Tuesday, November 29, 2011
'Awek' punca kemalangan jalan raya meningkat?
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dialah (Allah) yang menciptakan bagi kamu pasangan-pasangan (jodoh) daripada makhluk (jenis) kamu sendiri agar kamu condong kepadanya dan berasa tenteram dengannya. Kemudian Allah menciptakan kasih dan sayang antara kamu." (Surah Ar Rum: 21) ********************
MALAYSIA dan Maghribi adalah antara negara paling tinggi kadar kemalangan jalan raya manakala yang terendah adalah Norway dan Malta.
Di Malaysia, pihak berkuasa dikatakan sudah buntu menangani masalah ini kerana pada setiap kali operasi keselamatan jalan raya pada musim perayaan, jumlah kemalangan dan kematian terus meningkat.
Pelbagai faktor dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kemalangan jalan raya; pada tulisan kali ini saya mengajak pembaca yang pihak berkuasa berfikir di luar kotak; memuhasabah akan kebarakahan dan keselamatan serta jaminan Allah ketika berada di jalan raya terutama lebuh raya. Sebagai pengguna lebuh raya yang hampir saban hari menaiki bas ekspres (tidak memandu sendiri), saya berpeluang memandang bebas panorama keindahan alam termasuklah iklan-iklan gergasi (billboard) di sepanjang lebuh raya.
Daripada banyak-banyak iklan barangan dan perkhidmatan dipaparkan di 'billboard' berkenaan, sebahagiannya mempamerkan gambar-gambar gergasi wanita yang ada daripadanya dalam aksi tidak senonoh, misalnya ada iklan seorang wanita muda lagi cantik sedang memeluk sebatang kayu bulat yang besar.
Ada pula wanita yang sedang melompat, bajunya terangkat sehingga menampakkan pusatnya, ada gambar wanita sedang sedap tidur di atas tilam katilnya dan paling dahsyat (pada pendapat saya), gambar wanita berpakaian seksi yang memfokuskan tepian bahagian sensitif tubuh (juga sentitif pada pandangan mata lelaki) seperti ketiaknya. Iklan 'Italia Series' ini bukan satu tetapi saya sedari ada beberapa buah sepanjang lebih 100 kilometer perjalanan saya itu.
Terpandang iklan-iklan ini, saya 'tertunduk malu', terasa sebal di muka; inikah gambaran luaran (yang dapat dilihat secara fizikal termasuk oleh pelancong asing) sebuah negara Islam yang sering diuar-uarkan itu? Saya pernah berjumpa seorang pelancong dari Afrika Selatan yang berkata dia datang ke Malaysia semata-mata untuk menyaksikan dan mengalami sendiri 'kesyahduan' Islam di sini; jadi apa katanya jika terpandang iklan gergasi wanita menunjukkan ketiak?
Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, iklan-iklan provokatif seperti ini tidak saya temui ketika berada di lebuh raya negara maju seperti Britain; mungkin mereka sedar kehadiran 'awek-awek yang menunjukkan ketiak' ini adalah bahaya kepada keselamatan pengguna lebuh raya.
Pihak berkuasa manakah yang bertanggungjawab ke atas iklan-iklan gergasi ini? Sebagai pengguna lebuh raya yang terpaksa 'mengorek' wang bagi membayar tol (dalam dalam kes bas ekspres, membayar tambang), saya berpendapat saya berhak untuk menyatakan bantahan terhadap pengeksploitasi tubuh wanita di tepi lebuh raya ini.
Saya tidak rela mata saya dibiarkan untuk menatap ketiak wanita ketika saya menggunakan lebuh raya. Saya bayar tol untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan lebuh raya yang bagus dan bukan untuk melihat ketiak atau pusat wanita!
Mungkinkah kemalangan terus meningkat kerana cara hidup jahiliah kita yang mengundang kemarahan Allah SWT? Mana adalah barakahnya kehidupan dan jaminan keselamatan jika ketiak dan pusat wanita sudah dipamerkan di sepanjang lebuh raya!
Friday, November 25, 2011
The ‘durian’ lesson
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
Surah 114
An-Nas, the second of the two cries for refuge and protection, takes its name from a recurring word which marks the rhythm in the Arabic. In this case protection is sought especially from the evil in a man's own heart in the hearts of other men.
An early Meccan revelation
Revealed at Mecca
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Say; I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
2. The King of mankind,
3. The God of mankind,
4. From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,
5. Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,
6. Of the jinn of mankind.
(The Meaning of the GLORIOUS QUR'AN, The Final Revelation, An Explanaory Translation by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall)
When I was young; when I could finish off two or three durian fruits in one go, at that time my wallet was thin, my purchasing power was not strong enough so I had to be satisfied by having a small portion of the fruit.
But sad to say when I grew older and my wallet became 'fatter and fatter' each day, I could not eat much of the fruit as I had now developed diabetes, have high blood pressure and my cholesterol level is too high.
Nowadays with the money I have, I can not only buy a fruit or two but baskets of durians, perhaps a lorry tucked with durians but the problem is that I could only sample (have a taste of) the fruit.
So, dear teacher, how could I accept this situation with an open and contented heart, not blaming Allah SWT for the 'misfortune' that had befallen to me? In short how am I to lead a happy, contented and meaningful life?
If you wish to buy a basket or two baskets of durians, please do so. But as you could not consume it, what about donating all the fruits (accept one for you to sample) to those who can eat them for example to pupils of a 'tahfiz' (school for remembering the Qur'an) or to a group of children in your neighborhood; they would gladly finish them off in a few minutes…!
The above question was posed by me to a ‘tok guru’ (religious teacher) during a question and answer session after the ‘tok guru’ had given a ‘kuliah subuh’ (post dawn prayer class) on the topic of ‘Allah’s Blessing’ in a masjid not far from my home recently. The answer pierced deep inside my heart...ooh, what an easy solution to my problem. If you could not eat or consume something, give them to those who could...!
The ‘tok guru’ continued: “To attain calmness in life one has to do the ‘dhikr’ (remembrance of Allah SWT at all times). Allah, the Exalted, is remembered in all kinds of ways, whether in our hearts, verbally, during prayer, by reading the Qur’an, by discussing Islamic issues or by reading different kinds of Islamic books.
