separated. It was in this month that the first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to the Prophet s.a.w. through Angel (Malaikat) Jibril a.s. So start reading the Qur'an right now if you have not yet started. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Syaaban 26, 1443: Choose the best man...(U)

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


"Do not spy one another,

nor let any of you backbite others..." (Hujurat 49: 12)

DURING a talk, one point raised by the 'ustaz' (religious teacher) cherished in my mind till this day was regarding our attitude in choosing an 'imam' (leader) - why we tend to choose a 'good man' to be a leader during our 'solat' (prayers) but ignore that trait when choosing leaders in societies for example as Members of Parliament (MP) and even the Prime Minister.

"The ustaz 'teased' his audience saying: "When choosing the person to be an 'imam' of our prayers, 'wah' we prefer the best man in everything be it regarding his upbringing, behaviour, attitude and knowledge in the Islamic fields and of course we do not choose a 'kaki judi' (a heavy gambler), a 'kaki botol' (a heavy drinker) and a 'kaki rasuah' (a corrupter).

"How is it...when choosing our leader for a mass prayer which is for less than 10 minutes, we choose the best person, but when electing leaders for example a Member of Parliament whose tenure is about five years (one term after election), we do not care if he is a 'kaki judi', 'kaki botol' or 'kaki rasuah'?

He warned his audience saying: "In the Hereafter, we would follow leaders of our choice and those who we love...if we love leaders of the 'kaki rasuah' type, then we would be thrown into Hellfire along with them."

The ustaz said the first criteria in choosing a leader is to look at his 'solat'. "Make sure he is a person who performs his five times obligatory prayers religiously, and it is better if he could lead prayers as an 'imam' himself."

He reminded the crowd that during Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him, s.a.w.) journey of 'Isra' and Mikraj' (Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. journey to Sidratul Muntaha - Upper Heavens), he saw those who refused to perform their prayers during their lifetime were in a very terrible state; they keep on knocking and crushing their heads...

"So be careful when choosing a not simply give our votes to those who went against the orders of Allah SWT. If we choose the best man to be our prayers leader which last about 10 minutes only, then also choose the best man to lead us whether he is as our MP or Prime Minister whose tenure is 5 years," said the ustaz.

"If only 'imams' at masjids are choosen from 'good people' but outside the compound of Allah's house; robbers, thieves and corrupt persons are elected as leaders, then we would only produce people who are good when they are in masjids or when performing prayers only, but at other places they would not be able to differenciate between beneficial and sinful deeds.

"Unfortunately that happens in our society today; some of the proofs are that our young generation have no manners, corruption and sinful activities are on the rise while good deeds are looked down upon," said the ustaz.

He said 'imams' whether during prayers or in societies could be reminded or admonish by their 'subjects' (followers) if they make mistakes. Early and great caliphs such as Sayidina Abu Bakar as-Sidiq and Sayidina Umar al-Khattab were open to critics, more that that they were ready 'to be straightened by swords'.

Regarding good and fair leaders, an Islamic scholar, Dr Amin ibn `Abdullah As-Shqawy said, they are among seven types of people whom Allah will shade under His Shade when there are no shade in the Hereafter. He elaborated this subject by discussing this Sahih Al-Bukhari hadith.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him; r.a.) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him, s.a.w.) said: "Seven types of people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His. They are: (1) a just ruler; (2) a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, (i.e. worship Allah (Alone) sincerely from his childhood), (3) a man whose heart is attached to the masjid (who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the masjid); (4) two persons who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause only; (5) a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah; (6) a person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity), and (7) a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears." 

Allah shall collect the creatures on the Day of Recompense: The former and the later "that He may requite those who do evil with that which they have done (i.e. punish them in Hell), and reward those who do good, with what is best (i.e. Paradise)."  - Surat An-Najm: 31

In a long day which terror is great and its anguish is revere, from which Allah warned His Servants and commanded them to get ready for it. Allah (may He be Exalted) says: "O mankind! Fear your Lord and be dutiful to Him! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour (of Judgment) is a terrible thing. The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of Allah." - Surat Hajj: 1-2

On that great day, the sun draws nearer from the heads of the creatures until there will be a distance of one mile so the people will sink in sweat according to their actions: The sweat will reach the ankles of some of them, others the sweat will cover their knees, some of them the sweat will reach their chest, and others will sink in their sweat. - The meaning of a hadith reported by Muslim in his Sahih 

Abu Hurayrah (r.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "The people will sweat so profusely on the Day of Resurrection that their sweat will sink seventy cubits deep into the earth, and it will rise up till it reaches the people's mouths and ears." - Sahih Al Bukhari 

In that great situation, Allah will shade those seven kinds of people under His Shade, so ponder over their actions which entail that great reward.

The first is: A just ruler who judges between people with the truth and does not follow whims, as Allah (may He be Exalted) says: "O Daud (David)! Verily, We have placed you as a successor on the earth; so judge you between men in truth (and justice) and follow not your desire - for it will mislead you from the Path of Allah. Verily, those who wander astray from the Path of Allah (shall) have a severe torment, because they forgot the Day of Reckoning." - Surat Sad: 26

He follows the command of his Lord (Glory be to Him) who says: "Verily, Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due; and that when you judge between men, you judge with justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching which He (Allah) gives you! Truly, Allah is Ever All-Hearer, All-Seer." - Surat An-Nisa': 58

Abu Hurayrah (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Behold! the dispensers of justice will be seated on the pulpits of light on the right hand of the Most Gracious (Glory be to Him). Both hands of Allah are right. (The dispensers of justice are) those who do justice in their rules, in matters relating to their families and in all that they undertake to do." - Sahih Muslim 

This is the reward of those who judge justly among people, but those who judge unjustly among people; Allah (may He be Exalted) says: "Consider not that Allah is unaware of that which the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers) do, but He gives them respite up to a Day when the eyes will stare in horror." - Surat Abrahim: 42

Abu Umamah (r.a.) narrated: The Messenger (s.a.w.) said: "The person who takes command of ten person or more will come to Allah (Glory be to Him) while his hand is chained to his neck on the Day of Recompense and his piety will break his chain or his sin will increase his chains. The first of princedom is reproach, its middle is regret, and its end is disgrace on the Day of Recompense." - Reported in Musnad Imam Ahmad  and Al Albany corrected it in Sahih Al Jami`.

Ma`qil ibn Yasar (r.a.) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) saying: "There is no person who is entrusted with the affairs of his subjects and he dies while being dishonest in his dealings with those over whom he ruled but the Paradise shall be forbidden for him." - Sahih Al Bukhari

Monday, March 28, 2022

Syaaban 25, 1443: Semarak Ramadan (i): Hospital...

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 


"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21)

SEORANG penceramah motivasi berkata antara rutin 'orang tak berapa muda' (berusia 60+) termasuk saya adalah kunjungan ke hospital (atau pusat kesihatan lain termasuk klinik). Yalah, pada usia begitu semakin ketara penyakit fizikal diri antaranya diabetes (kencing manis), darah tinggi dan sakit jantung. 

Apabila dihinggapi penyakit sebegini, pakar motivasi itu menasihatkan bahawa semuanya perlukan pengurusan yang betul sama ada dari segi fizikal, mental (kerohanian) malah kewangan. Kos perubatan bukan murah, namun satu hal menyedihkan kebanyakan golongan ini sudah tak ada pendapatan tetap atau lebih malang lagi tiada sumber perolehan kewangan..

Bulan Ramadan mulia kian menghampiri kita semua termasuk si tak berapa muda, si sakit, si berada di hospital, si malang dan apa-apa si lagi namun mereka juga perlu disemarakkan agar bersama-sama dapat menikmati Ramadan ini seterusnya menggapai keredaan Ilahi.

Tidak lama dahulu, penulis 'berkampung' di sebuah hospital hampir seminggu lamanya apabila ibu penulis yang disyaki menghidap denggi dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah wad besar yang kesemua penghuninya ada kaitan dengan penyakit itu! 

Berdasarkan ramainya penghuni wad denggi, tahulah penulis penyakit ini tersangat serius di negeri kami. Seorang petugas kerajaan memberitahu negeri ini muncul sebagai negeri ketiga di tanah air yang mempunyai kes denggi tertinggi. 

Pengalaman berada di hospital sungguh baik untuk 'orang mencari diri' seperti penulis. Dengan 'menyibuk' ke sana sini di kawasan hospital yang luas itu (dahululah), dapatlah penulis belajar sedikit sebanyak erti kehidupan - menyaksikan kepayahan orang terutama pesakit cukup menginsafkan; akan terasalah betapa kita tidak cukup bersyukur kepada Yang Maha Berkuasa dan berterima kasih kepada sesama manusia terutama insan yang dekat dengan kita seperti ibu bapa, anak isteri, saudara-mara dan rakan taulan.

Mendekati sejumlah pesakit segera mendatangkan keinsafan. Seorang 'pakcik' yang disyaki menghidap kanser usus memberitahu: "Saya baru menjalani pembedahan, tebuk lubang di perut untuk buang najis. Kini saya saya pakai beg najis plastik. Masalah saya sekarang, apa yang saya makan dan minum semuanya terkeluar balik." 

Ya, 'pakcik' ini menghadapi ujian sungguh berat. Nak 'masukkan makanan' pun tak boleh, 'nak keluarkan' pun azab. Berceloteh mengenai 'bab sukar nak mengeluarkan' ini, ada kaum kerabat saya yang terkena penyakit prostat dan batu karang memberitahu betapa 'seksa' apabila tidak boleh kencing.

Bayangkan deritanya apabila terasa terlalu nak kencing tapi tak boleh kencing. Demikian juga penyakit seperti buasir dan sembelit, tak boleh nak berak-berak. 

