Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dignity: Its takes two to tango

************************** In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. *************************** Reflection ************************** "O mankind! Worship your Lord, Who hath created you and those before you, so that ye may ward off (evil). - Al-Baqarah (The Cow, 21) ************************** IF someone has dignity, it means they are worthy of respect. In commanding respect from the 'rakyat', leaders too have to play their part because 'it takes two to tango' which means if two people (or parties) are inolved in a situation (usually the bad ones), both must be reponsible. A tango which is a South American dance must be done in pairs. **************************** Well, in executing the 'old slogan' - 'Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan' (Leadership By Example) too needs the cooperation of the two sides involved; leaders and the people (rakyat) because it takes two to tango. ******************************* If leaders seek respect from the rakyat, they too must respect the rights of the rakyat. If they want the rakyat to have dignity, they too must portray that trait. ******************************* If they want the rakyat to love the country, they too must show and prove their love to the country; but some leaders act otherwise, they send their families overseas during hard times such as when haze hit the country. ***************************** In Islamic tradition, leaders such as Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab and Umar Abdul Aziz proved that pious leaders 'produced' pious rakyat; the 'old slogan' - Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan - fit in perfectly; but are we seeing any fine examples around? **************************** During a hike in petrol prices a few years ago, a leader came up with a 'very bright and innovative idea' on how to overcome the problem with his 'great slogan' - Ubah Gaya Hidup Anda - (Change Your Lifestyle). Yes, some rakyat had changed their lifestyles for example abandoning their private vehicles and adopting public transport but what about the leader himself? *************************** Perhaps he, his wife and family members have changed their lifestyles but unfortunately for the more extravaganza way such as shopping in top fashion cities of world, hunting for luxurious items such as Birkin handbags and so on! ************************* The Muslims have a superb example in Hadrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (may he be blessed, r.a.). It is written that Hadrat Umar r.a. was making his nighty rounds through the streets of Madinah when he heard voices coming from a nearby house. ************************** He drew nearer and heard a mother saying to her daughter; "People will come out to collect the milk in the morning. We don't have a lot - add some water so we can get a good price." **************************** The daughter refused, to which the mother said: "It is not a big thing, Umar isn't watching." *************************** The daughter replied: "Mother, if Umar isn't watching, then Umar's Creator is watching." *************************** Hadrat Umar r.a. returned home, impressed with the young lady's faith. Upon awaking the next morning, he sent a message to that house that he wanted the girl of that house as his daughter-in-law. *************************** It was said from the marriage of Umar's son and this pious young woman led to the birth of the grandfather of the Great Ummayad Caliph, Umar Abdul Aziz who was famous with his integrity; in one story he was said to put off the state lamp and lighted his own private one when discussing family matters with his son! ************************ These were times when people were evaluated on their basis of their sincerity and character, not in how many eduction degrees they had or how many houses they owned. *************************** On another occasion Hadrat Umar r.a. was travelling and came upon a shepherd herading sheep in what appeared to be a barren wasteland, with no settlement in sight. ************************** He asked whether the sheep belonged to the shepherd who replied that he had a master. Hadrat Umar r.a. offered him food but the shepherd said that he was fasting. ************************* Hadrat Umar r.a. was amazed that he was fasting in such heat and decided to test him. Hadrat Umar r.a.offered to pay for a sheep that they could sacrifice and eat, but the shepherd said that he must first ask permission from his master. ***************************** Hadrat Umar r.a. said; "Your master is not here, neither is he watching. The shepherd then replied; "My master may not be here, but Allah SWT is every where." ********************** Hadrat Umar r.a. was amazed at this man sincerity and steadfastness. We should reflect on whether such people are today and how we can become like them." ************************* In facing hard times such as during the price hike in necessary items leaders should adhere to their 'Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan' slogan. But in reality, are they following the footsteps of Umar al-Khattab or Umar Abdul Aziz? ***************************** Leaders keep on saying that the rakyat will have to sacrifice in facing difficulties in the future. They tell the rakyat to follow their many suggestions, among others spending wisely on necessities only and changing lifestyes like adopting car pooling and travelling on public transport. *************************** The question here is, does the slogan 'Ubah Gaya Hidup Anda' apply only on the rakyat; do leaders have 'special rights' not to abide to their very own recommendation? ************************* In true sense, everyone should make sacrifices during these hard times. ************************ Regarding the escalating prices of necessary items, undoubtedly the most badly hit are the people in the low income bracket. To these people I sympathize with them; perhaps by learning the Islamic way in dealling with such problems, it could sooth us in our lives. *************************** In life we have to be always grateful and thankful for the things we have and the blessings of Allah SWT would be showered upon us. Regarding 'the things' we have, these are categorized into two aspects - one worldly (material) matters and the other religious matters (obligations). ************************* If we are in the habit of making comparison with others, if is regarding worldly matters (such as having a hard time to fulfill our basic requirements that are food, clothing and shelter) we should look down to those less lucky than us so that we would feel grateful and thankful to Allah SWT; but if regarding religious obligations, it is the opposite. ********************** We should look up to those on the higher steps of the ladder (for example a person had performed hajj, we have not); only then calmness would be showered upon us. As for material matters to have calmness we must look down to those have not but regarding religious obligations we mut try our best to be closer to Allah SWT and His Prophet s.a.w. by each day. *************************** If you as a father had work hard to have food laid on the family table; be happy and grateful to The Almighty because you had seek them accordingly to 'syariah' (halal) and not through 'the crooked' (haram) way. ************************ Even the food is barely enough, be gratefuland thankful because Allah SWT promises increased favors for those who are grateful. He says (what means): “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor); but if you deny, indeed My punishment is severe.'” (Quran 14: 7) ********************** By not bringing in 'haram' (forbidden) income including food into your home, than you are in His straight path because He says: "O! You who believe, save yourself and your families from Hell-fire, whose fuel are humans and stones (idols) over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded." (At-Tahrim 66:6) ************************** On why we were sent into this world, in Surat Adh-Dhariyat 55:56 (The Winnowing Winds) Allah SWT says, with the meaning; "I have only created jinn and men, that they may serve Me." *************************** So as a reminder, serve Allah SWT well whether you are poor or rich; you are rakyat or leader because all are accountable to Him. ********************************** It takes two to tango - if leaders are like Umar al-Khattab and Umar Abdul Aziz, their rakyat will be like the pious young lady and the shepherd mentioned above but if they are murderers and corrupt leaders they would produce notorious rakyat!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

'Apabila masuk tak boleh, keluar pun tak boleh'...