“You should ‘basahkan lidah’ (wet your tongue) with words of praise, glorification, affirmations and supplication to Allah SWT such as ‘alhamdulillah’, ‘subhanallah’, ‘allahuakbar’, la ilaha illalla and so on. ‘Dhikr’ will give you calmness; you would accept whatever Allah SWT has given to you; your heart should be tamed in acknowledging that Allah SWT knows what are the best things for you.”
At home, while lying on my bed, I kept on thinking what the ‘tok guru’ has said – accept and be pleased whatever Allah SWT has set upon us and in my case – of not having enough money to buy ‘good food’ such as the durian fruits that I had mentioned when I was young and could consume a large amount of it and at a later age, I had the money but was restricted to taking only a little of the fruits as I had developed some serious illnesses.
So what is the moral of my case? As I lie down on my bed, I realized how vulnerable, weak and small we human beings are; we are at the mercy of Allah SWT, even though I had the money (and power) to buy large quantities of durians, I was only able to sniff and have a little taste of the fruit.
Had I not learned a lesson here – money and power could not buy everything. Perhaps you too could buy trucks of durians because you are rich, but you too could only eat a little of it. If you try to ‘beat the advise’, remember there were cases people die after consuming too many durians.
The same could be said about love – power and money could not buy love. Great kings and princesses could have beautiful women and girls as their consorts but to have their love, it was a different story.
Sickness is one form of warning from Allah SWT that one has to constantly remember that his days in this world are coming to the end. The same could be said about a person whose hair starts becoming white by each day. Allah SWT gives us ample time to repent but most of us waste that golden opportunity.
The warning from Allah SWT should be appreciated, because it means Allah SWT loves us; if not we would be like the Pharaoh at the time of Nabi Musa (Moses) who was said did not once fall sick during his lifetime of about 500 years.
The same could be said those who Allah SWT blessed with loads of treasures; an example given in the Qur’an is that of Qarun; the keys to his treasures were loaded on camels of a caravan; he was so rich but his wealth could not help him; he was destroyed by Allah SWT.
Regarding richness and power; it was reported that, as the great Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid was taking his final breaths, he selected a shroud and, staring at it, recited the Qur’an verse 69: 28,29, with the meaning: “My wealth has not availed me. My power and arguments (to defend myself) have gone from me!”
The ‘tok guru’ also advised congregators at the ‘masjid’ to broaden their knowledge because a person who has some knowledge about the reality of life, his attitude about life, and its goals and ambitions will be different and so will be the ways of fulfilling his desires. He will found himself bond to adopt only the fair and legal ways even if they are bestowed with money and power!
Knowledge enable its possessors to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to Heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament amongst friends, and an armor against enemies.
By often reading the Qur’an one could get closer to Allah SWT and on the road to attain calmness in life for Allah SWT says: “…For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” (Qur’an 13:28)
If in this world we could not take too much durian (or any other food), do not feel sad; why not from this second, work hard to attain the pleasures promised by Allah SWT in His Book (Qur’an) to those who enter His Paradise. Allah SWT says: “Its shading branches will droop down over them, its ripe fruit hanging ready to be picked.” (Qur’an, 76:14)
Allah SWT also says: “In them are fruits and date-palms and pomegranates.” (Qur’an, 55,68); “And fruits in abundance never failing, unrestricted.” (Qur’an, 56: 32-33)
Of course in His Heaven, there is no such thing as diabetic illness, so you could have ‘durians’ as much as you like! So work hard to attain it - donate your baskets or trucks of durian in this world so that you could have your 'durians' in the HereAfter.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Antara bapa popular, bapa bertanggungjawab
DENGAN Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, maksudnya: "Jika salah seorang antara kamu minum maka janganlah bernafas di dalam bejana (tempat air minum). Jika kamu ke bilik air maka janganlah menyentuh kemaluan dengan tangan kanan, dan janganlah beristinjak dengan tangan kanan." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Bagi sebahagian rakyat, Perdana Menteri adalah bagaikan bapa mereka. Sebab itu ada gelaran diberikan kepada mereka seperti Bapa Kemerdekaan dan Bapa Pembangunan. Isu Perdana Menteri popular sekarang ini mendapat perhatian sesetengah pihak jadi pada kesempatan kali ini kita ingin mengajak pembaca memuzakarahkan kedudukan seorang bapa sama ada dia mahu menjadi bapa popular atau bapa bertanggungjawab sekali gus penyayang terhadap anggota keluarganya.
Dalam sesebuah keluarga, bapa bertanggungjawab terhadap isteri dan anak-anaknya. Dia adalah ketua keluarga. Bertanggungjawab terhadap mereka di dunia supaya bahagia di akhirat. Dalam Surah at-Tahrim ayat 6, Allah SWT berfirman yang maksudnya: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, selamatkan diri kamu dan anggota keluarga kamu daripada api neraka." Tentunya pada peringkat awal perkahwinan, hanya ada suami dan isteri. Terpulanglah kepada si suami sama ada mahu menjadi popular (disenangi) isteri atau menjadi suami bertanggungjawab sekali gus menyelamatkan isterinya daripada ceburan api nereka.
Seorang suami jika mahu popular atau dalam istilah orang sekarang 'abang begitu supporting' kepada isterinya, berilah kebebasan sepenuhnya kepada isteri. Jika isteri mahu keluar rumah berjumpa temannya tidak kira lelaki atau perempuan, biarkan; usah ditanya ke mana dia pergi. Jika dia keluar rumah tanpa mengenakan pakaian menutup aurat sepenuhnya seperti yang biasa dilakukannya sebelum berkahwin, biarkan. Ini kerana jika si suami cuba menghalang isteri daripada berbuat demikian, dia tidak lagi jadi popular malah ada kalanya menjadi bahan kemarahan.
Kemudian berilah peruntukan (wang) yang besar kepada isteri. Apa isteri nak buat atau belanjakan wang itu biarkan. Jika isteri meminta diberikan cincin emas dan permata yang harganya tidak mampu dibiayai dengan wang gaji, usahakan untuk menjayakannya, hatta sehingga terpaksa makan wang rasuah pun tak apa. Ikutlah semua cakap isteri, pasti dia bertambah popularlah si suami.