Astaghfirullah, sakitnya. Belas saya melihat melihat 'pakcik' pesakit kanser usus itu, tetapi apa nak dikata, demikian pusingan roda kehidupan - ada kalanya kita sakit dan ada kalanya kita sihat. Saya hanya mampu melihat dan mendoakan di samping mengingatkan diri bahawa nasib diri sendiri pun kita tak tahu; hari ini kita sihat mungkin esok lusa kita jatuh sakit. 

Namun jika direnung-renungkan (kisah Nabi Ayub a.s. dapat dijadikan pengajaran), masa sihat kita sebenarnya jauh lebih banyak daripada masa sakit kita. Sebelum jatuh sakit, tentunya kita sihat tetapi berapa ramai daripada kita dapat memanfaatkan masa sihat itu mematuhi perintah dan larangan Yang Maha Kuasa. 

Ada hadis menyebut jagalah lima perkara sebelum datang lima perkara; salah satunya ingatlah masa sihat sebelum datangnya sakit. 

Melihat pesakit-pesakit terlantar di katil cukup menginsafkan; apabila nikmat sihat 'digantung' oleh Allah SWT, sebahagian kita barulah teringat untuk buat kebaikan itu dan ini; teringat untuk ke masjid, teringat untuk ziarah menziarahi saudara mara dan sebagainya. 

Namun apakan daya, ketika berada di katil pesakit itu, usahkan nak buat amalan sunat, nak solat lima waktu pun terasa betapa sukar sekali. Malah amat menyedihkan, ada pesakit tak solat pun, makan minum masih boleh tapi solat tak boleh. Entahlah, hanya Allah Maha Mengetahui.

Demikianlah manusia akan hilang apa dia nikmati. Kebanyakan orang tidak menyedari nikmat dicurahi Ilahi yang dianggap biasa seperti kemampuan bercakap, melihat dan berjalan hatta kencing dan berak sehingga ia ditarik balik. 

Kebanyakan manusia memang tidak menginsafinya sehinggalah ‘mulut mereka dipenuhi tanah’ (maksudnya sudah berada dalam kubur). Sesudah mati barulah diketahui nikmat hidup. 

Seorang ustaz dalam kuliah mingguannya di masjid berhampiran rumah penulis ketika membentangkan permasalahan nikmat ini menarik perhatian penulis.

Katanya, nikmat itu hanya dapat dirasai apabila berlaku perkara bertentangan; misalnya nikmat sihat dirasai apabila seseorang itu sakit; nikmat membuang najis selepas tidak boleh berbuat demikian, nikmat berjalan selepas kaki tiada; nikmat kaya selepas jatuh miskin; dan nikmat berkeluarga selepas bercerai-berai. 

Ustaz itu berkata nikmat Allah SWT tersangat banyak, tidak terhitung manusia. Beliau membawa kisah seorang lelaki bani Israil yang beribadat ratusan tahun, kemudian mendakwa dia memasuki syurga kerana banyaknya amalannya. Allah memerintahkan ditimbang amalan dia dengan nikmat sebelah matanya; ternyata timbangan mata itu lebih berat menyebabkan dia dilemparkan ke dalam neraka.

Seorang Muslim perlu menyedari nikmat terbesar Allah SWT kepadanya adalah Islam, iman dan tergolong umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Kata ustaz tidak guna menjadi kaya atau berkuasa tetapi tidak termasuk dalam golongan ini. Katanya, umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sangat beruntung kerana nabi-nabi pun mahu menjadi umat rasul akhir zaman tetapi tidak terlaksana. 

Jika kita masih ada ibu bapa, syukurilah nikmat ini kerana banyak orang ibu bapa mereka sudah meninggal dunia. Orang yang masih ada ibu bapa tidak menyedari nikmat ini sehinggalah mereka tiada. 

Seorang rakan memberitahu dia tersangat rindukan ibu bapanya. Malangnya mereka sudah tiada. “Apabila memasuki Ramadan dan kemudian hari raya, berhajat jua pulang ke kampung tetapi untuk apa? Ayah dan ibu sudah tiada, jadi saya tidak terpanggil untuk pulang,” katanya sayu.

Perlu juga diingatkan; bukan sahaja ibu bapa kita sudah dan akan 'pergi', kita juga akhirnya akan pulang ke kampung halaman kita. Kampung apakah itu? Itulah kampung akhirat (kubur) yang tiada jalan untuk kita lari daripadanya. Kita dimasukkan ke dalamnya tetapi untuk keluar tidak sekali-kali!  Jadi ingat-ingatlah masa hidup sebelum matinya kita!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Syaaban 23, 1443: Kita ini tetamu senja...

DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan Kitab itu sebagai al-Quran yang dibaca dengan bahasa Arab, supaya kamu (menggunakan akal untuk) memahaminya." (Yusuf: 2)

SEMENJAK remaja saya meminati sajak A Samad Said bertajuk 'Tetamu Senja'. Antara lain liriknya 'Kita datang ini hanya sebagai tetamu senja, bila cukup detik kembalilah kita kepada-Nya. Kita datang ini kosong tangan dada, bila pulang nanti bawa dosa bawa pahala.

Tidak lama dahulu, ketika sibuk membongkar barang-barang lama, saya terjumpa koleksi majalah sekolah menengah saya dahulu. Dalam salah satu majalah itu (tahun 1978 semasa saya di tingkatan empat), terdapat sebuah sajak tulisan saya. Itulah karya pertama saya dalam dunia penerbitan.

Menanti Hari Esok

Hidup di dunia diibaratkan pelangi pagi

cukup detik hilanglah sinaran

dan hilanglah cahaya yang ghairah

tiba-tiba datanglah cahaya garang suria

titik-titik embun pun pergi…

Ibarat manusia sebagai insan biasa

cukup detik pulanglah kepada Yang Kuasa

insan biasa yang datang dengan tangan

dan dada kosong

yang menerokai sendirian apakah erti kehidupan

cukup masanya akan datang jua akhirnya

sebuah perkhabaran yang paling bahagia.

Pelangi pagi takkan kunjung lagi

sinaran ghairah tidak mungkin berulang

hanya tinggal awan dan suria yang garang

membendung seribu kedukaan dan keinsafan

hadapilah kegagalan dengan kesabaran

kejayaan pasti pada hari depan

dalam menghadapi pancaroba kehidupan

perjuangan demi perjuangan demi kebahagiaan.

Segala apa yang berlaku

usahlah ditangis atau dikesalkan

pasti pada suatu masa

sinaran suria pastikan menjelma

mungkin pada hari esok akan ada bahagia

tak tertahan jiwa nan raga

menanti hari esok…

Saya ketawa terkekeh-kekeh tatkala membaca semula sajak yang ditulis lebih 40 tahun lalu. Ketawa kerana idea sajak ini saya adaptasi daripada sajak Sasterawan Negara Pak Samad dan filem ‘Menanti Hari Esok’ yang membawa kemasyhuran kepada seniman Jins Shamsuddin dan seniwati Noorkumalasari.

Meneliti dan mengkaji sajak ini, mengingatkan saya akan sesuatu – sebenarnya saya sangat terpengaruh dengan penulisan Pak Samad, kerana karyanya banyak membantu membentuk saya menjadi seorang penulis.

Penyiaran sajak ini adalah pemangkin kepada usaha saya terjun dalam dunia penulisan dan penerbitan. Pada peringkat awal, saya cuba menghantar tulisan ke forum-forum pembaca, malangnya tidak disiarkan kecuali sekali, itu pun di sebuah akhbar mingguan kanak-kanak.

Apabila menginjak dewasa, saya cuba menulis cerpen dan rencana. Beberapa cerpen yang dihantar di pelbagai penerbitan, tiada khabar berita, hilang begitu saja. Demikian juga rencana, tiada editor ambil peduli.

Pada tahun akhir di pusat pengajian tinggi, saya tidak pedulikan lagi soal menulis cerpen. Tetapi aneh sungguh, suatu hari saya menerima sepucuk surat yang di dalamnya ada sekeping cek RM40. Kandungan surat itu menyatakan cek itu adalah honorarium sebuah cerpen saya yang tersiar dalam salah satu keluaran Mingguan Perdana. Akhbar ini laris dan terkenal pada awal 1980-an.

Wah, saya melompat kegembiraan. Tidak sangka, akhirnya cita-cita saya untuk menjadi seorang cerpenis tercapai jua. “Seluruh Malaya akan tatap dan tahu namaku,” aku mulai berangan-angan.

Yalah, wahai pembaca, semua ini adalah cerita 40-45 tahun lalu semasa saya trang, trang, trang (mudalah) tetapi hari ini pada usia 60+ seakan-akan terasa 'the game is over' (permainan sudah tamat). 

Sedarlah saya bahawa kegilaan mengejar nama, pangkat atau apa-apa yang berkaitan sanjungan dunia (misalnya menjadi penulis diminati) sebenarnya tidak ada apa-apa makna. 

YA, kita akan penat jika mencari 'keredaan' manusia..Subhanallah, dalam hidup ini banyak tindak tanduk (perbuatan dan keputusan) yang kita buat adalah berdasarkan nafsu termasuk memenuhi kehendak orang termasuklah apa yang orang lain cakap.

Pada usia senja ini, saya sedar sewajarnya dalam membuat apa-apa pun kita sewajarnya berusaha mendapat keredaan Allah dan bukan mendapat sanjungan dan pujian manusia.

Ya, jika kita mahu memuaskan hati (mendapat pujian) manusia kita akan kecewa dan terasa kepenatan daripada sesuatu pekerjaan, tetapi jika kita berusaha mendapatkan keredaan Allah, insya-Allah kita akan tenang...orang puji atau keji pun semuanya sama, yang penting Yang Maha Kuasa meredai kita - ganjaran keikhlasan sudah tersimpan di alam akhirat sana - itulah yang perlu kita buru.