****************Dengan nama Allah Yang Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.********************Renungan***************Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat: “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi”. Mereka berkata: “Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerosakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?” Tuhan berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui." (Al Baqarah: 30) ************************ BARU-BARU ini, penulis 'berkampung' di sebuah hospital hampir seminggu lamanya apabila ibu penulis yang disyaki menghidap denggi dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah wad besar yang kesemua penghuninya ada kaitan dengan penyakit itu! ************************* Berdasarkan ramainya penghuni wad denggi, tahulah penulis penyakit ini tersangat serius di bumi Hang Tuah. Seorang petugas kerajaan memberitahu Melaka kini muncul sebagai negeri ketiga di tanah air yang mempunyai kes denggi tertinggi. Itulah negeri kecil tetapi macam cili padi - yang baik dan buruk semuanya ada di sini - hampir menepati satu slogan kebanggaan negeri 'Di Melaka, segalanya bermula!' *********************** Pengalaman berada di hospital sungguh baik untuk 'orang mencari diri' seperti penulis. Dengan 'menyibuk' ke sana sini di kawasan hospital yang luas itu, dapatlah penulis belajar sedikit sebanyak erti kehidupan - menyaksikan kepayahan orang terutama pesakit cukup menginsafkan; akan terasalah betapa kita tidak cukup bersyukur kepada Yang Maha Berkuasa dan berterima kasih kepada sesama manusia terutama insan yang dekat dengan kita seperti ibu bapa, anak isteri, saudara-mara dan rakan taulan. ******************************* Mendekati sejumlah pesakit segera mendatangkan keinsafan. Seorang 'pakcik' yang disyaki menghidap kanser usus memberitahu: "Saya baru menjalani pembedahan, tebuk lubang di perut untuk buang najis. Kini saya saya pakai beg najis plastik. Masalah saya sekarang, apa yang saya makan dan minum semuanya terkeluar balik." ******************************* Ya, 'pakcik' ini menghadapi ujian sungguh berat. Nak 'masukkan makanan' pun tak boleh, 'nak keluarkan' pun azab. Berceloteh mengenai 'bab sukar nak mengeluarkan' ini, ada kaum kerabat saya yang terkena penyakit prostat dan batu karang memberitahu betapa 'seksa' apabila tidak boleh kencing. Bayangkan deritanya apabila terasa terlalu nak kencing tapi tak boleh kencing. Demikian juga penyakit seperti buasir dan sembelit, tak boleh nak berak-berak. Ughhh, sakitnya. ************************* Belas saya melihat melihat 'pakcik' pesakit kanser usus itu, tetapi apa nak dikata, demikian pusingan roda kehidupan - ada kalanya kita sakit dan ada kalanya kita sihat. Saya hanya mampu melihat dan mendoakan di samping mengingatkan diri bahawa nasib diri sendiri pun kita tak tahu; hari ini kita sihat mungkin esok lusa kita jatuh sakit. ********************************* Namun jika direnung-renungkan, masa sihat kita sebenarnya jauh lebih banyak daripada masa sakit kita. Sebelum jatuh sakit, tentunya kita sihat tetapi berapa ramai daripada kita dapat memanfaatkan masa sihat itu mematuhi perintah dan larangan Yang Maha Kuasa. Ada hadis menyebut jagalah lima perkara sebelum datang lima perkata; salah satunya ingatlah masa sihat sebelum datangnya sakit. **************************** Melihat pesakit-pesakit terlantar di katil cukup menginsafkan; apabila nikmat sihat 'digantung' oleh Allah SWT, sebahagian kita barulah teringat untuk buat kebaikan itu dan ini; teringat untuk ke masjid, teringat untuk ziarah menziarahi saudara mara dan sebagainya. Namun apakan daya, ketika berada di katil pesakit itu, usahkan nak buat amalan sunat, nak solat lima waktu pun terasa betapa sukar sekali. **************************** Demikianlah manusia akan hilang apa dia nikmati. Kebanyakan orang tidak menyedari nikmat dicurahi Illahi yang dianggap biasa seperti kemampuan bercakap, melihat dan berjalan hatta kencing dan berak sehingga ia ditarik balik. Manusia menang tidak menginsafinya sehinggalah ‘mulut mereka dipenuhi tanah’ (maksudnya sudah berada dalam kubur). Sesudah mati barulah diketahui nikmat hidup. ************************* Seorang ustaz dalam kuliah mingguannya di masjid berhampiran rumah penulis ketika membentangkan permasalahan nikmat ini menarik perhatian penulis. Katanya, nikmat itu hanya dapat dirasai apabila berlaku perkara bertentangan; misalnya nikmat sihat dirasai apabila seseorang itu sakit; nikmat membuang najis selepas tidak boleh berbuat demikian, nikmat berjalan selepas kaki tiada; nikmat kaya selepas jatuh miskin; dan nikmat berkeluarga selepas bercerai-berai. ***************************** Ustaz itu berkata nikmat Allah SWT tersangat banyak, tidak terhitung manusia. Beliau membawa kisah seorang lelaki bani Israil yang beribadat ratusan tahun, kemudian mendakwa dia memasuki syurga kerana banyaknya amalannya. Allah memerintahkan ditimbang amalan dia dengan nikmat sebelah matanya; ternyata timbangan mata itu lebih berat menyebabkan dia dilemparkan ke dalam neraka. ********************************** Seorang Muslim perlu menyedari nikmat terbesar Allah SWT kepadanya adalah Islam, iman dan tergolong umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Kata ustaz tidak guna menjadi kaya atau berkuasa tetapi tidak termasuk dalam golongan ini. Katanya, umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sangat beruntung kerana nabi-nabi pun mahu menjadi umat rasul akhir zaman tetapi tidak terlaksana. *********************** Jika kita masih ada ibu bapa, syukurilah nikmat ini kerana banyak orang ibu bapa mereka sudah meninggal dunia. Orang yang masih ada ibu bapa tidak menyedari nikmat ini sehinggalah mereka tiada. ************************ Seorang rakan memberitahu dia tersangat rindukan ibu bapanya. Malangnya mereka sudah tiada. “Apabila hari raya, berhajat jua pulang ke kampung tetapi untuk apa? Ayah dan ibu sudah tiada, jadi saya tidak terpanggil untuk pulang,” katanya sayu. ****************************** Perlu juga diingatkan; bukan saja ibu bapa kita sudah dan akan 'pergi', kita juga akhirnya akan pulang ke kampung halaman kita. Kampung apakah itu? Itulah kampung akhirat (kubur) yang tiada jalan untuk kita lari daripadanya. Kita dimasukkan ke dalamnya tetapi untuk keluar tidak sekali-kali! ************************** Jadi ingat-ingatlah masa hidup sebelum matinya kita!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quality goods for the rich, cheap ones for the rakyat?

***************** In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ***************** Reflection ******************** "Do not spy one another, nor let any of you backbite others..." (Hujurat 49: 12) ************************ AS a 'pensioner' who has to cut on cost of living, I have opted cycling for short journeys such as going to the 'masjid' especially for 'subuh' (dawn) prayers when the air is cool and to buy grocery items and newspapers at shops in the neighborhood. ************************* After cycling for a few months, I realize one shortcoming using the bicycle; its tubes inside the wheels can easily deflate or puncture. *************************** When cycling on roadsides, the bicycle wheels are prone to hit sharp objects and broken glass usually located there. ************************* When luck is with me, a tube may last a month or more but there are times when I need to change the tubes every now and then. Once I had to change the tubes two times in a day - one in the morning and one in the late afternoon after the tube concerned punctured! ************************* I asked the Chinese 'towkay' who runs the bicycle repair shop why these tubes easily get punctured. ***************************** He answered; "Well business is like that. If the tubes punctured often; then our shop would be receiving many customers. If the tubes last long, then business would be difficult for us. *************************** "If 'lu' (you) want tubes that are hard to puncture, then buy the expensive ones. The ones that are often sold are 'koman' (of low quality) made in Malaysia at only RM7. The expensive one is at RM10 each; you want which one?" **************************** Since the 'towkay' was also trading motorcycles, I asked him about motorcycles tubes. He said the 'Made in Malaysia' one is RM8 each while the imported one would be RM15 each. He claimed that the imported ones from Thailand was of high quality; it was thick compared to the local product which was very thin. ****************************** "If you want tubes that are difficult to puncture, then buy the imported ones. You just add a few more ringgits, I 'guarenteed' you could used the tubes for a long period of time," suggested the shop owner. ***************************** "So you want which one? The RM7 one or RM10? Don't think too long. You better take the imported one. This time 'lu' (you) are lucky. Next month the price of this item would surely rise!" **************************** Talking about local and imported products; a friend who is an 'old timer' have this to say: "Products from this part of the world including our country are of 'low quality' - they were not at par with those from 'mat salih' (Western countries) such as England. For example bicycles with 'R' (Raleigh) trademark are 'robust', they could be used for years. It's steel still looked shinny even after 10 years. **************************** "But local produced bicycles or from countries in this region, their steel parts get rusty after a few years or even months usage. After being used a year or two, the bicycles broke down and were left to rust at trunks of trees including near the chicken scoop. **************************** The question is could we produce high quality products and most importantly at cheap prices? *************************** A friend quipped: "You want a 'high quality' product yet at a cheap price, then you produce it yourself-lah." *************************** Talking about 'cheap products' during the Eid Adha celebration I found out that there is no such item because prices of almost all necessities have soared to a very high level that sent shivers to ordinary housewives and part-time 'house-husbands' like me! ***************************** As buying pf fresh items such as fish and vegetables lays on my shoulder, I know the prices of those necessities are too expensive and keep on soaring. I found out that the most expensive product nowadays is 'udang' (prawns) which soared to RM30 per kilogram! Perhaps at this price, 'udang' is almost beyond the reach of the ordinary 'rakyat'. ******************************* Nowadays local 'daging lembu' (meat) is RM20 and above a kilogram, chicken is about RM9 a kilogram and even the humble 'ikan cencaru' which is labeled as the poor man's food is about RM12 per kilogram, For the rich man's diet such as 'ikan parang' and 'tenggiri', the prices would soar to around RM25-RM30 a kilogram. It is almost out of reach for the ordinary rakyat. ****************************** So expensive food is exclusively for the rich while poor food is exclusively for the poor? If this is the case, in which direction is actually our country heading? **************************** Perhaps with a daily budget of RM10 (an allocation of RM300 a month for wet items such as fish and vegetables), a housewife would face difficulties in running her kitchen. ******************************* The irony of it is when the people are suffering with this 'barang naik' (price raising) syndrome; some leaders keep on telling the people to spend on necessary items only and "please do it' at Kedai 1-Malaysia which offers goods at a very low price. **************************** I have never gone to any of these 'kedais' but I do hope they would offer quality goods at cheap prices. ********************************** I too hope that our leaders would go to these 'kedais' to do their shopping; so please cancel your wives planned extravaganza trips to Dubai, London and Paris. Perhaps items sold here including bags are at par with those sold in the three cities! ******************************** The truth is that fake Birkin handbags sold here are cheap but of low quality compared to the original one; so is the fake one specially made and designed for the 'rakyat' while the original one is only for the rich, famous and powerful few?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pemimpin mewah tetapi rakyat derita