Si isteri pasti sentiasa mahu suami berada di sampingnya, jadi tak payahlah si suami pergi solat berjemaah di masjid; tak payahlah hadiri kelas pengajian di masjid; tak payahlah sertai jemaah memperjuangkan Islam apatah lagi berjihad di jalan-Nya. Jika dibuat semua ini pasti si suami akan menjadi popular di hati isterinya. Si isteri pula tak payahlah diminta ke masjid untuk mengikuti kelas pengajian kerana ia akan membuatkan si suami tidak popular. Sebaliknya biarkan si isteri bermalas-malasan menonton filem Hindustan, dari pagi sampai malam.
Apabila sudah beranak pinak, untuk menjadi popular berikan anak wang belanja yang besar, sediakan pelbagai kemudahan kepada mereka. Apa yang anak-anak buat dengan duit itu biarkan kerana dengan itu si bapa akan popular di hati anak-anak. Jika anak-anak tidak menunaikan ibadat seperti solat atau puasa, biarkan kerana dengan menyuruh mereka, si ayah akan mengundang kemarahan mereka dan menjadi tidak popular. Jika anak-anak mula merokok biarkan kerana jika ditegur bapa akan tidak menjadi popular. Bapa tak 'supporting', kata mereka. Jika anak-anak sudah lebih teruk lagi seperti mengambil minuman keras dan main judi, biarkan kerana bapa 'supporting' akan popular di kalangan anak-anak.
Bapa bertanggungjawab yang sentiasa menyeru ke arah kebaikan biasanya tidak popular di kalangan anak-anak. Asyik-asyik ajak sembahyang, kata mereka; tetapi percayalah kesannya tersangat hebat. Apabila seorang anak itu sudah dewasa lebih-lebih lagi jika si bapa sudah meninggal dunia, barulah dia menghargai kesungguhan si bapa termasuk sentiasa teringat bagaimana dia dirotan tatkala tidak solat; sesungguh bapa yang tidak popular itulah yang berjuang bermati-matian menyelamatkannya daripada diceburkan ke dalam api neraka. Jadi yang mana satu pilihan pembaca, seorang bapa (atau PM) yang popular atau bapa yang bekerja kuat bagi kebahagiaan keluarganya bukan saja di dunia bahkan bersambungan di akhirat nanti!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Apabila sekolah diberi kuasa menentukan bahasa…
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Langit yang tujuh, bumi dan semua yang ada di dalamnya bertasbih kepada Allah. Dan tidak sesuatu pun melainkan bertasbih dengan memuji-Nya tetapi kamu tidak mengerti tasbih mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Penyantun, Maha Pengampun." (Surah Al-Isra, ayat44)
ISU Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) saya ikuti penuh minat sejak sebelum Perdana Menteri keempat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad memaksakannya di sekolah-sekolah mulai 2003.
Sebelum pelaksanaannya, pelbagai pihak sudah melaung, menjerit, menentang pelaksanaannya termasuk mengemukan kajian Unesco yang membuktikan pembelajaran subjek ini dengan menggunakan bahasa ibunda (mother tongue) adalah yang terbaik tetapi Mahathir tidak mengendahkannya; pemimpin Umno-BN, media massa kawalannya semuanya kaki ampu, menyatakan sokongan, kononnya inilah yang terbaik untuk generasi masa depan dan negara.
Masa berlalu, dengan bantahan kuat rakyat termasuk perhimpunan besar-besaran anjuran Gerakan Mansuh PPSMI (GMP) pada Mac 2009, kerajaan melalui Timbalan TPM merangkap Menteri Pelajaran, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mengumumkan pemansuhan PPSMI dan digantikan dengan program Memartabatkan bahasa Melayu dan Memperkukuh bahasa Inggeris (MBMMBI) mulai 2012.
Antara alasan pemansuhan PPSMI kerana hanya kira-kira lima peratus saja daripada sekolah yang melaksanakan program ini sepenuhnya manakala yang lain bercampur-aduk antara bahasa Inggeris dan Melayu manakala prestasi subjek Sains dan Matematik semakin merosot manakala tiada pula peningkatan keupayaan pelajar dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Dalam bahasa ringkas dan kasar, projek Mahathir dan Menteri Pelajaran Hishammuddin Hussein yang menelan kos berbilion-bilion ringgit dan ‘menyakit-jiwakan’ ribuan warga pendidik telah GAGAL (kalau tak buat apa dimansuhkan PPSMI).
Kini muncul Muhyiddin mahu membaiki keadaan, usah bagai tikus membaiki labu sudahlah. Apabila Muhyiddin muncul dalam slot Soal Jawab TV3 yang dihoskan oleh tokoh media, Dato’ Ahmad A Talib baru-baru ini yang saya ikuti penuh minat, antara lain beliau berkata sekolah diberi kebebasan untuk menentukan bahasa apa yang akan digunakan untuk pembelajaran subjek Sains dan Matematik sehinggalah dasar PPSMI berakhir keseluruhannya pada tahun 2021.
Beliau juga berkata bagi murid yang bakal memasuki tingkatan satu tahun depan, mulai awal bulan depan (Disember) bolehlah ke sekolah dengan ibu bapa masing-masing bagi mengetahui bakal sekolah menengah yang menawarkan pengajian bahasa mengikut kesesuaian mereka (sama ada bahasa Melayu atau Inggeris).
Tindakan Muhyiddin membenarkan sekolah menentukan penggunaan bahasa, begitu mengejutkan saya kerana jika dalam soal dasar seperti bahasa pun pihaknya tidak boleh membuat keputusan tegas, dikhuatiri akan berlaku keributan nanti.
Siapa sebenarnya yang akan membuat keputusan mengenai bahasa ini (atau mahu belajar dalam bahasa apa); pengetua (guru besar), guru-guru, ibu bapa, PIBG atau murid-murid sendiri? Sejumlah PIBG baru saja mengatur pertemuan bagi membincangkan perkara ini sedangkan Muhyiddin sudah menyuruh ibu bapa dan pelajar ke sekolah awal Disember bagi mengetahui sekolah mana pilihan mereka.
Sesungguhnya ketidak-tegasan dalam soal pokok atau dasar (seperti bahasa) ini, jika betul untuk memenangi hati semua pihak (penentang dan kumpulan pro PPSMI) bagi mendapatkan sokongan demi survival politik adalah sangat bahaya; saya bimbang ia akan menjerumuskan bangsa dan negara ke jurang kehancuran.
Amat-amatilah kata-kata hikmat cendekiawan James Freeman Clarke ini: “A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation. “ (Seorang politikus hanya memikirkan untuk menang pilihan raya berikutnya, seorang negarawan memikirkan generasi masa depannya).