Hidup ini adalah bagi memuaskan-Nya bukan selain-Nya kerana makhluk termasuk manusia (kecuali orang beriman, bertakwa) tidak akan pernah puas. Menurut sebuah hadis, manusia tidak akan puas sehinggalah tanah memenuhi mulutnya (matilah). Jika diberi satu lembah emas, dia mahu yang kedua, yang ketiga dan seterusnya!

Demikianlah selagi hayat masih di badan, manusia bebas dan akan bercakap dan tulis apa saja mengikut 'kepala otak' masing-masing. Kalau kita mendengar sepenuhnya cakap manusia, kita hanya mencari kebinasaan diri...jadi carilah ilmu, timbalah khazanah yang tidak bertepian daripada al-Quran, hadis dan cetusan ulama.

Berhubung bahaya mengikut tulisan dan cakap-cakap orang ini ada digambarkan dalam kisah seorang tua (ada berkata dia Luqmanul Hakim), anaknya dan seekor keldai. 

Mula-mula si anak menunggang keldai dengan si bapa menarik tali keldai, orang kampung berkata "apa punya si anak ini, tenaga kuat dibiarkan bapa yang lemah berjalan"...kemudian apabila si bapa ada di atas keldai, orang kampung lain pula berkata: "apa si tua ni, dibiarkan anak yang lemah berjalan", apabila kedua-duanya menunggang keldai, orang kampung lain berkata: "punyalah zalim anak beranak ini menyeksa keldai", kemudian apabila mereka bertindak mengikat dan memikul keldai, orang kampung lain pula berkata: "apalah bodoh punya orang..."

Subhanallah, demikianlah hati akan kecewa dan badan terasa kepenatannya jika kita cuba memuaskan hati manusia. Mereka akan terus bercakap dan bercakap sehingga mereka tidak boleh lagi bercakap. Di akhirat nanti mulut manusia akan dikunci sebaliknya semua anggota badan akan menjadi saksi akan apa-apa yang telah mereka lakukan di dunia. Ya tidak mungkin kita dapat memuaskan hati semua manusia...ada saja yang tak kena di hati mereka.

Namun bagi mereka yang membuat apa saja bagi mendapat keredaan Allah, insya-Allah hati akan tenang - bagi mereka pandangan dan kata-kata manusia kurang penting; apa yang diutamakan adalah pandangan Allah SWT...mereka akan berusaha keras dan seikhlas mungkin bagi mendapat  keredaan Allah. Orang puji atau orang tak puji 'tak menjadi hal bagi mereka'.

Hatta mereka yang sudah sampai ke 'makam' tinggi - ucapan terima kasih pun tak diharapkan mereka sebagaimana digambarkan ulama daripada perlakuan Sayidina Ali Abu Thalib yang secara senyap-senyap meninggalkan barangan bantuan di pintu rumah orang miskin pada waktu malam dan rahsia ini hanya diketahui selepas beliau meninggal dunia!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Syaaban 22, 1443: Tanam rumput tidak mungkin tumbuh padi…(U)

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Orang yang menghendaki kehidupan sekarang (dunia), maka Kami segerakan baginya di dunia itu apa yang Kami kehendaki bagi orang yang Kami kehendaki dan Kami tentukan baginya Neraka Jahanam. Dia akan memasukinya dalam keadaan tercela dan terusir. Orang yang menghendaki kehidupan di akhirat dan berusaha ke arah itu dengan sungguh-sungguh, iaitu seorang yang beriman, maka merekalah orang-orang yang mendapat balasan yang baik." (al-Isra' 17: 16-19)

PADA usia lebih setengah abad ini, saya cuba bergaul dengan sebanyak mungkin golongan - daripada jemaah tabligh sehinggalah golongan geladangan termasuk pengemis di jalanan. Sungguh tidak mudah membuang rasa ego; sukar sekali untuk duduk-duduk bersama-sama golongan fukara ini yang amat dikasihi Rasulullah s.a.w.

Suatu hari ketika satu majlis 'bayan' jemaah tabligh, terdengar ungkapan ini yang begitu mengesankan hati saya. Kata si penyampai, kalau kita tanam rumput tidak mungkin tumbuh padi; tetapi kalau kita tanam padi, insya-Allah rumput (menerung) akan tumbuh.

Apa yang dimaksudkannya, jika kita mengejar dunia (menanam rumput) tidak mungkin kita dapat hasil akhirat (padi) tetapi jika kita menanam benih akhirat (padi), insya-Allah kedua-duanya kita dapat. Malah dunia (rumput) akan tetap mengikut si pengejar akhirat.

Pengalaman saya ketika bertawaf di Kaabah, bacaan paling kerap kedengaran di kalangan jemaah adalah 'Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanah, wafil akhirati hasana, waqina azabannar' yang bermaksud "Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat; dan peliharalah kami daripada seksa neraka." (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 201)

Ya, koreksilah diri kita, marilah kita sama-sama berusaha mendapatkan kebaikan di dunia dan akhirat. Namun apa yang dapat disaksikan hari ini sebahagian besar manusia jadi pengejar dunia dan jarang benar memikirkan bahagian (saham) mereka di akhirat.

Marilah kita melihat contoh-contoh mudah dalam kehidupan bagi membuktikan kita ghairah mengejar dunia dan mengabaikan akhirat. Sebagai orang media, saya mengambil akhbar sebagai contoh. Dalam dunia penerbitan (termasuklah persuratkhabaran), malah dunia bisnes amnya, matlamat utama adalah untuk mendapat keuntungan – lagi besar lagi baik.

Sumber utama pendapatan akhbar adalah daripada jumlah jualan dan iklan. Bagi menarik pembaca (melariskan akhbar), antara kaedahnya adalah menyiarkan laporan sensasi dan penyiaran gambar artis terlondeh sana sini. Bagi iklan pula, penerbit jarang memikirkan soal haram, yang penting wang masuk. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika iklan perjudian seperti empat nombor ekor terus disiarkan akhbar. Akhbar laris, penerbit, peneraju dan wartawan berasa mereka berada di puncak dunia.

Demikian juga kisahnya dalam dunia penerbitan filem. Bagi memikat orang ramai menonton, diselitkan adegan ranjang dan artis-artis menonjolkan susuk tubuh masing-masing. Sebahagian besar daripada adegan dan aksi itu tidak perlu pun, ia hanya mahu dijadikan gimik atau daya tarikan semata-mata.

Jadi di sini, dapat dilihat betapa pihak-pihak berkaitan berlumba-lumba berusaha untuk mendapatkan bahagian mereka di dunia. Benar mereka boleh mendapatkan bahagian mereka di dunia seperti keuntungan besar seperti yang diidam-idamkan, tetapi bagaimana pula bahagian mereka di akhirat kelak?

Sebenarnya bahagian mereka di dunia itu pun menjadi sia-sia jika rezeki yang diperolehi tiada kebarakahan Allah SWT. Tidakkah kita insaf bahawa ada orang berpendapatan RM10,000 sebulan masih berkeluh kesah mereka tidak cukup wang sedangkan orang bergaji RM2,000 dapat membereskan urusan keluarga mereka dengan baik?

Bagi insan yang sedar akan dosa dan pahala atas setiap apa yang mereka kerjakan; usaha mereka dapat dijadikan modal dalam meraih keuntungannya di akhirat nanti. Misalnya seorang penulis yang berdakwah melalui penanya, mengajak orang membuat kebajikan; selain wang upah didapatinya, balasan pahala juga menantinya di akhirat nanti.

Seseorang yang menulis artikel lucah atau fitnah atau seorang jurugambar mengambil gambar artis separuh bogel juga akan mendapat ganjaran di dunia dan akhirat; di dunia dalam bentuk wang ringgit juga (tetapi tanyalah sama duit itu barakah atau tidak) manakala di akhirat nanti balasan seksa yang tidak terhingga azabnya. Ini kerana dia telah menjual agamanya (melanggar hukam-hakam agama) semata-mata untuk mendapatkan sedikit keuntungan di dunia.

Orang yang melakukan maksiat membabitkan dirinya sendiri seperti melihat filem lucah tentunya tidak sama dosanya dengan si tukang pembuat dan penyebarnya. Demikian juga pengikut dan pemimpin – si pemimpin adalah lebih berdosa kerana telah menyesatkan begitu banyak orang.

Sama seperti pemimpin yang menyesatkan ribuan atau jutaan pengikut, orang media yang menjadi tukang fitnah atau penyebar gambar lucah juga akan menanggung dosa teramat berat kerana sebaran mereka menjangkaui ratusan ribu malah jutaan pembaca.

Jika sebuah akhbar dicetak 350,000 naskhah sehari, kemungkinan jumlah pembacanya 1,000,000 orang; jadi cuba bayangkan dosa yang terpaksa ditanggung jika 2,000,000 biji mata terjojol menatap gambar lucah yang mereka siarkan!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Syaaban 21, 1443: Mantapkan siraturahim mulai Ramadan ini (U)

DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 


"Masukkan kami dalam golongan hamba-Mu ya Allah, yang Kau sebut dalam al-Quran: 'Wahai jiwa yang tenang, kembalilah kepada Tuhan-Mu dalam keadaan reda dan diredai. Masukkan kami ke dalam syurga-Mu ya Allah'." (Maksud ayat 27-30 Surah Al-Fajr)

PERBEZAAN pendapat dibenarkan tetapi memutuskan siraturahim adalah haram. Demikianlah sering kali kita diingatkan jika kita rajin mengikuti kelas-kelas pengajian di surau, masjid atau di pejabat.

Di samping itu kita juga sering diingatkan supaya memuliakan ibu bapa di samping mendoakan mereka sepanjang masa. Jalan ke syurga adalah dengan restu dan reda ibu bapa, lebih-lebih lagi si ibu. 