************************* DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. *************************** Renungan ************************** Dia-lah Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir, dan Yang Zahir serta Yang Batin; dan Dia-lah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu. (Surah Al-Hadid, ayat 3) **************************** Pembaziran melampau dan ketidak-tirisan dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara setiap tahun seolah-olah menunjukkan negara kita terlalu mewah namun sejumlah rakyat terutama pemimpin yang diamanahkan untuk mentadbir dan mengurus kewangan negara adalah pengkhianat kepada agama, negara dan bangsa. *********************** Bayangkan apa tidak membazirnya jika aktiviti lagha (kumpulan muzik K-pop Korea) dibayar jutaan ringgit untuk satu persembahan sedangkan masih ada rakyat di pedalaman terutama di Sabah dan Sarawak belum menikmati 'api dalam kaca' dan 'air dalam besi'! ******************************* Kini sesetengah pemimpin itu kerap kali mendabik dada dan dihebahkan secara-besaran oleh media massa tajaan mereka kononnya apa dinikmati sekarang ini (kekayaan dan kemewahan) adalah hasil kebijaksanaan mereka mentadbir negara termasuk mengurus ekonomi, pihak lain tidak pandai, justeru hanya mereka layak memerintah negara ini. ******************************* Tentunya jika dilihat secara zahir, seolah-olah benar apa yang direpekkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin berkenaan. Benar sejumlah rakyat kelihatan hidup mewah tetapi persoalannya golongan manakah ini? Apakah 'golongan feudal' saja mahu kaya dulu, kini dan selamanya sedangkan rakyat bawahan hidupnya kais pagi makan pagi dan kais petang makan petang. ************************** Allah SWT telah melempahkan sumber alam yang cukup kaya kepada negara ini – petroleum, kelapa sawit, getah dan sebagainya – tetapi apakah kekayaan ini mendasar kepada kehidupan majoriti rakyat terutama yang tinggal di desa dan pedalaman? ************************** Jika dari segi ekonomi dan taraf hidup sesetengah rakyat ketinggalan terlalu jauh, kini masalah sosial pula menambah derita dan ketakutan rakyat kebanyakan. Jenayah seperti pembunuhan, perompakan, ragut, rogol, zina dan membuang bayi semakin menjadi-jadi. Daripada setinggi-tinggi jenayah berprofil tinggi termasuk pembunuhan warga asing termasuk dari Mongolia sehingga pembulian di sekolah, semuanya membimbangkan, membayangkan terlalu banyak perkara tidak beres dalam masyarakat kita. **************************** Jenayah kejam yang tidak terfikirkan dulu seperti anak membunuh bapa dan anggota keluarga lain termasuk suami isteri, perlu dimuhasabah; apa sebenarnya sudah menimpa masyarakat kita? Apa sebenarnya sudah berlaku kepada generasi muda yang kita didik di sekolah-sekolah kita hari ini? **************************** Kita percaya ada kaitan antara jenayah yang semakin menjadi-jadi dan moral masyarakat yang semakin buruk ini dengan kemewahan dalam negara yang didakwa pemimpin berkenaan. Kita bimbang jika berlaku istidraj, iaitu adalah pemberian nikmat Allah kepada manusia yang mana pemberian itu tidak diredai-Nya. ********************** Rasullulah s. a. w. bersabda: ”Apabila kamu melihat bahawa Allah Taala memberikan nikmat kepada hambanya yang selalu membuat maksiat(durhaka),ketahuilah bahawa orang itu telah diistidrajkan oleh Allah SWT.”(Diriwayatkan oleh At-Tabrani, Ahmad dan Al-Baihaqi) ************************ Tetapi, manusia termasuk pemimpin yang durhaka dan sering berbuat maksiat yang terkeliru dengan pemikirannya merasakan bahawa nikmat yang telah datang kepadanya dan pengampunya adalah kerana Allah berserta dan kasih dengan perbuatan maksiat mereka. ************************* Sekarang kita dapat saksikan betapa sejumlah pemimpin dan rakyat (pengampu) yang bermaksiat seperti terbabit dalam amalan rasuah, perjudian dan jenayah seksual, hidup mereka semakin senang dan masih berkuasa dan berkedudukan tinggi. Mereka masih memegang jawatan tinggi termasuk dalam parti politik. ************************ Sebagai kebalikannya, orang taat dan baik termasuk pemimpin, ramai yang hidup sederhana saja malah ada yang susah. Manusia istidraj adalah orang yang lupa daratan. Walaupun berbuat maksiat, dia merasa Allah menyayanginya. Mereka memandang hina kepada orang yang beramal, mereka tidak tahu sebenarnya, Allah memberikan nikmat yang banyak dengan tujuan untuk menghancurkan mereka. Manusia, apabila mendapat nikmat, cuba hendak melawan Allah SWT, termasuk hukum-Nya. Hukum hudud diperlekehkannya, ingatlah Firaun yang ada segala-galanya itu pun akhirnya binasa, apalah sangat pemimpin dan rakyat takabur negara ini! ******************* Buktinya, Firaun. Nikmatnya tak terkira, tidak pernah sakit, bersin pun tidak pernah kerana Allah berikannya nikmat kesihatan. Orang lain selalu sakit, tapi Firaun tidak, orang lain mati, namun dia masih belum mati-mati juga, sampai rasa angkuh dan besar diri lantas mengaku dirinya tuhan. Tapi dengan nikmat itulah Allah binasakan dia. ******************* Namrud pula cuba membakar Nabi Ibrahim. Betapa besar pangkat Namrud? Dia begitu sombong dengan Allah, akhirnya menemui ajalnya hanya disebabkan seekor nyamuk masuk ke dalam lubang hidungnya. ************************ Tidak ada manusia hari ini sekaya Qarun. Anak kunci gudang hartanya sahaja kena dibawa oleh 40 ekor unta. Akhirnya dia ditenggelamkan bersama-sama hartanya sekali akibat terlalu takbur. Jadi kalau kita kaya, jangan sangka Allah sayang, Qarun lagi kaya, akhirnya binasa juga. ************************** Jadi, jika kita kaji dan fikir betul-betul, maka terjawablah segala keraguan yang mengganggu fikiran kita. Mengapa orang kafir kaya, dan orang yang berbuat maksiat hidup senang /mewah. Pemberian yang diberikan oleh Allah pada mereka bukanlah yang diredai-Nya. Rupa-rupanya ianya adalah bertujuan untuk menghancurkannya. Untuk apa hidup ini tanpa keredaan-Nya? *************************** Tetapi jangan pula ada orang kaya beribadat, masuk masjid dengan kereta mewah kita katakan itu istidraj. Orang naik pangkat, istidraj. Orang-orang besar, istidraj. Jangan! Orang yang mengunakan nikmatnya untuk kebajikan untuk mengabdi kepada Allah bukan istidraj. Dan jangan pula kita tidak mahu kekayaan. Kalau hendak selamat, hidup kita mesti ada pegangan. Bukan kaya yang kita cari, juga bukan miskin yang kita cari. *************************** Tujuan hidup kita adalah mencari keredaan Allah. Bagaimana cara untuk menentukan nikmat yang diredai Allah? Seseorang itu dapat menyedari hakikat yang sebenarnya tentang nikmat yang diterimanya itu ialah apabila dia bersyukur nikmatnya. ************************* Dia akan mengunakan pemberian ke jalan kebaikan dan sentiasa redha dan ikhlas mengabdikan diri kepada Allah. Maka segala limpah kurnia yang diperolehi itu adalah nikmat pemberian yang diredai Allah. Apabila tujuan hidup kita untuk mencari keredaan Allah, niscaya selamatlah kita di dunia dan akhirat.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sudah tua, tetapi menyimpan untuk masa depan?