Thursday, November 17, 2011
SEA Games: Welcome to Palembang, 'homestate' of the Malays
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
"O ye who believe! Retalation is prescribed for you in the matter of the murdered; the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. And for him who is forgiven somewhat by his (injured) brother, prosecution according to usage and payment unto him in kindness. This is an alleviation and a mercy from your Lord. He who transgresseth after this will have a painfull doom." (Al-Baqarah, 178)
PALEMBANG, the co-host of the 2011 SEA Games this month along with Jakarta, is the provincial capital of South Sumatra (Sumatera Selatan or in short Sumsel). It was once the centre of Malay civilization during the Sriwijaya Kingdom in the 7th century and the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam beginning from 1659 until the 19th century when the state fell into the hands of the Dutch.
I was fortunate to be in Palembang some time ago; thus I have some interesting notes to share with first time visitors to this second largest city in Sumatra after Medan.
During my stay there, I gathered this information on Palembang: "The city was traditionally a trade center, and, for about 500 years up to the 13th century, Palembang was one of the principal ports of the world, meaning a central point for the bulk of the Indonesian islands trade.
"Mahayana Buddhism came here around the 7th century. A Chinese-Buddhist pilgrim, I-Tsing, who was going to India, arrived at Sriwijaya University in 671AD, and spent six months studying Sanskrit. He stayed here for four years writing his memoirs and giving a valuable description of the city.
"Palembang was believed to be the predatory power, and was once the capital of Sriwijaya Empire. There were regular ships that laid anchor here and it sent its mercenaries as far as Mesopotamia. There were many scholars and monks, and perhaps thousands of them, who learned Buddhist teaching and translated Sanskrit texts here.
"At the end of the 13th century, Sriwijaya had splintered into eight small kingdoms, the largest of which, MALAYU, was centered on Jambi and became a strong power. But finally, with the rise of Melaka, in the 14th century, Sriwijaya became a remote backwater. The region around Palembang still produces fine woven fabrics and performs unique Hindu-like dances.
"The population of Palembang is estimated at 1.4 million and they came from all ethnics in Indonesia, especially from South Sumatera and original inhabitant called ‘Wong Palembang’."
Palembang was one of the ‘kampung asal’ (roots) of the Malays; their language included. To know more about Palembang and its history, one of the right places, was of course the museum. There I was fortunate to have visited the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum near the banks of the Musi River (the longest and largest river in Sumatra that divides Palembang into two parts – Ulu and Ilir).
The museum was also not far away from the famous Jambatan (Bridge) Ampera that was built by the Japanese as a compensation for its invasion in Indonesia. At the museum I was one lucky guy (in Malay it is call ‘langkah kanan’ (right step) to meet Abi Sofian, an administer at the museum, who showed enthusiasm and was very energetic as he took the writer almost two hours touring and explaining the artifacts there.
As we walked along the many artifacts displayed, he told me the earliest Malay/Sanskrit inscription (writing) was traced on the Prasasti Kedukan Bukit (683 AD) and Prasasti Talang Tuwo (684 AD or 608 Saka Year of the Sriwijayan calendar).
"The writing on the stone, proved the Sriwijayan had a great civilization," said Abi Sofian. "The Malay world covers a vast area. Even though the Sriwijayan empire during its peak covers almost the areas in Sumatera and the Malay Peninsula; its sailors and travelers went as far as Madagasdar and Polynesia," he said.
Abi Sofian said, although one of the Palembang king, Ariodamar who ruled from 1455-1486 converted to Islam and used the name of ArioAbdillah or Aridillah, the majority of his people were not Muslims, not until the formation of the state of Palembang Darussalam in 1659 headed by its Sultan, the famous of them was Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II who ruled from 1803 to 1821.
"This great Sultan choose not to be cooperative with the Dutch by accepting its adviser (the same status as the British Resident in the Malay states), but he was determined to push out the invader. War broke out, and at last the great city of Palembang fell in the hands of the Dutch. Today Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II had been declared as a national hero," said Abi Sofian. Palembang international airport was also named after him.
"Bahasa Melayu is a great language. When the kingdom (for example Sriwijaya and the Sultanate of Palembang) was strong, that language had become lingua franca of the people in vast parts of Asia. Bahasa Melayu is great, for example to describe various types of cannons, the Malays used different words such as ‘lela’, ‘rentaka’ and ‘meriam’ proved that it could be easily cushioned and adapted itself to changes including in scientific world of today," he said.
In a lighter note, Abi Sofian pointed out that the word ‘meriam’ derived from the word ‘maria’ (Santa Maria), the prayers offered by the Dutch soldiers every time they took a shoot from their cannons.
Regarding the ‘baju Melayu’ (traditional Malay dress), Abi Sofian surprised me by saying it was actually derived from the traditional Chinese two piece outfit; the only difference was that the Malays added ‘sampin’ (a piece of short sarong wrapped at the waist) to refine the dress.
But to historians and scholars that information was nothing strange as Palembang had witness close relations with the Chinese, the visit of Admiral Cheng Ho and his entourage in the 15th century was a testimony of the relationship. Nowadays when one visits the historical site at Bukit Siguntang, one would have the chance to see a craved replica that explicitly shows the visit of the entourage.
Another place to visit in Palembang is the Masjid Agung (Great Mosque) built by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I in 1738. Sermons and lectures in this masjid use the standard Malay language, the same language at home.
Palembang was also said to be the ‘homestate’ of some of the Malay rulers of the Peninsula and across the Malay Archipelago according to several manuscripts such as the ‘Sejarah Melayu’ (Malay Annals). In the second topic (Alkisah Cetera Yang Kedua) of the ‘Sejarah Melayu’, it was mentioned the origin of many of the Malay Sultanates; Melaka included. The offspring of the Malay king of Palembang then went and explored various parts of the Malay world such as Melaka and Johor-Riau. In ‘Sejarah Melayu’, Singapore (Singapura) was said to be found by Sang Nila Utama, also a prince from Palembang after he had seen sight of a lion.
So this month SEA Games would help transformed Palembang into a tourist destination. Thousands of people would flock this city to watch the sport events at the main venue of Jakabaring Sports Complex and during their free time, they should not waste opportunity to visit some of its mystic sites such as Bukit Siguntang Historical Site, Archaeological Park of Sriwijaya and Pulau Kemaro.