Jika 'orang tua' sudah meninggal dunia, anak-anak terus dituntut berbakti kepada mereka seperti berakhlak mulia sehinggalah kepada amalan menziarahi sahabat taulan mereka yang masih hidup. 

Jika demikian kewajipan besar kepada ibu bapa, adalah amat memilukan jika ada anak-anak yang sanggup berpatah arang dengan orang tua mereka termasuklah kerana perselisihan pandangan dalam politik.

Akibat daripada terputusnya hubungan ini, ada anak-anak yang sudah lama tidak menjenguk ibu bapa masing-masing. Mereka tidak peduli kebajikan orang tua mereka di kampung - makan ke, sihat ke, mereka tak ambil kisah lagi.

Dalam Islam, anak-anak juga diajar untuk memuliakan ibu bapa sekalipun mereka belum memeluk Islam. Ringkasnya, hubungan kekeluargaan tetap utuh tetapi apa yang berlaku hari ini amat menyedihkan. 

Seorang tokoh agama berkata ramai anak-anak sekarang sudah jauh terpesong daripada mengamalkan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan mereka. 

Jika dalam sejarah sahabat dan Sirah Nabi ada dikisahkan seorang anak yang tidak dapat mengucap dua kalimah syahadah ketika akan menghadapi sakratulmaut kerana tidak mengendahkan ibunya, anak-anak hari ini nampaknya mendengar saja kisah itu tetapi gagal menjadikannya iktibar dalam mereka menjalani kehidupan. 

Demikian juga amaran Allah agar anak-anak tidak membantah ibu bapa selagi bukan dalam perkara maksiat malah berkata 'aaahhh' pun tidak dibenarkan, nampaknya dijadikan halwa telinga saja. 

Dalam menghadapi perbezaan pandangan, anak-anak sewajar berhemah dalam menghadapi karenah dalam keluarga. Di sini letaknya perbezaan antara insan berilmu dan tidak berilmu. 

Seseorang yang tidak berilmu akan bertindak mengikut nafsu tetapi mereka yang berilmu serta mengamalnya sudah pasti akan bertindak berdasarkan hukum-hakam yang terkandung dalam agama. Apa yang dibolehkan itulah yang dibuat dan apa yang diharamkan, perkara itu dijauhi. 

Berdasarkan apa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat Islam hari ini, kita berpendapat amat penting (wajib) untuk mereka terutama ketua keluarga mendalami ilmu, terutama yang bersangkutan dengan penghidupan sebagai seorang Muslim sejati. 

Jika seseorang itu sudah tahu hukum-hakam agama, kita percaya masalah masyarakat seperti perpecahan dalam keluarga, pulau-memulau dan sebagainya dapat dibendung. Ya, jangan lari daripada mempelajari dan mengamalkan ilmu agama.

Apabila kita sudah ditunjuki 'jalan yang lurus' seperti yang kita ucapkan sekurang-kurangnya 17 kali sehari (dalam setiap rakaat solat), insya-Allah kita akan dapati kebenaran berada di depan mata! Allahuakbar.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Syaaban 19, 1443: Perihal ketuanan Melayu dan bahasa Melayu...

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Sembahlah Allah dan janganlah kamu mempersekutukan-Nya dengan sesuatu apa pun dan berbuat baiklah kepada kedua-dua ibu dan bapamu." (Surah an-Nisak, ayat 36)

SEKALI lagi isu bahasa Melayu bergema. Kali ini dicetuskan oleh PM dalam Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU). PM Ismail Sabri berkata pelajar asing di Malaysia diperlukan belajar bahasa Melayu. Isu bahasa Melayu ini tenggelam timbul, ada masa naik ada masa 'hilang dari radar'. Umno yang seakan-akan kembali berkuasa, kembali garang dengan ketuanan Melayu dan bahasanya. 

Tidak lama dahulu, seorang wartawan muda bertanyakan saya bagaimana mahu menulis berita mengenai ketuanan Melayu. Saya katakan, tidak perlulah menulis subjek itu secara am kerana ia amat luas tetapi fokuskan kepada bidang tertentu, tentunya akan terdedahlah temberang dan tembelang pihak terbabit – siapa yang makan cili dialah terasa pedasnya.

Pada artikel kali ini saya fokuskan kepada bahasa Melayu yang diangkat sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan rasmi tetapi malang sekali selepas negara merdeka lebih separuh abad, pihak berkuasa baru-baru ini terpaksa melancarkan Kempen Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan. Bayangkan sebuah negara berdaulat lebih 60 tahun lalu, terpaksa melancarkan kempen bahasa di kalangan rakyat sedangkan perkara itu sewajarnya sudah lama beres.

Kempen adalah bertujuan mempromosi sesuatu yang baru, tetapi apabila bahasa Melayu terpaksa dikempenkan, ertinya bahasa ini tidak ‘dituankan’ atau didaulatkan di negara ini. Demikianlah bahasa Melayu diperlakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga merempat di negara sendiri. Oleh itu, apa erti dilaung-laungkan ketuanan Melayu jika bahasanya sendiri beransur-ansur dikuburkan?

Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) di di institusi pengajian mulai tahun 2003 oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamad ketika beliau berkuasa dulu adalah bukti jelas tiada ada keyakinan kepada bahasa kebangsaan. Tindakan Dr Mahathir disokong oleh juak-juaknya dan ini menggambarkan betapa tidak pedulinya pemimpin Melayu terhadap salah satu aset ketuanan Melayu yang mereka laung-laungkan iaitu bahasa Melayu. Siapa pengkhianat kepada bahasa dan bangsa Melayu?

Jika bahasa Melayu tidak dimajukan sebagai bahasa ilmu, bagaimana orang Melayu mahu diperkasakan? Tidak ada satu bangsa pun di dunia ini yang menjadi maju sedangkan bahasanya mundur, tidak digunakan di persada dunia keilmuan. Jika diimbau tamadun dunia, orang Arab pada zaman keemasan Islam maju kerana bahasanya maju sehingga begitu banyak perkataannya menjadi pinjaman tamadun lain, orang Inggeris maju seiring dengan bahasanya, demikian juga pada masa kini, orang Jepun dengan bahasanya, orang Korea dan orang Jerman dengan bahasa masing-masing.

Oleh itu adalah luar biasa jika orang Melayu dapat menjadi maju dengan bahasa Inggeris. Penulis yakin orang Melayu golongan atasanlah yang dapat mengaut faedah dengan dasar ini dengan merujuk negara sedang membangun yang mengutamakan bahasa Inggeris dalam pelbagai bidang kehidupan seperti India dan Filipina, sebagai contoh.

Benar, India maju dalam sebahagian hal, tetapi siapa sebenar yang mendapat manfaat? Sebahagian kecil rakyat India berjaya hebat dalam bidang teknologi tetapi majoriti penduduk negara demokrasi terbesar dunia ini, terus kekal miskin dan merempat. Demikian halnya di Filipina, sejumlah kecil berjaya sedangkan yang lain terus menderita dihimpit kemiskinan. Apakah pemimpin Melayu mahu sebahagian kecil Melayu maju dan kaya raya sedangkan majoriti rakyat terus hidup miskin dan merana?

Selain bahasa, identiti kebangsaan negara semakin lama semakin terhakis. Hampir keseluruhan cara hidup, identiti kebangsaan menuju kepunahan. Mungkin ada yang meletakkan kesalahan kepada perkembangan global atau dunia tanpa sempadan, tetapi benarkah demikian 100 peratus?

Kalau dulu kedengaran juga suara memperjuangkan bahasa kebangsaan dan pelbagai isu berkaitan identiti kebangsaan, nampaknya suara-suara itu sudah tenggelam 'bersama tenggelamnya' penggunaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa ilmu.

Jika adanya suara-suara yang menyatakan rasa tidak senang dengan bahasa iklan dan iklan yang mengambil model 'Pan Asia', hari ini suara-suara itu 'semakin tenggelam' dan dirasakan tidak relevan lagi. Malah iklan menonjolkan budaya terlalu asing (seperti ketika zaman Roman) menguasai siaran TV.

Sekalipun hari ini bangunan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) sudah 'menongkat langit' tetapi bahasa Melayu sudah menuju saat 'ke kuburan', gara-gara sikap gelojoh sesetengah pemimpin negara menidakkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa ilmu.

Jika ada pemimpin negara bercakap besar mengenai bahasa Melayu yang bersifat global, yang mungkin akan diterima di peringkat antarabangsa seperti Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), Asean, di institusi pengajian tinggi di Rusia atau China, mereka sebenarnya tidak menyedari bahasa itu bukan bahasa Melayu Malaysia tetapi bahasa Melayu Indonesia.

Universiti-universiti utama dunia termasuk di China, Korea, Belanda dan Amerika juga menawarkan pengajian bahasa Melayu (Indonesia) manakala diplomat asing di Kuala Lumpur dan Jakarta (terutama dari Amerika dan Rusia), fasih berbahasa Melayu Indonesia.

Bahasa Melayu akan hilang kepentingannya sama seperti hilangnya penggunaan tulisan jawi dari bumi yang pernah menggunakan nama 'Tanah Melayu' ini. Kata-kata hikmah Hang Tuah 'takkan Melayu hilang di dunia' mungkin boleh diletakkan di 'Keretapi Tanah Melayu' saja. Maaf, penulis kelihatan terlalu kasar dalam membicarakan isu ini.

Sekalipun hilang pengaruhnya di 'Tanah Melayu', bahasa Melayu dipercayai akan terus berkembang pesat di bahagian dunia lain. Ini kerana bahasa Melayu tergolong dalam kumpulan 12 bahasa utama dunia yang mempunyai lebih 100 juta penutur.