***************************** Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ****************************** Renungan ******************************* Hadis riwayat Abu Hazim, daripada Abu Hurairah yang dikeluarkan oleh Muslim, bermaksud: "Tidak akan hancur dunia ini (kiamat) hingga ada seorang laki-laki yang melewati kuburan lalu ia berguling-guling di atasnya seraya berkata, 'alangkah baiknya sekiranya aku berada di tempat penghuni kubur ini.' Hal ini bukan kerana faktor agama tetapi kerana adanya musibah." ******************************* KADANG-KADANG saya menceritakan kepada rakan-rakan akan kisah ini yang membuat kami tergelak besar. Ada seorang tua bukan Islam, usianya lebih 70 tahun, tidak lama dulu dipilih sebagai penyimpan terbaik sebuah bank. Saya yang 'berfikiran jahat' berkata; "apa nak fikir masa depan lagi...kan kubur sudah kata mari!" ******************************* Secara kebetulan baru-baru ini saya ada menerima e-mel daripada seorang rakan yang memberi panduan bagaimana untuk 'terus selamat' pada usia tua yang pada penghujung artikel dinyatakan...paling penting sekali WANG! Inilah 'kuasa terakhir' anda ketika usia tua. ******************************* "Jika kamu tiada wang pada usia tua, tiada siapa, hatta anak kamu sekalipun tidak akan mendekati anda. Jika kamu tiada wang, isteri kamu pun tidak akan hormat kamu. Jika kamu tiada wang ketika usia tua kamulah parasit. Wang boleh 'membeli kuasa' apabila kamu sangat perlukannya masa tua kamu. Tiada wang, tiada bicara! ************************ "Maaf, tetapi ini adalah benar! Tiada wang bermakna tiada 'sayang', tiada percutian, tiada kawan, tiada kehidupan sosial, tiada panggilan telefon, tiada e-mel, tiada apa-apa dan tiada WAIN." Apabila disebut 'wain' fahamlah kita bahawa ini adalah panduan hidup untuk orang bukan Islam. Bagi sesetengah mereka, wang adalah segala-galanya apatah lagi ketika menghadapi usia tua. Tiada wang tiada bicara. Apakah ini bermakna jika artikel ini TIDAK DIBAYAR (tiada wang) maka saya akan berhenti setakat ini saja...'bye,bye'! **************************** ...namun saya menyambungnya semula. Ini kerana saya orang Islam yang panduan hidup saya adalah al-Quran dan hadis yang ditafsirkan dan dihuraikan oleh ulama. **************************** Berlawanan daripada apa disyorkan cendekiawan Barat mengenai kepentingan mempunyai wang yang banyak pada usia senja, sesetengah ulama mengesyorkan seseorang itu sentiasa mengingati mati dan berusaha keras menjalani kehidupan berpandukan perintah Allah SWT, apatah lagi apabila umur sudah lanjut. *************************** Ulama menegaskan bahawa usia tua adalah tanda hampir kematian. Namun tidak dinafikan ada 'putik kelapa pun jatuh'. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ada bersabda bermaksud: "Masa penuaian umur umatku dari 60 hingga 70 tahun." (Riwayat Imam Muslim dan Nasai) *********************** Tidak kira si kaya atau si miskin, tua atau muda, raja atau perdana menteri berupaya mengelakkannya. Yang pasti kematian itu pasti datang dan inilah digeruni semua orang apatah lagi orang sudah tua. Tua adalah sinonim dengan kematian. *************************** Jadi, mempunyai WANG BANYAK pada masa tua bukanlah sesuatu yang berupaya mendamaikan anda. Ini adalah pandangan sarjana Barat, jadi marilah kita tinjau kehidupan orang tua di Barat bagi mengetahui sama ada mereka bahagia atau tidak. *************************** Pengalaman saya di negara Barat tidaklah banyak namun saya adunkan dengan apa yang dilihat dan alami oleh rakan-rakan yang tinggal di negara berkenaan bagi renungan kita bersama. **************************** Orang tua Barat zahirnya bahagia...tetapi kata sesetengah kawan saya hakikatnya tidak begitu. Mereka sebenarnya hidup kekosongan, tiada pegangan. *********************** Masa tua mereka dihabiskan dengan bersungguh-sungguh melakukan aktiviti keduniaan agar dapat melupakan kesepian dan kekosongan diri. Maka ramailah pasangan tua yang suka 'shopping'. Ada yang membeli sesuatu barang, tetapi tak lama kemudian menjualnya di 'car boot sale' sekalipun belum pernah menggunakannya. *************************** Jika orang Islam beriman ada matlamat kehidupan iaitu menuju keredaan Illahi, apakah yang dapat dilakukan oleh orang tak beragama yang tidak percaya kepada hari kebangkitan semula? **************************** Mereka percaya bahagia ada di dunia saja, selepas berlaku kematian tamatlah kisah hidup mereka; jadi mungkinkah sebab ini mereka mengatakan WANG adalah perkara terpenting pada masa tua. 'Tiada wang tiada bicara, jadi saya berhenti di sini sajalah!'

Friday, October 18, 2013

Auditing ourselves before the Hijra year ends

********************** In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ************************ Reflection ********************** Surah 114 ******************* An-Nas, the second of the two cries for refuge and protection, takes its name from a recurring word which marks the rhythm in the Arabic. In this case protection is sought especially from the evil in a man's own heart in the hearts of other men. An early Meccan revelation ****************** MANKIND ****************** Revealed at Mecca ***************** In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. **************************** 1. Say; I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, ************************ 2. The King of mankind, ************************ 3. The God of mankind, ************************* 4. From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, *************************** 5. Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, ******************************* 6. Of the jinn of mankind. ****************** (The Meaning of the GLORIOUS QUR'AN, The Final Revelation, An Explanaory Translation by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall) ***************** DHUL-HIJJAH, the 12th (last) month of the Muslim calendar of Hijra began Sunday, October 6, 2013. This is the month Muslim perform hajj, with its peak when they do ‘wukuf’ (to stop or gather) in Arafah (or Arafat) on the 9th Dhul-hijjah (Monday, 14th October). *************************** Wukuf, being the highest 'rukun' (component) of hajj must be rendered; without which hajj does not take place. The requirement is the presence in Arafah, regardless of whether the pilgrim is riding, walking, sitting or moving. In Arafah one is to spend at least a moment from dhuhr (midday) to before subuh (dawn) prayer times making du’aa (supplications) and repenting to leave Arafah with all of one's sins forgiven. **************************** For Muslims who are not performing hajj in their homelands, they are encouraged to perform recommended deeds during the first 10 days of Dhul-hijjah such as fasting especially on ‘Wukuf’ day, giving charity, performing voluntary prayers, helping one's parents and chanting 'zikr'. Then during Eid Adha (10th Dhul-Hijjah) when Muslims perform ‘solat’ (Eid prayers) and the days of Tashreek (11, 12, and 13th Dhul-Hijjah) they are recommended to do the slaughter or ‘korban’ (sacrifice) animals (such as sheep and cow). ************************* Almost all of 22,000 Malaysian pilgrims are now in Makkah; they are among more than three million Muslims from all corners of the world gathered in the Holy Land to perform the hajj manasik (rites and ceremonies performed at hajj). After Arafah, the pilgrims would then proceed towards Muzdalifah and pick up pebbles there to be used when stoning the Pillar of Aqabah or Qubra on Eid Adha (10th Dhul-Hijjah). ************************* In Mina, they are required to stay for three nights where they will stone the three ‘jamrahs’ beginning with the first Pillar (i.e. the one which is furthest from Makkah), followed by the middle Pillar and lastly the Pillar of Aqabah. ********************** The pilgrims will also shave their heads or cut their hair and then proceed to Makkah to perform the Tawaf Al-Ifadah (circling the Kaabah seven times which is an essential part of Hajj) and then perform Sa’y (walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa). While waiting for the the big day (Wukuf), pilgrims fulfill their days by performing prayers and 'tawaf' in the Grand Masjid of Makkah (Masjidil-Haram). ************************ As the other articles under the Principles of Islam or 'Rukun Islam' (to do the declaration of faith - kalimah syahadah, to perform the five daily obligatory prayers, to fast in the month of Ramadan and to distribute zakat or obligatory charity), the main purpose of performing hajj is that one is to be closer to Allah The Greatest (SWT). ************************ So, the main aim is to increase our 'takqa' (piety) to Him. Muslims, especially those performing hajj should never come home the same way they began their journey to the Holly Land. It is an opportunity to audit ourselves both at the beginning and the end. If our life is no way better than before performing hajj, then we have to do a lot of reflection. ************************ And with the new Hijra year of 1435 (beginning Tuesday 5th November 2013) approaching in a few weeks time; it is timely for us as Muslims to audit (have a thought) about ourselves on our performance through out the year. If our country could produce the Auditor-General's Report, then we too could have one for ourselves in valuing our duties as Muslims. *************************** It is reported that Hasan al-Basree, a renowned Islamic scholar once said,” A believer is a guardian over himself: He audits himself for Allah. Those who take account of themselves in this world will be audited lightly in the hereafter. Those who take this issue lightly will find their auditing very difficult.” ************************ So, what is our duty as a human being? In Surat Adh-Dhariyat 51:56 (The Winnowing Winds) Allah SWT says; “I have only created jinn and men, that they may serve Me.” ************************** So from time to time, it’s good to sit back and ask yourself a few questions. Perhaps here’s a starting point. Refer back to the Principles of Islam and ask yourself sincerely what is the score for your obligatory duties as a Muslim such as 'solat' (performing prayers), fasting in the month of Ramadan and distribute zakat. And have you perform hajj, the last articles under 'Rukun Islam'? ***************************** One of the most important things that we can do individually as Muslims is to ponder our own selves and to reflect upon whether or not we have improved, remained stagnant, or have regressed in our overall practice of Islam. For example how is our 'solat' nowadays - is the 'quality' of our 'solat' at 50 years of age the same as our 'solat' when we were 15 years old - that was 35 years ago? **************************** The same could be said about our 'puasa' - is it the same as the yesteryear when we refrained ourselves from only eating and drinking or 'puasa yang yok' (cheating by eating or drinking when one is alone) but keep our eyes open seeing 'haram' (forbidden) things and open our ears to all sort of gossips and our tongues lash out bad and 'laser' words. ************************* Well, what about our 'zakat' - is it the same old you ‘that only pay for tithes during Ramadan' and forget the compulsory zakat for incomes, agriculture yields, gold and livestock such as cows and sheep? ***************************** And how's our daily chores going on for example things we take for granted such wasting of money and food, spending on unnecessary items and involving in immoral activities such as going to pubs and disco and involving in smoking, gambling and drinking. ************************* And how's our time being spend? People tend to waste time; only a few 'veterans' prefer to seek knowledge including attending 'tazkirah' (lessons) at masjids, the rest waste their time doing unnecessary and unproductive activities such as spending long hours chatting or playing 'dam haji' (checkers) in 'warong kopi' (coffee shop). ************************* The question is, have we been auditing ourselves? We tend not to look at ourselves but waste our precious time on others. Over the course of the year, we can easily fall into the habit of focusing too much on the affairs of others. ************************** In true sense, our time could be better spent working to improve ourselves in the religion and seeking the Mercy of Allah and seeking His pardon for our own errors and mistakes. Remember our time left is too short; perhaps the Lord would called for us in a year time, tomorrow or even today or after reading this article! ***************************** Allah says; "O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do." (59 (Exile):18) **************************** The interpreters of Qur’an have said that this verse is calling on the believers to take account of themselves before they are taken to account by Allah on the Day of Accounting, i.e., The Day of Judgment. ************************* Since it is the hajj season, let us have a thought about 'Wukuf' in Arafah which some 'ulama' (Islamic scholar) said that Allah SWT 'is very, very near' to His servant. It is said that when Allah, Great and Glorious is He, forgives a sin for one person in Arafah, He forgives it for everyone there who is guilty of it. ********************** There are millions of pilgrims in Arafah yet if you have His blessings, you could feel that you are left alone with the Almighty. When you have 'that feeling' it is easy for you to talk and admitted about your past sins and then beg forgiveness from Him. ************************** "O Allah! I ask of Your integrity and soundness in my religion, my life, my family, and my possessions. ********************** O Allah! Cover my shame, pacify my fears, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me, from what is on my right and on my left, over my head and under my feet. *********************** O Allah! Grant health to my body. O Allah grants health to my hearing. O Allah! Grant heath to my sight. There is no deity except You. *********************** O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no deity except You. You are my Creator and I am Your creature. I try to keep my covenant with You and to live in the hope of Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from my own evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favors to me, and I acknowledge my sins. Forgive me my sins, for there is no one who can forgive sins except You. ******************** O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow. I seek refuge in You from impotence and sloth, from stinginess and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being humbled by men. *********************** O Allah! Make the beginning of this day good, the middle prosperous, and the end successful. I ask You to grant me the good of this world and of the Hereafter. O Most Merciful of all Who show us mercy! ******************** O Allah! You hear my words, You behold my situation, You know what is open and what is hidden within me; nothing is hidden from You. It is me alone who is in need, a humble seeker of Your forgiveness. I beseech You with humility in my heart, with trembling and fear, in prostration and utter helplessness. *********************** O Allah! Grant me soundness of belief, goodness of character, forgiveness of my sins, and Your eternal pleasure in the Hereafter. ***************************** Labbayk, Allahumma, Labbayk, Labbayk, La Shareeka laka, Labbayk Innal-hamda wan n’mata laka wal-mulk, La shareekala – (Here I am at Your service, O Lord here I am, No partner do You have, Here I am, Truly the praise and the favor is Yours and the dominion. No partner do You have). Happy Eid Adha