And don’t forget to sample some of its delicious and exotic food such as ‘empek-empek’ or 'pempek' (to me it is like yong tau fu) and don’t forget to buy ‘songket’ and ‘sarung’ as souvenirs for Palembang is a legacy city of the Malays of more than a thousand years!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Pemimpin Umno-BN huru-harakan sistem pendidikan
DENGAN nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Sesungguhnya umatku akan ditimpa oleh suatu penyakit umat. Para sahabat bertanya: 'Apakah penyakit umat itu?' Nabi menjawab: '1. kufur nikmat, 2. sombong, 3. tamat, 4. berlumba-lumba, 5. benci-membenci, 6. dengki mendengki sehingga melampaui batas (belaku kejam) dan kemudian bunuh-membunuh'." (Maksud Hadis Riwayat Ibnu Abid Dunya)
Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dipanjangkan usia dan dapat sekali lagi memuzakarahkan isu semasa. Kali ini kita ingin menyentuh isu Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) yang menurut Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Pelajaran, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin akan hanya dimansuhkan sepenuhnya di sekolah rendah pada 2016 manakala di sekolah menengah pada 2021.
Apa yang kita ingin ulas di sini pendekatan 'soft landing' yang dikatakan oleh Muhyiddin yang memberi sekolah kebebasan penuh untuk menentukan sama ada untuk terus menggunakan bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris dalam pelaksanaan program PPSMI sehingga kohort terakhir tamat pada 2015 (sekolah rendah) dan 2020 (sekolah menengah).
Muhyiddin yang dilihat sebagai tunduk kepada kedua-dua pihak yang menentang dan menyokong PPSMI, mungkin bagi kepentingan politik diri dan partinya; seolah-olah memberikan situasi menang-menang (win-win situation) yang diharapkan dapat memuaskan Gerakan Menentang PPSMI (GMP) yang terbabit dalam satu demonstrasi besar-besaran di ibu kota pada Mac 2009 yang turut disertai Sasterawan Negara, Dato' A Samad Said dan juga kumpulan pro-PPSMI yang digerakkan oleh Persatuan Ibu Bapa Untuk Pendidikan (Page) yang diterajui oleh Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim.
Pengerusi Page ini sebelum ini mengertak Muhyiddin bahawa pihaknya tidak akan memberi undi kepada Umno-BN jika desakan mereka tidak dipenuhi. Gertakan ini dipercayai menyebabkan Muhyiddin terpaksa mengambil pendekatan memanjangkan tempoh hayat PPSMI sehinggalah pada tahun 2021 dan bukannya serta-merta seperti dituntut GMP!
Jika diamat-amati akhbar harian bahasa Inggeris mereka menganggap keputusan Kementerian Pelajaran untuk terus membenarkan murid-murid diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris bagi subjek berkenaan sehingga lima tahun lagi bagi sekolah rendah dan 10 tahun bagi sekolah menengah, adalah kemenangan kepada pihak pro-PPSMI manakala akhbar Melayu yang dulunya bermati-matian memuji inisiatif PM (kini bekas) Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang memaksakan PPSMI di sekolah-sekolah mulai 2003, kali ini menyokong kuat pula inisiatif Muhyiddin mengikut dasar Memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu dan Memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris (MBMMBI).
Berhubung PPSMI, semua sekolah diberi kebebasan penuh sama ada untuk menggunakan bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris dengan Muhyiddin berkata bahawa pihak sekolah lebih mengetahui keadaan pencapaian murid dan pelajar masing-masing selepas PPSMI dilaksanakan (2003). "Sekolah lebih mengetahui keadaan pelajar dan murid mereka, kerana sekarang pun sekolah sudah membuat keputusan sendiri. Misalnya, sewaktu kita meminta mereka (sekolah) menggunakan bahasa Inggeris untuk PPSMI, tetapi mereka tidak berbuat demikian sebaliknya memilih bahasa Melayu kerana ada pelajar dan murid yang tidak faham, jadi mereka boleh teruskan. Lagipun, kita (kementerian) tidak mahu mengganggu proses pembelajaran sedia ada, lebih-lebih lagi jika mereka (guru dan pelajar) sudah biasa dengan keadaan ini," Muhyiddin dipetik sebagai berkata.
Bagi kita, memberi kebebasan kepada sekolah (perlu diingat ada hampir 10,000 sekolah di tanah air kita), dalam perkara dasar seperti bahasa adalah 'kerja gila' yang secara terang memperjudikan masa depan generasi muda dan negara dan jika hal ini dibuat berdasarkan kepentingan untuk mendapatkan sokongan politik, ia tindakan paling jelek kerana menjadikan anak-anak sebagai mangsa.
Murid dan pelajar menjadi 'guinea pig' (tikus eksperimen) bagi memenuhi nafsu pemimpin yang rakus meraih undi sokongan demi untuk berkuasa dulu, kini dan selamanya. Bagi kita tiada kompromi dalam soal pendidikan; jika dulu dan kini kita sudah mempunyai sistem pendidikan pelbagai dengan kewujudan sekolah kebangsaan dan jenis kebangsaan (hal ini tidak berlaku pun di negara lain seluruh dunia) dengan memberi kebebasan kepada sekolah untuk memutuskan apa bahasa yang sesuai akan mewujudkan 'standard' (piawai) yang berbeza-beza. Kita amat khuatir jurang pendidikan akan semakin melebar; akan wujud sekolah-sekolah kelas satu, dua dan tiga.
Itulah, dunia pendidikan kita sudah dicemari oleh tangan-tangan kotor politikus, sewajarnya tiada campur tangan politik dalam pendidikan; biarkan mereka yang arif dalam bidang ini menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawab masing-masing.
Mengikut maklumat yang kita terima, guru-guru sudah bosan dengan permainan politik ini kerana bukan saja anak murid yang menjadi 'tikus eksperimen', mereka berlebih lagi, ramai menggalami gangguan jiwa kerana terpaksa menanggung bahana akibat sudah huru-hara sistem pendidikan kita. Masakan tidak tanggung-langgangnya dunia pendidikan kita kerana sekolah (siapa dia; pengetua, guru, murid atau PIBG?) berhak menentukan bahasa apa yang akan digunakan di sekolah mereka!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Lapang-lapangkan masa ke Masjid Agung, Palembang
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang; selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Nafsu itu benar-benar suka menyuruh yang buruk, kecuali orang yang diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanku." (Yusuf 12:53)
NOVEMBER ini akan menyaksikan Sukan Asia Tenggara (Sea Games) dilangsungkan di dua kota besar Indonesia; Jakarta dan Palembang.