Daripada 6,000 bahasa di dunia, bahasa Melayu berada di tangga kesembilan dengan lebih 150 juta penutur. Ini termasuk lebih 50 juta orang yang bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa ibunda mereka.

Sebagai bahasa utama dunia, pejuang bahasa Melayu sebenarnya mempunyai landasan kukuh untuk mempertingkatkan bahasa ini sehingga ia boleh diterima sebagai bahasa rasmi pertubuhan serantau seperti Asean sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa seperti PBB.

Malangnya bahasa Melayu/Malaysia dipersempitkan penggunaannya di bekas bumi bernama 'Tanah Melayu'. Pemimpinnya yang bergegak gempita dengan ketuanan Melayu, tidak yakin bahasa Melayu/Malaysia dapat dijadikan bahasa ilmu atau lingua franca.

Jika dalam isu bahasa saja, pemimpin Melayu ini sudah ‘fail’ (gagal), apalah diharapkan untuk mereka berjuang dalam bidang lain? Mereka hanya melayukan orang Melayu kebanyakan sebaliknya menggemukkan tembolok sendiri, kononnya memperjuangkan ketuanan Melayu! Apa makna ketuanan Melayu sedangkan bahasa Melayu sendiri sudah hampir ke kubur?

Monday, March 21, 2022

Syaaban 18, 1443: A critical thought as we enter Ramadan...(U)

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessing and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w


Every self will taste death. You would be paid your wages in full on the Day of Rising. Anyone who is distanced from the Fire and admitted to the Garden has triumphed. The life of this world is just the enjoyment of delusion. - Qur'an, 3:185

Almost everyone including non-Muslims knows that Ramadan is the month when Muslims abstain from taking food and drinks during the day. 

So Ramadan is about taking less food (because you can only eat after sunset ) but the irony of it, Ramadan is the month where some Malaysian Muslims spend so much money on it and it is the time of the year when one could have 'exotic food ' including ‘kuih’ (cakes) never found on any other time such as 'badak berendam', 'tahi itik' and 'tepung pelita'.

Ramadan teaches Muslims to be trift on their spending. But it is normal for a Malaysian Muslim family; me included, to spend more during Ramadan especially on food, clothing and decoration of the house.

A few days ago while driving my car, I heard an ‘ustaz’ (religious teacher) say in a radio programme, that one’s ‘puasa’ (fasting) in term of spiritual enhancement of the soul was considered a failure if one’s budget overshot the normal monthly expenditure.

He also jokingly said that if one’s weight dropped a lot at the end of Ramadan, he or she had succeeded in his/her ‘puasa’ but what would be said if one’s weight increased at the end of the holy month?

In recent days during my journey to work, I noticed tents were being erected on not so busy roads such as in front of shops lots; these premises were to be used by traders to sell their goods and products during Ramadan.

At some places, they called it ‘Bazar (Bazaar) Ramadan,’ others were kown as ‘Pasar (Market) Ramadan’, 'Karnival Ramafan' and ‘Gerai (Stall) Ramadan’. In these places, one could find almost all of ones needs including perhaps those ‘exotic food’ mentioned above.

What does the presence of this ‘Ramadan phenomenon’ suggest? Am I wrong in saying that Muslims are encouraged to spend more time and money in this ‘fiesta’ like a monthly occassion; unfortunately it is Ramadan, the best time of the year for Muslims to double or triple his good deeds as required by Islam?

In this holy month, one ‘sunat’ (optional) deed done would be rewarded like a ‘wajib’ or ‘fardu’ (obligatory) deed, and a ‘fardu’ deed would be rewarded 70 times or more than in other months.

Ramadan teaches us to feel the pangs of hunger of the poor people of the world. It has been reported that one person in the world dies every three seconds because of hunger. So wasting of food is criminal. But how is the situation in our country and other rich Muslim nations where the word ‘hunger’ seemed ‘quite unfamiliar’ to us, and seemingly  is happening in far faraway lands. In United Arab Emirates (UAE) it was reported that 500 tons of food are thrown away each year in the holy month of Ramadan!

The lavish meal of breaking fast or ‘iftar’, many say dishonor the spirit of the Muslim holy month - and create an immense a mount of waste. Muslims should be reminded to be moderate with food, and this call could be made by ‘imams’ during ‘tazkirah’ (short religious talk) while doing the optional mass ‘tarawih’ prayers in masjids (special night prayers perform only during Ramadan) or when giving ‘khutbah’ (sermons) on the first Friday prayer of Ramadan.

Then on the eve of Ramadan, some of our people go for projects that are not beneficial for the 'ummah' what's more in line with the teaching of Islam such as making the largest 'ketupat' (rice cook inside wrappings made from coconut leaves) in the world. Not long time ago, it was reported that the Melaka State Constituency (Dun) of Sungai Rambai had craved that its name be in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBR) for cooking that giant 'ketupat' which weighed 1,800 kilogramme and was 1.2 meters tall.

Imagine the wastage of time and resources just to project one's name - 630 kilogrammes of rice was cooked in 21 large pots from 3.00 p.m to 4.00 a.m. The projects was undertaken by 12 people and it took two days to prepare for the neccessary items and ground work. It was reported, the 'ketupat' was distributed to the people in that state constituency but tell me frankly who would want to comsume it?

Muslims should not be involved in such a wastage project, they should be reminded that they are accountable for five things before the coming of five. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Take benefit of five before five - your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free-time before your preoccupation,and your life before your death." (Hakim)

So to Muslims brothers and sisters, do not indulge in such empty, hollow and unbeneficial deeds, for Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Asr: "Verily! Man is in loss, Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's cause)."

Regarding the wastage of food and gluttony during Ramadan, President of Consumer Association of Penang (CAP), SM Mohamed Idris, commented on the lavish spending of Muslims at Ramadan bazaars and the ‘merry iftars’ at restaurants and hotels. 

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to eat nutritious food during breaking fast and sahur (predawn meal) and prohibited from wasting. Unfortunately many tend to prepare many dishes or the easiest way is to buy food and drinks that are sold in abundance in Ramadan bazaars and markets that mushroom during the fasting month.

Mohamed Idris said there is too much of food being served, much of it is not eaten and wasted. This kind of wastage is forbidden in Islam and contradicts the concept of Ramadan.

Then each year during Ramadan, hotel and restaurant is flooded with Ramadan buffet advertisements inviting Muslims to break fast in their hotels. From a rate of as low as RM38++ to RM135++, an individual can eat and drink as much as they like, with a variety of selection, at times offering more than 120 appetizing buffet dishes and desserts.

The Ramadan buffets are also accompanied with live music and keroncong whilst customers enjoy their meal. This indirectly shifts their attention and deviates them from piety of fasting in this holy month.

Those enjoying the buffet style fast breaking will be attracted to the delicious smell and scrumptious looking food. In fact their activated senses will induce them to take more than necessary.

Although gluttony is forbidden in Islam, there is nothing to prohibit Muslims from surrendering to their desire for food during breaking fast. Some would feel that it is necessary to eat a lot for their money’s worth.

As there is too much food put on their plate, many would not be able to finish it and finally the food is thrown away.

Don’t Muslims realise that food is Allah SWT greatest gift for humans and that we will be questioned on Judgement Day, akhirat, on our wasting nature? asked Mohamed Idris.

Remember Allah SWT decree in Surah Al A’raaf, sentence 3, "Eat and drink, but not in excess. Allah does not like people who are superfluous". Whereas Surah Al Israa’, sentences 26 and 27 states, "And do not waste, as those who waste are the devil’s friends".

If we consider the amount of food wasted during Ramadan mainly at buffets in hotels, we will realise that the present followers have lost their love to each other. Whilst many can enjoy the best food for themselves and their families, they forget that there are still people of the same faith who suffer from poverty and hunger.

Besides wasting food, much time is wasted when breaking fast in hotels as they tend to eat a lot until they are too full and making it difficult for them to perform solat, especially solat tarawih in the masjid.

The atmosphere and practice of breaking fast in hotels as mentioned above does not reflect the effectiveness and sacredness of the fasting that among others demands followers not to overeat, resulting in wastage.

Remember Nabi Muhamad SAW’s commandment, "Fight the yearning for food and withstand hunger and thirst as the reward is equivalent as jihad to Allah’s path. There is nothing greater to offer God than resisting hunger and thirst."

In relation to this and in the occasion of this good month, let us all return to true Islamic teachings and practices and not be influenced by wastefulness and guile.

Let it be known that Ramadan is a sacred month among all other months and Allah SWT wants all his followers to fulfil the month with obedience and taqarrub to Allah SWT. The continuous satiety of an individual’s life will fulfil and enhance the soul with obstinacy and extremity. We hope that Ramadan will help develop loving and caring Muslims.

In conclusion, please think about thorough consumption of food of your daily diet either in Ramadan or normal days. Proper cosumption including give to poor or needy people is the best amongst any sadqa (charity)

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Syaaban 17, 1443: Transferring' people's money into our pockets, accounts...(U)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)

1. By the declining day,

2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,

3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 

one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

MANY, many years ago a motivator cum business manager told me: "There's a lot of money around us - they are inside people's pockets, in their wallets, in the banks, in the drawers of shopkeepers and even under the beds of some people - the 'problem' is how are we going to 'transfer' them into our own pockets, wallets or bank accounts!

He said there are two ways to do it - one is the 'haram' (forbidden) way and the second is the 'halal' (permissible) way. Simple examples of the 'haram' ways are like robbing or cheating people of their money and examples of 'halal' ways are like coxing them into buying our 'trustworthy products' or rendering them our services or work for them.

By doing 'those work', - money from their pockets would eventually 'be moved' into our pockets! But it is up to you; to do it the 'halal' or 'haram' ways! Generally the harder you work or win their hearts, more money would be transferred from their pockets into your pockets.