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Anak sungai lagikan berubah...

******************Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ******************* Renungan ******************** “Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang yang banyak bertaubat, dan mengasihi orang yang sentiasa mensucikan diri”. (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 222) *********************** KINI kemuncak musim haji. Bagi jemaah di Tanah Suci, mereka menunggu detik bertolak dan wukuf di Arafah pada 9 Zulhijah, seterusnya melengkapkan manasik haji seperti mabit di Mudzalifah, melontar di jamrah dan bermalam di Mina. ************************ Bagi mereka yang tidak menunaikan haji; tempoh 10 hari pertama Zulhijah amat berharga untuk diisi amalan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT seperti sentiasa solat berjemaah, memperbanyakkan amalan sunat seperti berpuasa (terutama pada hari wukuf), qiyamullail, bersedekah, membaca Quran dan berzikir. *********************** Ketika meraikan pemergian jemaah haji di sebuah masjid berhampiran kampung saya baru-baru ini, saya amat tertarik dengan peringatan seorang ustaz dalam tazkirah ringkasnya akan bahana besar menanti orang enggan atau melambat-lambatkan menunaikan Rukun Islam kelima itu jika mereka sudah memenuhi syaratnya termasuk dari segi kewangan. ************************* Beliau lantas membacakan sebuah hadis yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang mempunyai bekalan dan kenderaan yang boleh menyampaikannya ke Baitullah, tetapi dia masih tidak menunaikan haji (dengan ketiadaan uzur syarie sehingga dia meninggal dunia) maka tiada halangan baginya mati sebagai seorang Yahudi atau Nasrani." (Riwayat Imam At-Tirmizi dan Al-Baihaqi) *********************** Sang ustaz berkata antara sebab sesetengah orang terlalu berat untuk menyahut seruan haji kerana terlalu cinta kepada kelazatan dan asyik mahsyuk dunia seperti anak isteri, harta benda termasuk sawah ladang, pendapatan, jawatan dan pangkat lantas enggan meninggalkannya. ************************ Beliau mengingatkan pemergian ke Tanah Suci bermakna berpisah dengan kesenangan dunia itu buat sementara saja; cukup masa insya-Allah seseorang itu akan kembali ke tanah air, jadi tiada apa perlu dibimbangkan. *************************** Namun, katanya, jika ada perasaan terlalu sayang untuk meninggalkan semua kesenangan itu, ingatlah suatu hari nanti segala-galanya "akan direntap" daripada kita. Mahu atau tidak mahu kita terpaksa "mengucapkan selamat jalan" kepada segala apa yang kita miliki apabila nyawa kita dicabut dan jasad kita diusung ke tanah perkuburan. ************************** Kata sang ustaz: "Apabila kita berada dalam kubur, jawatan dan kedudukan yang kita sandang sudah berada di tangan orang lain atau menjadi rebutan; demikian juga harta benda termasuk sawah ladang sudah difaraidkan dan lebih malang lagi isteri (atau suami) kita sudah berada dalam pelukan orang lain. **************************** "Isteri (atau suami) kita akan gunakan sebahagian wang dan harta tinggalan kita untuk meneruskan hidup bersama pasangan masing-masing. Misalnya mereka akan beli kereta baru dengan 'duit kita'...apabila mereka lalu di jalan raya depan kubur kita, pedal minyak ditekan kuat-kuat...Brommmmm, brommmmm, bunyi kereta...kita dalam kubur 'terkulat-kulatlah'. Apa nak buat, dah nasib badan!" ************************* "Oleh itu," kata ustaz, "janganlah sayang kepada apa kita miliki di dunia ini secara berlebih-lebihan. "Apabila sampai masa dan cukup kemampuan buatlah apa yang Allah SWT perintahkan seperti tunaikan haji, bayar zakat dan berkorban di jalan-Nya termasuklah berwakaf. Ini semua sebagai modal kita di alam kubur dan akhirat nanti." *************************** Berceloteh mengenai suami atau isteri berkahwin lain selepas pasangan mereka meninggal dunia, teringat saya akan satu pasangan suami isteri yang saya kenali ketika saya menunaikan haji pada tahun 2002 dulu. ************************* Wah, di Tanah Suci sungguh intim mereka. Kerap benar saya melihat mereka berpegangan tangan; di Mina lagilah mereka rapat sebab di sini banyak ujiannya. Bolehlah diklasifikasikan pasangan sejoli ini bagai "tidak hendak berpisah" layaknya. Pendeknya, kaulah intan, kaulah permata - kaulah yang pertama dan terakhir untukku...! **************************** Ditakdirkan si suami meninggal dunia tidak lama selepas kembali. Biasanya orang perempuan 'tidak kuasa' untuk 'berjodoh lagi' (yang cepat benar mahu berkahwin selepas pasangan meninggal adalah orang lelaki malah ada yang isterinya belum mati pun dia sudah menambah cawangan) tetapi si perempuan ini cepat benar dapat ganti suami baru...yalah anak sungai lagikan berubah ini pula hati manusia... **************************** Nasib baiklah perubahan hati berlaku dalam 'kes cerai mati' kalau dalam 'kes cerai hidup' tidakkah terbeban bekas pasangan dari segi mental? Namun itulah dinamakan 'roda kehidupan'. Jika itu berlaku, ingatlah 'asal kapas menjadi benang, dari benang dibuat kain, barang lepas jangan dikenang, sudah menjadi hak orang lain'!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Leave your 'toys' behind...