Kepada para atlet, pegawai dan peminat sukan serta ‘wisata’ (pelancong) ke Palembang yang terletak di Sumatera Selatan, gunakan kesempatan untuk menziarahi lokasi bersejarah kota ini kerana suatu ketika dulu ia adalah pusat tamadun orang Melayu. Malah bahasa Melayu juga berasal dan berkembang dari Palembang yang membawa maksud ‘melimbang’ emas.
Peminat sejarah dan sastera Melayu tentunya arif akan asal usul raja-raja Melayu yang dikatakan berasal dari Bukit Siguntang Mahameru yang sinonim dengan kisah Wan Empuk dan Wan Malini. Jadi dalam kesempatan ke sana kunjungilah Kompleks Wisata Bukit Siguntang yang menempatkan makam-makam raja dan pahlawan Palembang asal usul keturunan Parameswara yang kemudian menjadi Raja Melaka.
Namun yang terpenting, usah melepaskan kesempatan paling bermakna bersolat di Masjid Agung Palembang yang dibina oleh salah seorang sultan terhebat Palembang, Sultan Mahmud Badarudin 1 pada 1738 Masihi.
Penulis yang berkesempatan mengunjungi dan beribadat dalam masjid ini sedikit masa dulu mendapati ada beberapa perkara menarik; antaranya kasut atau selipar jemaah ketika ditanggalkan perlu diserahkan kepada penjaga yang mengenakan sedikit bayaran.
Sementara itu kuliah pengajiannya adalah dalam bahasa Melayu serupa sebutannya dengan bahasa Melayu standard di tanah air kita. Pendeknya, seseorang itu tidak berasa dia berada di bumi Indonesia sebaliknya macam berada di masjid Malaysia.
Tidak jauh dari Masjid Agung terletak Jambatan Ampera yang merentangi Sungai Musi. Jambatan ini yang dibina oleh pihak Jepun sebagai ganti rugi pencerobohannya ketika Perang Dunia Kedua dulu, kini menjadi mercu tanda kota kedua terbesar Sumatera selepas Medan.
Di jambatan ini dan kawasan sekitarnya menjadi saksi pahit getir rakyat Indonesia bertarung hidup untuk mendapatkan sesuap nasi. Tukang beca, penjual jamu, penjual ‘koran (akhbar),penganggur dan pencopet mundar-mandir di sini bagi mendapatkan bahagian rezeki masing-masing.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Under the open sky of Arafat, Muzdalifah
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
Abdullah ibn Al-Mubaarak narrates, "I went to Sufyaan ibn al-Uyaynah as the Day of Arafat was setting. He sat on his knees, his hands raised to the Heavens, and tears moistened his cheeks and beard. He turned and looked at me, so I asked him, ‘Amongst the people who have gathered here for Hajj, who is in the worst state?’ "Sufyaan ibn al-Uyaynah said, ‘He who thinks that Allah will not forgive him.’"
"Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk - Labbayk, La shareeka laka labbayk". Innal Hamda wan-nimata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak". (I am at Your service, O Allah! I am at Your service; You have no associate, I am at Your service. Yours is the praise and Yours the favour, and Yours the kingdom, You have no associate."
It is the time for hajj again. The highest 'rukun' (component) of hajj is to be rendered; without which hajj does not take place i.e stoppage at Arafat or Arafah (wukuf) on 9th Dhulhijja. The requirement is the presence in Arafat, regardless of whether the pilgrim is riding, walking, sitting or moving. In Arafat one is to spend the afternoon from dhuhr to maghrib prayer times making du’aa and repenting to leave Arafat with all of our sins forgiven. Only after sunset, pilgrims move to Muzdalifah.
A few years ago, before departing for hajj, an 'ustaz' (religious teacher) told me if one is to get the feeling of nearness to Allah SWT during Arafat Day one should be alone; go outside your tent after the mass ‘fardhu’ (compulsory) prayers, seek a suitable place for yourself and then face towards the Qiblah, raise your hands and pray to Allah with all your heart.
In short pour out your heart to Allah SWT the Greatest because it is said that it is a grievous sin to stand in Arafat and to imagine that Allah, Exalted is He, does not forgive one. The message of Arafat is simple: turn, repent and submit to Allah. This is the key to understanding ourselves Arafat is true knowledge. Submit.
During my hajj in 2005, I did just what the ‘ustaz’ had told me; I went outside my tent, kept walking on a main road until I came upon an Arab saying his prayers under the shadow of his truck. Even though it was after Asr (late afternoon prayers), the sun’s ray were still strong; one could felt the stinging effect on the skin.
After exchanging greetings, I asked the Arab if I could use a small section of the shadowed area next to his vehicle for prayers. He smiled and I quickly laid out my praying mat. The Arab was on the opposite side, so I was left alone. I sat down, said my prayers.
In a few seconds I could feel the loneliness in me; there was only me in the vast desert. I could feel I was only a dot in a mighty ocean. Perhaps not a dot at all; it was too small for that. I could feel how freakish and weak I was, only to You God I submitted myself. You know everything about me; I was not that good as what I think about myself or what others think about me. I was hopeless; I was full of sins not only to You but to every human beings especially my beloved ones; my father, my mother, wife, children, teacher, friends and so on.
I was sobbing, lost for words. I reached for my small du’aa book and read the supplications: "O Allah! I ask of Your integrity and soundness in my religion, my life, my family, and my possessions.
O Allah! Cover my shame, pacify my fears, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me, from what is on my right and on my left, over my head and under my feet.
O Allah! Grant health to my body. O Allah grants health to my hearing. O Allah! Grant heath to my sight. There is no deity except You.
O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no deity except You. You are my Creator and I am Your creature. I try to keep my covenant with You and to live in the hope of Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from my own evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favors to me, and I acknowledge my sins. Forgive me my sins, for there is no one who can forgive sins except You.
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow. I seek refuge in You from impotence and sloth, from stinginess and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being humbled by men.
O Allah! Make the beginning of this day good, the middle prosperous, and the end successful. I ask You to grant me the good of this world and of the Hereafter. O Most Merciful of all Who show us mercy!........”