I felt interested and started thinking how 'nice' it would be if I have 'the power' to 'withdraw' money from other people's pocket and made them mine. The motivator then coaxed me into joining his multi-level business, selling a product. 

It was a direct selling job; one has to be a member of the said company. I became a member of that company after paying RM10 for registration. Then after a simple briefing and paying another RM50 for the company’s products that were multipurpose detergent in plastic containers, I was on my journey ‘to become a rich and famous businessman one day’. 

Yes, I was naive in the thinking that it was easy to make people pull out their money from their pockets to buy my 'wares'. For six consecutive days I sold nothing during my rounds and on day 7; I went to the business manager's office, returned the wares and got my money back. 

From that day, I realized that business was not my line of work. I was no good in coaxing people in giving up their money. That experience gave a great impact on me; the pain of failure in business scared me and I realized that it was not that easy to made people searched for money inside their pockets and 'surrendered' them to me!

After that, I tried to do a few more business ventures such as selling books and opening a tuition centre but they all failed, I was convinced that my hands did not suit businesses; perhaps they are good at other fields such as writing. I admitted I did not had 'the skill' or bold enough to pull people's money by doing business.

If I fail badly in making people 'surrendering' their money to me, I was amazed at certain people who could coaxed me into giving my money to them.

For example years ago, a team of young women came to my mother's house and after examining some kitchen wares, told my mother that her cooking utensils such as frying pans and pots were too old and needed to be change. They unveiled some new and shinning cooking utensils which they claimed all were priced at RM1,000 but they would gladly sell them at half the price, RM500.

My mother agreed, but as she did not have enough money, she turned to me who was busily attending to other chores at that time. Without checking the items, I 'surrendered' RM500 to the ladies. Later on that evening only I realized that I had been conned...the items they sold to my mother could not be more than RM200!

After working for about 25 years in the media industry, I opted to retire at the age of 50. I started gardening in a small plot of land owned by my wife. I planted 'easy to grow' plants such as 'serai' (lemon grass), 'ubi kayu' (tapioca) and 'tebu' (sugarcane).

About five years ago, I had planted some 'rambutan' trees - only two 'survived' on the 'hard and barren land'. A few years back, they started 'producing' fruits by the 'abundance'. 'Syukur' alhamdulillah (All praise be to Allah), He had given me the opportunity 'to make money' with the 'new ventures' but sadly, I was no good in doing business - I failed in marketing 'my products'. Yes, once again I  must admitted that I was no good in making people 'surrendering' their money to me.

When the rambutans were ripe and 'abundance' in the trees, I placed I notice board on a side of the tree which read: "These rambutans are for 'sadaqah', please pluck them yourself."

I read a 'hadith' with the meaning: "If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift (sadaqah) for him." - Imam Bukhari

In Sahih Muslim, it was reported: "Our Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Never does a Muslim a plants a tree, but that he earns the reward of charity because what is eaten from it; and likewise what is stolen from it, what the wild beasts eat out of it, what the birds eat out of it, and what people take from it is charity for him.”

Well, only now at 'old age' I realized that 'money is not everything'; perhaps during my younger years, I was greedy for money and wealth but it seemed that Allah did not wish 'fast and huge' amount of money 'to fell into my hands'.

About greediness, I was not alone because men are men, they are greedy for material wealth; in a hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik, the Prophet s.a.w. said: "If Adam's son had a valley full of gold, he would like to have two valleys, for nothing fills his mouth except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to him." (Bukhary) 

For some of us having a lot of money would spoiled us for one of the most wisest person in the world, Sayidina Ali bin Abi Talib said: "Learned men live after death; ignorant men are dead although alive." He also said that you need to guard your property and wealth but if you have knowledge it would protect you. 

Subhanallah, why think a lot about money and properties, why not have a thought on what's the purpose we are sent into this world? In 'ayah' 56 Surah of Surah l-dhāriyāt (The Wind that Scatter) Allah SWT says: "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."

Our journey in this world is to please Allah SWT before 'we met' Him in the Hereafter; therefore should we burdened ourselves with having a lot of money (at old age our needs such as food is so little) especially which is not ours. What's the point of having billions and billions of ringgit transferred into our accounts if it involved 'haram' transaction!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Syaaban 14, 1443: 'Tafakkur': You don't have to be 'an Aristotle'...(U)

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessing and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


"I have only created Jinns and Men, that they may serve Me." (Zariyat 51:56)

One Sunday morning after 'kuliah subuh' (early morning lesson at masjids), I happened to have the opportunity to discuss 'the meaning of life' with a stranger who from his looks (for example his beard unchecked) made me assumed that he might be 'a thinker or a philosopher'.

Yes, he is 'a thinker by his own standard' because he kept on asking why and why; for example why there is no justice in society and why is that the moral standard of our young generation getting from poor to worst.

In his 'jest' to 'live like a thinker' - always questioning and unhappy about himself and others around him - he jumped from a job to another and nowadays he survived by doing a small business. He said he was happy with this work because 'he was his own-boss as he was free from 'receiving orders from others'.

He claimed to be obsessed 'with thinking' and there were times he felt as though 'his head was about to blow up'. "My mind keep on asking why and why for example lately why more and more Malays had lost confidence that Islam is the answer to all of their problems."

Engaging to 'this self-confessed thinker', I remembered what an 'ustaz' (religious teacher) had told congregators during his 'tazkirah' (lesson) at a masjid near my house recently. He said, in  Islam, 'tafakkur' (doing reflection) is an act of 'ibadah' (act of good deeds to Allah SWT) but you do not have to be 'an Aristotle' who during his life time 'did a lot of thinking' but was it in His straight path?

Aristotle, one of the worlds greatest philosopher whose name means 'the best purpose' was born in 384 BCE in Stagira, Chalcidice, about 55 km east of modern-day Thessaloniki. At about the age of 18, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy. In 343 BCE Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander (the Great). He gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.

Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology. Most of the still extant works of Aristotle, as well as a number of the original Greek commentaries, were translated into Arabic and studied by Muslim philosophers, scientists and scholars including Avicenna (Ibnu Sina). The Muslims considered Aristotle to be a dogmatic philosopher, the author of a closed system, and believed that Aristotle shared with Plato essential tenets of thought. Some went so far as to credit Aristotle himself with neo-Platonic metaphysical ideas (extract from Wikipedia)

The 'ustaz' gave examples of  'reflections' that are just wasting our time but are common especially among 'veteran men and women'.  At old age, many parents are left alone at their house in the kampungs; their children had moved out and starting their own lives in towns and cities.

Many elders would sit near the door or window of their house especially when festivals such as Hari Raya is around the corner, looking out of their house and 'day dreaming', hoping that their sons and daughters and their families would be back during the big day.

Some of us have the 'hobby' of spending a lot of time recollecting our sadness and misfortune in life while some others would day dreaming what they would do if they have this and that...for example in having a lot of money, having power and position and so on.

The 'ustaz' said we are only wasting our time in doing such 'thinking activities'; they are not in line with the teaching of Islam, thus would not be rewarded by Allah SWT. "In Islam, we are encouraged to do a lot of thinking, but the question is what are we going to think about?

"We are not required to be a thinker like Aristotle; Islam as a complete way of life had set the things we should think about or 'tafakkur'. The 'materials' to 'tafakkur' are already available; we are only required to pick it up and do our reflection.

"For example, we have the Qur'an. Read a sentence or sentences from the Qur'an, search for the meaning and then do the 'tafakkur'. For example in Surah LV (The Beneficent), Allah had many, many times asked us; "Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny?" Next, do the was a guided one; thus it is unnecessary for us to think about improper things or things of our fancies."

You too could 'tafakkur' over your sins, creation, yourself and to take lessons from the things Allah SWT has created. When the good people are praised in the Qur'an, it is declared that "they always remember Allah while they are standing, sitting, lying on their sides, and they meditate over the creation of the heavens and earth. They say, “O our Lord! You did not create them in vain. You are far from it [from creating useless, meaningless things. Protect us from the torment of Hell." (Surah Ali ‘Imrân, 191)

There are many hadiths that mentioned about the importance of 'tafakkur'. Among others, "A momentary meditation on Allahu Taala's Grandeur, Paradise, and Hell is better than spending a night in worship" and "meditating for a while is more valuable than one year’s (supererogatory) worship."

Regarding 'tafakkur', Imam Shafie said it sharpens one' intelligence while Wahb bin Munabbih said it makes a person knowledgeable and a knowledgeable person, in turn, does good deeds. Bishr-i-Hafi noted that a human being who contemplates Allahu Taala's grandeur cannot be disobedient to Him. 

Scholars said 'tafakkur' can be done in four ways that are pondering about the beautiful arts and benefits which manifest on Allahu Taala's creatures causes one to believe in Him and love Him; pondering about the rewards promised by Him for the worships causes one to perform those worships; pondering about the punishments informed by Him causes one to fear Him and thereby inhibits one from committing sins and wronging others; and pondering about one’s having enslaved oneself to one’s nafs and committing sins and living in a state of heedlessness regardless of all the blessings bestowed by Him causes one to have shame towards Allah Taala.

As a conclusion, Islam as a complete way of life provides us with guidance in everything we do (so that we would be in His straight path) including what we should think or reflect about (tafakkul). So you do not need to be 'an Aristotle' to do all the thinking by yourself'! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Syaaban 13, 1443: Hari suamiku pulang…(U)

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.


"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21) 

SUDAH lama saya tidak tengok drama Melayu di kaca televisyen. Lama dulu pernah saya cuba ‘menumpang tonton’ drama yang sedang disaksikan anak saya…ceritanya ‘entah apa-apa’ (kisah cinta muda-mudi tak bertempat)…jadi saya pun ‘blah’ kerana bagi saya ia membazirkan masa saja.