****************** In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ******************* Reflection ******************* The Declining Day (Al-'Asr) 1. By the declining day, 2. Lo! Man is in a state of loss, 3. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance. *********************** SEVERAL years ago when I was on a train (LRT) on the way to work; an European elderly couple who were seated next to me showed surprised looks on their faces at the way and how busy our people were especially youths in the coach handling and playing with their electronic gadgets including smart phones. ************************ The man look up and whispered: "Aahh, these 'toys'; sometimes they are nuisance. In Europe, we call them 'toys' certain times we leave them alone; we want to free ourselves from this madness..." ************************** And in the train; he and his 'partner' (I did not know her status; whether she was his wife or girlfriend or just a friend) were 'free from having those nuisance gadgets''...and they seemed to enjoy that situation but what they witnessed in the train seemed to displease them. ********************** So dear friends and readers; can we free ourselves from those electronic gadgets perhaps for only a day or two. It would be a good idea if we could one day purposely leave our phones at home and learn how to live without it. And you are open to discover the new in you... ************************* Readers might be nervous and afraid trying this, but please do try it and find the 'pleasures and tranquility' of life without having 'those nuisance gadgets'. ************************* One of my friends once said: "I can't live without my handset. If I had left it at home, I (would) have no choice but return home to collect it." See, how these 'toys' have conquered and 'destroyed' our lives! It's scary for the friend to say; "I can't live without it!" as if the phone is a must in our life! Is it true nowadays we are 'hamba' (slaves) of these modern invention? ************************ Last Tuesday (1st October) I attended a funeral one of my nephews. When his body was lowered inside his grave (remember one day we too would be buried inside our graves), he had nothing on him except for his white 'kain kapan' (shroud). So when we were lowered into our graves one day (that day would surely come) where were our worldly belongings including those much sought and treasured 'toys' that we have the guts to say that "we can't live without them?" ************************ Scholars have reminded us again and again that our 'worldly treasures' including money, what more those electronic gadgets, would of no use in the Hereafter. The much sought items there are ‘iman’ (faith) and good deeds; unfortunately the Hereafter is not a place to do good deeds but a place to reaped ‘our best crop’ grown on earth! ********************* Dear brothers and sisters, begin all things with knowledge, for he who knows his own self knows God. So acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guides us in happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament amongst friends, and an armour against enemies. ************************** With knowledge we would know that our life in this world is not for the sake of material enjoyments of this world alone. Our temporary life here is only a life of probation, for perpetual life in the Hereafter. As we sow here, we shall reap in the Hereafter. ************************* To quote a saying of the Holy Prophet: “This world is the tillage for the Hereafter” i.e. we plough and sow here to reap in the next world. We, Muslims, therefore, cannot afford to live an irresponsible and reckless life. ************************ All life ends in death. Therefore, let us remember that a certain time is fixed for us when we will be abandoned to the darkness of our graves. We should be therefore, consider the passing life of this world as a means towards our ultimate goal. Yes, this material world is not the main object of our life but a means towards a higher goal. The purpose of man’s life is ‘service to Allah’ and nothing else. ************************ This life is a preparation of what Allah has in store for us. The life of the Hereafter is eternal, and it is that which the believer should strive for. Hence let us not be deceived by the glamour and splendour around us. This life should never be wasted by merely seeking a comfortable and rice life of worldly happiness because Allah SWT tells us: “And surely the Hereafter is indeed better than this world.” ********************** Again says the Qur’an, “Every soul shall taste of death” – none shall be made to wander this world for ever. ((Pearls of the Prophet, Islamic Outreah-ABIM) ********************** A few days ago over Radio I heard the renowned intellectual and motivator, Prof Dr Muhaya Muhammad as saying that nowadays almost everybody are busy with their material wealth including their up to date electronic gadgets (toys) and forget about their direct relationship with their Creator, Allah SWT. ********************** We are always busy with our 'toys'; in fact sometimes during our five times daily mass prayers (solat berjemaah) in the masjid, there are bound to be phones ringing with various tones including Gangnam style music. ********************** Oh, it just robs congregators of their 'khusyuk' (concentration); and to those concerned have you not seen Telekom Malaysia (TM) stickers on walls of some masjid, reminding that there are "Tiada Panggilan Sepenting Seruan Illahi" (No Calls Are More Important Than God's Call). So why not just leave your 'toys' behind or at least put them into silent mode? ****************** Prof Muhaya reminded that to have a good relationship with Allah SWT; the key word is to have knowledge. So gain knowledge; but the sad thing about almost all of us is that we spend (or waste?) almost our entire life chasing material wealth and do a lot of aimless thing such as; "how high (how many storeys) is your bungalow; in which country do you spend your holidays, how much money or shares do you have or how many 'As' does your son scored in his SPM examination?" *********************** She said almost all of us are busy or hungry for news and not knowledge "That's why we are eager to know the news posted on the internet; our gadgets are being used to seek for news...what's the latest about this artiste; whose marriage is on the brink of collapsing and so on..." ************************ Prof Muhaya stressed that if we can't feel good when we are alone and have the feeling of tranquility in such situation; it is a sign we do not love ourselves and have problems in our relationship with the Creator, Allah SWT. **************************** Other than friends who are always by our sides, we too need electronic gadgets as though we can't live without them. Frankly speaking; who can go to work or travel without the said items with them? ************************* If we can free ourselves from depending on relatives, friends and of course those gadgets, then we are 'on the open to the straight path' including surrendering ourselves 100 percent to Allah SWT. Isn't that we say at least 17 times during our 'solat' when we recite Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening) with 'ayah' (sentence) 4 with the meaning "Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help." ************************ So find the new in you by starting not to depend on those 'toys'... ************************* Speaking about quality time, we can spend hour after hour reading newspapers and watching TV and nowadays busy 'working' (or playing?) with our electronic gadgets but have we any time to read and try to understand the words of Allah SWT in the Qur'an? Oh, it is a sad thing, we don't have the time for it and the saddest part of our life as His servant is that some of us have the cheek to say that we have no time even to perform or five time daily prayers (solat)! ************************* And with our electronic gadgets, some families go on the brink of collapsing...imagine a husband who is always busy around the clock (at his office) when at home is busy chatting while his wife is 'lost' with her Facebook and their children are away in their own rooms playing games! Well, it what direction we are actually heading? ************************* During the last raya (Aidilfitri), I realized a 'new graze' had taken over our previous joyous and meaningful celebration - boys and girls of the young generation (including many of my nieces) were seen very busy with their electronic gadgets; they were playing games, busily texting, e-mailing, chatting and so on, totally ignoring visitors and well-wishers! ********************** Nowadays almost all children have a gadget each; even one niece who is eight years old had 'mastered' 'downloading' items! She also uses terms that I have no idea or heard before. ********************** Hello, readers especially my friends; 'the eagles have landed'; so what have we in store to face 'this new type of invasion'? ********************** Well, I 'dunno', I leave it to the experts; but as a 'start' of not becoming a 'hamba' of those electronics gadgets why not leave them behind or at least try not to bring them to masjids or while performing prayers. ****************************** Surely we would not like to hear anymore Gangnam style ring tones during our 'solat'!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Laporan Audit dan kisah Umar dengan pelitanya