Wukuf in Arafat provides a foretaste of Judgment Day when mankind will assemble in the same place in the Devine Court of Justice. While pilgrims can plead for forgiveness on Arafat Day, there will be no such opportunity on Judgment Day. – Hajj of the Heat, Orina Consultancy
Ali Shariati in his book ‘The Hajj’ has this to say about wukuf: “Wukuf is not to remain or to reside, but it is a short stop on your way travelling with the caravan…Where is the caravan’s destination? Never! And nowhere! So, where are you going? The answer is to eternity, toward God! God is the Absolute; He is the Eternal. Therefore, your journey is a movement toward the Absolute Beauty, the Absolute Knowledge, the Absolute Power, Eternity and Perfection!”
After spending the day in Arafat, pilgrims move to the plains of Muzdalifah; whose perimeters are a mountain named Mash’ar al-Haram. During the night pilgrims have the open sky at Muzdalifah as their roof. Pass the whole night in 'ibadat' (divine worship) but do not forget to fetch some pebbles which are to be thrown at the’ jamrah’ on the 10th, 11, 12 and 13 Dhulhijja.
It is not prohibited to sleep but the space is limited for you to lie down. When I was here, I put my back to my wife's, and while reciting some silent du'aa, I managed to doze off for a few minutes before the bus came to fetch us just after midnight for the journey to Mina.
In the plains of Muzdalifah, pilgrims have a rest; if they choose to lie down; their backs would be on their mats while 'their roof' would be the open sky and stars. While lying down, once a while they could smell the strong stench of animals’ dung, perhaps during the day that place was a stopover for groups of camels.
It is good to keep one's 'wuduk' (ablution) as to make another one or to go the toilets; pilgrims have to walk a long distance, passing thousands of people and to enter a long queue. Be patience and be patience throughout the night.
Regarding the night stay in Muzdalifah (Mash’ar al-Haram), Shariati wrote: “Night has come to Mash’ar and there is no light yet; there is the moonlight and shower of luminous stars- shinning and illuminating the desert. The night of Mash’ar and its beautifully heavenly sky is unknown to those who have lived a city life, spoiling their time by searching for worldly needs and greed. Their nights are quite different!
“The night of Mash’ar is a shadow of imagination and paradise – moonlight; cool, clear and kind with the tender smile of God. This is where your heart will witness God’s swearing. “In the name of the moon and moonlight…”
Oh, how could I forget the night that I had spent in Muzdalifah during my 2005 hajj. I was in my ‘ihram’ robe, my small frame figure shivering from the robust desert wind in a very crowded atmosphere, waiting for the bus to Mina.
Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina give the pilgrims true knowledge. They will no longer be returning to their ‘homes’ after hajj. Their homes will now be temporary shelters – their base to fight the greater jihad, which is to honour the pledge they reaffirmed to Allah the Merciful.
After his return, the pilgrim should adopt the mental frame of a wayfarer, more conscious in his daily routines of the permitted and prohibited in Islam and in constant preparation for the more important journey to the Hereafter (Hajj of the Heat, Orina Consultancy).
Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk - Labbayk, La shareeka laka labbayk". Innal Hamda wan-nimata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak
Friday, November 4, 2011
Melaka Sentral rosak teruk
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat yang membawa kerosakan." - Maksud Ayat al-Quran Surah al-Israa': 32
KERJA wartawan adalah melapor. Melapor yang baik dan buruk. Bukan hanya melapor yang baik tetapi menyembunyikan yang buruk. Inilah amanah yang dipikulkan ke pundak wartawan dan dia bertanggungjawab untuk menjawabnya di dunia dan akhirat.
Mengkhianati amanah adalah antara 15 perkara yang menyebabkan Allah SWT murka dan membuka ruang kepada diturunkan bala, demikian maksud sebuah hadis. Disebabkan takut kepada amaran inilah, dengan rendah hati saya menukilkan hal Melaka Sentral ini.
Apabila dua kali hampir setiap hari ke stesen bas Melaka Sentral, mahu tidak mahu terpaksalah saya melaporkan apa yang saya saksikan dengan mata ini di terminal berkenaan.
Platform penumpang turun dan naik bas terutama di seksyen bas ekspres kini dalam proses baik pulih besar-besaran. Kebanyakan kerja dilakukan di sebelah malam disebabkan hanya satu dua perkhidmatan bas masih beroperasi ketika itu. Malah lewat malam, tiada bas beroperasi lagi.
Masalah besar di Melaka Sentral adalah lantainya sudah mendap. Mungkin masa dibangunkan dan disiapkan (2004) di atas tanah 46.6 ekar di Peringgit dengan kos RM53 juta, tanah payanya belum ‘cukup matang’ untuk dimulakan projek itu.
Jadi sekarang tanahnya beransur-ansur mendap, lantainya merekah teruk dengan jubinnya sudah tersembul dan pecah di sesetengah tempat. Kerosakan boleh dikatakan berlaku hampir di semua sisi perhentian bas berkenaan. Malah ada satu bahagian tanahnya sudah mendap terlalu teruk sehingga pasukan pembaik pulih terpaksa mengorek lubang dalam dan besar seluas 5 kaki kali 12 kaki.
Ketika memandang buruh-buruh asing bertungkus lumus meninggikan platform dan kemudian menambah binaan sisi bagi memadankan ketinggian dengan tangga bas, terasa sayu di hati ini, bagaimana bangunan cantik dan tersergam indah seperti Melaka Sentral yang baru enam tahun digunakan itu boleh mengalami kerosakan sedemikian teruk.
Jika bangunan itu diibaratkan rumah saya, tentulah saya naik darah kerana selepas habis puluhan dan ratusan ribu ringgit, rumah saya sudah rosak sedemikian rupa sedangkan ia baru saja digunakan. Tentu saja saya akan marahkan pemaju dan kontraktornya tidak akan memanggil mereka untuk menjayakan lagi projek-projek saya.
Ya, Melaka Sentral adalah bagai ‘rumah’ saya. Saya ‘sayangkannya’, tak teringin saya harta rakyat ini diperbuat sedemikian rupa. Seluruh rakyat, terutama orang Melaka perlu sayangkan Melaka Sentral kerana ia dibina atas duit jerih rakyat.