Terfikir di benak saya alangkah bagus dibuat drama atau teater berdasarkan kisah teladan termasuk yang membabitkan sahabat Rasululllah s.a.w. seperti ‘Menunggu Kata Dari Tuhan’ yang dipentaskan tidak lama dulu. Alangkah bagus jika kisah teladan masa lampau digarap dan diadaptasikan dalam drama atau filem mengenai kehidupan hari ini supaya ia dapat menjadi panduan kepada masyarakat.

Dalam saya berfikir-fikir ‘ketandusan’ mutu drama-drama kita, secara kebetulan dalam kuliah antara maghrib dan isyak di sebuah masjid yang saya hadiri, ustaz yang mengkuliahkan kitab Riyadhus Shalihin karya Imam Nawawi, membicarakan kisah Ummu Sulaim, sang isteri yang bijaksana iaitu ibu kepada pembantu Rasulullah s.a.w., Anas bin Malik.

Sang ustaz membicarakan kebijaksanaan Ummu Sulaim yang solehah dalam menjaga kebajikan suaminya, Abu Talhah (bapa tiri Anas). Diriwayatkan oleh Anas, dia berkata: “Pada suatu ketika seorang putera Abu Talhah dan isterinya yang bernama Ummu Sulaim, meninggal dunia; Ummu Sulaim berkata kepada keluarganya: “Janganlah kalian memberitahu musibah ini kepada Abu Talhah sehingga saya sendiri yang akan memberitahukannya.”

Tidak lama kemudian Abu Talhah tiba di rumah. Seperti biasa, Ummu Sulaim menghidangkan makan malam untuk suaminya. Lalu Abu Talhah makan dan minum dengan senangnya. Kemudian Ummu Sulaim mula berhias LEBIH CANTIK daripada hari biasanya hingga Abu Talhah menggaulinya.

Setelah mengetahui bahawasanya Abu Talhah telah merasa puas dan lega, maka Ummu Sulaim berkata: “Wahai Abu Talhah, bagaimana menurut pendapat engkau apabila ada sekumpulan orang memberikan pinjaman kepada suatu keluarga. Kemudian, ternyata pinjaman tersebut mereka minta kembali. Apakah boleh keluarga itu menolak permintaannya?”

Dengan mantap Abu Talhah menjawab: “Tentu saja keluarga itu tidak boleh menolak permintaan kumpulan itu.” Lalu Ummu Sulaim berkata: “Maka demikian dengan anak kita, ketahuilah bahawasanya anak kita yang tercinta telah diminta oleh Zat yang telah Mencipta dan Memilikinya. Oleh kerana itu relakanlah kematian putera kita tersebut.”

Betapa terkejut dan marahnya Abu Talhah mendengar informasi yang disampaikan isterinya itu. Lalu dia pun berkata kepada isterinya: “Mengapa kamu tidak memberitahu terlebih dahulu berita ini? Tetapi kamu memberitahukannya kepadaku setelah aku menggaulimu?”

Keesokan harinya Abu Talhah pergi menemui Rasulullah s.a.w. untuk menceritakan kepada beliau tentang apa yang telah terjadi pada keluarganya. Mendengar cerita sedih tersebut, Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Semoga Allah memberkati kalian berdua dalam menjalani malam kalian (persetubuhan).” Maka beberapa lama kemudian ada seorang dari kalangan Ansar berkata: “Aku melihat kedua-duanya (Abu Talhah dan Ummu Sulaim) memiliki sembilan anak yang semuanya telah hafal al-Quran.”

Sang ustaz dalam kuliahnya menekankan bahawa Ummu Sulaim telah BERHIAS paling cantik untuk suaminya dan hal ini perlu diambil perhatian oleh isteri-isteri moden hari ini. Ini kerana ramai para isteri berhias paling cantik siap dengan semburan minyak wangi apabila keluar rumah untuk urusan bekerja dan sebagainya tetapi dalam rumah apabila berhadapan dengan suami hatta di bilik tidur dengan baju dan kain batik kusam.

Jadi terfikir di benak saya, tidak bolehkah orang filem atau drama kita membuat filem misalnya dengan tajuk ‘Hari Suamiku Pulang’ atau 'Menunggu Kepulangan Suamiku' bagi menggambarkan suasana pada hari seorang isteri menyambut kepulangan suaminya, misalnya kembali ke pangkuan keluarga selepas meringkuk dalam penjara gara-gara ISA. Atau ditahan selepas protes 'Bersih'.Tunjukkan bagaimana istimewanya layanan seorang isteri kepada suaminya seperti dicontohkan oleh Ummu Sulaim. Bagaimanapun, janganlah dipamerkan ‘perkara bukan-bukan’ – jagalah batasan agama.

Dengan adanya drama atau filem yang mengandungi unsur dakwah ini, diharapkan dapat mengubah minda anggota masyarakat seperti dalam kes ini isteri berpakaian sedap dipandang mata suami (tidaklah berbaju kelawar atau berkemban dengan kain batik lusuh ke sana sini) dan pada hari 'spesial' dia berpakaian 'seksi gila', tetapi sang ustaz mengingatkan jika suami mahukan sedemikian, isteri pun mahu melihat kehebatan penampilan suaminya, jadi pada suami janganlah di rumah asyik 'berkemban' dengan kain pelikat gombang...sesekali pakailah kot dan 'tie'!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Syaaban 12, 1443: 'Corot' in the world and Hereafter...(U)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


The Declining Day (Al-'Asr)

1. By the declining day,

2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss,

3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort 

one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

WE are in the month of Syaaban and  about to enter the holy month of Ramadan. An 'ustaz' in first 'kuliah subuh' (early morning lesson) for the month of Ramadan at a 'masjid' near my house few years ago, advised congregators 'to work hard' during this holy month so that they would not be 'corot' in the Hereafter after being 'corot' in this world!

The Malay word 'corot' is defined by a dictionary as 'last' and 'left behind'...yes, many among us Malay/Muslims were left behind in life...we may be poor in terms of wealth, health and deprived of status, ranks and so on. In fact in various fields of life such as economy and education, we were far left behind.

Then we were looked down - how true because Muslims all around the globe were locked in problems and being bullied by the so-called superpowers globally and in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq and were prosecuted by regimes such as in Myanmar, Palestine (Israel) and China.

In short we have nothing or 'having too little' perfecting the Malay saying 'kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang' (to live from hand to mouth) in the world but remember 'that condition' was temporary because life is also temporary...our aim is to be successful in the Hereafter even though in this world we were looked down as 'corot', failures or losers, said the 'ustaz'.

But he reminded congregators that being successful in both worlds (this world and the Hereafter) should be sought. In the Qur'an, Allah told us to be successful in the world and Hereafter. Muslims recited this du'a over and over again: 'Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar' (Our Lord! grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire." (2:201)

About the condition of a Muslim, Abu Huraira (may Allah have Mercy on him, r.a.) reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him (s.a.w.), said, “The strong believer is more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both of them. Be eager for what benefits you, seek help from Allah, and do not be frustrated. If something befalls you, then do not say: If only I had done something else. Rather say: Allah has decreed what he wills. Verily, the  phrase ‘if only’ opens the way for the work of Satan.” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2664)

Regarding this 'hadith' Imam An-Nawawee r.a. said: "The intended meaning of strength here is a firm will and a desire to work for the Hereafter. So the one being described as a strong believer is more bold and stern against the enemy in Jihad, quicker to go out (to fight) and searching for it (Jihad), more firm in the way he enjoins the good and forbids the evil, (more firm) in his patience with the harms he faces throughout all of that, and stronger in the way he carries out difficult tasks for Allah's Sake. He loves to pray, fast, make zhikr, and perform the rest of the acts of worship, and he is more active in seeking after these affairs, and he keeps a closer watch over his performance of them."

Scholars said a strong Muslim benefited other Muslims, and in defending Islam and the Muslims. They concluded that the believer who has strong 'iman' (faith) is more likely to be fit and in shape. This is because he understands the importance of Jihad and staying in shape in preparation for it, while the weak believer may easily get fat and out of shape, from his overeating and laziness. So physical strength is a direct result of strength in 'iman'.

Conversely, a person could be a topnotch bodybuilder and superb athlete, but he can't even wake up for 'subuh' (Fajr), and Allah is the One whose Help is sought! So clearly his strength is not making him better nor more beloved to Allah, so how could he be considered a strong believer?, they asked.

Abu Kabsha reported: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w. said, “I will narrate a saying to you, so preserve it. Verily, the world is only for four kinds of people. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth and knowledge, so he fears his Lord regarding them, upholds family ties, and acknowledges the rights of Allah over him. He will be in the best position. There is one whom Allah has granted knowledge without wealth and he has a sincere intention and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, then he will have the same reward as the other. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth without knowledge and he squanders his wealth in ignorance, he does not fear Allah regarding it, he does not fulfill his obligations to his family, and he does not acknowledge the rights of Allah over him. He will be in the worst position. There is one whom Allah has granted neither wealth nor knowledge and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, then he will have the same sin as the other.”

Well, what's the meaning of being successful in life? We would make a very big mistake or blunder if we take 'successful' to only what we had achieved in this world. But it would be worst if we were 'corot' in this world and in the Hereafter. In short we fail in both 'worlds'.

The 'ustaz' warned that our status, position, power, wealth and all worldly achievements would of no use when we were dead. Only our ‘iman’ (faith) and ‘amal’ (good deeds) would be able to help us. 

The key to success is to take religion and practice all its teaching. Those who upheld religion should have no worries but enjoy life because the world would be at his or her feet but those who are after the world, they would lose the world and worst of all, doomed in the Hereafter. Remember the call of prayers (adhan) has this 'clear message' on how to be successful  - 'hayya 'alas-salah' (come to pray) and 'hayya 'alal-falah' (come to success)...then how come you could be successful if you disobey Allah SWT, Creator (Master) of the universe including yourself?

The Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (ABIM) listed 32 tips (ways and means) to be successful in this world and Hereafter. They are: 

1. Believe in Allah: The one and only Creator, Sustainer, Giver of Life, Owner, Inheritor and God of the universe. Allah has no peer, while the universe is a tiny speck in the grandeur of Allah. Also believing in all His prophets from Adam, the first man to the final prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him, s.a.w.) The Qur’an which was revealed to Muhammad s.a.w. is 100 percent Allah’s words. Only one version, the Qur’an is being translated by many translators and memorized by millions. (Qur’an 23:1 and 24:31) 

2. Sincerity: Doing good deeds to please only Allah and none else. Deeds done for other than Allah or along with Allah is not acceptable to Allah. Allah The Most Beautiful loves beauty. (Qur’an 30:38) 

3. Worship Allah alone: None has the right to be worshiped but Allah, the One-And-Only. (Qur’an 22:77) 

4. Guidance from Allah: From the unadulterated Al-Qur’an and authentic ways/sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w., the last prophet. We can never go astray when we follow the Qur’an and sunnah. (Qur’an 2:5 and 31:5) 

5. Remember Allah always. Almighty Allah deserves to be remembered all the time. Only by remembering Allah, will our hearts experience true and lasting tranquility. (Qur’an 8:45 and 62:10)

6. Grateful to Allah: Be thankful and optimistic about everything Allah has prepared for us in this world by worshiping Allah zealously. A grateful person lives a meaningful life. (Qur’an 7:69) 

7. Fear Allah (takwa): Venerate, love, have hope in while being anxious and concerned of Allah. The most honourable in the sight of Allah are those who fear Allah most. (Qur’an 3:130) 

8. Perform regular worship of Allah (five times prayers) and duties like declaration of faith, fasting, tithe and hajj. (Qur’an 22:77) 

9. Listen and obey Allah’s law. Allah’s and His messenger’s words will lead to a perfect life. 

10. Rationale: The Qur’an agrees very well with the sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w. matches well with the wise mind and fits the fitrah (innate instinct of humankind) – Qur’an 2:189 and 5: 100) 

11. Gives preference to Allah’s choices Allah Sees, Hears and Knows everything. (Qur’an 2: 189 and 5:100) 

12. Scatter over the earth and seeks Allah’s bounty. Aren’t we Allah’s vicegerents on earth? (Qur’an 62:10) 

13. Avoid evil deeds; like consuming intoxicants, gambling and ascribing partners to Allah. Satan promotes lawlessness among us but succumbs among us but succumbs to those who trust and fear Allah. (Qur’an 5:90) 

14. Accumulate the rewards of the Hereafter: like the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the pious. They enjoy this life by doing good deeds and Allah’s paradise awaits them May all of us be among them. (Qur’an 7:8) 

15. Jihad (strive); with speech, wealth and life to spread the truth and Islamic monotheism. (Qur’an 9:88) 

16. Be generous for Allah’s sake, especially when in need of Allah’s Help. 

17. Invite to righteousness, enjoin good and forbid evil. Good deeds invite Allah’s Blessings. (Qur’an 3:104) 

18. Always be on Allah’s side. Unwavering dedication to Allah’s cause, wherever and whenever. (Quran 58:220)

19. Patience and steadfastness: Firm in upholding the truth and Islamic monotheism till the end of our life. (Qur’an 3:200) 

20. Repent from all sins and do righteous deeds: Only Allah is perfect and free from mistakes. (Qur’an 28:67)

21. Always be mindful of the enemy. For this reason we continuously seek and need Allah’s Help. (Qur’an 3:200) 

22. Honour, assist and follow scholars (ulama) who truly practice Islam. (7:157) 

23. Be charitable to oneself. A strong believer is dearer and more beloved to Almighty Allah. (Qur’an 64:16) 

24. Avoid usury and illegal income. Usury and illegally gained income lead to hell. (Qur’an 3:130)

25. Seeking means and ways to approach Allah. May we meet Allah at the best moment! Ameen. (Qur’an 5:35) 

26. Purifying our souls. Allah has given everyone a soul. A good soul will benefit oneself and others. (Qur’an 87:14 and 91:9)

27. Give kindred (especially parents), the poor and wayfarer their dues for Allah’s sake. (Qur’an 30:38)

28. Lower our gaze, protect our private parts and wear appropriate Islamic attire. Self respect is important in Islam. Insincerity and ignorance cause man to live in disunity, disarray and void of guidance. (Qur’an 24:31) 

29. Love each other and have no jealousy, for Allah’s sake: Like the Ansar and Muhajirin. (Qur’an 59:9)

30. Choose friends who believe in the Last Day. Close friend influence our life. (Qur’an 58:22)

31. Say the truth from Allah and His Messenger even if it is unpopular. Truth will prevail. (Qur’an 5:100) 

32. Ask the right people: Scholars, parents, experts, specialist, sincere friends and the like. (Qur’an 2: 189) 

'Insya-Allah' if we live according to Allah SWT prescriptions i.e. be in His straight path such as obeying to His orders and refraining from doing things He forbids (haram) then we would lead a tranquil life. 'Insya-Allah' we would be safe in this world in the Hereafter; therefore we would not be 'corot' in this world and Hefeafter. So, start 'working hard' for your success in both world this coming Ramadan

Monday, March 14, 2022

Syaaban 11, 1443: '...and into the hole of the lizard we enter!'

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


"Do not spy one another, nor let any of you backbite others..." (Hujurat 49: 12)

YEARS ago, after the terrorist attacks in Paris, the world including its media was quick to put the blame on Muslims and surprisingly many Muslims felt offended and quickly work out PR efforts to tell the world that Islam is against terrorism.

The word ‘Muslim terrorists’ made us sad. It was used in the wrong place. Why must ‘they’ highlight and associate ‘Muslims’ with terrorism? 

What were some Western leaders and their media up to for exploiting the news to give negative and distorting image about Islam around the globe? 

The irony of it, some of our own media too followed suit - they were just like parrots! As a guideline to those who would still read and follow the main stream media, remember this word of Allah SWT: "O ye, who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done." (Al-Qur'an 49:6)

Recently during a 'tazkirah' (Islamic lesson) at a 'masjid' near my house, I heard the 'ustaz' (religious teacher) telling his audience that nowadays Muslims are living at the mercy of Westerners because 'they have won the war' - they are now in power to dictate the world 'on what is right and wrong'.


Perhaps what the 'ustaz' was trying 'to explain' to his audience had the truth because nowadays it seemed that the minds of many Muslims had been corrupted into believing and following the footsteps of non believers. Perhaps they even believed to the Western accusation that Islam promotes terrorism.

Regarding the tendency of Muslims to follow the footsteps of non-believers, a hadith from Bukhari and Muslim, narrated Abu Sa'id, r.a. noted the Prophet peace be upon him (pbuh) said, "Surely, you will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, in everything as one arrow resembles another, (i.e. just like them), so much so that even if they entered a hole of a sand-lizard, you would enter it." 

They said, "O Allaah’s Messenger! Do you mean to say that we will follow the Jews and the Christians?" The Prophet (pbuh) replied, "Whom else?" (By meaning the Jew and Christians) 

The 'ustaz' said the Western world especially the Jews are now vigorously exporting their way of life and thinking to the people of the world. The Jews did not conquer the world as the British, Spaniards, Dutch and Portuguese but their succeeded in capturing the minds of the people. They are up to destroy the people of the world other than the Jews themselves.

He claimed that the Jews were up to destroy the Muslim world with their '5-F strategy' that are lifestyles regarding 'film, family, fashion, fun and food'. For example, films produced in Hollywood which were dominated by Jews were accepted around the globe - lifestyles portrayed in Hollywood's films were totally against the teaching of Islam but they had been idolized world wide including in the Muslim world.

The Jews or Western way of life regarding family, fashion, fun and food too had destroyed the life of the new generation of Muslims...but Muslims especially their leaders choose not to fight the evil but to be part of them. Perhaps it was in line with what former US President, George W Bush had declared: "you are with us or we will fight you."

The 'ustaz' said, at this moment when power is held by the Western world, they had their hands on almost all 'world matters' but Muslims could overturned it by once again by becoming the 'superpower of the world' as they had proved it during the era of Abbasid where one of its greatest caliphate Harun Al-Rashid (786-803 AD) was much respected by the king of Franks, Charlemagne (771-814 AD). The Frank king even sent his special delegation to Baghdad which was known as the world's center of knowledge.

By sending his envoy to Baghdad, Charlemagne had high respect to the Muslims way of living including to live in peace with all the people of the world. Islam is a religion of 'Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin" (blessing to all mankind); in Ayah 107 of Surah al-Anbiya, Allah SWT notes:  "We have not sent thee, O Muhammad, but as a mercy to all mankind."

Islam is a mercy to all mankind but many people including those living the West, distort this statement to understandings that are mistaken. So that raises a lot of mistakes in the practice of religion even in a very fundamental thing, that in the matter of belief.

The ustaz said, cruelty has no place in Islam. Even when dealing with animals, such as slaughtering them for food, the rule is to attend to it accordingly such as mentioning the name of Allah (Bismillah), make the animals die swiftly and easily by using sharp knives but not by sharpening the knives in front of the animals.

Islam is a beautiful religion revealed by God that covers all aspects of life; even there are even laws regarding rearing and slaughtering of animals, what more when dealing with human lives such as the attack on Paris!

Islam covers all aspects of living not only to be safe in this world but in the Hereafter; the irony of it many Muslims choose to follow the way of the Jews and Westerners...well  into the hole of the lizard we would enter!