************************** DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ************************** Renungan ************************** Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Sesiapa yang menyeret pakaiannya kerana sombong, maka Allah tidak akan memandangnya pada hari kiamat." (Riwayat Imam Al-Bukhari dan Muslim) ********************** Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2012 mendedahkan pelbagai kelemahan termasuk pemborosan dan pembaziran wang rakyat oleh pemimpin (ingat semua orang adalah pemimpin) yang menurut sesetengah penganalisis sebagai tidak masuk akal. Benar, apakah masuk akal jika sebuah jam dinding RM100 dibeli dengan harga RM3,810 manakala sebuah teropong visi malam pada harga pasaran RM1,940 dibeli dengan harga RM56,350! **************************** Namun hanya segelintir pihak dan individu yang peduli; yang lain berkata "apa hendak dirisaukan, itu bukan duit saya dan saya tidak ada kena mengena dengannya." Demikianlah manusia, jika tiada petunjuk dan undang-undang daripada Yang Maha Berkuasa, mereka pula 'berlagak bagaikan Tuhan.' Mereka beramal 'ikut suka aku' (nafsu). Segala serakah nafsu itu hanya boleh ditundukkan dengan undang-undang-Nya. Namun itu tiada di negara ini kerana majoriti pemimpinnya bertuhankan nafsu! ************************** Selagi pemimpin berciri ini berkuasa, usah bermimpilah kita untuk menemui 'seorang Umar Abdul Aziz' - baginda cukup takut menggunakan harta kerajaan tidak pada tempatnya sehinggakan pelita dinyalakan anaknya untuk suatu urusan peribadi dipadamkannya kerana takut menyalahgunakan harta awam. Tetapi, majoriti pemimpin hari ini tiada kualiti itu iaitu ciri orang beriman yang apabila melakukan sesuatu kesalahan kecil melihatnya bagaikan gunung yang mahu menghempap mereka. Mereka bukan saja tidak melihat ancaman itu bahkan tidak berasa bersalah pun! *********************************** Jadi apa yang boleh mengajar manusia termasuk pemimpin? Cendekiawan Islam seperti Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi menegaskan tidak ada sistem pemerintahan pun yang akan berjaya jika pemimpinnya tidak mempunyai akhlak yang tinggi dan masyarakatnya tidak bertakwa dan amanah. ************************* Namun hari ini kita dapat saksikan betapa longgarnya pemimpin kita dari segi akhlak. Amalan rasuah, salah guna kuasa, boros, cakap tak serupa bikin, aneka jenayah dan maksiat semakin menjadi-jadi. Perilaku buruk ini menjadi ikutan rakyat; peribahasa Melayu ada menyebutkan bagaimana acuan begitulah kuihnya ataupun bapa borek anak rintik. **************************** Islam dan segala hukum-hakamnya termasuk hudud adalah penyelamat kepada kehidupan manusia tetapi majoriti pemimpin enggan menerimanya. Mereka takut jika undang-undang ini dilaksanakan akan terkena batang hidung sendiri kerana Nabi ada menyebut dalam sebuah hadisnya bahawa jika anak kesayangan baginda, Fatimah mencuri nescaya akan dipotong tangannya bagi menunjukkan tiada pilih bulu dalam melaksanakan hukum Allah. ******************************** Berdasarkan keengganan mereka kepada hukum Allah, sahlah mereka tidak layak menjadi pemimpin; tetapi ditakdirkan mereka sudah berada di kedudukan itu (tidak kiralah sama melalui jalan benar atau batil) akan berterusanlah penyelewengan dan ketidaktelusan sekalipun didedahkan saban tahun termasuklah oleh Laporan Ketua Audit Negara. ***************************** Tanpa iman atau iman tipis (tidak melihat gunung mahu menghempap mereka jika melakukan sesuatu kesalahan kecil) maka pemimpin-pemimpin ini akan bersahaja dalam melakukan penyelewengan termasuk membazir wang rakyat dan mengamalkan rasuah; lebih-lebih lagi tiada hukuman dikenakan ke atas mereka. Mereka terus mahu mendaki puncak kuasa parti dan negara sekalipun pernah dibabitkan dengan kesalahan rasuah dan penyelewengan lain. ******************************* Namun agak menghairankan sesetengah rakyat terus memilih mereka sebagai pemimpin. Kenapa? Ya mungkin kedua-duanya (pemimpin dan rakyat) sama-sama tidak berilmu (jahil akhirat), tidak beriman atau beriman tipis - mereka dua kali lima saja, Nauzubillah!

Monday, October 7, 2013

'Membunuh' di jalan raya...

************Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w................ Renungan ************** "Dan jika (orang berhutang itu) dalam kesukaran, maka berilah tangguh sampai dia berkelapangan. Dan menyedekahkan (sebahagian atau semua hutang) itu, lebih baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui." (Maksud ayat 280 Surah al-Baqarah) ********************** SEKARANG ini setiap kali menatap akhbar, berita nahas jalan raya hampir pasti mengisi muka-mukanya. Biasanya ia membabitkan kemalangan ngeri yang mengakibatkan sejumlah orang termasuk sekeluarga meninggal dunia. *********************** Tidak lama dulu, ketika mengikuti sebuah tazkirah; terkesan di minda saya apabila ustaz mengingatkan bahawa "kita janganlah termasuk golongan orang yang melakukan pembunuhan di jalan raya yang balasannya tersangatlah dahsyat di akhirat nanti." ************************ Ya, bagaimana kita boleh disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh itu? Bagaimana kita akan terlepas daripada dakwaan membunuh itu jika kita sebagai pemandu lalai dalam pemanduan kita seperti mengikut hawa nafsu amarah 'memotong dalam situasi yang kita sendiri tak pasti selamat' dan memandu dalam keadaan diri kita terlalu mengantuk dan letih manakala kita sendiri tahu kenderaan kita mempunyai masalah. ************************** Ingatlah, jika memandu dalam keadaan begitu dan ditakdirkan kita kemalangan yang mengakibatkan diri kita sendiri terbunuh dan juga penumpang kenderaan kita termasuklah anak isteri serta pengguna jalan raya lain terbunuh, terlalu berat tanggungan kita di akhirat nanti seperti tuduhan membunuh diri sendiri dan membunuh orang lain. ************************ Dan jika ditakdirkan kita selamat, tetapi kaum keluarga kita dan orang lain terbunuh, kita akan hidup sengsara memikirkan bahawa 'kitalah yang telah membunuh mereka'. Mungkin hukuman di dunia tidak menyatakan 'kita membunuh' tetapi 'kita sendiri tahu apa yang sudah kita lakukan dan kita akan menanggung derita rasa bersalah sehingga akhir hayat'. Firman Allah SWT di dalam al-Quran, surah al-Baqarah, ayat 195; bermaksud, "dan jangan kamu campakkan diri kamu ke dalam kebinasaan!" *************************** Kemalangan jalan raya sekarang ini terlalu banyak dan ada yang 'amat dahsyat'. Hakikatnya, Malaysia adalah antara negara paling tinggi mencatatkan jumlah kemalangan jalan raya di dunia. Kadar kematian dianggarkan 4-5 orang sehari bagi seluruh negara. ************************ Walaupun pelbagai program keselamatan jalan raya dijalankan, jumlah kemalangan terlalu tinggi. Kenapa ini berlaku dan kaedah apa boleh digunakan bagi mengurangkan kadar kemalangan seterusnya korban jalan raya? **************************** Bagi merungkai persoalan ini, penulis membawa pembaca menghayati kelas pengajian agama mingguan di sebuah masjid berhampiran kediaman penulis yang tuan gurunya membicarakan bab diat (pampasan) akibat daripada jenayah pembunuhan berdasarkan kitab Bahru Mazi syarahan Sheikh Muhammad Idris Marbawi. ********************** Hukum jenayah Islam terbahagi kepada hukum hudud, qisas dan ta’zir. Pada penulisan ini, penulis merujuk hukum qisas yang dari segi bahasanya bermaksud memotong dan dan dari segi syarak bererti hukuman yang ditetapkan oleh syarak melalui nas-nas al-Quran dan hadis-hadis Nabi s.a.w. kerana kesalahan-kesalahan melibatkan hak individu. ************************ Kesalahan-kesalahan yang diwajibkan hukuman qisas ialah membunuh dengan sengaja dan mencederakan anggota tubuh badan seperti mata, hidung dan telinga. ************************** Mengikut hukum qisas seseorang penjenayah mesti diikuti dengan hukuman yang sama sepertimana dia lakukan ke atas mangsanya. Kalau ia membunuh maka dia mesti dihukum bunuh. Allah SWT berfirman dalam al-Quran yang maksudnya: “Dan Kami telah tetapkan atas mereka di dalam Kitab Taurat itu, bahawa jiwa dibalas dengan jiwa, dan mata dibalas dengan mata, dan hidung dibalas dengan hidung, dan telinga dibalas dengan telinga, dan gigi dibalas dengan gigi dan luka-luka hendaklah dibalas (seimbang). Tetapi sesiapa yang melepaskan hak membalasnya maka menjadilah ia penebus dosa baginya.” (Surah al-Maidah ayat 45) ******************************* Sementara itu diat adalah denda yang wajib dibayar kerana kesalahan jenayah sebagai ganti qisas. Kadar diat dikira mengikut bilangan unta iaitu harta yang paling bernilai. Kadar penuh diat 100 ekor unta. ************************** Bagi jenayah membunuh dengan sengaja, ada dua hukuman iaitu qisas dan diat. Diat hanya boleh dilaksanakan jika dipersetujui oleh waris. Jika tidak, qisas bunuh dikenakan. Pemerintah tidak ada kuasa dalam pengampunan. ********************************* Pembunuhan separuh sengaja (seperti guru memukul murid dengan rotan, tiba-tiba budak itu mati), dikenakan diat 100 ekor unta manakala pembunuhan tidak sengaja (seperti seorang pemburu tertembak mati rakannya, dihukum membayar pampasan 100 ekor unta. ************************* Hukuman bagi jenayah pembunuhan separuh sengaja dan pembunuhan tidak sengaja adalah diat sahaja. Qisas tidak dikenakan. ************************** Sementara itu diat jenayah kerana mencederakan anggota ada pelbagai kategori seperti 100 ekor unta untuk anggota tunggal seperti terputusnya lidah, hilang akal, menyebabkan lumpuh seluruh anggota badan dan hilang keupayaan bersetubuh. ***************************** Pampasan 50 ekor unta dikenakan untuk anggota berpasangan, jika kedua-duanya terlibat maka diatnya 100 unta. Ia melibatkan salah satu daripada kaki atau tangan, mata dan telinga. Demikianlah ada pampasan lebih rendah jika membabitkan kecederaan lebih ringan. ************************** Tuan Guru terbuka untuk pertanyaan, dan penulis sempat bertanya, apakah jika berlaku sesuatu kemalangan jalan raya membabitkan mangsa yang terbunuh apakah si pelanggar atau orang mengakibatkan nahas itu perlu membayar diat. ************************** Antara lain Tuan Guru menjawab, jika si pelanggar sengaja melakukannya; seperti dia sudah mengenal mangsa dan berhajat membunuhnya dengan melanggarnya bererti dia sudah melakukan satu pembunuhan, hukumannya adalah qisas bunuh. Dia akan dihukum mati, caranya dengan memancung kepalanya. *************************** Kalau si pelanggar tadi, tidak sengaja (seboleh-bolehnya tidak mahu terbabit dalam kemalangan) tetapi nahas berlaku juga, dan mangsa dilanggarnya mati; bererti dia membunuh secara tidak sengaja. Apabila ini berlaku dia perlu membayar diat 100 ekor unta. ********************** Dan apabila si pelanggar tadi, mengakibatkan orang dilanggarnya cedera, dia boleh dikenakan membayar diat 100, 50 ekor unta dan seterusnya. *********************** Demikianlah dalam Islam, hukumnya yang datang daripada Allah SWT adalah menyeluruh; menyentuh soal kematian dan kecederaan termasuk dalam kemalangan jalan raya. Apabila hukum qisas dan diat ini dilaksanakan termasuk di atas jalan raya, tentulah pengguna jalan raya gementar dan berhati-hati memandu. ************************** Membayar pampasan 100 ekor unta bukan murah, kerana kata Tuan Guru jika ditaksirkan seekor unta berharga RM5,000 seekor, seseorang yang membunuh secara tidak sengaja termasuk dalam kemalangan jalan raya, perlu membayar RM500,000 (RM0.5 juta). ************************* Kalau dia mencederakan orang, dan diperintah membayar pampasan 50 ekor unta, bermakna dia perlu mengeluarkan RM250,000. Itu kalau seorang dicederakannya, kalau lima orang dan lebih, tentunya jumlahnya mencecah jutaan ringgit. **************************** Jika hukuman qisas dilaksanakan, kemungkinan besar pemandu mabuk tidak berani berada di jalanan (lagi pun mereka sudah dikenakan hukuman hudud) manakala orang awam akan menggunakan jalan raya secara paling sopan dan ini insya-Allah akan menyebabkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya berkurangan.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Majority of Malays cash-strapped, don't have shares?