Mereka perlu marah kerana bangunan kesayangan mereka sudah jadi sedemikian rupa. Tidak marahkah anda jika rumah anda sudah rosak selepas baru saja anda duduki sedangkan duit pinjaman bank dan sebagainya masih banyak lagi berbaki untuk dibayar saban bulan? Penat anda belum habis, rehat anda belum terasa puas tetapi tempat kediaman hampir menyembah bumi!
Jika anda tidak marah, entahlah mungkin hati anda sudah keras (mati), tidak sensitif langsung, mungkin apabila rumah anda runtuh dan menimbus anda barulah anda baru sedar. Mungkin ketika itu tidak berguna lagi kerana anda sudah berada enam kaki dalam tanah. Ringkasnya, sudah matilah!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Take time
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
O ye who believe! Retalation is prescribed for you in the matter of the murdered; the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. And for him who is forgiven somewhat by his (injured) brother, prosecution according to usage and payment unto him in kindness. This is an alleviation and a mercy from your Lord. He who transgresseth after this will have a painfull doom. (Al-Baqarah, 178)
YOU never can tell what type of impact you may make on another's life by your actions or lack of it. Others too influenced us a lot; but factors that melt our hearts do not necessary be involving human beings but almost anything including functions, encounters, books and magazines.
One day while visiting a relative who was admitted to a ward in Melaka Hospital, I came across a pamphlet with these soothing and inspirational words. Please read them slowly, taking your own sweet time to absorb the words into your heart and mind.
Take Time
Take time to think...it is the source of power,
Take time to play...it is secret of perpetual youth,
Take time to read...it is fountain of wisdom,
Take time to pray...it is the greatest power on earth,
Take time to love and be loved...it is God-given privilege,
Take time to be friendly...it is the road to happiness,
Take time to laugh...it is the music of the soul,
Take time to give...it is short a day to be selfish,
Take time to work...it is the price of success,
Take time to do charity...it is the key to heaven.
The key word here is ‘take time’. Don’t rush to do things just to complete it. Once I read I lovely article in a local daily entitled ‘How to live a simple and peaceful life’ in which the writer noted that in our daily lives, we often rush through tasks, trying to get them done, trying to finish as much as we can each day, speeding along to our next destination, and then leaving so that we can go to another one.
At the end of the day, we realize what madness this all is. We often become exhausted and stressed out from the grind and the chaos and the business of the day. We don’t have time for what’s important to us, for what we really want to be doing, for spending time with loved ones, for doing things we are passionate about.
It doesn’t have to be that way. It is possible to live a simple life, one where you enjoy each activity, where you‘re present in everything (or most things) you do, where you are content rather than rushing to finish things, writes the well-being guru.
The guru also suggested that we slow down (take time as mentioned in the pamphlet I found at the hospital) and enjoy every task. Whatever you are doing, whether it’s a work task, eating, brushing your teeth, cooking dinner, driving to work; slow down. Enjoy whatever you are doing by paying attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment.
Be in the moment and being present – this advise was also given by an ‘ustaz’ (religious teacher) who teaches in a ‘masjid’ near my house on how to concentrate when one is performing his/her ‘solat’ (prayers). Often during ‘solat’ our minds would stray, our bodies would be on our prayers mats perhaps in a row of congregators in ‘masjid’, but we would be thinking about worldly things such as our activities before ‘solat’ or plans to execute after performing the 'solat'.
If this thing often happens to us, then we have to practice being present. One way to do it is to enjoy our tasks including performing ‘solat’. It is during ‘solat’ we have the opportunity to meet the King of Kings (Allah SWT). Isn’t it a pleasure to us if a king invites us to his palace to meet him in person?
An Islamic scholar, Y Mansoor Marican advises us to make a list of things that prevent us from achieving ‘khushoo’ (devotion or being present) in our ‘solat’, and work towards removing them one by one. For example we can ensure that there is nothing in our pockets that will fall off and distract our ‘solat’.
Back to the topic of ‘take time’ and ‘what type of impact you may make on another's life by your actions or lack of it’, some time ago I found this piece from a blog (talkonly.blogspot.com) which reviewed my book, ‘Dilema Seorang Wartawan Islam’ (Dilemma of a Muslim Journalist). The book was given a fresh appearance and some updated content by a publisher, Kemilau Publika and was given the title ‘Travelog Wartawan Islam’ (Travelogue of a Muslim Journalist).
“Foremost, a confession: Of late, I seldom buy Malay books. Why? Don't ask me, it is just the way it is. Take it or leave it. Then what made me buy this book and give it a review? Let me rephrase the reply on the first question first: I seldom buy Malay non-religious books. Full stop.
If one had been reading The English Section of Harakah print, Sunday editions, one would most probably have noticed LANH's column on the second last page of that section. If so, then one can expect the same tone and writing of this book as in the said column: non-acrimonious and non-vindictive, to the point of almost being non-committal and passive.
I may sound rather harsh here for someone I have a deep respect for, but the truth is, LANH is writing about his experience as a Muslim journalist throughout the 23years of his career as one. He is also writing in the form of a pious Muslim and hence, has put down any firebrand approach which may have the book branded as politically inclined. Political, yes. As the very nature of human management in any society is political, but not politically inclined for any political party.
Here, it should be noted that LANH produced this book on his personal accord and that his book had its first print in 2001. Off course, at that point of time, the person writing this review had just experience political awakening, still groping about in semi-darkness, and hardly knew LANH then.
But time remedied the situation, insya-Allah (God willing). Reading through the book, many of the events LANH described can be seen in our everyday life. Thus, one may be forgiven to think "Hey! I know about this and that!" But the question is not what a person know, but what is the person doing about it?
As mentioned earlier, this book is non-acrimonious and non-vindictive, which may open one's mind to suggestions...not from the writer, but by one's inner self! LANH, after all, is sharing his experience and not trying to be anyone else but himself. Do purchase the book. If anything, it would encourage the writer to produce more. Besides, it does make a good read. “
Yes, regarding the subject 'to take time’, in the preface of ‘Travelog Wartawan Islam’, I suggested to readers to stop a while for some reflection on whether all along they were on the straight path; then do some thinking and corrections before embarking on their next journey in life.
One has to be in the straight path because life is: “Know that the life of this world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rain, whereof the growth is pleasing to the husbandman, but afterward it drieth up and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becometh straw. And in the Hereafter there is grevious punishment, and also forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but a matter of illusion.” (Qur'an 57:20)
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