************** In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ***************** Reflection ***************** 'Aisha narrated this hadith: "Usama approached the Prophet on behalf of a woman (who had committed theft). The Prophet said, 'The people before you were destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishments on the poor and forgive the rich. By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! If Fatima (the daughter of the Prophet ) did that (i.e. stole), I would cut off her hand'." (Sahih Bukhari) * ************************** ALMOST every year I recieve an annual report on Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) and Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) even though I am not an active investor; and I do not mind if one classifies me as 'a dead one'. *********************** If I am not mistaken the value of my 'shares' in ASN and ASB are not more than RM100; at the moment I am not sure where I had placed the book accounts of both schemes. ************************* Recenty I received the booklet 'Laporan Interim' from PNB and ASNB 'bagi tempoh enam bulan berakhir 30 Jun 2013' (for the first six months ending 30 June 2013). ************************* As usual I just flipped the pages of the report by the 'Pengurus Sekim Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN)' (Manager of the Amanah Saham Nasional Scheme) without putting much interest in it; but this time as I was about to put it aside, my eyes caught a section about the profile of shareholders under 'maklumat tabung' (information on the fund). ************************* It stated that; "As at 30 June 2013, a total number of 1,241, 379 individuals had invested in the ASN scheme." ************************** There was a chart which showed that from the total 1,241, 379 investors; 1, 217,117 of them as having 5,000 and less units. And I guessed if the price of shares was at 80 sen a unit, then those more than 1.2 million investors are having about RM4,000 or less in their accounts! Those who fall under this category subscribed a total of only 214, 258,992 units out of the overall 1,535,383,143 units of shares. ***************************** I kept on thinking; 1,217, 117 out of 1, 241,379 investors having RM4,000 and less in their accounts; that meant that about 98 percent of them had only a meagre amout of money in ASN. Perhaps a large number of them owned less than 100 shares (valued at about RM80) just like in my case. Imagine only two percent of the shareholdres having more than 5,000 shares. ************************ The number of shareholders with shares ranging from 5,001 to 10,000 were 7,508 and those in the 10,001 to 50,000 category were 10,771 persons. Investors who held 50,001 to 500,000 was 5,793 persons and those who had 500,001 and more were 190. Well, they comprised of not more than 30,000 investors; a very, very small number indeed! And what about investors who did not use their own money but bought the shares by using bank loans and so on? **************************** Before discussing further about 'the majority poor' of ASN shareholders, perhaps my experience in becoming an 'investor' myself could help readers understand why 'this phenomena' happens in the ASN scheme. **************************** The story began in 1983 when I registered myself as a university student. One of the requirements for the freshies was that they had to open an account with ASN. Thus from that day onwards I was one of ASN investors. ***************************** At that time the minimum deposit was RM10. During my university and bachelor days I treated the account just like a savings account; if I managed to save some money I deposit it under the account and if I was short of cash I withdraw the money which could be easily done at post offices. *************************** When the investment scheme branched out into two identities - ASN and Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) in 1990, my name was maintained in both accounts and that is why to this day I still received statements and annual reports by ASN and also ASB. **************************** I put aside both investments (in ASN and ASB) after reading articles by some Islamic scholars saying that involvement in such schemes fell into the 'doubtful category'. *************************** At first I was in the thinking that I was among a few 'investors' that have a small amount of money in both schemes but looking back at the latest report that I had just received, it showed that too many of the investors have 'small' amounts of money in either the ASN or ASB. ************************** Perhaps many of them are like me - having an investment of less than RM100! And mind you only two percent of the shareholders in ASN having more than RM4,000 in the account! ************************** If we make the assumption that Bumiputera were reluctant to invest in ASN because of the rise and fall of their investments unit due to the market price, the profile of investors in the ASB which shares are fixed at RM1 per share too show the same trend. **************************** The report by the Administrators of Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) for the year ended 31 December 2012 noted that: "As at 31st December 2012; 7,824,331 individuals have participated in ASB scheme." ***************************** Out of the 7.8 million shareholders, 5, 769, 315 individuals held 5,000 and less shares (valued at RM1 per share); 442,932 individuals held 5,001 to 10,000 shares; 999,209 individuals held 10,001 to 50,000 shares; 600,557 individuals held 50,001 to 500,000 shares; and 12,318 individuals held 500,001 and above shares. **************************** Imagine about 80 percent of investors were 'small partners' (with investment worth RM5,000 and less) in a national scheme with the main purpose of uplifting the status of Malays in the economic field and business world. ************************* A quick look at the ASB statements sent to my parentss' house in the kampung, stated that my mother had RM129.13 in her account; a sister RM22.93 and a brother RM199.67 in his account. *************************** Based on the figures from ASN and ASB annual reports to investors, am I wrong to say the majority of Bumiputera especially Malays are not financialy stable - even though many of them joined the scheme but they were only small time investors or shareholders? *************************** I believe many of those with shares worth less than RM5,000 are customers who treat their investment just like a savings accounts with transaction actitives such as drawing money (which can be done easily) - that is when they have money they deposit it in their accounts and when they need money they withdraw it. ************************** During the last 'raya' (Aidilfitri) celebration, many ASN and ASB investors were seen at post-offices withdrawing their hard earned money. ********************** If we were to look at the situation and study the trend as recorded in the ASN or ASB Interim Report, we would be asking ourselves; are the majority of the Malays cash-strapped and without shares? ************************ This development is not be taken lightly as the purpose of setting up investment schemes such as ASN and ASB was to uplift the economic status of the Bumiputera. ************************** Perhaps the ASN which was launched more than 30 years ago (on 20th April 1981) by then Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn and then ASB about ten years later; have helped the Malays but the question is, which Malay?